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Member Since 27/05/2011
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Badges 5

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Price tends to be a giveaway - too cheap to be true yada yada.
31/08/2024 - 18:22
On Amazon the Australian version (different shape) is $48, still too rich at this price.
18/07/2024 - 09:07
Totally different blade action. I have this style attachment in our hand blender and it tends to mash the ingredients which is what you…
18/07/2024 - 09:05
Is this for a single speaker or a pair? Edit: Must be for a pair as the controls are only on one of them. Seems good value.
05/07/2024 - 11:26
Also the Xiaomi controller is soooo much nicer.
05/07/2024 - 09:31
And whose stake is dropping. Also it doesn't matter if it's not 100% owned, it's still 100% controlled by Chinese interests.
03/07/2024 - 23:47
The upcoming next major revision (0.14) will have a much improved UI.
03/07/2024 - 16:03
It should be pretty obvious from the grammar and typos lol
02/07/2024 - 17:53
> that is extremely rare, since battery packs are very well protected from physical damage, So why do many insurance companies write them…
02/07/2024 - 17:44
Thanks all. Will make an OB start for the veggie patch!
02/07/2024 - 12:48
Get a pi for that.
02/07/2024 - 10:06
If you use the iGPU the CPU usage will be much higher and more importantly it can't match the inference time of a Coral (obviously the USB…
02/07/2024 - 09:59
Any experience with this company Seems to have mixed reviews on productreview
02/07/2024 - 09:26
Nice! Seems like great value.
27/06/2024 - 17:36
Any small spray bottle will suffice. Watch James Hoffman's spritzing video so you know which one to get ;)
27/06/2024 - 17:22
Mate, just check on OB for bean sales. Alternatively get a Behmor and roast your own. Be totally vertically integrated and guaranteed 100%…
27/06/2024 - 17:20
Don't forget your spray bottle for spritzing.
27/06/2024 - 09:27
Anyone with experiences of these? Was looking for something like the E6/8 for when I have to make a few at a time.
27/06/2024 - 09:26
thanks! Looked at some reviews which commented that there are still air pockets after sealing. How's your experience like?
20/05/2024 - 08:29
Do you have to use their pouches?
19/05/2024 - 21:06
Other than that and a new attachment there doesn't seem to be a technical difference?
26/04/2024 - 09:41