• expired

[NSW] Free General Admission @ Sydney Museum Of Contemporary Art


Museum of Contemporary Art [MCA] Australia Introduces Admission Fees (From 31 JAN 2025), Reversing Free Entry After 25 Years

source: https://www.artshub.com.au/news/news/museum-of-contemporary-…

MCA Australia is a public, not-for-profit museum and has offered free entry since 2000.
It receives $4.36 million annual recurring government funding, but this represents only 14% of its operating costs.
The level of government operational funding has remained the same for the past 17 years, despite inflation and cost escalation.

In 2025 Australia’s only public museum dedicated to contemporary art, will charge $20 for admission.
However, the MCA Australia looks to maintain free entry for under 18s and Australian students.

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Museum of Contemporary Art
Museum of Contemporary Art

closed Comments

  • +2

    Museum Of Contemporary Art - FAQ


    Why are you introducing an admission charge?
    Significantly increasing costs and inflation are putting immense pressure on the MCA. At the same time, our government funding has actually declined, in real terms, since 2007. We have already implemented a range of measures to cut costs – including closing one day per week – but our current financial position means we cannot afford to keep admission free. Introducing an admission charge will help the Museum remain sustainable into the future.

    Is the MCA a state-owned organisation?
    The MCA is not a state-owned organisation. We are an independent, not-for-profit museum. The MCA receives a recurring grant from the State Government for which we are thankful. However, in 2025 we will need to raise 85% of our total operating costs through donations, ticket sales and commercial activities to deliver our artistic and engagement programs.

    How much will entry cost?
    The MCA remains committed to supporting access for young people and will provide free entry to under 18s and Australian students (with ID*).

    General Admission

    • General public: $20
    • Concession: $16
    • Members: Free
    • Under 18s: Free
    • Australian students (with ID*): Free

    All Access entry (General Admission + entry to our major summer or winter exhibition)

    • General public: $35
    • Concession: $28
    • Members: Free
    • Under 18s: Free
    • Australian students (with ID): Free
      Both *General Admission
      and All-Access entry tickets for teachers accompanying school groups will be free. Carers accompanying people with a disability will also enter for free.

    * Free entry for Australian students with presentation of valid (with expiry date) ID issued by Australian registered education provider.

    Will young people/kids have to pay?
    No, general entry and entry to our major exhibitions will be free for under 18s and Australian students (with ID*). General and combined entry for teachers accompanying school groups will also be free. Carers accompanying people with a disability will also enter for free.

    • Free entry for Australian students with presentation of valid (with expiry date) ID issued by Australian registered education provider.

    Will there be reduced price / free entry for locals or free entry days?
    The MCA hopes to introduce a range of discounted or free entry initiatives in the future.

    Can I still visit Canvas restaurant or the MCA Cafe at Tallawoladah without buying a ticket?
    Yes, both venues will be accessible without buying a ticket.

  • +1

    Any deals on Memberships?

    • Check the FAQ link — https://www.mca.com.au/about-us/faqs/admission/

      How will this affect my MCA membership?
      If you are a current MCA Member, your membership benefits will remain the same for the remainder of your current membership period.

      MCA Australia will introduce new membership categories in May 2025, and current members will have the option to choose the membership level that suits them best when they renew (after their current period expires).

      New Members who join before May 2025 will be able to join the existing scheme for one year at the current prices (Individual: $90, Dual: $150, Concession: $70).

      New Members who join from May 2025 onwards will join in one of the new membership levels.

      If you are interested in becoming an MCA member, you can do so online.

    • +4

      …another reason?

      Neutrally speaking, under which government did the MCA offer free entry?


      I did not neg you

      • +2

        Labor only been in for 18 months how could they possible have provided more funding? They’re working hard to fix Liberals mess, blah blah blah

        • -6

          how could they possible have provided more funding?

          In the budget they delivered.

        • +1

          They could have increased funding on day one if they felt inclined.

    • Vote for dissident right parties not the lib/lab uniparty

    • what's the reason to vote them out? that they don't provide enough funding for the arts?

      not winding you up, genuinely unclear based on your comment.

  • +4

    so it costs 31.14m a year to run the museum………

    • A bit exaggerating, you reckon?

      • +2

        The article stated:

        It receives $4.36 million annual recurring government funding, but this represents only 14% of its operating costs.

        • +1

          i just cant seem to understand how this is money well spent, sure the government cant contribute any additional tax payers money to this project but thats alot of money itself and I'd question the spending also

          • +1


            i just cant seem to understand how this is money well spent

            Are you talking about bananas stuck on a wall with duct tape, or the murky world of money and art ?

            • @whyisave: i dont know the whole story behind the banana story, however if you want to launder money there is plenty of ways available without going through art….. plus your still paying taxes and fees one way or another through the use of art….. auctioneer collects a premium and your tax on the income that the art is sold for so you get the point

              • @smeng: $9.5M for a banana (and then eating it)

                if you want to launder money there is plenty of ways available without going through art

                …yet, art is still one of the ways, whether physical or digital (eg. NFTs)

                • @whyisave: some background - Catellan was taking the mickey and loves taking the mickey out of the art world. He's quite a talented sculptor as well - saw a massive installation taking up the entire inside space, from ceiling to floor, of the guggenheim: http://www.rollmagazine.com/the-last-word-–-a-report-on-the-retirement-of-maurizio-cattelan/

                  My favourite story is: Lacking ideas for his first solo exhibition in 1989, it is said, his solution was to close the gallery and hang a sign on the door with the legend: “Torno Subito” (Back soon).

              • @smeng: Plenty of ways to get caught too. Modern art was great for money laundering for a while but I think the authorities are onto it now.

      • -3

        All staff are on $300K salaries.

        • +1

          14.5 persons x $300K Salary = $4.36M funding

          It receives $4.36 million annual recurring government funding, but this represents only 14% of its operating costs.

          I didn't neg you

    • Wine ain’t free buddy

      • -2

        Yes it is.

  • How is this a bargain?

    • +9

      The bargain is ending in about 6 weeks' time,…after 25 years.

    • +4

      It's free until the end of the year, so it's more an FYI of "go now before it costs money"

      • +3

        until the end of the year

        Free until 31 JAN 2025, ie. the last free entry is on Thursday, 30 JAN 2025,
        with the 2025 Australia Day long-weekend, the last free holiday weekend.

        • +1

          Ah, my bad. I can't edit it now because of the reply, but I'll own up to the mistake.

          • @Jonzay: It's alright.
            I didn't neg you either.

  • +4

    $35 per person is pretty rough. I really liked the few times I wandered through and looked at the exhibits, and even had a date there once. I would have been significantly less likely to do so with an upfront cost.

    I wonder how much their rooftop cafe sales will drop by as a result of people no longer being able to get in for free.

    • +1

      cafes won't require a ticket

      • That's good to hear, but unless that is very clearly signposted, I wouldn't be surprised if numbers drop.

    • +4

      The rooftop cafe has been gone for a little bit now. Has been converted into a restaurant named 'Canvas' that is for experimental ventures from guest chefs.

      If you want a cafe experience, they direct you to the Ground floor (on the water side) rather than upstairs.

      • +1

        So, no more rooftop views unless it's a dine-in meal ?

        • +1

          You can go up to the rooftop to look at the sculpture there (note the singular), but the café has turned into a $100-a-head restaurant.

      • that's such a shame… to my mind, it actually brought more people into the gallery… and the ground floor one has worse coffee…

    • $35 is general admission + entry to the seasonal shows. it's $20 for just general admission, this is the part they're changing, it used to be free. entry to the seasonal shows has always been charged for.

    • So u would be less likely to have the date, or go there on a date?

  • +4

    The Isaac Julien work in the front gallery is sweet, go check it out.

    • Meh, it didn't impress me.

  • +1

    Strange decision. Raise prices > Drop in attendance > Redevelop prime real estate into something else while moving museum to a spot that's prone to flooding?

    • Too much nooticing can be problematic

    • +5

      Redevelop prime real estate into something else while moving museum to a spot that's prone to flooding?

      This is MCA, not Powerhouse.

    • They should open up more space to denser development. But people are always "not in my backyard" types.

      • I wouldn't really want the current MCA building and lawn replaced with a tall block of private flats.

        (Maybe I misinterpreted your meaning though)

        • I'd want single house units to be replaced with proper apartments

  • +1

    only went there when I need toilet

  • +2

    I guess they should also change their name in 2025 to Museum of Con Artists

  • -4

    Or you can ask AI to generate artwork just for you, this will be unique and you can customise it.
    Art is all subjective and I will like it.

    Most executive staff at charities are on over 300k salaries and they live in mansions.

  • +5

    Australia is a social country by constitution. Any state museum entry fee should not be more than $2-3, upmost $5. Kids eat free, ops kids enter free.

    • +4

      I don't care if its labeled socialism or something else. But public amenities should be free to the public. Public museums, art galleries, libraries, parks (state, national, etc), should all be free for the public to visit and use. Disposable income should not be the determinant of whether you can access such resources.

      Just try going to the beach today; local councils have turned parking, whether it be street or a parking lot into one of their major revenue streams. A simple family outing like going to the beach is out of the reach of many Australians today.

      • +2

        It’s not a public institution.

        Edit: I agree with your principle though

      • +2

        Maybe one free day per week. That way if ppl are poor they can schedule a visit on that day.

  • -1

    Its as useful as a Bachelors of Attendance Degree, they usually go to work for the public circus, highly ethical legal profession and honest politicians …..cough cough

  • +8

    My Google review of the Museum of Contemporary Art [MCA] Australia posted about a year ago - "What a poor representation of the depth of talent Australia possesses in Contemporary Art. Almost all the pieces presented were extremely amateurish. Many took up large areas of the museum with little to no interest from visitors that walked through, who just glanced at the "weird stuff" and moved on. While I understand that art is in the eye of the beholder, just presenting "weird stuff" ≠ art. When compared to the likes of the Pompidou in Paris, the Guggenheim in NY or MONA in Hobart, this museum is an embarrassment. Anyone can spend HOURS in those institutions, EVERYONE I saw walk into this museum left in less than 30min. When the highlight of your art museum is the cafe (check how many Google reviews mention the cafe!), you are not doing your job well. What an embarrassment for Sydney (and Australia)."

    • Interesting. How does it compare with Sydney Modern?

    • Agree. I wandered through and was not impressed. Low quality works mostly.

      • +1

        Check the Google reviews, I am not joking when I say half the 5 star reviews just go on about how great the cafe is. Our tax dollars at work….

    • Yeah on the dozen or so times I've been, there's usually a couple international pieces that are worth some admission fee (I don't know about $20…), but I don't understand why it's so hard to find Australian artists who aren't students trying weird stuff beyond their skills. I think trying weird stuff is really important to building skills, so I hope students keep doing it, and I even think it's good to have some experience showing in galleries - not sure I'd pay to go though. This is a top gallery, so it's a bit strange - like if "So Fresh hits of summer" (is that still a thing) added your local primary school band's rendition of jingle bells. And again, not ripping on jingle bells - just you know, not sure about $20.

      I got jaded looking into the archibold some years back after the whole plagiarism case, then there was a winner where the "famous/significant" person was just a person big in the art scene (I don't expect Australia's top diesel mechanic to be painted, so I think some bias was on show to think an unknown art scene person qualified). Then there's always rumours about the packing room prize getting "suppressed" because it's almost always the better art piece and attracts the larger crowds. Anyway, point is I don't think much of Australia's art scene, and I'm surprised the other galleries are better - I'll take a look when I'm nearby.

      (The Canberra national one has an amazing quilt display, and a couple contemporary ones too. That gallery is a pretty nice mix.)

  • +2

    All the contemporary art museums I visited here has been "meh" and "underwhelming". Coming from a euro/Asian country, but I don't think we have especially good contemporary art museums. There's just nothing of value here.

    Again, I don't think my home city was exceptional or anything when it comes to modern art.

  • +2

    I used to go the the MCA regularly - whenever I saw a change of free exhibition

    but now they are starting to charge $16-28 (presuming we would get the 'concession' price) for retired seniors like us, the answer is easy.

    We'll simply stop going there anymore.

    • If you stop going, then can you ask for a refund of the taxes or duties that you may be paying?

      • sure - send me your calculations proving how much of my taxes went to the MCA and I can then ask !

  • +1

    So a museum which is rarely interesting enough to visit for free is now going to cost $20 to visit?

    It's a bold strategy, Cotton. Let's see if it pays off for 'em.

  • +1

    this sucks… the MCA is the first gallery that got me into contemporary art via Andy - https://www.mca.com.au/exhibitions/andy-warhol-portraits-fro… - and then later with its huge jeff koons dog - https://www.mca.com.au/exhibitions/puppy/

    it's also the last art gallery I was able to get my mum to, before she developed dementia, because of the great coffee shop with a view on the fourth (?) floor - go in, take the elevator to the top floor, and go to the coffee shop rather than into the gallery - one of the guaranteed best "away from crowds" view of Sydney/Circular Quay etc you'll see. Have coffee and enjoy - it's worth it!

    Edit: ok… seems like that part is gone…

    If you're there, also check out Isaac Julien's latest piece - https://www.mca.com.au/exhibitions/isaac-julien-once-again-s…

    Sighs… some days I really miss Sydney.

    For those still wanting more art, recommend going to the state art gallery, particularly the new section - there's an amazing "sensory" piece on the lowest floor. Many of the exhibitions/general collection access are free.

    • But those are the special exhibitions. The regular content is meh. Warhol exhibitions anywhere will draw in crowds.

      • good point… that said, this was back in the early-mid 90s when they were doing this and, for a private institution, that was reasonably impressive. I don't remember QLD, for example, getting on the map until it started doing its own thing with the Triennale, but I also don't have that much knowledge of "blockbuster" things from back then. It was just what drew me in and I was like, wow, I get to see this in Australia! (it was before the pictorial internet, IIRC, and a long time before GOMA's massive shows… though I guess NGV was doing its thing with Keith Harring in the 80s?). I'm just grateful for its existence and it was often one of my "go-to" spots when I visited Sydney. I may also have a story about a former SMH critic stubbing out a joint on the front lawn as Bob Carr came up to shake hands with him….

    • 'the great coffee shop with a view on the fourth (?) floor - go in, take the elevator to the top floor, and go to the coffee shop rather than into the gallery - one of the guaranteed best "away from crowds" view of Sydney/Circular Quay etc you'll see. Have coffee and enjoy - it's worth it!'

      agreed about the free views - but the coffee shop has gone and has now been refurbished into a more expensive restaurant - https://www.mca.com.au/visitor-information/eat-and-drink/can…

      looks like they've extended the table-height glass to floor-to-ceiling height to maximise the views

      the new menu says '$85pp for two-course, $100pp for three-course' with 10% surcharge on weekends and 15% on public holidays - https://www.mca.com.au/files/documents/Canvas_x_Josh_Raine_M…

      that should keep most of the unwashed plebs away …

      I expect you should still be able to walk in for free past the (let me guess - now unlikely to be packed) restaurant to enjoy or show visitors the stunning views of the harbour, opera house and busy ferry traffic coming and going to Circular Quay.

      Take the lift to the 4th floor if I recall - step out and turn right - there are also toilets inside on the left opposite the restaurant.

  • +1

    The entry fee has been set too high IMO. There is some better stuff here than many here acknowledge, but $10-15 is enough with current content, maybe $20 if 'exhibitions' are included.
    I don't know where the 300KPA salary number comes from, probably a wind-up, but a little research suggests, outside the very few top jobs and directors (as unstated), that most are paid about $80KPA.
    BTW - Canvas restaurant on the roof is excellent! Perfect for a celebration or fun lunch out, and great value for such high quality. The views are somewhat obscured.
    Limited wine list, but plenty by the glass.

    • $100 a head for a "fun lunch out"? And you're on OzBargain. I'm impressed.

      • if they know the average pay of MCA workers, I'd guess they have a vested interest in seeking to encourage paying customers -

        "I definitely recommend this product or service to everybody'

  • Thanks OP

    • +1

      Username checks out ?

      • +1

        It’s some light hearted Aussie sarcasm for you bro. Iykyk.

  • -1

    I never managed to visit before an entry fee 😔

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