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[eBook] The Real Anthony Fauci by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. $0 @ Amazon US

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closed Comments

    • +3

      why did you neg this deal ? you know this book is a takedown yeah ?

      • +2

        I thought I upvoted lol

        • +2

          lol change ur vote then

          • +2

            @sintro: How?

            • +2

              @[Deactivated]: Click on the votes tab, find yourself and revoke the vote.

              • @sintro: Done.

    • +1

      Who believed that covid vaccines stopped transmission? As Maggie Thatcher once famously said - I want their names. This is a nonsense cooked up by people like you who invent childish garbage like our drug didn't stop transmission and the lockdown killed more people than this cold.

      The least you can do is to try to give the impression of being a moderately informed cooker.

      • Billions of people believed the vaccine stopped transmission, because people (like Daniel Andrews) told them to take the jab in order to prevent giving the virus to others, an exact quote.

        They were lied to and millions of people knew this and were (and still are) trying to educate the billions of sheep that went along and injected an untested drug in themselves, most of them more than once.

        So many poor people died and are dying from what is the biggest scam in history that we know of.

        • +1

          No billions of people didn't believe anything of the sort because they paid attention while you were navel gaziing - exact quote. Dan Andrews, like thousands of responsible leaders across the globe gave people fact-based information hich helped save lives.

          As you know (huge cough) vaccines saved an estimated 14 million lives, and in the USA alone saved about $US 1 Trillion in health costs.

          It's safe to come out of the rabbit hole any time you want.

          • @Igaf: Are you saying that you're unaware of the fact that the COVID vaccine doesn't stop transmission of COVID19 according to the CEO of Pfizer et al?

            You've just stated a bunch of untruths and that's pretty serious given it's misinformation that can harm people.

            What kind of person does that to other humans? How do you sleep at night?


            • +1

              @[Deactivated]: No, I'm saying that only you and a few of your equally credulous mates didn't know that covid vaccines only reduced transmission while at the same time significantly reducing the chances of hospitalisation and death. This topic has been broached by others of your cohort previously - and answered. I suggest you search, read and comprehend.

              you've just stated a bunch of untruths and that's pretty serious given it's misinformation that can harm people.
              What kind of person does that to other humans? How do you sleep at night?

              You were looking in the mirror while writing that presumably?

              • -1

                @Igaf: You haven't provided any proof and yes, Pfizer sold an untested drug to governments that then told their citizens would stop the transmission of the virus, which it doesn't and never did.

                There are doctors everywhere reading from peer reviewed papers explaining it to sheep like yourself. Here's one such doctor communicating very good science…


                • +2


                  There are doctors everywhere

                  that 'doctor' you referenced is a nurse, with a PhD in philosophy (his youtube says retired nurse, his linkedin is less clear)
                  Do you generally not look into the background, which would take about 1 minute, before assuming someones knowledge, credentials and authority on a subject?
                  Do you perhaps wonder why he doesn't perhaps disclose that his 'Dr' title is not based on being a medical doctor in his videos?

                • @[Deactivated]: Proof of what? You've made wild statements which have no basis in fact. That is self-evident.

                  Pfizer's vaccine was thoroughly tested before being approved. Read and learn. As I wrote elsewhere, Pfizer wasn't asked to test for transmission because the aim of the vaccine was to reduce serious illness and death, and there was a deadly pandemic raging. Latest estimates suggest between 14.4M (confidence level 95%) and ~20M lives were saved by vaccines and related government preventative actions. Impressive numbers eh? Equally impressive if in the final analysis only one hundredth of those numbers are directly attributable. But as we can deduce, you don't give a fig about whether people died or not.

                  I don't know what most governments told their people about transmission - nor do you - but given most were using similar data and advice from the USA and UK I'm confident that they didn't say covid vaccines would stop transmissions. As WE know they in fact did reduce transmission.

                  Re the video. You changed nic or is it doing the rounds of cooking schools? It's far more than your comment deserves but I'll see if I can find my response to one of your mates from another deal about Campbell's disinformation. Suffice to say at this point that he isn't a medical doctor, nor has he any expertise in anything related to covid.

                  Here you go, read and weep. Your mate trevor99 beat you to the gun, which misfired badly for him because, like you, he's credulous and don't do his homework proper. I elaborate in comments about Campbell and his diatribe below the linked comment. Enjoy, or not. https://www.ozbargain.com.au/comment/13231720/redir

                  • @Igaf: Dude, the premier of Victoria said, verbatim, that taking the 'vaccine' would stop transmission and that it would allow us to be free of the lockdown measures.

                    That's the lie. How much clearer does it need to be.

                    • +1

                      @[Deactivated]: You're repeating yourself from the other deal trevor99, or have you all been sent the same SKY memo?

                      Show us the money DUDE - should be easy enough to find Andrew's quotes or video conference outtakes. What you thought was said in your anti-vax/SKY fug and what was actually said are highly likely to be significantly different. He and others were working long hours so there's a miniscule chance he may have "misspoken" but the odds are firmly against you and other regurgitators of the SKY "Dictator Dan" garbage.

                      Time your learned the basics about what lockdowns were designed to do because unlike 99% of Australians you still don't appear to know.

                      • @Igaf: Also you guys are quoting 'died WITH COVID' instead of 'died from COVID'.

                        My 98 year old grandmother died from old age and was marked down as a COVID death which it clearly wasn't.

                        Another set of data are the suicides from the lockdowns, the billions lost in businesses that went under, the long term effects of missed education etc.

                        Supporting this nonsense is the worst thing you can do, but I hope you sleep well at night.

                        • @[Deactivated]:

                          My 98 year old grandmother died from old age and was marked down as a COVID death which it clearly wasn't.

                          Why and what do you think is the reason of death at old age? Do you think once you hit a certain age, you just drop dead for no reason. Funny guy you are.

                        • @[Deactivated]: Can't recall quoting deaths but if I did they would be based on Excess Mortality numbers, which takes into account normalised age-related deaths. Read about it here: https://ourworldindata.org/excess-mortality-covid

                          There may have been suicides from lockdowns, there were certainly mental health, isolation, access to normal services and food issues involved. Govts were fully aware of same and provided special services, phone assistance etc. Despite best efforts some people suffered significantly even as lives were being saved by reducing transmission.

                          Got a link to that lockdown suicide dataset?

                          Yes there were financial costs, that happens in pandemics. Saving lives costs nothing - said no-one ever. . Economies recover, dead people rarely do.

                          Supporting what nonsense? Public health? Actions which protect the public? They're both critical in functioning societies. As ever the question is where should the line be drawn. We've earnt a lot (hopefully) from this pandemic and will eventually have good information from around the world as to "best practice" (what worked well, what was ineffective, etc). Humans being human though no doubt we'll repeat our mistakes.

                          How's the Dictator Dan said vaccines stop transmission search going?

                        • @[Deactivated]: Got any data to back your claims around suicides?

                          A quick search suggests the opposite:

                          • @ihfree: Excess mortality is at an all-time high.
                            I wonder why?

                            • @[Deactivated]: Did a doctor of philosophy tell you that?

                              • @SBOB: Good one, what else you got that you want to force on other people?

                            • @[Deactivated]: I dunno. Could be any number of reasons - post covid infection, impact of Covid on the medical system, catch up after reduced deaths during lockdowns. IIRC, there are lasting impacts from Covid infection, though I haven't read about it for a while.

                              If you're arguing that the increase in excess mortality is due to suicides, given the comment you're responding to, the data doesn't support your claim.

                              To use a cooker argument, do you even know anyone who is in the " excess mortality"?

                              As a guess based on your other comments, you felt like you were in a special club during the pandemic, fighting da man - one misinformed comment at a time. Now life is largely back to normal, you're just clinging on.

                            • @[Deactivated]:

                              Excess mortality is at an all-time high.
                              I wonder why?

                              No need to wonder Vinnie. Read and get informed. Then read some more about how excess mortality is calculated, what it means and doesn't mean, and how numbers are normalised so that they are meaningful. We aren't through the pandemic yet so you'll have to wait but annual data is already available iirc.

                              Yes the small number of deaths from covid vaccines will be in those numbers, as will other covid-related things - like ivermectin overdoses, and people jumping off buildings to escape the dreaded jab (using your cohort's standards I can say with a straight face they number in the millions by now and have massively inflated the excess death count /s).

                              • @Igaf: The best thing about being a conspiracy theorist is not having Myocarditis.

                                • +1

                                  @[Deactivated]: Are you suffering from long covid or are you just like this? You seem to have difficulty staying on topic.

                                • @[Deactivated]: You mean like the billions of people around the world who have had around 14 billion covid shots between them Vinnie? Myocarditis is very rare, although probably not as rare as conspiracy theorist intelligence. Covid infection is associated with both myo- and pericarditis, and brain fog.

                                  What is the ratio of serious myocarditis from a vaccine shot to the number of total shots Vinnie? Free car if you can answer I'll give you a clue. Assuming you're a male it's a marginally larger number than your chance of winning a Nobel Prize and getting pregnant in the same year. If the old saying that ignorance is bliss is true then you must be a very happy chappy. Stay safe maaaaaate.

                                  • -1

                                    @Igaf: No matter how little the chance of side effects, not having to be part of the human trial for Pfizer means I have zero chance of any of the horrible side effects, most of which you guys have no idea about yet because you're discovering them for Pfizer as you go through life.

                                    If you're OK with it and find telling people they must have it too, be happy. I'm fine as are thousands of others not being forced to gamble with my life.

                                    I don't eat crap, I exercise and I feel great even after having the Wuhan flu. Must be what natural immunity does to a person?

                                    • +3

                                      @[Deactivated]: People are free to choose for themselves. Their choice should be based on sound advice and research, not ignoramce and disinformation. That personal choice is entirely different to regurgitating lies, misinformation, hyperbole and promoting distrust in other equally uninformed and credulous people. That is culpable.

                                      I'll put MY money on there being negligible long term effects from covid vaccines while also being aware that some people, and their doctors and the health system, are already having to deal with the consequences of long covid. Your ignorance of that won't make itgo away.

                                      You may not eat crap but you've obviously swallowed a considerable amount via SKY, Facebook, youtube etc and have been blindly attempting to infect others with the same rubbish. Fortuately the vast majority of us are immune due to arming ourselves with readily available data, information and analysis from credible sources.

                                      Dont want to have a shot at winning the car?

                                    • @[Deactivated]: I'll leave you this to contemplate. We know that many people who were either anti-vax or vax-afraid died from covid. How many we'll probably never know but educated guesses from the USA alone would suggest numbers higher than deaths from covid vaccines. You will of course never hear or read about that from your chosen sources of disinformation, but again, being ignorant of reality won't make it go away.

                                      • @Igaf: We don't know, you don't know.
                                        They most likely died (in the land of obesity) from the dozen other pre existing conditions as well as having the w flu.

                                        What I do know for sure, first hand, is that my entire extended family has no ticking time bomb in them and confirmed proven natural immunity because we took the time to take the uncorrupted science, we were healthy and we bumped up our vitamin D early.

                                        Good luck, good health (including mental health), I'll pray for you 🙏

                                        • @[Deactivated]: One common argument I saw against Pfizer is that it generates an unknown amount of spike protein. Guess what else generates an unknown quantity of spike protein?

                                          Covid, lol. Fact is no-one knows the long term effects. Studies I've seen mentioned suggest there may be some increased risks - for example, dementia.

                                          Keep cooking!

                                        • -1

                                          @[Deactivated]: There's myriad things I don't know Vinnie, that's why I read what reputable sources say before I weigh up the arguments and evidence. You on the other hand have put more balls in the water than a battalion of rookies in a swimming pool and have yet to reach the first green, as your laughable c-t shibboleth 'w flu' attests.

                                          Pray? Isn't that what Morrison and his sycophantic ministry was doing instead of governing? While you're on your knees any chance you could throw in a few requests that the religious bigotry, ignorance, and dangerous, inane conservative extremism in the USA doesn't get a foot hold here? That would be much appreciated.

  • +11

    lmao, cookers be cooking

  • +15

    I'm sure this is a great book for all the sovereign citizens who follow maritime law. For everyone else living in the real world, it's in no way a "deal".

    • +9

      Slobbering citizens

    • +3

      $0.00 for a 934 page ebook is a deal.

      Shame the weak minded brainwashed covidians continually feel the need to smear and insult those who don't want their life to revolve around trying unsuccessfully to avoid a mild cold.

      • +10

        You mean smear like how you lot continually call us sheep, tell us to wear our muzzles etc? Or is that different?

        And no, it's not a deal. It's dangerous misinformation that preys on those who like to believe they are somehow special, and know better than the majority of professionals and legitimate resources available.

        • +8

          lol yeah wear your muzzle and have another jab like its going to make any difference. you've joined a cult. maybe you'll figure it out someday.

          i honestly CGAF what stupid shit you covidians want to inflict on yourselves, just leave the rest of us out of your neurosis please. thanks.

          • +9

            @jmc787: jmc787 - Shame the weak minded brainwashed covidians continually feel the need to smear and insult…

            Also jmc787
            - weak minded brainwashed covidians.
            - you've joined a cult.
            - leave the rest out of your neurosis.

            Maybe you should take some of your own advice with the smears and insults. I hope you learn something exciting from the book. I'm sure it will be a real page turner 😊

            • +6

              @Elmsy: the normal people never tried to force covidians to do anything

              your lot bent over backwards with your face decoration mandates, experimental jab mandates, school closures, lockdowns, travel bans and so on and so forth, we could fill a 934 page ebook with all the imbecile behavior you went along with and advocated

              normal people are over it and we're over listening to covid karens too. go into any crowded indoor cbd loaction and count the number of brainwashed dumbasses wearing masks and realise how deluded and peripheral your cult is

              • +8

                @jmc787: Yes, you lot are so over it, I guess that's why you continue to post these ridiculous "deals" pushing a deluded worldview.

                Anyway, as I said, enjoy the book. I'm going to bed.

                • +5

                  @Elmsy: you negged a deal that costs $0.00 becuase you disagree with the content, without actually reading it

                  i feel sorry for you.

              • +5

                @jmc787: Still today they are, still today. I live in an Asian area (no offence to individuals, sadly, very, very small amount of individuals) and literally see on daily basis clowns with masks, living in fear (no they don't have life threatening health conditions) best for me is when i see one in the car behind me, driving alone, masked up and all windows rolled up🤦

                Common sense, common sense, where have you gone my good old friend…

                • +5

                  @drazenm: I went to Sydney in the mid 2000’s and saw Asian people wearing masks. They must have been ahead of the curb.

                  You must have a lot of time to ask them all if they have life threatening health conditions or not. Surprised you haven’t heard any of them tell you it’s none of your business, or do you just mark them off as a no too?

                • +1

                  @drazenm: Lol. Sometimes it makes sense to just wear a mask in a car if you're going between two locations where you will be need/want to wear a mask. You don't even know their circumstances.

                  So much judgement. What happened to personal freedoms?

                  Common sense, common sense, where have you gone my good old friend…

                  We can both agree on this.

          • +6


            you've joined a cult. maybe you'll figure it out someday.

            You going for straight up irony? as if so, you've nailed it.

  • +9

    Commenting so I can neg. Read on Malone. He did not invent mRNA technology, contrary to what he proclaims.

    • +7

      Same. Only commenting to neg.
      Can't condone this cooker shit

  • +11

    Cookers starting not to be funny. Just sad. Maybe a bit still funny.

    Fun fact. This blokes birthday party recently; had to be vaxed. Wife made them. So he's a hypocrite, or tots cucked. She also played Larry's wife in Curb.

  • +10

    You really can't escape misinformation these days, even on bloody OzBargain…..

    If anyone's interested in a teardown of Robert F. Kennedy's book I recommend Debunk the Funk with Dr Wilson's "Reviewing The Real Anthony Fauci" series (1 of 7 linked below). Succinct and credible like all of his video's:


  • +8

    What a ripper of a first post!!
    Don't worry about the war… just post something like this and watch people tear shreds off eachother lmao!!!

  • +10

    Lies, even free ones, are still lies.

  • +5

    Don't give these grifters a cent of your money.

  • +1

    I still can't believe people think this vax saved lives. Cookers!

    • +12

      Yeah, those morons believing statistics, facts and reality over a guy who spent the last 20 years selling books on why vaccines are bad and selling tickets to hear him agree with the stuff they found on Facebook.

      • +1

        Open your eyes big guy and turn that TV off, it's brainwashing you. 😂

        • -1

          That’d be whatever you’re watching. Doing an outstanding job too. I haven’t watched TV in a decade. At least you’re consistently wrong. The author of this book contradicts himself, you could only read this book and with zero other media anyone with basic reasoning skills would understand he’s the one washing small minds.

  • +4

    Thanks for the laugh!

  • +2

    Any deals for popcorns for the rest of us?

  • +6

    Over 1,000,000 copies sold despite censorship, boycotts from bookstores and libraries, and hit pieces against the author.

    lol author whinging about HiT pIeCeS against him after publishing a hit piece on Fauci. these anti vaxxers are something else..

  • +5

    I think I got whiplash diving into the comments section, and I have NOT been disappointed.

  • +1

    If someone couldn't download the book, you can go to library genesis and download free ebooks.

  • +5

    Thanks very much, OP. Reminded me to make a booking for my third booster.

  • +3

    Society has a real problem with loonies running amuck.

  • +3

    I’m glad to see this is getting downvoted to oblivion. It’s dangerous nonsense peddled by quacks who are only out to line their pockets and promote a false agenda.

  • +2

    This would be a deal if it came with a few rolls of alfoil.

  • +1

    Not really a deal, more a book of lies.

  • -2

    I see the ususal compliant tools posting guff about stuff they know nothing about again.

    I downloaded it but dont know how i will go without getting too angry listening to this criminal being exposed

    I hope Fauci dies in agonising pain alone. He is truely evil. If it was legal I would execute him with my own bare hands

    • +4

      Have you thought about seeing someone?

      I hear Fauci-anxiety is treatable.

      • And there you have it………..first line of my post in a nutshell

    • +6

      My dude, you need some help. Your last sentence is a reflection on you, not Fauci.

      • Naaaah, I support the death penalty and there is nothing wrong with that and i would do the job someone has to do, and there is nothing wrong with that either. What do you suggest? Robot executioner in the metaverse? Its the real world pal and criminals get executed every single day

        • +1

          What are you smoking?

          • @DogGunn: Jade and Topaz ;-)

            Tell me what is inaccurate? Do executions happen? Do people actually carry them out? Is it an actual job? have Doctors or government officials who were once believed been shown to be crooked liars and end up in jail or dead? YES!!!!!!

            Now im not saying i want to execute the normal person for being to thick to realise they have been conned and still support people like this but they are not the criminals here, they are the lemmings. Fauci and others need to answer for what they have done. (not going to discuss that anymore)

            now back to the book…..

  • +3

    here we go again

  • +5

    Fellow medical professional here.

    In reading these comments, and seeing some of the statements made, I wonder if these people have even read the supposedly "scientific facts" regarding these injections. A good place to start is Pfizer's own data.

    And it's pretty sad to see the hate and fear to such and extend that they revert to name calling and insulting.

    • +7

      Here are Pfizer's own data released under court order, have you read these?

      Alarming review of the neurological System Organ Class (SOC) adverse events found in Pfizer document
      5.3.6 Cumulative Analysis of Post-Authorization Adverse Event Reports of PF-07302048 (BNT162B2) Received Through 28-FEB-2021 (a.k.a., “5.3.6“). This SOC includes altered function of the brain, spinal cord, or peripheral nerves.

      It is important to note that the adverse events (AEs) in the 5.3.6 document were reported to Pfizer for only a 90-day period starting on December 1, 2020, the date of the United Kingdom’s public rollout of Pfizer’s COVID-19 experimental mRNA “vaccine” product.

      Key points in this report include:
      * 542 neurological events, 95% of which were serious, occurred in 501 patients.
      * 16 patients died.
      * 50% of events occurred within the first 24 hours after injection, equating to over 270 events in a single day.
      * 69% of the neurological events affected females, and 31% occurred in males.
      * 376 seizures were reported, twelve of which were “status epilepticus,” a rare condition of prolonged seizure or series of seizures that is life-threatening.
      * 38 cases of multiple sclerosis.
      * 11 cases of transverse myelitis (a destructive inflammation of the spinal cord).
      * 10 cases of optic neuritis (inflammation of the optic nerve threatening blindness).
      * 24 cases of Guillain-Barré syndrome, ascending paralysis from nerve inflammation.
      * Three cases of meningitis (infection and inflammation of the fluid and membranes surrounding the brain and spinal cord).
      * Seven cases of encephalopathy (any disease of the brain that alters brain function or structure; hallmark is altered mental state).
      * Only adverse events that occurred two or more times are specifically reported in the diagnoses list. There were twenty events that happened once and, thus, were not included.

      Report 57: 542 Neurological Adverse Events, 95% Serious, in First 90 Days of Pfizer mRNA Vaccine Rollout. 16 Deaths. Females Suffered AEs More Than Twice As Often As Males.
      February 20, 2023 • by Joseph Gehrett, MD; Barbara Gehrett, MD; Chris Flowers, MD; and Loree Britt

      • +4

        Ssssh, dont go mentioning actual facts it might trigger people

      • +5

        Yes mate,

        Very telling indeed.

      • +3

        Adverse events are just events that happened after the vaccination. They haven't been proven to be caused by the vaccine. In study monitoring a large group of people, it's likely that some of them are going to have health events that are unrelated.


        • +1

          In this particular report, 5.3.6 Cumulative Analysis of Post-Authorization Adverse Event Reports of PF-07302048 (BNT162B2) Received Through 28-FEB-2021, the neurologic adverse events reported are in addition to the strokes reported in a separate report. This set of patients has suffered an equally serious group of lethal or potentially disabling disorders. We see double digit fatalities in the first 90 days with a litany of dreaded new diagnoses among which are multiple sclerosis, seizures, Guillain-Barre, meningitis and encephalopathy.

          And half of the total events occured within 24 hours of receiving the injection.
          In addition, at least 250 of the non-fatal events have no documented recovery.

          • @sintro: 112,000,000 doses. 250 events that haven’t been shown to be related (you have to compare to normal events for that period without the vaccine). Double digit fatalities = 16. Out of 112 million. So every year you’re thousands of times more likely to die in a car accident than potentially have an adverse event you don’t document a recovery from.

            Sounds super scary if you don’t read more than the bit highlighted by the brainwashing crowd.

            Based on these numbers people should be campaigning against car manufacturers instead. Hell ladder manufacturers.

            If normally in a 90 day period 50,000,000 people have 50,000 adverse events, and after the vaccine in the next 90 days they have 55,000. The vaccine is likely responsible for 5,000 approx. but if they have 50,500. It could be 500, could be none, could be 1,000,

            It’s why the totals are completely misleading and used to brainwash people into fear, they’re only half the story, you need to compare to what’s normal. That’s what ATAGI etc do. They take these reports and compare it to normal. That’s why they pulled the AZ vaccine for young people with just a handful of TTS cases. TTS is normally rare so half a dozen was alarming. But strokes and seizures etc are exceptionally common normally, it’s like blaming the rain on you planning a picnic. It needs to happen a lot more often before it’s not a coincidence.

      • Note these are every event that happened to everyone that had the vaccine, related to the. vaccine or not. Eg, if 100% of people had the vaccine it would be a list of every medical condition everyone suffered regardless of cause.

        This is how people who don’t understand adverse reaction reports get brainwashed by sites that republish them while removing the explanation.

        To determine which events may have been caused by the vaccine they compare against how man people normally have these events in the same period. Spoiler, it didn’t increase the rate these events normally happen.

        And even if you make the naive and ill informed assumption that all these events were vaccine caused, which anyone with a basic understanding would not, the linked report specifies this is from 126 million doses. 16 deaths maximum from 126,000,000+ doses.

        Covid had a death rate of 1-3%, even at 1% that would be 1,260,000 deaths pre vaccine.

        And people are terrified of 16 potential deaths.

        Do you know how insane that is? Do you know what the adverse events are from getting in a car? And yet people do that without a second thought.


        Because people do exactly this, take adverse events out of context, without understanding that they capture every potential event and when the document they’re using as proof shows how utterly irrational that fear is.

    • +3

      Fellow medical professional here.


    • Pfizer’s own data, have you compared that to normal adverse events people suffer in any standard 90 day period?

      Of course not, it’s not in their data, that’s why the malicious ‘internet medical professionals’ like to use it to spread hate and fear. It only tells half the story, you need to understand how adverse event reports work to understand why it doesn’t show what people think it does.

      And ironically even if you take the worst case and assume literally every medical condition anyone suffered in the 90 days after the vaccine was due to the vaccine and not the normal causes, it’s still shown to be safer than driving on any given day, and people do that hundreds of times a year without a thought.

  • +3

    Wow. Just wow. Not a bargain.

  • +4

    You know how I know Ozbargain is full of leftists?

    Communist manifesto, 0 down votes:

    This book backed by studies, citings and references, rabid leftist come out to play

    • +6

      The Communist Manifesto is just another book about a theoretical system of government. You might even learn something reading it rather than being triggered by its existence.

      "Leftist" doesn't mean communism and most "leftists" would not want to live under a communist system, especially the corrupted/flawed ones that are in existence.

      The books in this "deal" are just misinformation. Just like NewsCorp publications, you'll come away less informed.

      • +1

        People leading Communist governments should read the communist manifesto before declaring themselves communist

      • +3

        you'll come away less informed

        ….and probably with your prejudices and conspiracy theories confirmed and your mind even further shut to reality and reason.

      • All information seeks to shape your mind… Left or Right or Alternate or even your neighbours speech. People/Governments/Corporates/You/Me don’t speak for nothing… it’s just the intention behind that speech that matters, and whether it’s about controlling others or caring for others through upgrading their minds for growth.

        To know what they push we merely need to observe HOW, WHEN and WHY they interact… and whether they speak through abuse, bias, hypocrisy or contradiction to know if their position is corrupted in nature.

        Communist/Capitalist matters not… It’s "Corruptions Conditioning" which is at the heart of all these other labels… and isn’t it funny/interesting/telling that we’ve NEVER had a real discussion or debate about this?

        Likewise, WHO has perfect all-knowing speech? Is it even possible? Probably not… hence all speech contains “misinformation” in accordance with the ignorance/awareness pushing it. Why to not acknowledge these deeper underlying truths and simply play to a Left/Right bias is to push you guessed it "misinformation".

        I read all mediums (Left/Right?Alternate) as all have some value… assuming that is you know WHAT is going on (as explained above) and HOW to properly integrate the information and their intentions. And there is GREAT VALUE in doing that…

        • +1

          No need to randomly capitalise words.

  • +1

    I wonder if admins will remove all the invalid down votes 🤔

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