anvu » user profile

Member Since | 17/05/2011 |
Last Seen | 19/07/2012 |
Location | Melbourne |
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this is better than the HP folio 13 deal...just bought folio 13 last week :(

can HN pricematch this?

anvu replied to
EarlyBird on Asus EeePad Transformer 16GB + Keyboard Dock + 16GB Micro SDHC $468 Shipped

most of Mkv files on the internet are encoded with AC3 audio files, when u convert to ACC files, it works like a charm.…

lolz but A50x will be updated to ICS next year? isnt that great?

pick 1 up in OW for $388 this afternoon

anvu commented on ASUS Eee PC 1215B-MU17 12.1" Netbook - $269.95 USD + $62.86 USD Shipping = $332.81 USD
it deal still doesnt beat the $238 deal of Asus 1015b, same spec, only screen is smaller

lolz i can just walk there. sadly only a few week left then i will leave tassie forever

i know lolz too good to be true, i live in a rural area, which people doesnt really buy tech stuffs lolz...i will call 2morrow if they have…

anvu posted a deal HP Pavilion DV6-6027TX 6027 $99 at Officeworks (Typo??)
i dont know is this real or not....maybe a typo

anvu commented on Razer Spectre $47 at EB Games (In Store Only)
i just got one today...lucky i live in Launceston haha they have plenty of stocks there

anvu commented on Razer Spectre $47 at EB Games (In Store Only)
probably doesnt hav stock but i will give it a try tomorrow

is this generic or branded vodafone?

sorry still expensive for an table nowaday

when you think about it..this is a cheapest game ever. played for 1 year.probably play for another 2-3 years for just $69 when i bought…

anvu replied to
auswriter on C25K Pro for Android for Free [Original Price $1.99 @Amazon App Store] for Today Only!

its not really illegitimate. its just a workaround, because ur not stealing anything. and the cards are fake, completely fake so....

how long does it take to ship to Australia?

many people said GetJar has some viruses...not sure

anvu commented on Samsung Galaxy S II [B/W] - $29 + $30 on 12 Month Plan - VODAFAIL (Vodafone) $708 (or Potentially $594)
im currently on this contract for like a month already, plus 10% off for second contract with vodafone

anvu commented on HP Pavilion DV6-6135TX, 2nd Gen i7, 1GB ATI 6770M, 4GB RAM for $845.75 + Free Delivery DSE
still no full HD screen

anvu replied to
anvu on iPhone 3GS 8GB $428 - Vodafone Prepaid - Includes $29 Credit - @ Officeworks Stores

you stuck with iOS ecosystem then :) i feel its a 100 year contract with Apple... for this phone like this..the price should be $200 :D

anvu replied to
mr_vino89 on iPhone 3GS 8GB $428 - Vodafone Prepaid - Includes $29 Credit - @ Officeworks Stores

iphone 5= iphone4s lolz

anvu commented on New Style Silicone Soft Case for Apple iPhone 5, AU$1.38+Free Shipping, 25% Off -
iphone 5 is ugly

anvu replied to
jv on iPhone 3GS 8GB $428 - Vodafone Prepaid - Includes $29 Credit - @ Officeworks Stores

oh well almost $400 range, you should go with nexus S for $100 cheaper

anvu commented on iPhone 3GS 8GB $428 - Vodafone Prepaid - Includes $29 Credit - @ Officeworks Stores
why people HAVE to stick around iphone?

laptops are very cheap these days... with this spec like 3 months ago, it was like 899 or something

anvu replied to
Mugsy on Seagate GoFlex Portable 1.5TB USB 3.0 $125 in JB Hi-Fi Catalogue from 22/09

im saying this to myself like a month ago when i missed the buffalo deals. then there you go, $125 for 1.5TB. before xmas i will think it…

doesnt work for me anymore. even with the workaround...maybe i need some us proxy

it doesnt work anymore, even with the workaround region details lolz

and how to get access again on Amazon app? trying to figure it but its still not available

works in tasmania launceston