arescarti42 » posts


Are All ALDIs Hopeless, or Is It Just My Local One?

I'm kind of at my wits' end and trying to figure out if changing stores will help, or if I should just suck it up and start shopping at Woolworths exclusively. Everyone knows that ALDI has …

Problem Getting Loan for Home with Unapproved Changes?

Hi hivemind, I'm looking to buy a house at auction in a few weeks time (FHB). The house has a garage on the ground floor, and the previous owner built an internal stairway from the garage up …

40cm Heller Remote Controlled Pedestal Fan - $15 - From Officeworks

out of stock 40cm Heller Remote Controlled Pedestal Fan - $15 - From Officeworks

I was looking for a cheap remote controlled fan for my bedroom, and discovered that Officeworks has Heller 40cm ones on clearance for $15, they seem to be retailing elsewhere for about $40. Of …

500W Electric Line Trimmer $19 @ Masters - Reduced from $59

expired 500W Electric Line Trimmer $19 @ Masters - Reduced from $59

Hi folks, Masters currently have their Xceed 500W line trimmers reduced to $19 from $59 on their website. It's probably a clearance deal. I ordered one for click and collect from the Canberra …

Sanyo Eneloop Charger with 2x AA Batteries - Dick Smith - $14.99 - in Store Only

expired Sanyo Eneloop Charger with 2x AA Batteries - Dick Smith - $14.99 - in Store Only

Dick Smith have lowered the price of the Eneloop Charger with 2xAA batteries to $14.99, I think it used to be $24.99.


expired ASUS Eee PC 1215B-MU17 12.1" Netbook - $269.95 USD + $62.86 USD Shipping = $332.81 USD

Hi folks, Thought those looking for a new netbook might be interested in this Asus from