Would You Help Neighbour Identify Car Incident Footage from Your Camera?

I was hoping for an opinion on this hypothetical matter. A friend was thinking of charging their neighbour a base rate to trawl through camera footage to find out who hit the neighbour's car.

This camera overlooks a main road and people freely park on the road side. The issue is my friend do not really like this neighbour and these people don't have a camera installed plus they parked in front of his house which makes it further away to walk towards his house. Now if someone hit the neighbourss car and my friend being the only one with good footage, would you in this scenario shame the neighbour for not instalking their own camera and parking in their own area… And charge them for the time and service. Or just give it to them freely?

Thank you for you enlightened opinions…

Poll Options expired

  • 904
    Give it to them
  • 181
    Don't give it to them
  • 107
    Charge them for it


  • +1

    give it, not like you're losing anything. Plus you can ask for a favour back if you ever need it.

  • +2

    Just record 24hr period on a thumb drive and drop it in their mail box. If neighbours are still dicks after that then politely say you don’t have any recordings if they ever ask again. It’s quite the opportunity to improve relations with your neighbours.

    PS street parking is a free for all. You wouldnt complain to Westfield’s they don’t have camera covering every parking spot so don’t expect everyone to have a camera for their homes.

  • +4

    Yeah this is about justice, someone hit a car and left it. Do what you can to uphold order and decency in society. Charging per hour for being a good neighbour and a good person is the scummiest thing I've seen on here in a while

  • +1

    Provide them the footage and ask them nicely to park elsewhere and explain that you have to walk really far to get to your house.

  • i'd only go through it if they give a specific time of the incident, within 2 hours or something. otherwise just tell them you only have enough storage for 2-3 days.

  • +9

    The language in the OPs post implies a cultural mindset not in keeping with societal norms.

    • Brilliant; imagine the knob as your neighbour…

  • I think we need to know the makes and models of the cars before we can judge from the internet. If it’s a high yielding sort then it changes the game

  • Do or do not, no need to charge.

  • +2

    Ok, I have a question for the OP; if you or your friend had hit the friend's neighbour car, knowing the same didn't have a camera, would either of you own up cleanly? Asking because I get the sense that you wouldn't, youknownamean…

  • +6

    Done this for others already a few times, wouldn't think of charging them but I also live in an area where we know our neighbors and keep an eye out for each other… That's rare as hens teeth these days.

  • +2

    - give it to them for free
    or if you want to be mean
    - say it's been overwritten , and too bad so sad

  • +2

    Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

    • And conversely, if others aren't considerate towards you, they shouldn't expect you to be considerate towards them.

  • +6

    Posts like these and the people involved in them are why we can't have nice things.

  • Just say your camera is not 24/7 recording.

    It will only trigger on movemen detection.

  • +1

    From experience, either you give it for free or you don't.

    You'll never know when you will need a favour.
    If they are still being dicks, then just don't help them if there is a next time.

  • +4

    Hate my neighbor but hit and run is worse. i'd give it for free.

    • +1

      Depends on the bad blood though.

      If my neighbor had threatened my wife or something like that then fuk him I would never help him out.

  • +9

    Even asking this question makes you a person of pretty dubious values in my view. Help, or don't help, but trying to make a buck out of helping a neighbor is pathetic. I would help - it's the right thing to do, and they might help you one day when you need it. Life's a lot easier when we all try to help one another.

    By the way, has it occurred to your 'friend' that the discussion about the footage is a chance to ask about the parking issue instead of harbouring a grudge forever?

    • +2

      Exactly what I started to think after reading all these other suggestions

      The friend could say something like "Look, I'll give you the footage but can you can stop parking in front of my property? It's pretty inconvenient having to park further away and not having a good view of my vehicle (either CCTV-wise or from the front window) in case something happened."

      Neighbour says something

      OP's friend: "So do we have a deal?"

      Neighbour: "You bet your bottom dollar we do"

      This way you're charging them but it's not money, just something that would make your friend's life better in the future.

      If they continue to park there it might be time to start raising their windshield wipers every night your friend has to walk past. Maybe fold the wing mirrors in. If the friend's got a true heart of darkness he can even write words in the dirt that accumulates on the vehicle from it being in such an undriveable state

  • +1

    Happened in my neighbourhood where the scumbags made series of break ins and stole bunch of items from people's homes. Couple of neighbours asked for footage and gave it without a question. Dont know the outcome of that though.

  • +3

    Let your neighbour have the footage - that is what neighbours do.

    Practically though, I doubt any footage would be much help. Unless the camera is close to road, or your had very good lighting conditions and a 4K 60Hz camera, its unlikely to be able to produce imagery to identify the culprits. 1080p surveillance cameras usually don't produce an image that can identify number plates beyond 7m or so. Number plates are even less resolvable if the vehicle is moving.

    You will get the colour, type (e.g. sedan, SUV, etc), make and model but not much more. Perhaps if it was another neighbours car that might be enough to allow them to ask questions.

  • +2

    If you either don't provide or charge to provide you're part of the problem - even if there is a bit of a history.

    It's not only helping out someone but also helping to make sure that someone else who did something illegal that negatively impacted someone else and tried to get away with it is held to account for their actions. Win win. Simple.

  • +1

    right right. your "friend". aka you.

  • +1

    parking on the street is fine, put your wheels up on the gutter and my grass, well that's another mater.

    • Is it yours or the councils?

  • +6

    You'd have to be an absolute POS neighbour to charge for footage of an accident.

  • Now if someone hit the neighbourss car and my friend being the only one with good footage, would you in this scenario shame the neighbour for not instalking their own camera and parking in their own area… And charge them for the time and service. Or just give it to them freely?

    This is a stupid hypothetical and broadly irrelevant.

    If it were a hit-and-run, then a crime has occurred. Your neighbour would likely tell the police that you have footage and you could have them potentially asking you for the footage. Would you be inclined to be difficult and try to charge them for your time? Failing that, you'll just get subpoenaed, in which case you'll have to hand over the footage anyway.

  • You've got a wrong guy.

    You and your friend are the worst to think it that way charging people for that

  • +1

    Do you want a good relationship with your neighbour? Maybe you can use this as an opportunity to achieve that.

    I would definitely encourage you to give them the footage if they have asked and if you still have it. You could use this to explain why you'd love to be able to park in front of your own property. This could even encourage the neighbour to install their own camera. Maybe you could even offer them some advice based on what you're using and your experience?

    Look at the positive that can come out of helping them, not the negative.

  • It's not acceptable to charge your neighbor for the footage, or for any other favor really.

    If my neighbors helped me out like this I'd probably give them a bottle of wine or something, but not money, no way.

    If you really don't like the neighbor and don't want to help them out, then just say you had a look but couldn't find anything.

  • -1

    It would depend on the situation and how long it would take. I personally would charge or get some kind of (legal, above board and above belt) benefit from it.

  • first, put yourself in their shoes "not literally" but think if it was your car and your neighbour had footage of it happening, would you want them to help you?

  • The two options are essentially a path to potentially improve relations with the neighbour (it should also be clarified whether or not your friend has actually broached the topic of the parking inconvenience. If not, why not?), or to punish them for inconveniencing your friend. Only one path even has the potential for improving your friend's quality of life, because if the latter is taken, so what? The neighbour will still park there, they won't get along any better, and if your friend ever requires assistance (you never know), the neighbour will likely feel less obligation to assist. All you get from the latter option is spiteful glee.

  • +2

    Charge them for it lol what an (profanity) move

  • Be a good neighbour, you'd be surprised how much a helping hand their way will come back to yours. If they know you have footage and you don't let them access it, expect things to get worse form hereon. And fair enough.

  • Refusing is a jerk move, charging makes you a c#nt. Assuming the guy didn't regularly pee in my mailbox or something similarly egregious, I'd find it and offer it to them without being asked. Your 'friend' should be nice and do it. Helping each other out goes a long way towards settling any issues or whatever is causing them to 'dislike' this neighbour.

  • Maybe watch the footage, find out what happens, then give the neighbors an MS paint picture of what happened and then refer them to the local bikies to assist in the recovery of money from the damage.

    Or, don't be a d*ck and help your neighbors without charging them.

  • +1

    When life gives you lemons you make lemonade

    Nothing wrong with charging for your inconvenience.

  • Get a load of this society!

    Charging for it is a dick move and out of the question, IMO.

    If it's a public street, parking is fair game most of the time.

    It's probably in your interests to hand over the footage and ensure that the hit and run driver in your area is punished for their actions.

    I'd probably hand it over o to improve relations or if I really hated the neighbour give some excuse as to why there's no footage.

  • hypothetically - IDGAF

  • I would probably delete it or store it somewhere upwards of 2 years so it's not evidence, and upload it via social media to get a few likes and subscribes.

    But before I do all that I'd tell ya to get off the property.

  • then one day you have a heart attack on your driveway, and your neighbours be like, i should ring 000, yehhh nah.

    • Neighbour starts bartering with OP as they lay on the floor gasping for breath

  • Not sure why they don’t like the neighbour but you can’t charge someone for this kind of shit! If it’s a genuine grievance then don’t hand over the footage. Just say you had computer issues that day and the recording didn’t work “but it’s fixed now”.

    Personally I have (reasonably) considerate neighbours I’d absolutely do this for. Yes sometimes they still do minor shit around annoying parking but nothing so bad that would make me not want to help for FREE.

    I do have one neighbour though who is an absolute a-hole liar and piece of work who has done numerous things over the years too cause unnecessary stress and drama. I’d consider calling an ambulance if I saw him dying on the street but anything beyond that, nope! You reap what you sow!

  • -3

    Be careful when you charge money for doing anything. It turns the scenario into a commercial transaction, and there could be an expectation for further responsibility/inconvenience if it becomes a legal matter.

    It sounds shit, but I would probably ignore it. Helping someone is one thing but involving yourself in a situation where it exposes you to a level of risk or significant time inconvenience is not something I would voluntarily do - especially if I don't like the person in question

  • Is it on an SD card?
    Just ask them to pay for a new SD card and they can keep the old one - hopefully with footage.
    SD cards these days are like $20?

  • +1

    hypothetical matter


    I hope one day someone hits your car, and the bloke with footage dicks you around and flat out refuses to give it to you…

    what sort of human would be like this?

    • Not only a hypothetical matter, but a hypothetical matter their friend is thinking about. A metahypothetical matter if you will. jfc Ozbargain…

  • -1

    some who CCTV on round about that major one in my city police were at my door so much move CCTV

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