skyaldn881 » posts

Help need help for birthday!

Hey, I tired multiple places and can't find what i'm looking for. I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this, if so very sorry. :D

New DSLR camera for hoildays

Hey, i've been looking into dslr camera's and i've never owned one before. I'm looking into the Nikon range and i'm wishing to spend $500. I'm currently looking at the D5100 or the D3200.

Best VoIP Phone

Hey, our area recently got NBN and we're thinking of getting a contract with iinet. With them we have the option to get netphone2.

Best place to buy shoes!!!

Not fashion shoes but training shoes! :D

Demon's Souls for $20 Help Needed


JB Hi-Fi

Does JB Hi-Fi sell Amazon or eBay gift cards?

Hey, i really want to buy either skyrim or ico & shadow of the colossus HD but they are a bit over priced at JB-HI-FI and was wondering whether they sell amazon or ebay gifts cards so i could buy the

Best PS3 game for $20

i'm thinking of purchasing a ps3 game to play over the coming up school holidays to have a break from study. i have $20 to spend at JB HI FI but don't know what game to buy.

Best Laptop Under $450

Hey, I'm a student who is currently looking for a laptop to assist with studies.

Is this website legit?

hey, found this deal while looking for a new laptop not sure if it's real please help thanks :D

New Budget Desktop PC

Hello, i'm thinking of buying a pre built desktop pc for around the $300-400 mark. I'm hoping to be able to play a few game on it as well and hooking it up to my led lcd moniter.

Steam Box $1000 USD

An article on kotaku stated that the steam box piston is going to come out in the US holiday season with the price tag of $1000

Need a Men's/boy's bike

I need a bike for me to travel to school, which is around 4km. I will be doing this everyday it doesn't rain.

Best 3D PSN game/s of PlayStation 3 under $20?

Yeah, i got a $20 JB hi fi card which i can use on psn to buy games. i want to test out the 3d and want the best 3d depth and eye popping experiences.

Cheap Games

Hey, my friend is looking to get the cheapest prices for these games, he is trying to get it in the $40 and also it can be online but must be a Australian website. And the games are:


Hey, I currently bought a new 12gb ps3 super slim around a month back and i have already run out of data due to game updates. That is why i was thinking of installing a new hard drive to the PS3.

Gran Turismo 5 Price Matching Help Needed

Hey, I recently received an eb games gift card and wanting to use it to buy gran turismo 5. Of course i'm looking to get the best bargain. The lowest price i found so far was $38.

Cheapest Pizza Deal

Hey, for my party tomorrow i'm thinking of buying pizza's from either domino's, pizza hut or eagle boys.

Testing out 3D on my new 3D TV?

Hey, yesterday i purchased the LG 47LM6200. I was wondering if there was any way to test out the 3d on actual 3d content.