• expired

Complimentary Main Meal for Women and Girls - 5-9pm Wednesday 16/8 @ Rashays


Free complimentary meal for all women and girls

Go Matilda's!


  • 1 Complimentary main meal per Matilda.
  • Membership discounts may apply on remaining parties meals.
  • Only applies 5pm-9pm Wednesday 16th August 2023.

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closed Comments

      • You might want to look at the discrimination that women deal with throughout their lives. This is one deal for one day. You can’t give up your privilege for one day when it is related to our female soccer players do well on the world stage? You want to talk about Karens.

        • +11

          Mate, look at the stats for the young generations - girls are killing the boys when it comes to education and career progression. Even ABC is now starting to post articles about lost generations of men.

          As always, it has long tipped the other way but the momentum is taking us weird places.

          • +3

            @Loki556: Few understand this.

            • +1

              @pharcyde: That's not true pharc, this reality now dawns on most men (particularly white straight men) by about the age of 25; when it becomes blatantly obvious to them that they are openly and legally actively discriminated against when it comes to career establishment, and career advancement.

    • +8

      Lol. MalePrivilege™ comedy gold

      • +2

        I wish it was comedy rather than tragedy.

        • +4

          Too real. Username doesn’t check out.

        • +4

          I wish it was tragedy rather than fallacy.

          • @geekboy: It isn’t a fallacy have a look at the statistics on pay, perpetrators of violence, deaths due to DV, house work, child care duties, looking after aged relatives, etc. Look at superannuation amounts.

            • +2

              @try2bhelpful: t2bh, why bother repeatedly trotting out that tired little list, when there is a much longer list that makes it clear as day which gender is the most privileged in Australian society, on the whole?

              • @GnarlyKnuckles: You're right Gnarly. Who cares about those old issues of being more likely to be victims of physical & sexual violence, etc, having a lower amount of high positions in all levels of work, being the ones most likely in unpaid work, and thus not having monetary backup, when it's 2023 and men are missing out on a meal. Most privileged gender for getting a free pizza lol.

                Why is it a competition to you? You know multiple issues can be tackled at once.

                • +3

                  @Gehirn: Yo Gehirn, re:

                  '… being more likely to be victims of physical … violence'

                  You have that completely backwards. It is men who are overwhelmingly more likely to be victims of physical violence, not women.

                  • @GnarlyKnuckles: Completely backwards and overwhelmingly lol. Yes you can cherry pick specific forms of physical violence where men are slightly more likely to be victims (not overwhelmingly).

                    However overwhelmingly women are the victims of violence as shown by abs, aihw, gov, etc statistics.

                    Continue sidestepping the main argument and picking your own small wins though.

                    • +3

                      @Gehirn: please point to those sites stats directly, or admit that your statement is based on cherry picking domestic violence.

                      • @quog: It seems like you're trying to say it doesnt matter if women are more likely to be victims of violence because that includes domestic violence numbers.

                    • @Gehirn: The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) reports that in the 2021-2022 financial year 2.1% of all Australian men experienced physical assault, compared to 1.7% of all Australian women. Ergo, you are 20% more likely to be physically assaulted in Australia if you are a man.


                      Then there's murder, attempted murder, and manslaughter. The ABS reports that in 2022 men comprised 69% of the victims of these crimes, compared to just 31% for women. I'd say that's a pretty overwhelming difference.

                      • @GnarlyKnuckles: Cool but as stated you choose these areas where men are more likely to be victims, however as a whole it is women that are victims of violence.

                        What do you think though that the stats show men are overwhelmingly committing those crimes and more likely to report being victims though?

                        • @Gehirn: Sigh. re this:

                          'What do you think though that the stats show men are overwhelmingly committing those crimes and more likely to report being victims though?'

                          As you asked, what I think is that you pointing this out represents the 'knee jerk' morally and logically unjustifiable attitude of many unwittingly brainwashed pinkos beautifully, which seems to be that if a man assaults another man it somehow doesn't count because they're both men. That is, somehow an assault worthy of being cited as a statistic has only truly occurred if a man assaults a woman.

                          When stated in plain language this contention is of course ludicrous in the extreme, but nonetheless this general unspoken attitude persists among misandrists, 'hard core' feminists (who have generally lost sight of all sorts of realities), and peeps of numerous other persuasions. It is most odd.

                          Dig a little deeper (actually ask said femo/etc.) what's behind the illogical double standard, and you will most likely be told something akin to:

                          'If men want to beat each other up that's their problem' (ergo, not perceived as a serious issue). It does not seem to occur to proponents of such attitudes that most often the guy who's assaulted by another guy did not willingly sign up for a 'fight' or the like; he was simply assaulted without just cause; often for no reason whatsoever, or during a road-rage incident, or while attempting to defend his family.

                          • @GnarlyKnuckles: What rubbish that you have convinced yourself that people don't care about male to male violence, and these hypothetical situations to discount it is a common view held by others. And then to try and pin that as I belief I hold.

                            I really doubt you have ever come across anyone with such views, and that it's just more internet fiction to bait in people like you looking to blame someone holding them back.

                            • @Gehirn: Hmmm, now you're painting yourself into a bit of a corner G-herns. Let's not forget that it was you who asked me 'what I thought' of the fact that usually when a guy gets assaulted, it's at the hands of another guy.

                              Given your most recent comment, why did you ask me that question? What do you perceive to be the relevance of that fact?

                              • @GnarlyKnuckles: Idk must be whatever reason you've already concocted. Surely because it's not that I'm also concerned about that.

            • +1

              @try2bhelpful: look at suicide, back injuries, toxicity exposure, dealing with bitchy lying manipulative women.

    • +2

      Oh yeah… I wonder how many conscripts died… and how many conscripts were women?

      • -2

        In an exclusive club for men how many members are female? If the black sections of a Collingwood FC guernsey were dyed white, what colour would the guernsey be? While you're contemplating those astonishingly difficult questions you might also like to cogitate on who made conscription laws.

  • +10

    So during World Cup do you offer the same to men? Lol

  • +16

    Imagine if we did this with Socceroo's in mens

  • +4

    No biggie but shite marketing in my view given how many blokes have been supporting the Matildas. Yet another reason to eat better than Rashays… not that any was needed IMO.

  • +3

    for Every Female Customer

    I'm about to put Rashays out of business as there doesn't appear to be any limit 'Per Party' so I'll be bringing my my 7 wives, various 'Female' cousins, aunties, sisters (and all of their 'Female' relatives) etc…. I'm guaranteed to get a few of those meals so it's a win win.

  • +2

    So many men "hurt" by something that has zero impact on them. Freaking amazing.

    • +13

      Men? Assuming gender will get you nowhere

    • +6

      has zero impact on them.

      cost of a meal.

    • "Men"? That's the one debatable word in your comment. It's hilarious, although predictable if you've ever wasted your time wading through the swamp of forum "discussions". We haven't plumbed the depths of USA prejudice and inanity yet but you wouldn't know it if you thought Ozbargain comments were representative.

  • +9

    They should have just done every customer wearing Matilda merchandise.

  • -2

    A lot of fragile men in the comments

    • +11

      Open with a generic insult


      • -1

        Deal has more positive votes than negative.


        • -1

          64 to 52 is not something to be proud of.

          • @ajr5k: True, it isn't a good look for you. Don't be upset, maybe you'll do better next time.

            • -1

              @Gehirn: That comment makes so little sense that I nearly want to invoice you for the four seconds I spent reading it in an attempt to have those four seconds returned to me and the response expunged from my memory.

    • +1


      Decry discrimination against men, and you're a 'fragile man'.

      Decry discrimination against women, and you're a hero.

      Is that about it, eco-deck?

  • +15

    Discriminatory offer, not worthy of a OzB post

  • Ask British women if they support Matilda.

    • +1

      Great musical. No cap.

  • +14

    But offer free meals for men only during the men's world cup and you'd probably be cancelled and sued for discrimination.

    F*** these guys.

  • -2

    Ozladies meetup.

  • +9

    Commenting to neg the “deal”.

  • +4

    Comments in the link on insta suggest this is illegal and references made to law. Seems legit.

    Just proves to show you can run a multi million dollar business and be a complete dope. There's hope for you all.

  • I don't even care about the deal, I just love reading the expected discourse of our clown world.

  • +7

    Come on Admin. This is blatant discrimination.

  • +7

    Targeted Offer?

  • +9

    A good litmus test is if the genders were reverse would it be an issue. Ie for a men’s Football World Cup only boys and men get a free meal…

    It may be well intentioned but it is discriminatory.

  • +3

    If I identify as a they them and as a woman, can I get multiple free meals?

  • +12

    Judging by the reactions to these kinds of stunts, we are slowly waking up to discrimination dressed up as equality.

    But wait, what if discrimination identifies as equality, does that count?

    Or maybe something can only be defined by a set of tangible, measurable attributes? What a novel idea!

  • +5

    What the hell is this

  • +4

    Oh and their food is pretty average.

  • Why is everyone bitching… can't you just 'identify' as one nowadays! 🤦‍♂️

  • +7

    This is discrimination dressed up as equality. Ridiculous!

  • +1
  • Oh!!! Who else can celebrate with Matildas? Probably declare a public holiday only to those who can celebrate.. This has dampen the mood for sure!!!

  • +1

    Okay. So we're upset about the whole gender thing… but the Matilda's have been bloody brilliant! Even without Sam Kerr. I've fallen in love with Ellie Carpenter and Mary Fowler. Great players, great sportsmanship.

    France were the better team. And we got through with a little bit of luck. I'm a little worried about England, but I think we have a chance. If we do get to the finals though… Have you seen Spain tonight? They're like France without the drama.

    My neighbours are going to hate me tomorrow. I'm not a sports fan, and I barely watch football, but these girls have me glued to the screen.

    I'm so happy I don't have to wake up at 2:00 am to watch games this time around.

    • Absolutely. Brilliant players and amazing athletes. Great role models and they seem to be genuinely nice people. I can’t see any of them trying to do a “bubbler”.

  • +4

    discriminatory deal.

  • This is illegal.
    Plus they are known Anti Vaxxers

  • +1

    Boo. I guess men should stick to men’s sport as well then rather than supporting the growth of Women’s sports. Profitable mens leagues should also keep their revenue rather than funding women’s leagues.

    This Clown and his below average social media posts is out of control.

  • +2

    This is discrimination, but luckily the food there is terrible, so I guess men aren't missing out on much at all.

    • -1

      You do realise this is the very definition of the fable on sour grapes.

  • -7

    Seriously you guys really are a bunch of Karens. All you need is a Bunnings store to have a good whinge at. Such an extreme reaction for one day, for a place you’ve probably never been to in the first place and have no intention of going to. Do you guys have any sense of proportion at all? I find myself just stunned at this reaction, but I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised. It is indicative of what I’ve seen previously. Me, I don’t intend to partake of the offer because I’m not really interested in going there. If they said “male only” because they were honouring the “male shed” organisation or for male mental health I would go OK.

    Maybe I just move in different circles but none of my male friends would give a toss about this. They might make a joke but they wouldn’t get this extreme. It makes me grateful for the people I know. I would love to be a fly on the wall whilst you guys explain this to the women in your lives. It would be entertaining to watch. “One store is giving females precedence for one day, can you believe it? The world is ending and I’m going to have a tantrum over here”

    • +13

      This type of attitude is what contributes to such a disproportionately high suicide rate for men.

      Please, be the change you want to see. Be better.

      • -1

        What is contributing to the high suicide rate of men is the strait jacket other men put them in. Don’t try to pull the guilt card on me. Look at the hysteria that this is creating. Do you think this speaks to great mental health in men? They are showing a total lack of resilience that they are missing out on one store, for one day. OMG the sky is falling because they can’t get a free meal that they, probably, don’t want in the first place. That for one day, at one store, they are being told no and this appears to be terrifying to them.

        Then you are saying this sort of thing is causing suicides? Honestly mate get a grip. This is absolute Karen behaviour. A total sense of self entitlement and nobody else matters. If I can’t have it then nobody should. It is not a woman’s job to accept less to stop men committing suicide. It is up to men to work on their own resilience and understand they will hear “no” sometimes. What you guys really need to understand is what responsible adult means. That you don’t try to emotionally blackmail people because you don’t want to take responsibility for your behaviour. That, just sometimes, you give a little for others.

        • +8

          Nobody thinks the sky is falling in, we just think it's hilarious because we know the reaction if ever the same thing was offered to just men. Hypocrisy at it's best lol

          • -3

            @Clarky77: Really? Because the enormous amount of negatives would indicate this is a lot more personal than just the hilarity of thinking what would happen if this was the reverse. Read the response of the person above. Trying to guilt trip me by linking this to male suicide was a poor attempt at manipulation.

            The difference is if this was linked to something like the Men’s Shed or male mental health I wouldn’t give a shit. In fact I would encourage it. I think things that get men in groups talking about their mental health is a good thing. Women getting special treatment to celebrate female sporting excellence, given how poorly women’s sport is normally serviced, is something to be encouraged as well. I just don’t see that this deal is the so exceptional it generates this outrage.

            Sorry mate. Good try but no cigar. I don’t go Apeshit if there are special deals for Father’s Day even though I’m excluded. I don’t say things like I identify as a male parent so I should get special treatment as well. I don’t think that every deal for a male jacket means the company should also have a dress aimed at women.

            Frankly scratch the surface and the misogyny comes out. You couldn’t even allow the females this one privilege for several hours at one restaurant. This is pretty immature.

            • +14

              @try2bhelpful: You really are butthurt over people calling this deal out and your comparisons are ridiculous. Unfortunately I've run out of neg votes to give all your comments.

              • -3

                @combatant: You are entitled to your opinion, even if they are wrong. My comparisons are valid when compared to the negs this deal has received and the over the top comments. Not at all surprised you are negging my comments. Frankly it doesn’t bother me at all that you are.

                • +4

                  @try2bhelpful: Oh, so my opinions are wrong are they? Going by your comments and comparisons, I think you're in dire need of some self evaluation on that front.

                • +4

                  @try2bhelpful: Your whole argument basically revolves around the premise of "harden up".These harmful social stigmas (often held by misandrists) result in disproportionate mental health afflictions for men which then leads to depression, suicides etc.

                  Karen - be a better person. If not for yourself, do it for the men in your life.

            • +5

              @try2bhelpful: Dont the Matilda's represent Australia though? or only the girls?

        • +2

          t2bh, re:

          'Then you are saying this sort of thing is causing suicides?'

          No, he is saying that attitudes like yours contribute to the male suicide rate. He is right. You clearly state that in your opinion 'men' (in general, apparently) are responsible for male suicide. This is the same overly simplistic type of warped reasoning that some use to explain away the fact that the overwhelming number of victims of violence and murder are men—i.e. that because the perpetrators also happen to usually be men, somehow this 'doesn't count' as a gendered victim statistic, and should be ignored when weighing up whether one gender has a markedly more perilous lot in life than the other. I urge you to try winding things back to first principles, in your mind. Try putting all the 'women have been downtrodden throughout the ages' mantras that you have been brainwashed with over the decades aside, if you possibly can, and have a look at society how it actually is now. I hope you remain capable of doing this, but I fear that you are 'too far gone', have lost any capacity for objectivity, and are now virtually perceiving things on 'auto-pilot' and reacting similarly.

      • -2

        Disgusting that you'd make such a leap from try2bhelpfuls's comment here that there is an overreaction to this promotion, to that it is them same emotional expression issues contributing to men's suicide rates.

        • +1

          No - disgusting is turning a blind eye to such harmful rhetoric.

          Be a better person.

          • -1

            @pharcyde: I am, thankyou, that's why I don't co-opt men's suicide into arguments about a free meal. A criticism that people may be overreacting and you jump to say they are responsible for suicides.

            You provide no argument other than trying to guilt trip with real issues, that's disgusting.

            • @Gehirn:

              to say they are responsible for suicides.

              Please don't strawman and put words in my mouth when that was clearly not what was said. Nobody else had difficulty understanding.

              Not sure if you're purposefully being obtuse or just plain ignorant to the bigger picture here and how our individual actions and mindsets shape our society.

              • @pharcyde: You respond to a comment saying people are overreacting about this deal and being karens by saying those sorts of criticisms contribute to men's suicides. What a leap when they are in the context of a free meal, and not that men shouldn't express emotion. You are clearly trying to draw a non-subtle connection that they are contributing to it.

                If you are so against harmful rhetoric, as simple as being called a karen, why do you only call out this instance? There are other comments in this thread with worse name calling about women and other groups, yet this is the one the that stands out to you to put your foot down?

    • +2

      Awww t2bh, that was a clever strat, waiting until after everyone had expended all their negs on RG before posting this patronising drivel, in which you are pretending not to understand the issue while curiously projecting a 'holier than thou' persona.

  • +3

    Upvoted as it is a good deal.

    I think it is nice gesture for those who want and can get it and life is too short to be unhappy :-)

  • +3

    My gender is male but I identify as women. I look forward to my free meal 🤣

    • +3

      I don't currently identify as a women but somehow I think tomorrow I might start feeling decidedly female, it might not last though, I guess we'll see.

      • -3

        Well, this comment certainly says a lot about you rather than the deal.

  • +1

    I just look forward to a free meal if the men's team ever make it to the semi final, I'm sure all the feminists will stay quiet knowing they got their free meal first.

  • +1

    Those struggling 80's hair metal bands could do with a free feed.

  • +5

    Abhorrent deal. Discrimination.

    • +7

      It's an extension of this world cup full of discrimination. Almost all referees are women, same with broadcast team. Only coaches seems to be either men or women, I wonder why 🤔.

  • +3

    Good way to open your staff up to abuse. Some idiot in head office who prob has the day off today thought this was a good idea :/

  • +4

    Negging for terrible food

  • +5

    let's reverse this scenario and see how society responds, you SEXIST pigs !!!

  • +2

    Not like women pay for their food normally lol

  • +5

    Only on ozbargain would a bunch of blokes be spitting chips over a one day event where women get a free meal.

    • +2

      What about the women who are in agreement?

  • +2

    I identify as a positive vote.

    • I identify as a hermaphrodite with multiple personalities.
      I think this is okay also.

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