50-80% off Storewide (EXP: Extra 20% off in Cart) + $12.95 Delivery ($0 C&C/ in-Store/ $120 Order) @ Rivers

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Storewide discounts. Up to 80% off. Extra 20% off in cart (excludes branded products).

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Rivers Australia
Rivers Australia


  • +29

    Upvoting for the end of rivers

  • +36

    Feel for those losing their jobs

  • +6

    Use GDAY20 for $20 off your next purchase

    • +1

      Didn't work 🤷‍♂️

      • +8

        Minimum spend is $100 for that code

    • +1

      Scam. There is no "next" purchase

    • +1

      My order is 130, the code doesnt applied…

  • +5

    Have a 8yr old pair of GYW boots from Rivers that I got for $40. Still going strong.

    • +3

      seconded, took a pair around the world in my uni days and still using them for trips to the dump

    • +2

      I second you on that.

    • +1

      Same, Rivers boots FTW!!

    • +7

      If you go back far enough you get a point in time when Rivers had quality products.

  • +4

    Damn I was using their black chelsea boots for work for like the last 10 years

    • Same but older pair last like 4 years, 2 years, every 1 year then 6 months for the last pair… Now stick with Harsh Puppy.

  • Any river wearers that recommend their boots? https://www.rivers.com.au/product/rivers-xain-good-year-welt…

    I feel i would rarely wear them maybe a couple of times a month at best when working in the garage or mowing

    Lastly are their sizing in AU or US? I'm a 10 US in regular shoes any recommendations if 10 in these would be best?


  • They merging with kmart?

    • I heard their parent company didn't find any buyers, so they are closing down.

      • +3

        Rivers and a number of other sister brands have passed through a number of owners including venture capitalists and I'm guessing a few bad managers along the way.
        Quality and service have slowly been eroded over the years.
        For online orders, Rivers became mostly a drop shipment company with the items that I bought coming individually from different overseas factories over a period of weeks.

  • -7

    Let me know when it's 100 percent off and I still won't go buy rivers clothes. Thanks.

    • When they closed down … every thing is 100 percent off including their CEO and staffs.

  • Looks like you can stack with this coupon I found to get $20 off a $120 purchase (before shipping): RIVPICODI20

    • +1


    • Damn made the order earlier in the morning but didn'tget a chance to see your code. How did u discpver the code btw?

      • +2

        Google-Fu. Any time I see a "Coupon/Voucher code" box in a cart/checkout screen, I go hunting online to see if there are any codes around. A huge percentage of the time they're either expired, not applicable to the items in your order or not real codes, but every now and then you turn up something good - and both the moneysaving and the satisfaction of a successful find make it worth the effort.

        • Cool thanks

  • +1

    Thanks OP. Made an order for free (used online survey money). 20% sign up code does not work as it can not be applied to an already existing promotion from my experience.

  • +2

    Such a shame.

  • +1

    Totally thrown off by this, but since when do Rivers sell Dolce & Gabanna?:


    • "Marketplace Product: sold & shipped by third-party seller. No refunds for change of mind for this item."

      • Ah i was wondering about the homewares. LMAO. Since when did Rivers sell garden pots.

        Now i understand.

        So gross these companies just become crappy micro-amazons.

      • +1

        I think it's one of the worst trends for ecommerce sites, basically diminishes the value of your brand, since everyone ends up selling the same shit, and if things go wrong, guess what, your reputation takes the hit, not your no-name offshore seller.

  • +3

    In stock - add to cart
    Checkout - no stock, remove from cart
    In stock - add to card
    Rinse and repeat

  • The sale prices on shorts like chinos are still more than better looking equivalents from Target. Looking at the full prices I can kinda see why they went out of business when the brand name equivalents at Myer are around the same price.

    • +2

      I remember when they used to sell $5 shirts and 10 jumpers and $20 shoes, then the next time I went in all the same stuff was selling for Myer prices. I’m surprised they stayed open for this long.

  • +1
  • Not really surprised people went for fast fashion instead of this…

  • +1

    Thank you. Just went in store because I wanted to try some things on. I am a UK size 17 in Adidas/Nike runners and got some hiking boots that were size 13 and fit tightly, but still fit. $36.

  • What's their shoe sizing on website? Is that US or UK or Aus..

    • @pyramid UK sizing. The boots I just purchased are UK 13, US 14. On the website they do not appear when you filter for size 14.

    • Au/UK ie USA equivalent size is +1 the quoted size

  • Anyone have experince with Rivers branded mens shoes? Are they narrow in width like Adidas or normal or wider?

  • Only one item was shipped. You reckon the other two items I ordered will be refunded? Thought it was too good to be true!

    • I think i saw somewhere said can be seperate deliviries

      • Hope so. That would be great.

  • Returns policy is fairly restrictive, often store credit for a lot of situations (obviously not useful with closure). Not worth the risk imo, but a casual browse at my local when I'm near might be worth it..

  • anyone else waiting for their order to be shipped? I ordered on 23 January, still waiting it to be shipped

  • Never received my item. Been two weeks now. Can't get in touch with customer service… perhaps because there isn't one? Going out of business and all that.

  • Is there anything worth getting? I was looking at silk pillowcases and noticed they were selling the twin packs that are suspiciously always on sale everywhere else AND cost less than the price of a single pillowcase from a different brand

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