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[PC, Steam] Cyberpunk 2077 $40.47 @ Steam


$70.31 for Ultimate… Cyberpunk 2077..

Cyberpunk 2077 is an open-world, action-adventure RPG set in the dark future of Night City — a dangerous megalopolis obsessed with power, glamor, and ceaseless body modification.

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  • +2

    $40.47 for me.

  • @donga100 what your avatar of? it's very nostalgic for me but I can't remember the cartoon

    • +11

      Weird using the word bland to describe it, Game is very unique and most people would enjoy the experience, One of the best AAA games last few years now that it's been polished. 40$ is a tad steep though after the bad taste it put in everyone's mouth but how bad it was on release.

      • To me it feels like a generic Ubisoft game. Whereas Witcher 3 felt like a bonafide GOTY, a masterpiece.

        • +4

          That rough comparing it to an Ubisoft game. For sure Witcher 3 is better 100%, I love The Witcher games all of them. Cyberpunk setting like Night City is really cool also lets not forget Panam's butt. Honestly for a more recent AAA game it's really good, The issue is most AAA games now days aren't that great, But if you have the urge to play a more recent AAA game I 100% recommend Cyberpunk 2077

        • +2

          Witcher 3 followed alot of Ubisofts open world design aspects.. and Cyberpunk was literally W3s formula but in a modern first person setting. Big difference between CDPR though is that their writing, characters and world building is massively better then anything Ubisoft dishes up lately.

        • It's exactly the opposite for me, i coudlnt care less for Witcher titles. I like futuristic and sci-fi games.

          • @nikoris: Well I was hoping that Cyberpunk would be just like Witcher 3, just with a futuristic and scifi setting, and a GTA style city you can drive around in.

      • +17

        The game is literally advertised as an RPG - conversations often present multiple options, letting you roleplay as someone cunning, aggressive, or diplomatic, depending on your choices. Any YouTube review of the game would have told you that. If you didn't bother checking any out before playing, well that's on you champ.

        • -8

          In the 2 or 3 hours i spent playing the game all the "multiple options" came down to selecting yes or one option 85% of the time. The remaining options didn't really change the game. The selling point when I bought it on release was its an open world bud. you don't think a game is read to play in open world champ

          • +2

            @bigpoppa: Its worth going back to it now and playing it for more then 2-3 hours now that you know what to expect and if your open to experiencing more curated stories in an open world.

      • +11

        'this game isnt great if you are dyslexic' is the most niche complaint.

      • -2

        Maybe we just old. Seen the same shit 100 times but new wrapping paper.

        • -4

          Maybe. honestly I rather have a good story than 100k graphics and million fps etc etc. Really hope GTA VI will stand up to the hype unlike this game did.

      • +2

        "this game is literally any 90s game, where you have to read shit and pick an option to progress,"
        You know I actually agree with that, and I bloody well love it. I was thinking that recently Cyberpunk 2077 is the modern RPG / dungeon crawler game with a late 80s early 90s feel somehow, except you have freedom to explore along with it.

    • -8

      Hes kindas right, it's more so a glorified tech demo for DLSS and Framegen for Nvidia at this point.

      • Tech Demo with 25 hours of story line content.

        • +4

          75 hours in (with Phantom Liberty) and i still haven't finsihed some of the main quests lol.

      • +5

        Have you played it? He's not right at all. You may not like it, but calling it a tech demo is just a troll comment.

        It is far, far better than it was on release and to their credit the Devs have worked hard to address complaints and make it better.

        But hey, if you want to miss out that's your loss. For anyone who hasn't played it, the main story is stylish, compelling and well paced - especially Phantom Liberty.

        Personal preference, but play a female V for the superior voice acting.

        • -6

          Nah just comented for the hell of it.

    • +2

      you don't deserve Panam

  • +1

    Seems to be the regular prices for both versions now when they go on sale.

  • +11

    Honestly this is such a great game now. I played it on release back in 2020 and had a lot of fun. Did another playthrough about 6 months ago so I could play Phantom Liberty expansion (which is incredible and well worth the money), and its actually amazing how much has been updated/improved since the launch version of the game.
    Plus it also doubles as a tech demo if you want to mess around with graphics settings and ray tracing.

  • I read something about a patch in the last week giving big fps improvement on recent cards?

    • Tried it yesterday. I can now play at 4K 60fps on psycho settings with path tracing on my 4090 laptop. Loving it!

      • I thought DLSS4 was only for RTX 5000 cards?

        • +2

          only multi frame generation, all the other features are available. The new transformer model is pretty crazy.

      • with path tracing on my 4090 laptop. Loving it!

        4090 laptop XDD

        • -1

          I know! DLSS4 is black magic! It plays so smoothly at max graghics and looks native resolution aside from the occasional glitch here and there.

  • +29

    Or pay 2c more and get a DRM-free copy / Client-free copy - https://www.gog.com/en/game/cyberpunk_2077

    • +8

      This is the way. Supports the developers better too.

    • This. See my comment further down. Ironic that Valve made Portal, because its themes of deception and "the cake is a lie" apply directly to you thinking you own a copy of the games you 'buy' on Steam.

      • Wait…are you saying I don't own all those free games I downloaded on Steam? That at any moment Valve can take away access to all the content I didn't pay for?? My entire library I spent nothing on could disappear??? Getouttahere!!

    • This is the way

  • +5

    After continuous update and gorgeous DLC, it became such a brilliant game

  • +2

    My game of this generation. I'm 340 hours in on Series X, bought it at launch and picked up Phantom Liberty. Night and day between launch and where it's at now (and for the last 12 months or more).

  • -3

    Sorry OP - just negging because of potential serious issues with Steam. The same deal is available on GOG which is DRM-free. Also, if Steam bans your account, you lose everything with no recourse. With GOG, the offline installer and all the files are yours to keep and own. They could vanish as a company and you can still play your games. Here's the GOG link: https://www.gog.com/en/game/cyberpunk_2077

    I don't have a direct beef with Steam, I just think selling the revocable right to play a game 'for now' but let you think you 'own a copy of the game' is dodgy af.

    • +3

      while I agree with you the fact Steam has steamdeck and some might want to play on it (if they can?) could be a good enough reason to buy it there

      • -2

        Good point. Kinda makes me uneasy that steam has their tentacles in everything lol

        • It's only scary for when Gabe eventually sells it , so far he's keeping a good system about it and not interfering too much but you can bet when it's sale time and who ever buys will make it horrible

          • -1

            @botchie: getting myself negged by all the silent fanbois lol… I hope Steam is big enough that any future operator wouldn't mess with it too much, and gamers would be pretty vocal. I have a feeling it will be a slow death by a thousand cuts, with gradual erosion of rights and protections (as has already been happening in the US), to avoid backlash.

            • +4

              @eggboi: I think you are getting negged yourself because your reason is not a good reason to neg the post in the first place even if your points are correct.

              This is a bargain website, not reddit.

              • +1

                @andigaming: It seems those folks need to read the voting guidelines then. “Issue with retailer” is a valid neg reason.

    • +1

      I am an avid supporter of GOG too and have tried to get people off Steam for the same reasons. I do however like how Valve are pushing SteamOS. I look forward to the day we can move on from Microsoft and not look back.

      • +1

        Yes, Valve has done a lot more gaming on Linux than all other companies

      • That day will come as soon as the industry can unchain itself from DirectX. Vulkan seems to be an attempt to head in that direction.

    • +7

      Not a reason to neg.

      • Surprised how many people don’t even know the rules lol. “Issue with retailer” is explicitly listed as a neg reason. Nobody complains when people neg other deals for questionable retailer business practices. Eg Harvey Norman.

        Never thought so many people would be cucks for Steam when you can pay the same price for the DRM-free version lol.

        • I don't think you are old enough to know about the pre-steam days. I was a massive pirate, but Steam has made it so much simpler and easier to maintain a library of games. I'm quite aware of all the potential issues with not owning games, etc etc, but overall Steam has been an absolute god-send for PC gamers.

          • @Jack D Price: Yeah the features are actually great, and the service currently is fine. Its just the fact you down own the right to play any of those games if steam decides to revoke what is literally an ongoing rental for a one-time fee.

            Also i hate having to go online to jump thru various login hoops just to play some offline games. Eg Halo MCC. does not function in offline mode. Hangs on the loading screen while it tries to contact xbox servers to verify. Sometimes it’s still better to buy the game AND use the “unofficial” versions for convenience.

        • +1

          So you gonna neg every steam deal or what?

          • -1

            @dukeGR4: What a dim reply. This deal specifically is available for the same price with no DRM; so the steam option is objectively a much worse deal (unless you are on steam deck i guess)

            • @eggboi:

              What a dim reply.

              a dim reply for a dim take, that's what you deserve.

              with that out of the way, with that much yapping you better be able to walk the talk.

    • +1

      With my 20 years on steam, not once have I ever had an issue.

      • Rose tinted glasses on. Steam was a mess for years.

        • -1

          Steam was a mess for years.

          How is that relevant now?

    • +2

      I use Steam mainly as my gaming launch pad, but completely agree with you. As an older gamer, the fact that we somehow pay more for games, cost of entry and equipment is eye watering, we pay for our internet to be able to game online, and the privilege for all this, is we get to borrow a copy of the game at their discretion - is beyond wild.

      • +1

        I know, right. But then people seem just as happy to wave goodbye to their privacy in exchange for convenience. The global reaction to Edward Snowden’s leaks was a collective “meh” in the scheme of things. When companies lose customer data, it’s not even front page news any more.

  • +4

    Absolutely incredible game. The atmosphere of the world is like nothing else, incredibly immersive. Great characters, quests and combat. Don't sleep on this!

  • +2

    I got GoG version for $25 in 2022, inflation :)

    • +4

      Same, back when no one wanted to play it but just before it started to get better.

      • still looked beautiful with ray tracing

  • G2A seems to have steam version for $27

    • +1

      They're Steam accounts, not Steam keys, meaning you can't add it to your existing library

    • Are you sure its a Steam key rather than a 'Steam Account', also were you set on USD rather than AUD? I just checked, the 'Steam Gift' comes out to be same price. Reckon they use a stolen CC to steam gift it.

  • Almost want to buy it just so I can use a save editor for my Xbox save.

    Then get a refund.

  • Great game. Have put at least 30 hours in, taking time with side quests and exploring, and only maybe a third of the way through the main story.

  • Paid $26.69 on Release in 2020 for this game on gog.com :)

    Then $14.99 for Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty in 2023

    Got the stuck on the phone bug and haven't played it again since

  • I refunded my purchases a few days ago (on original price) and got this on special. So glad.

    Such a great game! I bought a gaming PC specially for it … lol

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