Contesting Parking in Disabled Spot Fine

Parked in a disabled spot and the fine was $600, about 50% more than what would be a speeding fine. I sent a review telling them I had severe food poisoning, stomach pain that I could not drive nor find time to safely park my vehicle and the least risky position was to park in disabled spot (rather than in a no stopping zone). I have doctor certificate and medication receipt with correct time stamps. My review was rejected.

I feel like I've done everything I could under my circumstances to choose to least risky decision and have all the evidence I need. There is nothing else I could've done post event.

Looking for advice from people who have gone through the court process. How much is it on average? What was the process like? What did you need to prepare? What is considered convincing evidence?

closed Comments

  • +1

    should have just shat your pants. would have been cheaper

  • -3

    Out of topic here, but would be nice if people also adhere to the ‘parents with pram’ parking spaces. There’re countless of times where I’ve seen cars without a child car seat parked in those spaces.

    • +3

      Those bays aren't legally enforceable, same with the "Seniors" ones - if there's no Disability Parking bays free, I'll park in a parents with pram spot (Yes, I have a Disability Parking Permit) - my wheelchair could even be considered to be a pram of sorts (I guess…)

  • I was so so hoping that this thread was the next instalment OP from that guy that rolled his ankle at the golf club the other day

    Very disappointed

  • +6

    As someone who has a valid Disability Parking Permit, I have absolutely NO sympathy for the OP at all. Those spaces aren't for those that are looking for a space that's convenient at the time, whether it be due to a medical condition or just to save time.

    OP if you contest this in court be prepared to cop the heavier fine that will result (plus court costs) - dunno why I am warning you though, you deserve it.

    Disability Parking bays are ONLY for the use of a holder of a valid Disability Parking Permit.

  • +2

    You act like you had no choice, you could have not driven. You could have driven home instead of setting out to accomplish what it is you were trying to do. If you had to pull over/park to go take a shit, you could have instead opted to just pull over put on your hazard, shit yourself instead and then drive home. Simply put your errands or you shitting yourself in the car are not society's problem, there was no emergency here as no one life was at stake. You however parking in a disabled spot is society's problem and you could have potentially put lives at stake with your actions.

    Pay the fine and learn a lesson that unless you have a disable sticker do not park in a god damn disabled spot.

  • Sucks to be you.

  • if I had a choice between crapping and vomming all over the car or parking in a disabled spot I know what I’d do. But seems like everyone would expect me to do tbh opposite lol

    • +1

      Sure, and if you make the CHOICE to knowingly park in a disabled spot when you aren’t entitled to, and then get caught, just cop the fine

      OP made a conscious decision to park where he did knowing he isn’t entitled to. OP got caught out due to the decision. OP should accept the consequences of their decision (not pretend they were “disabled” and try and wriggle out with some spurious justification)

  • Fake

  • While I don't agree with OP's attempt to contest the fine. I feel the OP's sentiment. I've ran a red light when I was younger but it was a choice between shitting my pants with 4 of my mates in the car vs running over the red light.

    • So you'd rather run a red light and potentially cause an accident then to shit yourself because you were scared of embarassment? Wow.

      • It was the situation where the green light turned yellow and I could have stopped and didn’t. No cars around thankfully. Also stated that I was young and at that time yea, that seemed like a sensible choice.

    • I'd say running a red light is a massive safety danger, whereas being in a parking spot for a short amount of time inconveniences people but if you came out ASAP it's not preventing anyone from doing anything. Running the red could cause a massive accident.

      wait, was the light red or yellow? if yellow no foul

    • I've ran a red light before, 3am sitting at an intersection for 5 minutes, the lights simply weren't changing, with no other cars around I think I made the right choice.

  • A stomach ache is not a disability….. if you were so sick you couldn't park correctly you should've stayed home.

    • +2

      Apparently OP thinks if they aren’t feeling well they can just do whatever is most convenient to them.

      Hell, the OP should have squeezed his car through the doors of the shopping centre to drive right up to the toilets cos, you know, he had a upset tummy and therefore can do whatever he wants /s

  • +1

    Evidence of what? That you're not suffering a chronic condition and therefore aren't eligible to park in a disabled spot? Yeah go to court, I'm sure the judge could use a good laugh.

  • +1

    I really wish it was possible to turn the forums section off completely.

  • +1

    Split the fine across all the times you’ve made up bullsh*t excuses to park in the disabled spots. Will probably make it more palatable.

  • +2

    I believe we need to have a 'GoFundme' page….

    Not for the entitled OP…… but to get the "Stop a douchebag" guys from Russia over with their huge, extremely strong verbal complaint stickers. They'd have a field day wherever this guy committed the offence.

    (Very entertaining on YT if ever you want to see entitled Russians driving on footpaths, knocking down pedestrians, bikes and parking in disabled spots! - Great that everyday people make drivers accountable for their dangerous actions.🤟)

    [For the Karens: Promoting the social movement there, not associating them with the war, not every citizen is bearing arms for a delusional leader.👌]

  • You won’t get off by going to court.
    You already took the gamble twice and failed, first parking there hoping you wouldn’t get caught and secondly in the review.

    Laziness isn’t a disability.
    If you were too sick to park in the correct parking spot then you were too sick to even be driving, the judge will say the same. The chances of getting a larger fine for wasting everyone’s time is high.

    Just pay the fine and move on. Stop trying to justify your actions and admit the gamble didn’t pay off.

  • Get the place that gave you the food that gave you food poisoning to pay the fine /s

  • A question:

    Could OP go to court, plead guilty, apologise, grovel, and ask for a reduced fine because of documented special circumstances?
    How do NSW magistrates view that?

    • Hahaha. No way in hell OP is going plead guilty ie accept responsibility and apologise

      Not. A. Chance

    • No point unless OP is facing a licence suspension/cancellation.

    • I would say it's possible.

      After all, NSW is lawless country…

  • +1

    "I sent a review telling them I had severe food poisoning, stomach pain that I could not drive, nor find time to safely park my vehicle and the least risky position was to park in disabled spot "

    Least risky… could not drive…can't find time to safely park…
    Yet you did drive and continued to do stupid things. If this is true, then you straight up shouldn't have a driver's license. However, if this is your excuse to get out of a fine, you should have a bigger fine.

  • Take it to court and ask for leniency. Risk is you may get a criminal record for the traffic offence if you don’t get leniency.

    Talk to a traffic lawyer and stop asking random idiots online.

  • +3

    you do seem disabled, from what you've written, so you should be able to contest it

    • +1


      Morally disabled probably doesn’t qualify for a parking spot though

      • exactly. i was havin a laugh

      • I think he meant mentally disabled

  • +1

    Quality shit post

  • is the OP Amber Heard by any chance?? :p :)

    I don't think the OP will win contesting this one.
    having said that, 80% of ozb polled said I'd lose if I fought a fine i received, before I successfully had it revoked (

    • Why frame it as 80% of ozb polled, when in reality only 52 people voted in that poll at all… That poll means shit all with that little votes.

      • i can frame things however i wish
        i included the link so ppl have the context if they want it.

        anyway.. 40 ppl voted, and possibly many more commented that resisting the fine was futile.
        yet these people were all wrong.. the fine was revoked.

        • +2

          resisting the fine was futile

          In fairness, one of those people was Seven of Nine.

        • -2

          And? Look at the question you asked, there was no factual answer at all to that question.

          If you took a poll of what will a coin flip land heads or tails and half say heads the other say tails, the coin flip then lands tails, even though the people said it might go heads weren't correct in that instance doesn't mean it's not a possibility that it could have landed their way.

          • @Willy Beamish: coin flipping is a false equivalency to my scenario and is beside my point.

            • @jinkerjinx: Lol you have absolutely no understanding whatsoever

              • @Willy Beamish: what a demented pointless response

                • @jinkerjinx: Says the guy that just says it's not the same instead of explaining how it's not the same, because you can't.

                  You're the kinda guy that responds "theres just too much to pick from" when asked for 1 example to back up a claim you try to make.

                  • @Willy Beamish: you're an immature troll.

                    • @jinkerjinx: Atleast you admit you're wrong, there there child.

                      Maybe one day you'll have something to back up anything you say.

                      • @Willy Beamish: i see by your comments on other topics that you're just a run of the mill troll.. quickly rising to personal attacks.
                        consider asking yourself why.

                        • @jinkerjinx: Good to see you still haven't explained anything and are taking the L like a champ, how nice of you.

                      • @Willy Beamish: you built a strawman.. then attacked me personally when i didn't play into it.
                        you haven't actually addressed my original point.. so there's nothing to say.

  • -2

    Do you have a disabled parking permit? No?

    What would you like us to do? Wave a magic wand?

    • +2

      What would you like us to do? Wave a magic wand?

      OP clearly states the specific advice they are looking for in the post and it is not for anyone to magically get them off

      Looking for advice from people who have gone through the court process. How much is it on average? What was the process like? What did you need to prepare? What is considered convincing evidence?

  • +1

    Food poisoning? Stomach pain? As justification for parking in a disabled spot?

    hahahahahaha honestly you'd be better off just saying you're very stupid, always doing daft stuff and making excuses up later and hoping for sympathy from them.

    You got nothing less than what you deserved - don't try and worm your way out of it with such a pathetic rationale - it's insulting to the people society wants those spots, not you. "Sorry about your cerebal palsy but I'd like you to believe had a gut ache(wild guess no supporting doctors evidence for this?) and was feeling lazy."

  • +2

    I recently had kidney stones, it was the most painful thing I have ever experienced (much more painful than the worst food poisoning or gastro that I've ever had). After waiting an hour for the ambulance to come to my house, I couldn't wait any longer so I got in my car and drove myself to hospital, it was the most agonising 20 minute drive in my 20 years of driving.
    The point is, if I was able to drive for 20 minutes while in complete agony, you could have driven an extra minute or two (with less pain than I had) to find a safe spot to pull over that wasn't a disabled spot. You are just making excuses and you know it. Pay the fine, move on with your life. Stop waisting everyone's time.

  • +4

    This excuse is about as good as the speeding excuse of "I needed to go to the toilet"

  • +1

    Ahem Ahem BS Ahem!

    OP’s Doctor’s medical certificate -

    This is to certify that TheNarrator had to park his car in a disabled spot due to a medical emergency.

    I support his application for a review and kindly request the parking fine be withdrawn.

    Yours sincerely
    Dr Givemeyourmoney

  • +5

    Moral of the story: Always shit your pants.

  • +3

    Sounds like OP should have parked in a HandiCrapped Parking zone

  • Is the OP serious……? OMG

  • If you find someone park in disabled parking illegally, can you report them by taking photos?

  • +2

    Best option for OP is to plead mental disability.
    At least there is evidence to support that.

  • Thanks for contributing to local taxes by the way.

  • +1

    Just curious, if the OP couldn't drive due to the "severe food poisoning", how did he manage to get his car to the disabled parking spot and park it. If he could not drive and needed urgent medical attention, why not call an ambulance?

  • Did the crime, do the time.

    Suck it up Princess.

  • +3

    I’ve successfully contested 2 fines
    Have your evidence ready
    Be polite, plead guilty with explanation
    Explain what happened to your honour

    The councils job is to issue tickets
    Revenue NSW job is to collect the money
    If you have an issue contest it in court

  • +2

    This thread has had an educational benefit of understanding the relative fine costs for different parking offences. If I am in an emergency I will park just about anywhere other than a disabled parking spot. Not that I am in the habit of illegal parking but if I had the feeling that explosive diarrhoea or vomit was about to erupt, I'm not wanting it to happen in my car. At 1/3 of the fine cost, I'll be looking for nature strips, no-parking, no-stopping areas first if there are no legal parking options available.

    Now that I think of it, a spare set of undies in the car might be an idea :-) . The Boy Scouts are right - Be Prepared.

    • just lean a ladder against your car?? a ladder gets you in anywhere..

  • -1

    The true irony of all this is that technically speaking, being mentally impaired enough to actually post this question on OzB makes you eligible for for a disabled parking permit.

  • +1

    My Mum is legally blind and yet I'm not allowed to park in a disabled space when she is in the car, because I don't have a permit.

    It's really fun to help her walk through shopping centre carparks, especially at Christmas time.

    Let me buy you the world's smallest violin while I'm at the shops.

    • I was just reading about this - the national policy is silent on blindness, leading each state to assess it in their own way.…

      Hopefully it can get sorted out soon, legal blindness should definitely be a reason for a permit to be granted.

    • Your mum should be driving you to the shopping centre.

    • Blind people shouldn't be driving …therefore would not need a disabled parking space.

  • The self righteousness in this thread is strong.

    • The self righteousness on this forum is strong.

      Fixed it for you

  • Be prepared, as evidence the court may ask you to eat some baked beans and then monitor your bowel movements during the trial.

    If you are willing to shit yourself in court you may find the magistrate gives you some leniency.

    Otherwise, just pay the goddam fine.

  • Pay the fine and move on ….you were incorrectly parked

  • For your information ….. stupidity is not a disability

  • +2

    Just noticed OP has a bit of history in the area of ignoring parking signs lol.

  • +1

    As a person with a valid disability permit I get a bit frustrated when non disabled people choose to use one of the very few designated parking spots.

    Op suck it up pay the fine and stop your bleating, doubt many people would support your stance here.

  • If I was will to take a risk, I would parked in a no parking area rather than parking in Disability Parking spot.
    The fine would have been probably less

  • As someone with several disabled family members your temporary discomfort was unfortunate but you obviously have no idea of the pain and suffering people go through from their debilitating disabilities/conditions on a permanent basis.
    I really think you are stretching the poor me sentiment here and hope you are prepared to lose your court case. If you were in such an urgent emergency, don’t drive and call an ambulance.

  • To think just because the council put up a sign they are entitled to your money is just ridiculous. OP explained that he had circumstances justifying his actions and he has evidence to back it up. If OP wants that to be considered he must contest the fine in court. That is the process. It’s not clogging the system or wasting anyone’s time. Everyone is entitled to seek justice in court against authorities if they don’t agree with them.

    One thing to consider is that it’s a time consuming process and if you have to take time off from work it might not be worth ur time.

    The other thing to consider is that if you have zero seniority and the fine holds demotics you will lose any ctp and insurance discounts for 3 years.

    This is ozbargain for gods sake, we’re supposed to be right and not hold on to our money to the last thread! So don’t tell people to pay and suck it up.

    • A signpost does not entitle council to your money. A fine is to punish you for taking a spot from someone who does have a disability and needs to be as close as possible to the facility which could be some one very elderly, has a permanently disability like being blind and etc.

      • There s reason there is The Three Powers in democracy: Legislature, Executive, Judiciary

        A court is more qualified than ozbargain to decide

  • Plead insanity or go full retard.

  • -1

    I received a parking fine once because my train was delayed, I was able to produce proof of tap on and tap off times, including history of making this same journey multiple times a week for months with this trip the only late tap off. . I also was able to screenshot something from the Sydney Trains website that showed there was a delay. I contested the fine and was told that I should in future anticipate delays and find more suitable parking and the fine was upheld. I was fuming, it was 3 hour parking and my round trip was only 2hrs, and the only all day parking is a significant walk from the train station. Anyway, I was able to write back and I explained that had I been given prior notice then I would seek alternate parking and to my surprise they withdrew the fine.

  • +1

    You can't park there mate

  • The OP no longer wishes to participate in this post. It also appears that the OP has received a large number of comments already regarding their situation, comments are now closed.

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