thecheapcarp » user profile

Member Since 25/10/2022
Last Seen 16/02/2023
Location Sydney

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Well you know I'm enroled in a sociology experiment and the only way I can buy stuff is via gift cards.
12/11/2022 - 08:12
Thanks for the analysis. I'm surprised don't sign their cards being a major problem. I've actually been told to sign my card when doing a…
06/11/2022 - 17:25
Fair enough so do you actually care if someone shoplifts or do you do it because it is the company's policy and you are trained to do it?…
05/11/2022 - 01:48
Standing behind me even after they helped me with the checkout error messages on the machine for one.
04/11/2022 - 18:55
Well to put it simply is a human's natural tendency to not want to be seen doing something dodgy. Just because you have the right doesn't…
04/11/2022 - 18:53
I was replying to another post about combining all the giftcards into everyday pay which coles don't have. But good point I'll mute the…
04/11/2022 - 11:46
I will do that for all my subsequent shopping at Woolworths to avoid drawing attention to myself for making multiple transactions. Too bad…
04/11/2022 - 11:43
Interesting I've never seen anyone deposit coins into the machines before. Good on you? What problems did they start may I ask?
04/11/2022 - 11:38
I will do that for all my subsequent shopping at Woolworths to avoid drawing attention to myself for making multiple transactions. Too bad…
04/11/2022 - 11:37
Good point. I will try doing that next time. But it makes you wonder why do I have to explain it to them before the process or be…
04/11/2022 - 11:36
Not that they care about me but about upholding the company's policies (to earn profit that is) and to train what they are taught to do…
03/11/2022 - 15:41
That is very true at least they do not have to check my receipt to see if I bought the Coles bag
03/11/2022 - 12:16
I don't care really but it makes you reflect when you're the only shopper that warrants the attention of the staff...
03/11/2022 - 12:14
Yes. I do tap and pay 5 times which makes 5 beeping sounds and 5 taps. Apprarently that warrants attention.
03/11/2022 - 12:13
Well then the staff must think I am an important person then :)
03/11/2022 - 12:11
Yeah I wouldn't be doing that in a busy queue. And when there is no queue, it's so much work for so little savings (not the process itself…
03/11/2022 - 10:41
I think I'll send my gift cards to you instead and save on the $200 I'll potentially spend visiting a psychologist. What a win-win! And…
03/11/2022 - 10:33
I only do 5 split transactions (1 dollar each, with the rest of the amount on my normal debit card) when there is no customers at the self…
03/11/2022 - 10:29
I don't do one cent or one dollar debit card transcations at serviced checkout at all at most two 90 dollar transactions for the HSBC spend…
03/11/2022 - 10:15
Then they have to check the balance which takes a while. And redo the gift card payment part. Which is a pain in the arse. Especially when…
03/11/2022 - 10:05
True but pretty hard to do one dollar or one cent debit card transactions at the staffed checkout only plausible for using two gift cards…
03/11/2022 - 10:01
That is part of the reason Africans in Yankee-land die earlier because of all the stigmatistion like being suspected of shoplifting or…
03/11/2022 - 09:49
Sometimes I go to the staffed check out instead and ask to do multiple purchases instead of doing self-check out, or when I am doing…
03/11/2022 - 09:47
I mean I am still doing it but I think this warrants a $200 consultation with a shirk so cost-wise it is not beneficial so I think maybe I…
03/11/2022 - 09:44
As subject. I will try to use multiple payment methods (mostly 2, sometimes 3, seldom 5) to use up my remaining one or two dollar gift card…
03/11/2022 - 09:36
You mean for subscription purchases? :)
31/10/2022 - 06:05
Yes it is a nice place the high rises in Milton are nice too if it weren't for the floods. Living here only because of the river otherwise…
27/10/2022 - 07:19