• out of stock

Anaconda Spinifex Hawkesbury 2-Person Dome Tent - $9.99 Delivered (to Limited Postcodes)


First post, be gentle :)

The Spinifex Hawkesbury Dome Tent is currently on sale at Anaconda for $19.99, with the $10 off coupon code from this deal (expires June 9) and their $10 off shipping promotion (expires June 11) it is reduced to $9.99 delivered (if you live in certain capital city postcodes)

I can't vouch for the quality of the tent but it only weighs 1.9kg and for $10 delivered it would be hard to beat even if it was just for one use.

Block-quote Sleeping capacity: 2
Seasons: 2 season
Design type: Dome
Canopy fabric: Polyester
Floor fabric: polyester
Fly fabric: polyester
Number of poles: 2
Pole material: Fibreglass
Number of doors: 1
Ventilation: Mesh inner provides better ventilation
Floor dimensions: 205 x 150 x 105 cm
Floor area: Not specified
Vestibule area: N/a
Interior height: 105 cm
Packed size: 65 x 18 x 13 cm
Weight: 1.9 kg
Primary activity(s): Great for backyard play for kids
Warranty: 1 year manufacture warranty

Mod: T&C: This is a SINGLE USE VOUCHER code for new members. The code is sent in an email to people signing up as new members. Multiple uses slow the order system down & may result in orders cancelled.

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closed Comments

  • any UV protection for beach time you know??

    • serious question, don't no about tents..
      usually says: UPF sun protection

      this just sais "or even to take to the beach for the day"

      does anybody know?

      • +7

        any UV protection for beach time you know??

        Warning - dangerous UV rays are emitted from bright object in sky above beach. Also above roads, houses, front lawns, parks, tennis courts, and many other above ground locations.

        The only safety is to never go outdoors. Make sure to take suppliment of Vitamin D.

        Alternative = wear sunscreen.

    • +3

      Pretty sure like most tents under 100, if outside its 20 degrees, then the tent will be 30+ if closed.
      Chance this tent will toast you at the beach.

  • Bought one. Thanks OP.

    • Great - remember this is a SINGLE USE VOUCHER CODE for new members who received the code in their welcome email! (T&C Posted in original deal, but left out of this deal)

  • +12

    Being Blueish it could be called the Viagra - Good for one erection only.

  • How do you get the free shipping?

    No worries- I get it. $10 off- $7.95 left.

  • +2

    no free shipping here either

    • All orders are free ship for first $10 - its the deal & in the banners on the site!
      SINGLE USE VOUCHER CODE for new members who received the code in their welcome email - is the separate deal I posted. (T&C Posted in original deal, but left out of this deal)

  • free shipping for a Brisbane suburb.. all up $9.99 delivered. Nice one OP!

  • Got one. $9.99 total. Thanks OP!

  • Sorry, this promotional coupon is either invalid or has already been used up / expired.

    • Dunno how that came up. Still working now.

  • How do you get free shipping?

    • Good question.

      • +2

        Live in a capital city it seems.

        • with the right postcode

  • +5

    Cheap and dirty… really these products just like the cheap camping chairs should be penalised because all they do is get used once or twice and go into landfill.

  • $4.75 to delivery to Wollongong?
    $10 off code still works.

  • Subtotal $19.99
    Promo Code Savings -$10.00
    Delivery * $13.56
    Total $23.55
    Includes GST

    Seems like free shipping only works for some post codes :(, I tried it with my old Brisbane one and the shipping was free but it's not free for where I live now :(

  • Shipping is $4.75 to CBR…

  • Just got one. No free shipping regional NSW so sent it to a friend in Sydney, $0.00 shipping.

  • $7 shipping for me = $17. Oh well, got one anyway. Thanks, OP…I guess.

  • +7

    Free shipping to 4064. For $10 this will come in handy one day*

    *Said me with 95% of my OzB purchases.

  • Worked for me …thx paid $9.95 including deliver in Melb

  • +1

    Website getting hammered it appears.

  • +4

    Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a005e'

    Invalid use of Null: 'Replace'

    /secure/ssi/cart_functions.asp, line 2609

    anyone getting this error msg when completing order?

    • +1

      I think its because the Postcode field should generate another drop down that isn't working properly. When I went back, I was able to get it to autopopulate my suburb. Still trying to get order through.

    • +1

      I am getting an error also.

      • +1

        Website is struggling.

        • +2

          yeah this just isn't working.

  • Gentle? Bah. I've gonna pos you so hard.

  • Thanks very much OP, should make a good present for one of the many 5 y/o birthday parties my son gets invited to

  • +7

    Invalid : Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to obtaining a connection from the pool. This may have occurred because all pooled connections were in use and max pool size was reached.

    That's what I got.

    • +1

      Was actually trying to pay on my mobile via paypal/credit card but wouldn't transact.

      Got on a computer and now getting this error as well.

    • +1

      Yeah screw it. Tried a few times and no dice.

  • +1

    me too. must be OZ-Bargained

  • Hmmmm….

    Primary activity(s): Great for backyard play for kids

  • +1

    Trying to buy but website is getting smashed

  • +1

    I really need a cheap tent for my uni field trip…shame the site isnt working z

  • Lol

    $39 postage.. right

  • I live in Hawkesburn VIC, can I get it? :)

    • +1

      There's an option to calculate shipping on the website. (That's if you can even get onto the website lol)

      • +7

        I can get it but I don't want it.. ozbargainers dilemma..

  • +1

    Not working for me either. Can't enter the delivery suburb.

  • +10

    Website is struggling savagely. In the time I've spent trying to get it to work I could have already earned the $10 that is saved by this discount code.

  • +1

    For $10 this makes a perfect kids play tent for the backyard!

    Who needs pictures of Dora on it for $50?

  • +3

    Trying to order for $9.99 and their account entry details are shocking!

    Bricks and Mortar shops just can't get it right!

    Invalid : Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to obtaining a connection from the pool. This may have occurred because all pooled connections were in use and max pool size was reached.

  • +1

    Strike 3. Web site is stuffed.

  • +1

    Cant pay on website. Ozbargained :(

  • +1

    Looks like too good a bargain. Website constantly times out when trying to order/pay.

  • +3

    screwed. cant choose suburb!!!

    • you have to put postcode in the box under the address line.. then it lets you choose suburb.

      • +3

        you have to put postcode in the box under the address line.. then it lets you choose suburb.

        Nup, won't me me do this.

        • +2

          and even if you do get past this, have fun trying to make a payment :P

        • +1

          1. Add one to cart
          2. Apply code
          3. put postcode to calculate postage. Total should read $9.99
          4. Click 'billing & Delivery"
          5. Fill in the form:
          There is a box 'street address' , the box under is 'postcode'
          once postcode is done.. it should let you choose suburb.
          6. once it accepts billing address… it'll let you choose postage method. which is a tick box.
          7. follow prompts to pay.

          I just tried it again.. seems to work for me…

        • +1

          Ok just tried again with my old address, it get stuck. FAIL!

  • +1


  • +1

    try few times —> give up, anyone can help please?

    • anyone can help please?

      Not even Anaconda. No Support on weekends.

  • +2

    giving up too, cant be bothered …

    • +2

      gave up too, but now they got all my contacts and email details. worry to be spammed soon.

    • +1

      same here… what a waste of time

  • +1

    Saved from another unnecessary purchase! Now, what to do with all those torches and headphones that I bought recently …

  • Delivery is $4.09 to Geelong.

  • +1

    hmm so $9.99 has been charged on my credit card.. but I can't find my order details anywhere. Given up on trying to make a purchase.. hope the pending transaction means my order may be floating around somewhere…

  • +1

    website ozbargained

  • good deal.

  • +1

    Shipping to 2194 used to be free. Slow website won't proceed to payment though. By the time I tried again, shipping is now $6.15.

  • +1

    Can get past adding the address in. Won't populate suburb.

    Invalid : Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to obtaining a connection from the pool. This may have occurred because all pooled connections were in use and max pool size was reached.

  • +1

    are you guys getting this error too:?/

    Invalid : Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to obtaining a connection from the pool. This may have occurred because all pooled connections were in use and max pool size was reached.

    • +1

      same here, ozbargained!!!

      • whoohooo, finally got order though.

        Your Order
        Hawkesbury Dome Tent
        Colour: Green & Grey
        QTY 1 $19.99
        Promotional Coupon : $10.00 -$10.00
        Delivery: Standard $0.00

        $9.99 AU

        inc GST

        still working. =)

  • +1

    i would avoid attempting this with your credit card, ive been charged ALOT (never made it to the final checkout because of the error but its debited my CC, more than once), finally got through with Paypal but the invoice recognizes the payment as being processed with my credit card..

    hopefully it wont be necessary for me to do a charge back with the bank and the transactions will just go away after a few days

  • +4

    Looking forward to seeing these tents setup around Target in the coming months ;)

  • +8

    Phew.. Thank God there's $7.06 delivery charge to SA. Enough to put me off buying something that I don't need :p

  • Finally got through! Paid with credit card!

  • +1

    After spending the past hour refreshing and re-typing password etc and still can't get to the payment page.
    I am starting to wonder if I should just give up :(

  • +2

    do i need this?

    maybe one day ill go camping

    1st rule of ozbargain: buy first, think later?


  • +1

    "Invalid : Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to obtaining a connection from the pool. This may have occurred because all pooled connections were in use and max pool size was reached."
    Attempting to load the suburb list dropdown from the postcode…

    • +1

      I'm getting the same..

  • +1

    well i sat for an hour, created an online account, but now it wont let me get past and wants me to create another online account. also my postcode has many different suburb names but this is set at one which is not mine

    • +1

      same also getting

      Invalid : Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to obtaining a connection from the pool. This may have occurred because all pooled connections were in use and max pool size was reached.

  • +1

    To those who managed to order one… how did you get past the billing/delivery page? Did you just sit and wait for it to load? Or keep refreshing? Or something else?

    • Before a lot of people started jumping on this bargain I got through the whole process really quickly so yeah it's just the heavy traffic. I suppose you could give them a call if your order gets stuck in limbo.

      • I suppose you could give them a call if your order gets stuck in limbo.

        When? Next Tuesday, after the shipping discount and the $10 bonus are over?

        • Why not? Tell them you ordered during the promo period.

  • +1

    After refreshing the billing/delivery page for quite a long time finally arrived on the payment page..filled in the CC details and guess what….. one more page of error after the payment !! at-least I got screen shot of the payment page.. not sure if the payment went through or not :-))

  • is it worth getting for ~$17 for one time use? :/

  • +2

    their stock level has not changed at all since the time this was posted, even after 4200 clicks and probably a few hundred orders… just dont get too pissed if they are unable to honour this.

  • +2

    Does anybody else encounter problems to proceed on the delivery page?

    Invalid : Timeout expired.


  • +4

    LOL As the one who posted the original $10 code deal, I only just got around to checking the new catalogue deals.
    Can't order what I want - damn you OBers;)
    But I certainly don't want another tent.

    Got through to CC page, but then got
    Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a005e'
    Invalid use of Null: 'Replace'
    /secure/ssi/cart_functions.asp, line 2608

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