heytherehoney » user profile

Member Since 12/11/2017
Last Seen 10 hours 40 min
Badges 1
Location Melbourne

Recent Activities

What date did you get that email? I received the following email on 15 Aug 2024, but no communication prior: We recently emailed you…
16/09/2024 - 23:09
I've been um-ing and ah-ing about whether to hold onto this card (only reason being grandfathered price protection) and I've left it right…
16/09/2024 - 22:57
I've had the 30L white one for 3 years now and no issues. If I saw it on clearance I'd definitely grab a spare.
10/09/2024 - 22:34
Just googled the JosephJoseph Porta - FYI David Jones has the blue one on sale for $168:…
10/09/2024 - 22:31
Just received this card and I must say it was quite seamless. My last credit card application was with Bank of Melbourne and that was a…
09/09/2024 - 14:39
Ah damn, of course the item I want is unavailable for click & collect! Good CB offer.
28/08/2024 - 23:05
Thanks, placed an order - my usual Quilton 48-pack 3-ply is currently unavailable.
11/07/2024 - 18:01
I just tried to sign up and apply the '12WEEKSPLUS' in the promo section (under 'Special Offers' - Have you received a promotion code…
30/06/2024 - 00:21
Didn't work for me. Great deal for those that got lucky! Hopefully there's another good offer come Black Friday.
27/06/2024 - 20:25
Yeah, I found that too. Overall it was a terrible sign up experience - had to submit documents multiple times and then ring them after a…
18/06/2024 - 20:22
This is a pleasant surprise. I've moved to Macquarie but this is worth moving some funds back. Impending exodus from ING.
18/06/2024 - 20:15
Would have been more bizarre and idiotic if they announced this earlier and then a week later the RBA drop the cash rate.
18/06/2024 - 20:12
Hi - I suggest you open a Macquarie Savings Account as well because the interest rate is 5.35% for the first four months. You can't…
07/06/2024 - 17:27
I agree their phone service has always been great. I think their service is declining though, I'm currently on hold with an estimated wait…
07/06/2024 - 16:30
You're either did it from the Spend account accidentally or you're an anomaly - the function is no longer available for me, my family and…
07/06/2024 - 15:22
They no longer work to EXTERNAL accounts. Never stopped working to internal accounts.
06/06/2024 - 10:54
No, I still can't
06/06/2024 - 10:53
Yes, now we have to manually set up the transfer to the external account on the day we need it - can't set it up in advance.
05/06/2024 - 15:36
We're all leaving UBank so we DON'T have to do all this messing around with multiple accounts. It's a PITA. If you must do that, do it with…
05/06/2024 - 00:17
The amount isn't the issue - it's the restricted access to money that is the issue.
04/06/2024 - 15:08
Just note that you have to grow your account by at least $50 each month in order to receive the full bonus interest rate. This is a deal…
04/06/2024 - 13:56
It's still June and I've just tried to schedule my monthly payments from UBank for the last time. It looks like have already removed the…
04/06/2024 - 12:24
That's even worse than ING which only requires $0.01 growth each month (but that's the most annoying condition). At least they pay 5.50%…
30/05/2024 - 17:53
You can't use the UBank Save account like an everyday spending account. The card can only be linked to the Spend account so you can't pay…
30/05/2024 - 17:29
I've submitted a complaint via link above.
30/05/2024 - 16:55
Haha, their PR BS is laughable. Translation: "We aim to encourage more frequent transactions and more funds held in the Spend account; and…
30/05/2024 - 16:50
Mate same boat here, I've uploaded my payslips 3x now - if they ask me to do it one more time I'm going to crack it. We're going around in…
12/04/2024 - 18:39
I always have a box of these in the freezer for an emergency feed. Best supermarket pies are National Pies though.
08/04/2024 - 21:01
Hi, yes - you can still get 50% cashback for one international flight per membership year. See the latest terms and conditions as of…
07/04/2024 - 14:46
Ugh, I am looking at flights to Bali now and just realised they have removed the companion benefit as of January 2024. AIA Vitality is…
02/04/2024 - 14:50