• long running

ALDI Lazzio Dark Roast Coffee Beans 1kg $11.99 @ ALDI


These have been jacked for a while but was in Aldi today & noticed they have dropped down to $11.99.

Lazzio print the roast date on the pack as you can see in this old pic.

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    • Ouch. That would negate any savings for a long time. Did you return them to ALDI?

      • +1

        Yeah should have but didnt have receipt and want sure they would do anything.

        When it happened I wasn't sure it was from the beans but googled it and there is a ozbargain post about it.

      • That would negate any savings for a long time

        My local roaster's cheapest beans are $35-40/kg. They're nice beans, but I save hundreds per year having Aldi's beans.

    • I've had bits of wood from a different brand before (twice from memory), pretty sizeable about the size of a bean, but never rocks.
      Was enough to jam my grinder but didn't seem to cause any permanent damage.

      I just use an automatic machine but still having to pull it apart to free the wood wasn't something I wanted to do when I needed my coffee in the morning.
      Rocks destroying my grinder might push me over the edge :/

      • nice if was a bonus rock of a good kind

  • +1

    One of the best, I always get their 500g pack when I run out of premium beans.

    Even got a kilo for a friend of mine overseas lol

  • +2

    Anyone tried their premium bean blend? I believe they're about $25 a kg

    • +1

      Yes, am onto my second bag now. Figured I'd give them a go to see what they were like since my local Aldi started being less consistent in stocking the single origins that I liked (Honduras). I am a fan of the premium blend for espresso and long blacks, and partner enjoys it with milk (in fairness she's not as fussy). It has a nice sharp taste, which is what I'm after with black coffee from my Barista Express machine.

    • +2

      The lux brand is getting dangerously close to $30/kg specials we see from fresh t
      roasters here. When it's been sitting on the shelf for 6+ weeks, it's not a very compelling offer.

      • +1

        I know, I am getting 2kg bags of freshly roasted beans delivered for $50.

        • Which stuff is that?
          Sounds a bit better than chumps paying $40-50/kg

          • @G-rig: Deal from soprano coffee

            • @huntabargain: Not bad, will look into it.
              Last time Limeblue went well @40% off, 2.5kg for about $75 delivered. You can also nominate dispatch date and can order 500g bags, they also let you know when it's roasted and recommended brewing weights/times.

              The Aldi stuff is usually fine the rest of the time.

              • @G-rig: Yes I bought the SO from Aldi few times if I ran out and manage to find them with roast date less than 3 weeks, but many times they are 4-6/weeks, the fresher ones were fine. I never got the dark roast as they have robusta beans and not 100% arabica. I tried lime blue many times when on special and they were decent but 2.5-3kg is too much for me. SICILIA Coffee is reasonably priced too.

                • @huntabargain: Sounds good. That's the key, trying to get relatively fresh stuff. Yeah medium better than dark.

                  I only got that much for free shipping and the 500g bags freeze well.

  • I know each machine is different, but can anyone share their settings for the Breville Barista Pro?
    Currently on grind size 5 for 10 seconds, which gives approx 17g of ground coffee.
    Press doubleshot button, which gives me around 64g of espresso shot.
    …. but it doesn't taste "right"…. not sure if this is me or the beans tbh.

    • +1

      Seek out James Hoffman on YouTube but as a general rule you want 17g to give you twice that in coffee in the cup (34g) over 30 seconds extraction period. If it is faster than that, grinder finer and vice versa.

    • Using medium roast, I have my grinder setting on 9 and always measure 18g of beans per shot (using double shot basket).
      I then use a coffee scale under my cup and pull the shot, stopping once I have around 36g of espresso. Takes between 25-35 seconds

      • This post right here is why you can't copy other peoples settings even if you have the same machine. If I was to use a grind setting of 9 on my Barista Express, it would probably pour the 36g out in 5 seconds.

        Even a setting of 5 was pretty course for every single bean I've tried (probably 20+ varieties). I ended up adjusting the burrs 1 setting down and would grind around 4 or 3 for most beans before I got an actual grinder

    • Just started with Aldi medium dark roast 500g one.

      grinder setting on 6 or 5 depends how I like the bitterness(internal grinder 6 as original). Use 17.5g with double shot basket with screen puck which really helps the consistence of the yield.

      Preinfusion for about 8-10 sec (longer the bitter I think). Takes 26s - 30s to produce 34-36g yield including the preinfision time.

      I hope this helps.

      But I think I'd like to try more other blend as I'd like to broaden my taste profiles.

    • You want to manually control over the shot button, on my Barista Express Pro, I press and hold it for 6 seconds, then release and press again to stop the extraction when the espresso reaches about double the amount of coffee, which in your case is 34g.

      For the extraction time, you should aim for approximately 1.5 times the amount of coffee, plus the initial 6 seconds of pre-infusion, totaling around 30-34 seconds.

      If the extraction is too fast, decrease the grind size; if it's too slow, increase it.

      I always measure 18g of coffee and grind it every time; I don't fill it up.
      Also, I started to spray a couple of water mists onto the beans before I chuck them into the grinder using a small spraying bottle;
      According to the scientsts it helps with the taste, I kinda agree lol.

    • Breville smart grinder pro with Bambino Plus.

      I use mainly the Aldi medium roast. I weigh out 18g then grind at 12 when fresh and 11 when it gets a bit stale. Output ranges from 36-42g.

    • I'm using Lavazza Crema e gusto, grind size 5 for 18s gives 18g off ground coffee for a double shot. That's about all I can pack in the basket, shot only just runs 20s. Drinkable but a little disappointing. I've tried grind size 4 but then the puck has the consistency of mud & sticks in the basket resisting knocking out afterwards, with no improvement in taste.

      I'm surprised you can get 17g off grounds in 10s

  • +2

    These taste like something burnt.. regretted buying these over the medium roast

  • +14

    I get the dark roast and have done for nearly 9 years.
    A few in my family and friends group are major coffee snobs and pay around $75kg for “premium tasting beans” who refuse Aldi beans!

    I was given a bag of Premium beans last easter as a gift, so when they come over I offer my Aldi dark roast from inside the “premium” bag and apparently I now have some of the best coffee ever at home!

    I honestly prefer it and I only drink espresso.
    The wife has bonsoy soymilk with it and she loves it, i cant vouch for taste with cows milk but I don’t think I’ve had a complaint to date after “ switching to premium beans” lol

    • +13

      when they come over I offer my Aldi dark roast from inside the “premium” bag and apparently I now have some of the best coffee ever at home!

      Love it. Next thing for your experiment is to do the reverse and get their beans into an aldi bag… "Yuck, how can you drink this stuff?"

  • Does anyone have experience between Little Marionette and Aldi beans (milk based)? I’ve been exclusively on little marionette, wonder how comparable/different the flavour profiles are.

    • I would always buy aldi if I can find them under 2 weeks.

      As long as the beans are within a similar roast profile to your taste and has gone through the ozbargain taste gauntlet, then the roast date is generally more important imo.

    • How much 1kg beans from LM these days? I tried them long time ago as they had special offer.

  • Anyone tried the Luxe Aldi purple 1kg beans?

    • +1

      Yes, and I rate them for black coffee (I don't drink coffee with milk). It's quite different to the dark, and for me I think it more closely approximates the Honduras blend which I like. Worth a go at least once I'd say.

  • Coz Woolies introduced an own brand product for $12/1kg. Aldi has to maintain its lowest price status, even by 1c.

    However, the Aldi credit surcharge and/or Woolies' easy accessible discount eGC still make Woolies one the lowest.

  • Is there a grounded version on sales as well?

    • +1

      It is an everyday price product.

  • +1

    Just a general comment about the ALDI 1kg bags (Melbourne roaster) - a. I love 'em as it makes a decent brew, and b. amazing value when you compare to bags at $40 and $50 a kg! Save your shekels, shake your perceptions and give them a roll.

  • +3

    I have stopped ordering from online roasters. Freshly roasted beans are nice, but come at a price, or the stress to time for a deal, and the anxiety when a delivery screws up.

    Been buying Coles Urban Culture (and co-brand Daley Street) and found them to be quite good and fresh.

    Will stick with supermarket beans for some time, I have tried Aldi beans before and will rotate between Coles, feeling relaxed knowing that they are readily available around the clock.

    • Woolies introduced an own brand product for $12/1kg. It was released as a free bunch sample with limited quantity in December but I unfortunately missed it. I haven't seen any review on OZB yet, currently 4.5 out of 5 on its site.

      • +1

        It's great to see more supermarkets are jumping on the bandwagon, about time quality beans becoming more mainstream.

    • I gave Daley Street (medium roast) a go few days ago (the batch in store was just over 2 weeks old) and was pleasantly surprised- at $20/kg on special they'd be a good alternative to Aldi.

  • +1

    another vote for the Aldi dark roast - by far the freshest and best supermarket beans that I have found. I used to buy fresh roasted beans from our local roaster but switched to these. Just as good and 1/4 of the price.

    After these comments I might also play with the medium roast and compare the difference.

  • I regularly buy this or Coles Urban 10.
    Both of they are good for iced latte.

  • The darker the roast/higher the intensity, the less nutrient/flavour available.

  • Tried all different primo brands online, I always come back to these, I can't really tell the difference, I'm sure coffee snobs can but w/e, even having bought the premium version of these, I couldn't really tell much of a difference so went back to the normal ones.

  • +1

    I buy the ground version and use in Aeropress. Love it.

  • I sure wish Aldi could open up in the CBD. Take over Officeworks or something

  • I noticed they dropped the price back to $11.99 about 5 or 6 weeks ago, here in WA at least.

  • Ahhh…just in time with investigation into supermarket price gouging

    BTW, love the beans

  • +2

    These blends are made by Black Bag Roasters in Melbourne for Aldi, they recently built and started a new factory around 6 months ago … that is why some ranges were not available. I like the Columbia, tested the Purple Special and frankly it is no better than the Columbia but much more expensive. All in all Black Bag & Aldi do a great job and are the equal of many premium roasters, tested many of these on my ECM machine but Aldi wins the race!!.

  • +2

    For anyone in the Epping area, Epping Plaza Aldi medium batch is first week of Jan 2024, Dark roast was last week of Jan 2024 so fairly fresh for supermarket beans

    • That possibly has to be the worst Aldi in Australia. Almost nothing ever in stock. I've never seen so many empty shelves on a consistent basis.

  • For many who drinks primarily milk-based coffees. ALDI beans might be all you need - I have tried most online roaster beans (names withheld but you name it). Aldi beans is pretty close or just as good in terms of what you get in the cup and easily 1/2-1/3 the price.

  • Anyone here buy the medium roast ground coffee? I bought a bag the other day, haven't had it in a while but the grind is quite coarse, I don't remember it ever being this coarse. The last time I had this coffee (which was a while ago, at least two years) it was definitely more powdery. Not a dealbreaker for me but wondering if this is a once off or the norm.

    • +1

      Just grabbed a couple of bags of the ground medium (roast date of 7 days ago, nice) I’ll let you know when I open them open.

      • Thank you for that! The grind in my bag is definitely coarser than what it used to be, I think it's a grind that's more suited to drip coffee.

        • +1

          Opened it this morning. This is the first time I’ve had it so I’m not sure how coarse or fine it used to be, but the bag I got is reasonably fine, finer than what I would grind for French press. Not much different from coles urban grind.

          • +1

            @mapax: Hmm I haven’t tried Coles. Sounds like the grind is finer than mine, but I’ve never used a French press before. Thanks for that.

            • +1

              @Ghost47: No worries. Would be funny if the grind is exactly the same but I want coarser and you want finer.

        • How you go? Better off grinding it yourself, too many variables but it's probably designed for plunger. Back on the Limeblue here since they had 40% off, pretty nice. Aldi still fine too otherwise. maybe tamp harder if no control over the grind.

          • @G-rig: I’m pretty sure the grind is definitely coarser than it used to be, but I’m using it anyway. And yeah just filling up the portafilter with as much coffee as I can and tamping it firmly. It comes out ok but a bit weak, but there’s nothing else I can really do as I don’t have a grinder.

            I saw the Limeblue deal a few weeks ago, wouldn’t mind trying out their decaf sometime.

  • +1

    Got lucky today at Aldi Dee Why. They have a box with roast date 14th March.

    • +1

      You won the Aldi coffee beans Lottery 🤣!

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