Really good sci-fi/fantasy book series by Pierce Brown. The first trilogy is currently for 5 dollars as part of the Kindle Daily deals.
[eBook] Red Rising Omnibus (Books 1 - 3) by Pierce Brown - $4.99 @ Amazon Kindle

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Tim Gerard Reynolds really brings this book to life. I don't know if I could read it and enjoy it as much.
is that the same reader as who does the graphic audio versions?
No, TGR is the regular audio book version.
Still a highly recommended version though.
Hmm, do I want the normal one or the dramatized adaptation but it will cost me two credits for the same book. Anyone?
Graphic audio is also split into two for each book.
It's a huge production though compared to only having a single actor
Highly recommended, been listening to the graphic audio version for the last two weeks or so.
The second & third book is much better than the first
A blend of hunger games, dune, game of thrones, and more.
The 7th and final book is due out next year.
The first book is great, the second is so slow I’ve tried several times to finish it and not been successful so far..
try do audio book
I don't really have the time for audio books to be honest
@itsHughesy: I don't have time to sit down and read, but I find I have lots of hours to listen and multitask
@impoze: Yeah funny hey? If I drove for a living or had a commute I'd probably get into Audio books, I just find them so slow/time consuming - same with Podcasts.
@itsHughesy: I'm usually listening with shokz so I'm not completely blocked off to the world, and you can always up the speed to 1.5/2x with audio
Can you clarify - what is a graphic audio version? Sounds cool but also how is it different to an audio book..?
it's a full cast with music and sound effects
audio samples on youtubeAnother graphic audio series I recommend is the Mistborn series.
Thats so cool! Thanks for the into into this new genre! I will give it a go :)
GraphicAudio is a company who is the publisher and mostly does Dramatized readings, which means performed in character voices and some sound effects and music occasionally.
Is Graphic Audio versions on Audible or Spotify?
@impoze: Thank you, just listened to the sample, sounds great! Also on Spotify for free if you already have premium/family account.
I loved the first 3 books.
4 and 5 were good too.
I don’t know if I spent too long between reading but I found light bringer to be kind of a mess, or I wasn’t able to follow it coherently.Yep, the first 3 were very good, then the multiple point of view severely degraded his writing style.
Bah part of me wishes I hadn't read the sequel books! But now I'm in too deep and eagerly awaiting the last one… F Lysander 🤬
Phenomenal series
Can I read this series without reading the previous Red Rising triologies?
This is the first trilogy
Gory damn this is a good series
I read that in Aries voice haha
Great timing, I was going to try out this series soon.
Same price on Google Play Books:…
So potentially free if you've been diligently doing your Google Opinion Rewards and saving credits.
Actually a really good book! I can't usually get all the way through a book, but no issues with this one.
Very tempting, but these books sound so good that I think they deserve a spot on my bookshelf, so I'm going to get physical books. Ebook format is so convenient though. I could always get both 🤔
I'm half way through morning star.
I was almost in tears yesterday, didn't get teary from other cry books recommended by reddit (flowers for algernon, kite runner, where the red fern grows).
You'll be so connected to the many characters of the book.
A shame it’s not on US Kindle :/
Why is this an una problema
Porque me cuenta es en Amazon US… when I got my first kindle there was as way more content available on the US store so all my books are on there (a lot of kindle deals work on both stores unfortunately not this one).
Does this give you three individual books on the kindle or just all in one?
Single book - 1544 pages
Having heard the trilogy on Audible, I concur.
Amazing books. Recommend as an audio book