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4 Pack Golden Gaytime for $5 at Coles


Not sure if this has already been posted but you can't say no to a gay time with your mates.

Also have 10 packs of Streets Paddlepops for $5


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closed Comments

  • +35

    Don't mind a gaytime. But four of them I get really excited.

    • hmmm, don't we all?

    • +1

      Actually this reminded me back when I was in high school and I asked the canteen lady for a gay time and she gave me a weird look. Never again would I give eye contact to her

  • +17

    Love a 4 pack gaytime, had one in the car the other day

    • Must've been uncomfortable for all concerned.

  • +2

    unrelated note Happy Mardi Gras

  • +4

    I like the description. It portrays:

    you can't say no to a gay time with your mates.

    Gay, time you say?

    • yes. gay time. 4 of them too ;)

      • +1

        Says the guy with two girls in the picture…or is that just a coverup lol :P

        • +2

          IT'S A TRAP!

        • +6


        • straight outta operating theater .. in Thailand

    • gay….time is this 24 hr or 12 hr clock?

  • +1

    dissappointingly these contain gelatine. bad news for vegetarians.

    • +39

      just make sure you don't swallow…

      • +9

        So just suck on them and let the cream ooze out of your mouth?

        • +2

          ~ whoosh ~

        • +3

          Theres always someone that takes it too far.

    • +1

      bad news for vegetarians.

      It's OK, majority of them are meat-eaters…

    • and muslims…. :( but are you sure? that means I have been sinning for a while :/

      • According to the ingredients list its "halal gelatine"…

        • aw noice ! phew :) thanks for that buddy.

    • +1

      Even worse news for cattle.

    • -1

      Don't you mean vegans?

  • +1

    I enjoy a good gaytime, but sometimes its really messy

  • +6

    What the shit have I walked in on :D

  • +4
  • +2

    Dammit, Just went up to coles. Should of checked OzBargain before i went :(

  • +1

    Its brown on a pole with nuts. I get it now

    • +6

      But they're not nuts, they're biscuit pieces… :P

      • +7

        ^ this girl knows her gaytimes ;)

      • +22

        No offence, but I always end up misreading your name as pedogirl lol

        • I was going to say, almost reported her. (I'm just kidding)

        • +1

          She gets that a lot.

        • +5

          same thing I get with webtherapist name……

        • +1

          How inappropriate. The letters are around the other way, indicating it's the OPPOSITE meaning. i.e. Drawn to geriatrics. Honestly, where do some people… get off!? (Ooops…)

        • +4

          @ realfamilyman

          Umm…. it's got nothing to do with being inappropriate mate.
          Most people here see her name as "pedogirl" at first glance, and this is why:

          "i cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno’t mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt!"

          Hence, she IS "Pedogirl" because to most of us "poedgirl" is a mixup of letters. Yes there is a medical reference, but as most of us arent medically trained very few will see it that way.

        • Just so everyone in this thread knows, my name means pissed off girl. As in P.O'ed girl. Nothing to do with pedophilia. In fact, I've had this name long before all the pedophilia hysteria started, back then, no-one made the connection. Since it's been jammed down our throats in the media, people tend to see it where it has no place.

  • +9

    I was so excited told the cashier I was going to have my Gaytime follwed by Peters Paddlepop….. She looked at me awkwardly

  • +3

    Peter's don't make paddlepops it's streets or Unilever. And it's biscuit crumbs the same that's available from kfc

    • The more you know…. (+1)

  • +6

    That's the cheapest gaytime ever

    Can't wait to get it on

  • -3

    I like having gaytimes in my mouth… Ultimately they always end up coming out of my arse.

  • I thought it was 4 packs

  • -7

    So lets get going gay time, we all gay or what?

  • Just a heads up — tonight is the last night they're at $5. They go back to normal price tomorrow!

  • +1

    If you can't say no, it's assault with a sweet pole.

  • So what does golden have to do with gaytime, the mind boggles

    • brown + sunshine = 'golden'

    • They used to have golden and coffee, when I was young I occasionally got coffee by accident. There were other flavours apparently.

      • The other flavour was Devils Food Gaytime. It wasnt coffee though it was more like a dark bittersweet chocolate flavour. I preferred those gaytimes to the other ones.

        My grandad told me there were other sorts of gaytimes when he was younger. Like a Jaffa gaytime and raspberry rough gaytime.

        • +4

          You got me. I almost googled "raspberry rough gaytime".

        • +2

          I think that they should bring some of those old flavours back for a while.

          They could call it "Grandpa's favourite gaytimes" with a picture of Grandpa having a gaytime in his rocking chair.

          You can see the original TV ad for the Raspberry Rough Gaytime here:-


  • +15

    It's only gay if you touch sticks.

    • -2

      What you did there, I SAW it.

    • I wish I could like this more than once.

  • If only

  • +1

    Only so much space in my freezer with all these ice creams specials… no gaytime for me :(

    • gay times can be had outside freezers too, cupboards, loos, anywhere really!

  • GET ON IT… sounds painful, I will definitely give it a miss.

  • -3

    ITT: AIDs.

  • +12

    My favourite. I used to have a regular gay crush at KFC (at least that's what it said on the receipt).

  • +2

    It's hard to have a gay time on your own… http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Pq8TFptKR4

  • How much do people usually pay for a gaytime? I wouldn't pay much more than $1.25 each.

    Back in the eighties you could get a gaytime for 65c from a servo.

    I can't believe we're getting excited about paying double the price.

    • +6

      I hear most people had their first golden gaytime at the local servo….

      • +2

        With the resident lot lizards?

        • You know it!

    • +1

      Somehow I don't think price has much to do with the strange, belated popularity of this deal (was advertised in the regular catalog a week ago).

    • You could also get a 3 bedroom house in Bondi Beach for $200k. What's your point?

  • Donkey Punch much?

  • doesn't it expire by tonight?

    • Yes so GET IT IN YOU while you can.

  • I went to Coles new farm and they only had regular priced gaytimes.

    • -1

      my local coles had them on the shelf at full price, but they scanned at $5.

  • -2

    Is there any special for straight time?

    • Get back in your closet….

      • Only if you come with me ;)

  • +1

    They don't taste the same as before. Quality has dropped.

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