What Is Your New Energy Plan Rate ?

Just saw my new AGL rates and not sure what to do next.

Peak - 61 c/kWh (6am to 10am and 3pm to 1am)
Solar - 5 c/kWh feed in
Supply - 107 c/day
Loco - SA

This is a 57% increase from my plan in June.

What’s your plan ? Planning on calling AGL soon to try to get a better deal.

Update 1: Called up LUMO directly, got 39 c/kWh - which is much better than AGL, and supply charge went down too, to 92 cents.


  • +6

    Before and after rates for Sydney CBD: https://files.ozbargain.com.au/upload/255280/105009/rates.pn…

    Supply charge is over 60% of my total bill…

    • Try and look at a supplier with higher kw rates with lower daily supply.

  • +17

    I wouldn't bother trying to negotiate with AGL. Just use this government-provided comparison service to find a better deal: https://www.energymadeeasy.gov.au/

    • -2

      All the deals are mostly limited time offer and nothing actual tangible beyond the first month.

      • +7

        Go and find your electricity meter number (NMI. It should be on your bill). Then enter it into the website above, and switch to the cheapest plan they give you, as long as the cost is less than your current estimated price. If it's a short term deal, add a calendar reminder for when it expires and repeat. It seriously takes less than about 10 minutes if you put that level of effort in. I just did it the other day because my price was going up about 50% (!!!) like you. I'm in SA as well.

        • no point doing it now though. AGL prices rise in August. I compared yesterday and on the comparison site AGL still had their old rates and looked competitive.

          I'll wait until August once price rises are in and then switch.

          current pricing
          24.288 c/kwh
          98.483 c/day

          new prices
          31.493 c/kwh
          111.903 c/day

      • +1

        I signed up with GloBird and the rate and discount is locked for the rest of 2023

        • +1

          Because they already went up at the start of the month.

          • +1

            @MakkhiChoos: Yes and the other 6 providers I checked suggested they could go up again at any time (ie variable rate).

            The rate I got is much more competitive than the new reference rate.

    • They are giving the most crazy prices and are significantly higher when than I go to websites direct, any advice?

      • Electricity prices can be very different for different locations. Are you putting in the same details (e.g. postcode) to the comparison site as you're putting in the websites direct?

  • +3

    No point in calling agl, they will not give you a better rate.

  • Agl in sydney ..
    13.83 cents per Kw all day.
    108.54 daily service charge
    7 cents Fit

    • 13.83 cents per Kw all day.

      the difference in usage charges even across Ausgrid areas is sizeable.
      thats almost a third what single rate AGL shows for my area is (and im on TOU with solar, so no single rate anyway)

      • i was put on this tariff automatically about February i think it was, i was on a time of use plan before that, and looks to me i might have this for next 12 months,

        • You must have a demand eater though? I was on 16c until July 1 but also had demand which adds a bit back on if not careful

          • @SgtBatten: I have solar as well my pool pumps only run when the shine shines.

  • Lumo in Vic 15.23¢
    106.7¢ daily charge

    • That's a very low rate for Vic currently. Is your rate locked somehow?

      • Just checked my joining confirmation email. I joined on 7 Jan 2022 so not sure how long it's locked for.

        • I had a locked in rate for Lumo expiring August at 18c, looks like its going to nearly double to 31c

    • +2

      I'm with lumo too, just got an email that says from Sep 1st I'm going from 18.4c/KWh to 32.9c/KWh and from $1.06 service charge to $1.30 per day.

      • +13

        Dang. I think I'll block their email address so I don't get that one.

        • +3

          Yeah because that’s how it works 😆

      • Same with lumo and got similar new rates

      • Same, I've moved to Tango for 20c

  • +2

    SUMO Brisbane
    Peak Usage 22.88¢
    Daily Supply 106.70
    Controlled Load 19.25¢
    FIT .55

    • how long do u think sumo will stay that price? as that seems to be old pricing?

      • Only till november

    • +1

      Wow 55c for fit is bonkers. Are you exporting from like massive solar grid or sth?

      • I read it as 0.55 c as the other prices were on cents. Now I'm really not sure what OP meant.

      • Its hard to find an energy provider that will provide a FIT for a large system (talking >100kW)

        more likely an off market plan from the early days, or the way the energy industry runs in this country maybe even .55c and not $.

      • +1

        My FIT is 49c but my system was installed years ago and at the time the government I believe legislated for it to be locked in for 25 or 30 years or so. Systems at the time were a lot more expensive (we only have 3kw)

        The question is if we do churn to another provider (currently with Origin), is that 49 cents going to change or it doesn’t.

        • -1

          Churning doesn't change the FIT, upgrading the system will void it

          • @nocure: Good to know. So is your FIT 55 cents or 0.55 cents?

    • +1

      Can confirm this, but nit sure about the high FIT, does seem super high. Mine is 6c… :(

  • +7

    As I’ve been telling everyone, find suppliers who give you sign on bonuses in the first month or 2.
    Then churn to another provider who has a sign on bonus.
    Takes all of 10 minutes to do. And you end up not paying for 2-3 months over a years period.

  • +6

    That's not a rate increase, this is a rate increase:

    Your current rates
    Ausgrid Distributor Zone Price (inc.GST) & Units
    Supply Charge 176.10 cents/Day
    General Usage 33.14 cents/kWh

    Your new rates as of 01 July 2023
    Ausgrid Distributor Zone Price (inc.GST) & Units
    Supply Charge 220.12 cents/Day
    General Usage 41.43 cents/kWh

    That was with Dodo (Sydney) - churned to GloBird via energymadeeasy yesterday.

    • +1

      My power rates were going to go up 50% (!!!). Not as high as OPs, but no way was I going to hang around and wait for that to happen 😠

    • Even the old rates are horrible, especially the supply charge.

    • That seems to be only a 25% increase. OP says his increased by 57%.

    • It’s just an endless cycle, we switched to GloBird at the start of the year at 27c/kWh and they jacked it up this July to 40.5c/kWh. Just churned (back) to Ovo now, let’s see how long it lasts…

  • +2

    North qld'ers have a choice between:
    ergon and ergon energy
    pay for charity begs,
    wait 4h on the phone to report an emergency
    pay huge surcharges if you are married and that insults the chook so you are an infidel by default!
    Connection requires the key to them for a full week while your property gets vandalized.
    All in the name of job creation!

    • +1

      Yes, the neighbours in Townsville had squatters move in. Their delay was closer to 3 months, blaming documentation.

  • Just re-signed with tango in VIC at 60c/day and 21.5c/kWh

    • Tango are about to be charging me more than double that daily fee!
      And a higher kWh rate

      • Really depends on postcode for daily fee but double is outrageous. Have you compared with other retailers?

      • About to be 126.5 / 30.5

        I'm definitely going to be changing retailers.

      • Just got letter from them.
        Another crazy increase

    • Going to increase in VIC to 119 C/day and 36 on August

      • Mine’s locked till May 2024. 36c is insane!

    • I did the exact same thing when I got a price rise notice from Globird.

  • Dw government said prices are going down down, this is all fake news

  • +6

    Disgraceful these rises.

  • +2

    New energy rates? Still on rates from March 2022, despite the one year fixed period coming to an end long ago. Rates remain way more competitive than anything else on the market.

    Some of the rates in here are truly stuff of nightmares. Surely there are better offers than this currently? $2/day for supply charge is robbery!

  • When comparing rates, postcode and distributor is required. Yes some postcodes have 2 different distributors servicing different areas!!! So different prices.
    I’ve learnt my lesson about posting affiliate links, but happy to put rates here for your area so you can negotiate. Not sure if I can do a lot for SA but happy to check.

  • Looks like Lumo is much cheaper in your area. Btw if you change providers do you have to pay the disconnection fee and the new connection fee?

    • +2

      Btw if you change providers do you have to pay the disconnection fee and the new connection fee?


  • AGL is shit - they gave me $500+ for one month for two people. Switching to new plan using the energy compare site!

  • +20

    Laughs in Wa's non-privatised market.

    Liberals: Privatisation encourages competition and lower prices.
    East Coast: Um what?

    • Waiting for VIC's SEC to come back to life. Hopefully their pricing won't be a ripoff.

      • +3

        It's NEVER going to happen, it was just a marketing campaign based on nostalgia and empty promises.

    • +6

      Privatisation encourages competition and lower prices.

      This is an argument that I've never understood, and doesn't seem mathematically realistic.

      Public utilities: $x cost
      Private utilities: $y cost + $z profit

      The only way $y + $z <= $x is if $y goes down (because we all know that $z is >0). So to do that, they have to reduce some costs. That means cutting salaries and/or customer service and/or capex or something similar. All of these are band-aid solutions to show that "we're doing it cheaper like you wanted" until people forget, and then once they have screwed those costs down as low as they can, they limp along gold plated turds, while $z goes "to the moon" as the crypto bros like to say.

      • +3

        I recently finished Truth to Power: My Three Years Inside Eskom by Andre de Ruyter

        In this case they would actually benefit from private market involvement.
        Conditions: useless corrupt government, rampant sabotage of electricity grid, severe inequality.
        I am taking notes for hwhen we will need to tread the same path in 30 or so years.

        • +1

          Thanks, will have to check it out

        • really depends what you mean by privatisation. All the promises made by advocates of competition policy - lower prices, lower emissions, new business models - just never eventuated. It's pretty obvious that the privatisation we endured in Australia was just a way for international finance to get new revenue streams from public assets. They basically strip-mined the coal fired power stations, even EDF selling off the Hazelwood fire management equipment didn't lead to any repercussions despite the huge health toll of the fire that burned in the pit for weeks.

          South Africa's colonial history is quite specific, and I'd be reading that book through that lens….

    • +2

      Privatization, one of the worst ideas humanity has ever given birth to. At the very least, all infrastructure and essential services should be owned and operated by the state (this includes medical care barring cosmetic procedures). Privatization means pay more for less.

      All the politicians ever say is, "Shop around for a better deal". The free market shall provide. ALP, how about doing something useful and fixing prices to prevent corporations and rich people from ripping off the poor?

  • +1

    With AGL too.
    Gave them a buzz to haggle out a deal for a loyal customer. No dice.
    So I compared other retailers this morning and have signed up to Red Energy. Using my last bill as a guide, AGL would've been $38 more expensive for the same consumption. Red came to $4 more expensive.

    • Which Red Energy plan did you go with?

  • Origin (SA)

    Shoulder - 25.83
    Peak - 52.48
    Off Peak - 31.39
    Daily Supply - 102.9 c/day

    Solar FIT - 6 cents

  • +1

    34.98c/kWh all day usage
    5c/kWh feed-in
    91.487c/day supply
    on AGL, inner west Sydney (Ausgrid)

  • If electricity is worth 60 cents, why is solar feed in only worth 5 cents?

    • +2

      Wholesale electricity prices have gone up recently and are forecast to go up further. This increase is due to high wholesale prices in the evening when electricity demand is high. This has led to much higher average wholesale and retail prices.

      During the day, when most solar exports happen, wholesale electricity prices have fallen over recent years. As more people set up solar panels, they need less electricity from the grid (lowering demand). It also increases the supply of electricity during the day.

      Low demand and high supply are leading to low daytime wholesale electricity prices.


    • +2

      It's not worth 60c at the time of peak solar generation, so at least compare similar time periods. during peak solar feed in times, base energy costs are pretty much worthless. You're often being paid more for fit than the nem values other sources at those times.

      Solar feed in isn't guaranteed, reliable, or consistent in its availability, so therefore is valued less
      (But the entire idea is to self utilise solar, gone are the days where feed in was of any immense value, and should be there to assist ROI but not be the basis of any ROI)

      • It's not worth 60c at the time of peak solar generation

        It is worth money, you just need the right tools. Most of these retailers / generators would make a lot more money if they invested small money into battery type storage instead of complaining about low prices because they want to keep generating.

        The Hornsdale Power Reserve, also known as the Tesla battery in South Australia, has made an estimated $150 million in revenue since it was commissioned in 2017. The battery is owned and operated by Neoen, a French renewable energy company.

        The battery has been used to provide grid stability and to help manage peak demand, which has resulted in significant financial benefits for Neoen. In 2020, the battery generated $50 million in revenue, and it is expected to generate even more revenue in the coming years.

        • Yet SA has one of the highest energy prices. What good is that revenue

          • @MakkhiChoos: Good for the owners of the battery

            The little person is always screwed.

            Energy prices is set at the highest rate at the 30min interval. If it is $300MW it doesn’t matter if it cost $30 from solar or $200 from coal. Every producer get $300 a MW.

  • +1

    Reckon rates will go down in the next 5 years or is this going to be a new normal?

    • +5

      Lol, electricity rates go down? Tell 'im he's dreaming!

      But seriously, I don't expect rates to go down. At best, they will stagnate for a while.

      • +1

        everyone was saying 10 years ago that rates will go up only.
        They went down 1-2 times. I'm with AGL but now planning to switch

        • everyone was saying 10 years ago that rates will go up only.

          Depends how you're looking at it. If on an annual (or even shorter) timeframe, yeah they might have gone down a few times. It's not much good though if they go down 3% (or 0.7% lol) in one or two years, and then up 50% another year…

          • +1

            @moar bargains: I've just searched in my emails and found that I moved to AGL in 2016 (presumably because they had better rates) and rates were:
            General - 27 incl
            Controlled - 21.9 incl
            Supply /day - 98.53 incl

            June 2023 was (incl)
            General - 21.9
            Controlled - 16.98
            Supply /day - 105.5

            July 2023 (incl)
            General - 30.5
            Controlled - 22.85
            Supply - 126.68

            So, actually, not that bad comparing to 2016… The only significant increase is for Supply charge
            Also, there is 16.7% inflation 2016-2022 https://www.rba.gov.au/calculator/annualDecimal.html

            Even older 2014 Origin (incl)
            General - 25.38
            Controlled - 18.45
            Supply - 83

    • +2

      Not the way it currently stands.

      The grid size Tesla battery made like $50m in energy arbitrage. But it seems like a lot of retailers / generators are just going to complain about how skinny the margins are.

      Prices might go up until residential batteries will get a 5 year feedback then the generators and retailers are screwed again.

    • The more renewables they shove into the system, the more expensive it gets for everyone and the less reliable the system becomes.

      It's expected wholesale energy prices will rise 25% a year for consumers at an absolute minimum, with no end or reduction coming at all.

      The only way it stops is if we get more reliable gas and coal back up and running again, like the rest of the world.

  • AGL Sydney.
    Bright Plan (a legacy from when they took over my previous retailer).

    Prices include GST

    Peak 47.630000

    Shoulder 32.659000

    Off peak 30.910000

    Solar Feed-in tariff 11.00000

    Supply charge 90.057000

  • -1

    Personally I don't live in s******* eastern state that reckon its a great idea to privatise everything.
    No solar
    Supply charge 123.0000 cents per day
    Everyday Super Off Peak electricity charge 8.2000 cents per unit
    Peak electricity charge 51.2500 cents per unit
    Everyday Off-peak electricity charge 22.5500 cents per unit
    Synergy Midday Saver

    • +1

      I do live in a s***** eastern state and my rates are better than that

  • +1

    Lumo (VIC)
    18.425c/kWh Usage
    106.7c/day Supply
    6.7c/kWh FIT

  • Dodo (VIC)

    Supply Charge 53.74 cents/Day
    General Usage 25.98 cents/kWh

    Supply Charge 69.86 cents/Day
    General Usage 33.77 cents/kWh

  • Omg lol thats crazy. Wasnt SA bragging about getting tesla batteries a few years back? Lol

    • The Tesla battery doesn't make electricity cheaper, it just makes a massive profit for owners.

      The Hornsdale Power Reserve, also known as the Tesla battery in South Australia, has made an estimated $150 million in revenue since it was commissioned in 2017. The battery is owned and operated by Neoen, a French renewable energy company.

      The battery has been used to provide grid stability and to help manage peak demand, which has resulted in significant financial benefits for Neoen. In 2020, the battery generated $50 million in revenue, and it is expected to generate even more revenue in the coming years.

    • +1

      The Tesla battery field was put in solely to stop blackout issues during the day time in peak hot weather periods.

      It's not a technology of any use outside of that to SA consumers though, as it provides no energy to the grid at night when all the demand for power occurs.

      • It could store excess solar energy from residential couldn't it? Thus making the grid more efficient.

        • Yup. Just bigger enloops.

          You could make a residential battery with enloops long as you can get it certified to be connected.

          Problem is actually with the power generators who want to maximise their return on assets and not write them down due to new technology

          Retailers want to be asset lite (until they get caught out getting unhedged)

          Power distribution networks who want to charge arm and a leg to get new capacity onto the grid

          Literally the industry basically killing itself. Rising costs means demand goes down. They need to sell more KWH to make money.

        • Nope, functional/affordable tech for that doesn't exist.

      • -1

        I don’t think you know how the grid works.

        There is a link between SA and VIC but not big enough for VIC to power SA. Batteries also work at night long as your enloops are charged during the day.

        You also can’t tell the difference between electrons from coal or solar in the grid

        I worked for an electricity generator and retailer and got batteries and VPP explained as I was working with the tech team

      • +2

        True that the Tesla batteries dont provide power outside of SA, but its incorrect to say that the technology is of no use outside of SA consumers.

        Full article below, but in essence a battery can stop frequency slumps and brownouts in other states:
        - Loy Yang Power Station in Victoria tripped and caused a slump in frequency on the energy network
        - Frequency Control and Ancillary Services (FCAS) for Loy Yang is contracted to the Gladstone coal generator in Qld
        - FCAS for Gladstone is paid to respond within 6 seconds
        - Hornsdale's battery in yet another state (SA) responded in milliseconds


  • +1

    Origin in Vic

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