Have I Been Scammed? Facebook Marketplace Sold Item, Came to My House & PayID Was Done Whilst I Watched! UPDATED: 28 August

Bit of a weird one and I am thinking i have been scammed but it seems different to all the ones that i have seen.


  • advertised on Facebook Marketplace on Sunday to sell my Apple Studio Display monitor
  • get a Facebook message from someone saying he would like to buy but asks for best price - i knock off $100 - and he agrees to the price
  • he says he will pick it up and asks best way to pay - i tell him direct bank deposit please - he says ok
  • he turns up on Tuesday this week and is a nice guy - we have a long chat about Teslas and him working for Star City Casino as a Supervisor there
  • tells me he lives in Homebush
  • well dressed etc (not sure that means anything but still)
  • he shows me his CBA app and him paying me by Payid and then he sends me the receipt right away by text where it shows his CBA bsb and account number. It is the EXACT receipt screen shot for a Payid payment - i literally saw him do it on his CBA app
  • the money doesn't go through straight away but the receipt does say it takes 24 hours to go through for accounts that are not known - i am ok with that
  • we chat more - he tells me about his brother and about his computers etc
  • he leaves with my Apple Studio Display
  • he texts me a few hours later asking if i can send him the receipt for when i bought the display - i say no problems and send it
  • i then contact him after 24 hours and tell him i haven't received the payment - he texts back saying it is 'pending' on his side
  • however since yesterday afternoon he is now uncontactable - if i ring his number it is always engaged and no text messages back since yesterday lunchtime and no money in my account
  • his Facebook profile i now cannot see - he may have blocked me maybe?

Is this a scam? It just seems different to the ones where it is me having to pay money etc. And it also seems strange he would come to my house and show me his CBA app and the receipt with his account details. What about if he got to my house and i didn't sell it because the money didn't get through straight away? There just seems so many ways this could have gone wrong for him if it is indeed a scam which seems like it probably is.

So i guess it is a scam?


This is the Payid CBA receipt i got:


UPDATE 28 August:

Another poster was scammed the same way using the same type of receipt by the mysterious 'Deon Hong' on Saturday.

This guy … I wonder how many others he has scammed?

This is the Payid receipt that the other poster got:


These are the receipts side by side:


Mine is on the right

What we do know now:

-somehow he makes up the Payid on the spot which is pretty good for him to do that! Bravo Deon!!
-the other poster got his rego
-the other poster went to cops - I will go to cops tomorrow
-it could just be high end Mac goods?
-goes by Deon Hong on FB
-uses a photo of squid game actor

Questions now are:

-are even his account details correct as per those Payid screenshots? If he is creating the Payid receipts then why would you put your own account details?
-is his mobile number correct? REMOVED
-his rego number is possibly the only actual identifier of this person


We're closing in!

Third victim now who has video footage.

Deon - we are coming for you!


We got him!

'Deon' was charged and arrested yesterday. Bail refused.

Thanks to all the victims who provided valuable identifying information to the police.

Podcast and Netflix doco to come…


        • -1

          Yes that business i can see has a few different digits in the mobile number.

        • Yeah correct - which is why it seems like the name connected to the PayID might not be the actual scammer's?

          • @werdplaya58: There is another guy with the same name who has a linkedin profile and based out of Parramatta Sydney

            • @ashdays: Couldn't find one in Parramatta. But it could be a stolen Sim / hijacked. Just like the Facebook

              • @xsacha: Yeah that was my thought too, not sure about the method but possibly just another stolen identity.

    • +2

      Should start a discord before this thread gets deleted.

    • I might have missed the update - did the car rego number match the model and make of the car you saw?

      • +1

        Not sure if OP has looked up the rego in the NSW rego check tool.

        However, the person seems to have used fake / stolen identity details for everything else, so I wouldn't be at all surprised if the plates were stolen too.

  • +2

    Good detective work OP and helpers!

  • Oh I'm invested in this now. Some interesting turn of events!

    • update: op put a wrong number

      • Twists and turns in this story. lol

  • +7

    We now appear to have his name and LinkedIn profile.

    Finally, bikies.

  • +22

    lol, maybe he is reading this thread.

    Deon better sleep with one eye open. ozbargain is coming for you… at night… with a sock full of eneloops.

    • +53

      Careful, you'll be charged with battery.

      • +7

        that would be shocking

      • Or sockpummeling

    • damn this comment aged well

    • You'd be surprised how few people know about OzBargain and how most of us don't know about other random niche websites and social media groups Aussies use.

    • +1

      sleep with one eye open

      gripping his pillow tight

  • -2

    Cash only! why people never learn

  • Subscribed!

  • +2

    I once sold a car, buyer wanted to pay 1k via bank deposit , as he didn't have enough, I called bank and spoke to them ,they told me the transfer could be cancelled within 24 hours, as I had his license details I was ok with it, but once transferred to a bank account it can be cancelled.

    • -2

      A bank transfer is not PAYID.

      • -1

        I thought we're talking about Osko transfers?

        • +2

          PAYID and OSKO are the same thing pretty much. PAYID is like a nickname to make OSKO payments

          • @zubzub: That's not actually correct. PAYID and OSKO are two different things. You can do a normal transfer via OSKO and it don't have to be via PAYID.

            OSKO payments have multiple methods for transfer and Payid is just one of them.

            You can do Payid transfer without OSKO as well. It all depends on the solution your bank has preferred for the transfer. It can be OSKO or NPP.

            • +1

              @desibaba: Not the same, but second part is pretty much correct. PayID is just an addressing service.
              Osko is one of the services for fast transfers using the NPP, the other SCT.
              But they've become entwined and people are just going to call it PayID.

      • What is PayID? PayID is new way to address NPP payments and it's designed to make money transfers easier. Rather than having to remember long BSB or account numbers, PayID makes it possible to send a payment to an email address or mobile number.

        Yeah same thing , linked to a bank account.

  • +2

    Voicemail of the number goes to "You have reached…. Joanne" The 'Joanne' is a female voice as recorded by number holder when setting up the voicemail. It is possible the number is not his and the number holder is an innocent party.

    • Yes that actually is the case.

    • +10

      The number in the post is incorrect - it’s 0423 128 460.
      When you try to call it, it doesn’t go through.

      I know because I’m also the other poster OP references and I got scammed by him a few days ago.

      • +4

        Are you serious? Facepalm. OP might wanna fix their post as it belongs to someone who's innocent in all this. All his other stuff about finding the scammer's LinkedIn etc was wrong too, and again, pointed at some innocent person.

        • -4

          Apologies have changed it now.

          Complete stuff up on my part.

      • -7

        so the person scammed you
        used fake cba app to make it look like the transaction was legit?

        why you not wait till the money show in your bank account?

        what did you sell and how much was paid?

  • +2

    news.com.au mate

    the company he works work has been in trouble quite a bit lately. im sure news.com.au would love to it into them, hiring scammers!

    • -6

      It's not this person. The phone number was incorrect.

  • -6

    Apologies everyone - i completely stuffed this up with a digit the wrong way around in the mobile number.

    I am really sorry. Stupid and i have removed the posts.

    • +1

      Easy mistake to make OP.

      • +11

        yeah this in my top 3 fears.. the other one is forgetting the bins on bin night when it is full

        • Should be able to notify council your bin(s) didn't get emptied and they will do it the next day or something. Has happened to me.

          • +2

            @Munki: Ha yeh I contacted council. They said to leave it out and they'll come in the next day or two to collect. They didn't show up until the following bin collection date meanwhile my bin was out all week full of rubbish!

          • @Munki: Hmm never thought of doing this. Don't want the collection guys to get into trouble for my mistake though.

  • +1


  • On this question OP are even his account details correct as per those Payid screenshots?

    I think unlikely but I am only guessing. The BSB is the generic one for CBA online accounts. I have no idea about account numbers and if they sequentially go up in some manner but an account I cancelled in 2007 began at 1025. Recent kids account begins with 2983.
    His begins with 1025. Need banking expertise to jump in.

    • +5

      Edit: disregard. I thought you said wanking experience.

      • +1

        I would have said to 'pump in' in that case.

  • +18

    Do you have his actual real phone number ? Because police would do a CCR call Charge Report with telco, get all his details from that also able to track the phone, Reverse CCR also gives you all outgoing incoming calls sms etc for every person hes scammed. Yes im a recently retired Police Officer officer with 37yrs under my belt.. So been there done that. Many a time. Only thing is CCRs are not cheap yup telcos bill the Police, sometimes bosses just won't authorise CCR cost vs scale of the crime, right no absolutely not but spending 2k tax payers dollars on something worth much less isn't financially viable either, I had guy put in a complaint on me for 200 stolen phone the time frame would have cost 4k for CCR I said no as I knew the bosses would never approve it.

    • +1

      Only thing is CCRs are not cheap yup telcos bill the Police

      Thats a joke.

      Cost 4k for CCR I said no as I knew the bosses would never approve it.

      WHAT THE!? $4k!? And here Telstra is putting up everyone's bill because of "inflation" and "CPI", but they make $4k off a CCR.

      • Cost of CCR is dependent on times, obviously 1 day is cheaper than 1 month, the time period your requesting

        Cant argue with telcos they do nothing for free, sure you could try for a subpoena or search warrant but youll never get it done quickly and whilst CCR might produce results alot of the times they do take fair bit of time to compile ie hour's, and the telcos will say yes we can supply but as they are a mere conduit for evidence and not directly involved in the specific crime that they should be financially compensated arguments on both sides i guess have positive n negatives

        • Cost of CCR is dependent on times, obviously 1 day is cheaper than 1 month, the time period your requesting

          Ah right, okay, I guess that is fair enough. Big database to query and get the information you want I guess. It still pretty crappy though to charge such a high rate.

  • can they do this with paypal? maybe paypal is the way to go now wow i didn't know payid could be faked.. i guess paypal can be disputed and then you lose funds after they dispute or chargeback or whatever but yeah this new cba scam is pretty intelligent

    other than physically handling his phone and checking if the app is legit there is no other way to tell i suppose

    • +1

      i didn't know payid could be faked

      How many other live under the rock with you?

      • +10

        5 but we make it work

        • +1

          Are you adopting ? I want out of this world

      • +1

        To be fair, he's an alien. I'm sure they have better systems in place than ours.

    • Don't hand over goods until the money hits your account

    • +1

      The mistake here was letting the goods go before the money was in the account. Even a legit transfer may be delayed, so if that's how they want to pay then let them know upfront no goods till money lands and you'll be fine. If it's not instant, it usually shouldn't be more than 24 hours. I'd trust money in my bank more than I'd trust Paypal, who can just block accounts when they feel like it. However I don't think you can dispute transactions the same way for Friends and Family transfers (which if you didn't use you'd be paying fees)

      Beem It is another instant payment option, though harder to find people who have heard of it and also harder to use now that it only works via EFTPOS and many of the banks no longer offer EFTPOS on their cards.

  • +7

    About 10 years ago I sold a new phone to a guy who turned up in a brand new Audi, grabbed the phone then ran into the car and sped off. I had enough time to get his rego and took it to the police. The police were so useless and wasted my time for about a year.

    Now I just swap ID's like a drivers licence on high value items. Doesn't matter if i'm selling or buying. I just say I've been victim to a scam in the past and better to be safe than sorry. Anyone who isn't willing to do that is probably up to something and best avoided. I usually ask for it before we meet up, if they decline better I didn't waste my time.

  • +3

    At the end of the day, you still lost money and this scammer has done it again to someone else.
    Please give the police as much info as you can.
    Let this be a lesson learned.
    Good luck.

    • Oh the Police do want to investigate but people are impatient and want you to drop everything else which is impossible, just getting in front of computer to start checking up names can take days, stuff happens u cant be looking at computers when theres crimes actually happening there n then youll get kicked out by your supervisor on the road.

      Policing ain't easy, and NOTHING like TV ..

      Someone other days asked me do you miss it ? I thought long and hard n said " I'll miss the 10 pairs of free black socks every year " nothing else

    • Police won't do shi* unless Gov is losing money or this happens to a politician. Only reason these things happen to continue in Australia is because there are zero consequences for these actions, few years ago we had a guy in performance car group who ripped of 20 plus people listing different parts (Adding to 10K plus), people managed to find out his Real Name, bank account, mobile number and address but cops were not interested at all, just said to make online scam complain and that was it.

      • +1

        Couldn't care less about Politicians or Government Departments, they're not my bosses never have never will be hung up on many a politician n blocked their emails trying to force their wishes upon me , few complain as they an anonymous call will go into the media.

        Its just not simple to investigate these days , when i started we booted in doors n rented warehousing to store retrieved stolen loot .

        But nowadays everything has to be done by the book, no shortcuts no gut instincts, i used to run 20 plus investigations a week myself, n n over 100 by my team of 5. Some quick most not. N they keep piling in till someone kills stuff that just isnt gonna get looked at as its too old, too much circumstantial evidence.

        Hell i wish i could have done more but in the end the paperwork, the constant criticism ever increasing work loads lack of funding lack of staff just wore me down.

        We weren't not interested n not lazy, just no resources to do everything, oh you can say lets pull traffic cop off road to help out, then shite hits fan with road toll, or other cars attending their jobs. That's why there are specific jobs for different policing otherwise it would be chaos more than it already is.

        • +4

          Coming from a corrupted third-world country, I can't praise the police in Australia highly enough. Sometimes we take things for granted. I know from experience how bad a cop could become in different circumstances (where I'm originally from), hence, can only appreciate the cops we've got here in Australia.. Keep up the good work guys.

        • +1

          Actually my apologies as well, sometimes I way overthink things, yesterday late arvo neighbours down the road had a fight break out with knives out and all, another neighbour rang the cops and had 3 cop cars arrive under 5 mins, def have so much respect seeing the things they deal with.

          Thank you for keeping us safe.

          • @RobotWizard: Its just one of those thing's now a days, i wish we went back 30yrs was so much easier, yup someone stole something we are out the door in 10 minutes we literally had car parks of stolen goods n very happy owners to collect. But nope it all ended with the masses of paperwork super ridiculous accountability on absolutely everything and the scurge of meth. And its only going to get worse n worse, in my state 60% rookies dont make it past 2 years, they upn quit, shift work, no weekends off, nobody giving a crap about them from up above.. i could go on but im just happy to be retired. Albeit medically forcibly retired no workers compensation here in WA for police, no golden hand shake or thanks, all work related injuries. Im on the dole for 1st time in my life awaiting my superannuation to kick in 4yrs down the track..

  • +1

    Payid is fine. It's only when people get suckered into accepting email verifications etc. It's not paid until the money is IN YOUR BANK. Don't accept stories or anything else. Until the money shows up in your balance, and cleared, then it's not paid.

  • +3

    Cash cash, cash cash cash? Cash, Cash and cash. Cash, cash.

  • +2

    If its not in your account, its not in your account.

  • +1

    Like others have said, you could try listing other apple products in same location for pickup on another facebook account and wait for him to message.

    Arrange the time and place, be prepared to have a hidden camera setup to capture his mugshot and vehicle etc, tell the cops to be waiting on standby if needed

    How much did the guy look in comparison to the Squid Game actor? Seems unbelievable that you didn't realise how phishy this all seemed

    • +1

      How do you tell cops to be on standby

      • +1

        I don't know… lol

      • +1

        You Dont but i have advised many ppl to meet up in carpark of local Police Station and do the transaction there if they are worried plenty of cameras around n a copper or 10 close by. BUT not many scammers will go , that should be your 1st warning sign.

        • What if there is a line of people waiting to report at the station

          • @Moneyinthebank: Dont want you inside just in carpark nearby, no need to involve Police there n then its just precautionary. But ask a criminal to do transactions within 100m of Police station rarely ever happens, they're stupid but not 100% .. like i said if legit they wouldn't have a problem, but you should be worried if they refuse big RED FLAG right there.

  • +2

    What's the rego number @pecanpie ?

    • +1

      I don't think it's a good idea to disclose that kind of information publicly at the moment.

  • Time to name and shame the number on Who Called so others can be aware. Plus why not add the rego and their bad wrap to Who's Driving

  • Yeah had a few of these. They want payid and will send their brother etc. Pretty ballsy to turn up. They probably know by now cops usually won't do anything. However since it's two people scammed, they might as it's repeated. They might do a few of these a week so adds up. Could also be desperate for money.

    • Different scam.

      • Yeah, but they think it might be the same person. Three people now and police already investigating ↓

        • No. The scam that you were referring to. That's a different scam to OP's and the 2 others.

          • @PissLUR: If they also turn up, how is it different?

            • @Cave Fire: no one will turn up. they will send you a fake email receipt and ask you to send money to upgrade to a business payid account.

              • @PissLUR: Read reports of people turning up in person to pick up goods. They pretend to be the niece etc, but were using a fake profile. However they don't stay and chat like this person.

  • +15

    I was also scammed 2 days ago, and I googled it and found this website.
    It was the same person, the same payid screenshot (with my name), but I do have CCTV footage of him which police will pick up tomorrow.
    Any chance to get a car licence plate of the person or at least to share with police in which police station it was reported with a licence plate so they can easily find him? Thank you.

    • -3

      Scammer did you a favour. You’ll make that money back in no time by browsing the deals!!

      Example: https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/796761

      $2.50 down..

    • +4

      Oh man what? The same guy? Can you upload your receipt? Yes pecanpie has a police report number and the car registration number

    • -1

      PM me

      • Since I created an account today it seems I can't send a direct message yet, it shows me 1 day old account doesn't have that option.

        Can you try to message me? Or I can message you tomorrow.

        • Oh right yes I can't message you it looks like. Must be a new account thing?

          • @poczynek77: I will then message you tomorrow in the morning or 24h from now when, depend when it allows me.

            Battery percentage is exactly the same as in those 2 screenshots.

            The same receipt ID and account number and name as on this screenshot:

            The only difference is my name, time and description.

        • Maybe check here to see if you can enable Private messaging? https://www.ozbargain.com.au/user/478151/edit/privatemsg

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