Noticed there were no previous deals for PS posted about this game so thought I'd be the first :)
[PS5] Payday 3 $25 ($22.50 with Everyday Rewards) (was $54) + Delivery ($0 C&C/ in-Store) @ BIG W

jollyrogga on 13/01/2025 - 11:06 (248 clicks)
Last edited 13/01/2025 - 13:28 by 1 other user
Last edited 13/01/2025 - 13:28 by 1 other user
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Better chance at JB, all the EBs I have been to the last couple years will only match a store in the same complex or within 2-5km of their store. Seems most have mixed results these days.
Mine did without any problems it’s depends who you get but yes they can be a pain the bum sometimes
This is correct
There's probably no one playing this
saw the other day it was 20 on the digital Xbox store, likely the same on PSN, can't check at the moment
Probably be $10 before you know it
Looks like it's $39.95 on PS Store at the moment
Yeah, I saw :'(
Still 20 on Xbox, normally when one's down, the other is too
Yeah it's no payday2 , would not recommend
Don’t forget to price match at…