Unfairly Charged with Careless Driving - Thoughts?

Early in December, I reported this guy in a Dodge Ram pickup truck with a trailer who was driving like a d**k endangering other road users as well as myself.

Lo and behold, the useless cops turned up tonight at my door and they actually issued me with an infringement notice for careless driving.

Below is the footage of the incident.

Video link

As you can see in the video, this prick made a dangerous lane change from the overtaking lane to the next lane and then he did the same thing to me basically just forcing his way into my lane. The cops are arguing that I sped up instead of braking and I nearly caused an accident. I expected this guy to not change lane because I was already very close to him in the next lane but he forced his way in regardless (it was a deliberate move on this part) and by that point I didnt brake because I knew there was a car behind me at that point too. Any other normal driver would have waited for me to pass and look for a reasonable gap in order to make the lane change, especially when they are hauling a trailer as well.

Do I have any chance of successfully contesting this fine do you think? Yes, in hindsight, I could have been more defensive, not assuming the other driver will do the right thing, but I obviously think it's ridiculous that someone who's supposed to give way when changing lane can just force their way into another lane and the law or the cops think they didn't do anything wrong and instead chooses to punish the person who was just driving in their own lane?

closed Comments

  • +18

    I love these “AITA?” posts where the OP posts videos of themselves literally being the ahole… :D

    I, for one, am smugly glad that you got a ticket… this is going straight to me “own goals” folder.

    InB4: video deleted, thread topic changed to nonsense and post edited to garbage, mods restore thread and lock it, OP goes “disableduser492923”

    • +5

      Close. Disableduser456494.

      • +4

        And I got a feeling that this video is cut short for a reason… I 100% am confident that OP then went on to "brake check" the Ram driver, but didn't want us seeing it.

        I want to see the next 2~5 mins of this video.

      • +4

        Hahaha… called it… video deleted and disabled user…

        • +2

          Yeah but I'm a bit upset at myself.

          I was on a popcorn high resulting in mild dyslexia.

          I typed


          When in actual fact it was Disableduser456694. Might dob myself into the cops. 😉

  • +9

    Awful driving. Well done police.

  • +6

    New trend of self incriminating dashcam footage …makes a change from uninsured accidents I guess..🍿👀

  • +7

    So quick summary

    • OP sees the RAM driving like a d*ck, sees the RAM as 'endangering' the safety of others
    • OP sees the RAM is about to doing the same thing again to them, but thinks the RAM has now had an epiphany and will drive safely
    • OP then realises the RAM in fact will be a d*ck again like they were 15 seconds ago, so decides to act like a vigilante to try and make them stay in their lane
    • OP almost causes a multi vehicle accident going 95km/h or whatever they want to suggest because slowing down to avoid perceived hazards is not allowed
    • OP does not accept any responsibility because they insist they are technically correct, so should be absolved of any wrongdoing.

    Seriously, if someone is driving like a 'd*ck', why join them? It's not your place to teach them a lesson or enforce road rules. Just keep your distance and let them endanger themselves, record your footage and share it to wherever you want.

    If there had have been contact and a collision had taken place, would you still take the stance that it can't possibly have been your fault in any way?

  • +13

    Damn OP you just gave yourself a fine.

    • He literally gave the cops all the evidence they'd need to justify the infringement. He might as well have just donated the money to the police station.

  • +13

    It's because you endangered the car approaching on your left clearly…
    Can you not see that?

    You had the option to:
    -Slow down
    -Let them change lanes

    You recklessly change lanes into another car because of your decision to challenge the ute.

      • +4

        Did you indicate?

        • -4

          Do you indicate when you take evasive action?

          • +4

            @[Deactivated]: If you didn't indicate then why does it matter what the other car was doing? They had no idea you would be moving into their lane.

          • +6

            @[Deactivated]: You just don't get it do you. FFS.

            You didn't need to indicate or take evasive action if you just drove defensively. Just like the little white SUV off to your right. They even gave you a model driver hint on how to handle the upcoming scenario.

            I'm guessing you drive with very little situational awareness and are a hazard on the road just like the "useless cops" discovered.

    • +3

      Inadvertently, what the RAM did to OP, OP did to the Lancer. So if OP thinks the RAM should get fined/charged, then OP should also get the same.

      Instead, OP wants to blame everyone else but themselves. They put the Lancer at risk, all because they couldn't let go of their petty ego and let the ute in, ego enlarging so far as to think they can take up not just one, but two lanes to keep their spot at the front. It almost makes you think there should be a psych eval before anyone is given the privilege of driving.

  • +4

    I'll be honest, if I suspect a douchey driver is going to merge I'll cut the merge gap. Watching the video and reading your post, there's quite a bit of arrogance and you made the situation dangerous along with the other driver. He was indicating for ages and was probably getting ready for an exit.

    • +5

      Just because it has come up a few times in this thread, merge is the wrong term. Merging refers to when one lane merges with another. This is changing lanes not merging into a lane.

  • -3

    OP would have saved a lot of heartache by letting them in and delaying themself 1 second…but what gives the ute the right to come into the lane? Sure it indicated but sometimes impatient drivers don't give way and the car has to wait for the next car to leave an adequate gap before coming in. Why is the ute allowed to barge into the lane when it's clear the dash cam isn't giving them way. If we're talking about 'safe things to do' in this thread then surely the safe thing to do for the ute would be to hit off the acelerator, let dash cam zip pass (when it's clear after he indicated for several seconds and OP still wasn't creating a gap…it happens), then lane change? Just food for thought.

    • +2

      No one is denying the RAM was driving poorly as well but the small white SUV in the next lane to the right is the most defensive way to deal with the situation.

      • Tap the brakes to wash off speed and warn the car behind you.
      • Let the douchebag RAM driver in because it appears that's what he's doing anyway.
      • Shift lanes safely, accelerate to speed limit because now in the fast lane.
      • +1

        To be clear I agree with most of the points mentioned previously including yours. If I was in OP's shoes I'd let him in - pretty basic stuff. If I was in the ute's shoes, was indicating, and the car on the other lane was still not leaving a gap/accelerating, I wouldn't force the lane change like the ute did in the video. The car should let you in but sometimes they're impatient or dicks and they don't - you don't get to force your way in just because your blinkers are on. Basically both cars have 0 defensive driving skills. One car didn't slow down for 0.5 seconds, the other car was doing everthing pretty normally but barged in even when it was clear the car in the other lane was refusing to let him in.

  • +8

    RAM was indicating way before you were even level with the trailer, why didn't you let him in? He probs wanted the Wynnum Rd exit?

  • +3

    OP was struggling with 50+ tabs open in Chrome so the other driver offered some more RAM.

  • +2

    Is this Cheap Bastard’s alt? Hahaha.

    Seriously you should’ve let that (profanity) in, I would’ve. There’s no sound in the video, did you honk at least as he was overtaking you?

  • +9

    Poor guy in the ute is just trying to get off the highway, with a trailer?

  • +4

    You’re culpable here OP. Why wouldn’t you let him change lanes? Driving with a trailer can be tricky and you almost caused a crash.

  • +5

    This post has used up my negs…

    A part of me can't help but read the drama in these posts but overall I don't know why I subject myself to it because it's so annoying. The defensive replies indicate there will be no epiphany here, the account will be abandoned and the roads remain littered with dangerous people trying to kill the rest of us.

  • +12

    Sorry OP I'm going to join the pile-on to say I have no sympathy for you here, particularly after reading your comments about dashcams having "wide-angle lenses" which misrepresent distance.

    This is the frame that shows the distance between you and the truck in question when he began indicating:

    And furthermore it took approx 7 seconds of you accelerating after he started indicating, for the front of your car to reach the back of his trailer. It would have been so much easier and smarter to slow down.

    You had ample room to be courteous, or better yet: cautious, particularly given what you had already observed about him.

  • +6

    Damn! Missed the fun. Looks like OP deleted the video. 😆

  • +5

    Just watched the pegaxs backup video. You were definitely being a dick and deserve that ticket.

    Whether you're in the right or wrong, you should always try and avoid a collision if you can - not try to cause one just because you think you wouldn't be the one at-fault!

    My question is… why????
    Even if you're really not at-fault, your car will still sustain damage and it's still inconvenient to get it fixed. Plus you're putting yourself and those around you in danger!

  • +7

    My read: Ram driver notices approaching exit. Changes lane into a gap that’s pretty smalll at short ish notice. There isn’t time to pass the truck before the exit, there is enough room to lane change without causing the white SUV to brake. OP notices RAMs indicator for second lane change with plenty of time and speeds up to block them, then continues to speed up between two vehicles while one of them is changing lanes instead of maintaining the space for RAM to merge.

    RAM driver not actually driving like a dick, just stuck in a bad spot.

    Not surprised there is a fine for OP.

  • +11

    And like the shitty person they are, OP disabled their account and ran away.

  • +3

    When the mods wake up….

    Looks like the OP has disabled their account. This thread is now closed for comments.

  • +1

    Clearly OP should contest that in court, they can tell the judge they were just doing what any authoritarian road warrior would do and teaching that Ram some kind of lesson. Plus if they win they can create a new account and laugh at all of us for being wrong…

    Also, the title is misleading. I wouldn’t call that “unfairly”.

  • +4

    holy crap you are an awful, egotistical driver. He indicated giving plenty of notice and you sped up? Did you even see the other car in the left lane? Enjoy the fine

  • +4

    I think the most interesting part of all this is OP never considered the idea that both OP AND the ute driver could be 'in the wrong' and charged with an offence.

    • +5

      I’d almost be willing to bet the RAM driver indicated, then picked that there was a safe space to change into and by the time the change was initiated didn’t see that the OP had sped up into his blind spot.

      • +3

        I was sort of giving OP the benefit of the doubt until I watched the video.

        I think you're right, it does look as though he entered the blind spot. This could have been bad.

  • I showed my son the video without any context…

    Let’s just say he doesn’t agree with the OP.


  • +3

    I just watched the deleted video which pegasx had saved for the OzB community's entertainment.

    The truck with the trailer did first indicated 3 car lengths ahead of OP (literally on level with the car in front of OP and the trailer is still 1 car length in front of OP) and slowed down to change lane. OP had plenty of opportunity to let it in but being a prick that he is he sped up instead. That's dangerous driving. It could have caused the trailer to jackknife and wipe out quite a few cars behind.

  • +6

    🔐OP sped off again..

  • -5

    The other driver was a total dick considering he had a trailer. The 2 lane changes are pathetic and stink of an idiot who cannot plan ahead when driving … but you DID speed up at a crucial moment when you could have just accepted they were a dick who was going to cut into your lane and slowed down a LITTLE.

    Yes, you did have almost constant speed but at the vital moment you should have taken your foot off the pedal you did the opposite and that's why you got the ticket. You will lose if you fight it because of that one second or so.

    ALWAYS check your footage before reporting stuff like this to make sure you are not doing something you can get fined for because Cops love stuff like this, they count this as a serious crime solved and they are always on the lookout to raise revenue.

  • Did anyone save the video?

  • I would be surprised if the Ram driver was not also given an infringement notice. OP created a dangerous situation but the Ram could have stayed in its lane to avoid a potential collision. Missed exits happen - too bad.

    • +2

      Absolutely, the RAM driver deserves it too.

      I can't beleive how bad OP was though what a bloody danger on the roads.

  • +2

    Has anyone uploaded this to dash cam owners yet?

    • Probably OP has, given his attitude. I look forward to seeing it in this year's DCA April Fools compilation.

  • +3

    Was the op unaware that the left(or middle in a manual) pedal is generally more powerful at avoiding incidents or collisions than the right hand one.

    The number of people I see speed up to try and avoid contact or near misses is insane.

    Also, when you look like a worse driver than a ram driver…well, that is indeed an impressive effort :)

    • +3

      The Model S Plaid accelerates better than it can brake. Pretty sure op was not in a Tesla because they would have mentioned it. 😉

  • +1

    Doing a last-minute lane change, whilst not ideal, happens to everyone. It is not worth endangering your own and others/bystanders lives, to engage with perceived "bad drivers" in this way, particularly at these high speeds.. I think police are correct in this case and hope you learn from this near-miss incident.

  • In my viewing of the video I don't think the OP sped up until after he tried to avoid the RAM by going in to the left lane.

    I am also not sure the RAM saw him when the RAM started to come over.

    OP did you toot at all? (little toots; like toot, toot, toot… may have made him go back)

    The OP admits to seeing the RAM's blinker and should have let him in but I suspect the ticket was for the OP moving in to the left lane unsafely.

    My Expertise: addicted to Scotty and also to Dash Cam Australia.

    • The OPs speed is displayed. It’s at 90 until the ute indicates, then increases and hits at least 97 while beside the ute.

      • The OP's car looks to be doing 95 when the RAM starts to indicate.

  • +2

    without reading the whole self-pity thread, AFAIK it is generally an offense to speed up while being overtaken.

    the video link didn't work for me - so I guess was taken down once the OP got wind that the 'dick' in the scenario may be themself

  • +3

    Snitches get stitches

    • +3

      Say no to self-snitchin'

  • +2

    What a reckless road user. It's anger-inducing that he nearly causes a crash that can kill or injure people, and then comes here to complain.

    I'm glad he is banned, if only his main account was banned, too.

  • +10

    https://imgur.com/a/SOIuU2y - beautiful - lolz - OP had about 8 seconds warning of the trailer driver's intention (and need) to move left, and 'failing to drive with due care and attention' not only continued in the lane the trailer needed, but also made a dangerous move into the left-most lane almost crashing into the white car in that lane.

    I think that deserves a double-fine - sure OP take it court - you should be fine … d - ;-p

    • +2

      The cops visiting them is pretty much A CLEAR INDICATOR THEY WERE IN THE WRONG :D

  • +5

    I am so happy I woke up to this chestnut. Oh God OP was definity the idiot here. Plenty of notice of intention, OP sped up to block the Ram, just generally being a moron.

  • +3

    Always nice to see when the police get it right. someone else being a dick doesn't give you an right to ignore the road rules and be a bigger dick. Probably critically important for the safety of others that he got the fine as he seems to be under the delusion he did nothing wrong, eventually his nothing wrong will get him or worse someone else killed.

  • +1

    Definitely fight this in court OP, you gotta stand up against bad drivers

    Let us know how it goes 🙈

  • +4

    He indicated and gave enough time. You knew he wanted into the lane but chose to not give him way.

    Most people would just brake a little to let them in.

    You are in the wrong and almost caused a 3 car accident.

  • +4

    Submitting evidence to get yourself fined.

    Lol, wow.

  • HOLY MOLY was way worse that I could even Imagine, I hope the DC driver loses their Licence.

  • +1

    Thanks for backing up @pegaxs. That was just like watching someone play maximum tune

  • +1

    The cops are arguing that I sped up instead of braking and I nearly caused an accident.

    You very nearly did cause an accident.

    Holy smokes, and you sent this video in to the cops! hahah… man, that takes a really special kind of person. omg

  • -2

    wheres the video?

  • OP, the car behind you will brake when it sees your brake lights on. If they don't leave enough room that's their failure.

    Cop it on the chin and share the road.

  • +3

    Well, this thread didn't turn out as OP hoped.

  • Great work by the cops to fine your intentionally bad driver.

    Ego got the better of you there.

  • both drivers are idiots

    • +4

      Only one of them sent an incriminating video to the rozzers though…

  • +1

    Wow…that is a proper tosser move. The RAM was looking for the right moment to merge you sped up.

  • +1

    You're a terrible, unsafe drive whose presence of the road is a danger to both yourself and others. Do better.

  • +1

    Tonight on Dashcam Australia, Karen gives themself a fine.

  • OP seems the type to reflect on the feedback they’ve received in this thread and reevaluate their driving style. What a dangerous knob.

  • So eager to watch the video. I'm too late.

      • +1

        Wow, watching the video on a larger screen yields a lot more information.

        1. Ram driver started moving to the left very early before the two-lane turn off.
        2. If the dashcam speed is accurate, OP and ute in front of them are driving >5km below the speed limit.
        3. Due to point #2, Ram driver has to slow down dangerously (e.g. to 85 km/hr — 15 km below the speed limit) to move to the left because idiot in front of OP (and OP) were not driving at the posted limit.
        4. Ram driver gave plenty of notice and had indicator on for a long time and OP did nothing except stay at their stupid limit preventing Ram from changing lanes.

        Absolutely terrible driving, we need less drivers like OP on the road. People can actually die from this kind of driving.

      • Wow, that's some pice of work. Props to police for issuing the fine. Thanks for sharing.

  • +2

    Need a title change to "I was driving dangerously and submitted evidence of it myself, how do I take back the evidence I provided to get out of a fine?"

  • Good thing he used his burner account.

    • how do u know that's a 'he'?

      • +4

        Only males are this egotistic and lacking in self awareness

  • +4

    Get off the road for everybody's safety, including your own.

  • Australian wingery at its finest!
    Learn how to drive ffs, and do the “right” thing! LOL

  • +2

    People like the OP are probably the reason why some people don't indicate anymore, dumbasses speed up to not let them in.

    Not only do you deserve the fine… you also shouldn't be allowed to drive.

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