• expired

$10 Bonus Cashback on $10 eBay Spend (Stack with PWE22 for Plus Members) + 1.5% Cashback @ TopCashBack


A nice little bonus from topcashback for eBay Plus weekend.

Offer: $10 bonus on $10 spend for eBay Plus members that can be stacked with coupon code PWE22, with an upsized cashback of 1.5% on all transactions.

Promotion duration: 10am - 11:59pm AEST Thursday 25/05

Activation required using this link before you make your purchase: https://www.topcashback.com.au/bonus/may-23-optin-ebay-10-bo…

Link will be live at 10am

Referral Links

Referral: random (4078)

Referrer gets $35, referee gets $10 (after $10 of earned cashback within 180 days of signing up).

Related Stores

TopCashback AU
TopCashback AU
eBay Australia
eBay Australia

closed Comments

  • +3

    Thanks OP!

  • +7

    Nice. SB/CR, take note

    • OP literally says in bold

      Link will be live at 10am

      • +3

        Cmon Pennies it's not only me that not a morning person .

      • There's always one

  • -3

    Another cheddar in the making…

    • +6

      Cheddar was a startup.
      Topcashback have already proven their presence in the US and UK

  • Thanks OP.

  • I’ve never used TopCash. I can’t find an app. Do you have to click through via the website? If so, and I do it via a mobile device which automatically launches the eBay app will it still work?

    • I checked they don't have one

    • +2

      Hi @Low Punt, yes you need to click through via the website to activate the deal and your cashback will track even if it launches the eBay app.

      • Hey champ would this cause an issue with the tracking.

        On the phone browser when you click through the TCB site it takes you to the eBay site but on there when you click on anything it takes you to the eBay app.


        • Same thing happened to me

  • No issues with a free trial eBay plus to do this?

    • Hi @knobbs if you have a free trial ebay plus membership prior to taking out this deal, it shouldnt affect your cashback.

  • +1

    Thinking what to buy

  • Targeted?

  • +1

    I don't think purchases with gift cards count? Anyone can confirm?

    • +1

      I think we can use gift cards to make purchase because it doesn’t say that in term and conditions . Can someone clarify?

      • +7

        Hey @thousandsuns and @FujiFruit, yep correct, you can use gift cards as a payment method for your purchase

        • +2

          How about the use of promo code other than PWE22? Will it still qualify for this $10, eventhough the cashback itself is 0?

          • +2

            @hanofee: Hi @hanofee, unfortunately all other codes will invalidate your cashback and bonus.

            • @TopCashback AU Rep: Does that include the monthly ebay plus $5 voucher?

              • @johnnytran: Hi @johnnytran, unfortunately yes, the only code that can be used with this bonus offer and cashback is PWE22

            • @TopCashback AU Rep: I ended up making order of 2 items just over $10 in 1 transactions with no code at all. Both item tracked separately, but there's no $10 bonus tracked. I did activate the offer before buying and kept screenshot of it. How should I raise the missing request though, as technically they're tracked and not missing?

              • @hanofee: Just an update: the $10 bonus finally tracked tonight.

  • I clicked the button right on 10am but the page didn't really update other than to make the Activate button disappear - so hopefully that was signal enough it activated for me.

    • after activation. You should see this message:

      You have successfully activated this promotion. Simply make your qualifying purchase before 25/05/2023 11:59:00 PM, and the bonus will be added to your account.

      • Closing and reopening the page showed me this - but by that point I had already made my order. So hopefully it still works - not the end of the world if it doesn't.

  • Is it only for ebay plus member? terms & condition doesn't specify that:

    During this promotion members of TopCashback are able to receive an additional $10 cashback when the below Terms and Conditions are met.

    Please do not worry if your bonus does not track straight away. eBay transactions may take longer to track, please allow up to 7 days before raising a support ticket.
    To be eligible for the $10 Cashback Bonus promotion, you must be a member of TopCashback.com.au and you must activate the offer by clicking through to the activation page and activate the promotion, prior to making an eligible transaction on eBay, activations will be reported back to TopCashback.
    You must make a purchase through TopCashback between 10:00 AEST and 23:59 AEST on 25th April, 2023 (LOOKS LIKE ITS A TYPO ERROR FOR DATE, IT SHOULD BE 25TH MAY 2023)
    You are eligible for a Cashback Bonus for a maximum of 1 individual purchase.
    You can earn a maximum of $10.
    Tell-A-Friend, Sign Up bonuses, Free Cashback merchants and Snap & Save transactions will not count as one of your purchases towards the Cashback Bonus.
    Your purchase amount should be $10 or more on eBay, this is the purchase amount reported back to TopCashback. eBay may not include delivery charges.
    Cashback Bonus will appear in your account as a new transaction, only when cashback for the initial purchase reaches the pending stage.
    Cashback Bonus will be payable when the initial purchase becomes payable.
    If you cancel your order, or the merchant deems the transaction as ineligible for cashback, the Cashback Bonus will be removed.
    Only one TopCashback.com.au account per person is allowed.
    Cashback Bonus may not automatically apply to purchases where a Missing Cashback Claim needs to be lodged to get your purchase to track correctly. If this is the case and your claim is successful you will need to raise a support ticket to be awarded the bonus.
    TopCashback will not be held responsible for any technical failure or otherwise which prevents participation in this promotion.
    Where there is a contradiction between the offer terms and conditions and TopCashback terms and conditions, the offer terms and conditions take precedence until the offer expires.

    • Hey @toyapple9, you dont have to be an eBay plus member to earn this bonus. Just if you want to stack it with the code, you have to be an eBay plus member.

  • +3

    Does using other codes invalidate this

    • +1

      Hey @Ladideeda, yeah unfortunately using other codes will invalidate you cashback and bonus.

      • What if the code is automatically applied (and can't untick)? Comes up as a separate line as a discount

        • Hi @Ladideeda, usually coupon codes added aren't eligible for the bonus or cashback, however in this scenario we are happy to honour it, so if you don't see the cashback tracked, please put in a claim. Could you please screenshot the page and send it to us [email protected] so we have a record of this?

  • +2

    Did anyone receive confirmation of their purchases tracking?

    • +2

      I didn’t

    • +1

      nope. probably took a while.

      • +2

        Hey @nik18697 @FujiFruit @NonSense
        Don't worry, it can take up to 7 days for a transaction to track :)

        • +3

          No worries by then you'll forget.

  • Can I use Zip for payment?

    • +1

      Hey @kaimyu, yeah you should still be eligible for cashback and the bonus

  • what categories are eligible for cashback ? I can't find a list

    • Hey @BigTime11, most categories are eligible for cashback, but it isnt ineligible for charity and non-profit items, travel and eBay Plus membership purchases.

  • plus ran out literally days ago :')

    • +2

      Same. But this shouldn't be limited to just plus members. It's just that plus code can be stacked.

      • fingers crossed!

        • +1

          Hey @nGu, just confirming @CVonC comment - you will still be eligible for the bonus even if you arent a plus member :)

  • Nice to see they added a referee bonus, might be time to sign up!

    Edit: Nope. I read it wrong, it's after the referee earns $10 and not $10 for the referee.

    • And its $30 for the referee

      • *referrer

  • I have joined by clicking on the referee code. Hope you do get $30.Thanks

    • Cheers . I know referrals are random but it shows someone used my referral same timestamp of your comment

  • Misprint in their T&C :

    You must make a purchase through TopCashback between 10:00 AEST and 23:59 AEST on 25th April, 2023

    • @kickling oops! Good spot! :)

  • +1

    Whoever used my referral 20/5, kindly make a purchase :o

  • Can I make mutiple purchases?

    • If you could I'd sign up .

      • Just 1 purchase.

        • No within the $10 you can do multiple purchases .
          I'm referring to multiple voucher usage .

  • Thinking of joining as well. I understand referrer gets $30 and referee gets $10. Is there any minimum purchase that referee needs to do?

    • I dont think referee gets anything.

      Referrer receives $30 after referee earns $10 of cashback.

      • Oh yes. I didn't read that well. that's the bummer. Well will await better deal for referee…

        • +1

          yeah, their referral def needs improving!

  • just used someones referral code 🤞🏾 made purchase hopefully it goes through 😬 feels wierd thats there's no app 😅

  • +2

    First time topcashback user, did a purchase earlier today. How long does it normally takes for tracking confirmation for ebay purchases? Can’t really find the info on the website.

    • Hi @BootlegSuperman, welcome to TopCashback! It can take up to 7 days for the transaction to track. Let us know if you have further questions.

  • Can it stack with Afterpay code($10 off $30 spend?)

    • Hi @Indomie5, sorry no - this $10 bonus offer and cashback can only be stacked with the eBay plus code: PWE22

  • Can my wife also claim a $10 bonus cashback offer from the same eBay Plus account which I am using?

    • Hi @nnaa8287, yes that should be fine just as long as you're using two separate TopCashback accounts to activate the offer

      • tested two separate TopCashback accounts bought from same eBay Plus account, 2nd purchase still not tracked yet.

        • Hi @test8888, it can take up to 7 days for a transaction to track but if doesn't appear in 7 days, please submit a claim and we will definitely look into this for you

  • When buying item got a pop up code for $5 off so can I use this coupon code and still get cashback ?

    • Hi @JakDac, no unfortunately only the code: PWE22 is eligible for this bonus offer and cashback

  • Can you see your click history on topcashback page to see click has been recorded?

    • You can see your last click from all merchants but that's it.

      Go to 'Earnings' > 'Clicks to Merchants'.

  • +1

    On the phone browser when you click through the TCB site it takes you to the eBay site but on there when you click on anything it takes you to the eBay app. I wonder if that will screw up the tracking.

  • All our transactions tracked at 5am today (purchase time was 7 hrs prior at 10pm)

  • +1

    Hot dam, already tracked. That seems way faster than SB/CB from my experience

  • Hi first time user of topcashback does anyone know how long bonus $10 will show up? The normal Ebay cashback has picked up.

    • Hi @froddo, all bonuses should show up in your account now - please reach out if it hasn't yet!

  • My order is tracked, but no $10 is pending in my account. Is it normal ?

    • Hi @yht, all bonuses should show up in your account now - please reach out if it hasn't yet!

      • My bonus is not showing in my account.

        • Hi @dubcmj, could you please DM us with your email address and we'll look into this for you

  • Still no tracking here.

    From the t&cs: 'Cashback Bonus will appear in your account as a new transaction, only when cashback for the initial purchase reaches the pending stage.', perhaps there will be a small delay before it appears.

  • Pizza hut tracked really fast but this one did not track all, very disappointing

    • Hi @Jollystacker, tracking can take up to 7 days however if you still don't see this in your account, please submit a claim and we will investigate for you

      • Hello it has tracked now, I assume bonus come later tho?

        • Hi @Jollystacker, please can you drop us a DM with the email address you signed up with so that we can take a look for you?

  • Mine has tracked but no bonus yet (2 items in one transaction)

  • Still no tracking for me, I'm starting to wonder if it isn't going to come through.

    @TopCashback AU Rep If I raise a case in 7 days if I don't get tracking, will you honour the bonus regardless or will we be depending on eBay to respond? The reason I ask is that the seller still hasn't posted and I still have the chance to cancel my order.

    • Hey @Hiphopopotamus, if you raise a claim after 7 days, and eBay approve your transaction, we'll honour your bonus :)

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