This was posted 10 years 5 months 16 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Try $30 Worth of Grocery Products Every Month for $5 /Mth or $50 /Yr. Free Shipping


By joining Redpawpaw you will receive over $30 worth of new and varied grocery products delivered to your door every month for just $5 per month or $50 per year.
There are no contracts and shipping is free!

Redpawpaw caters to people who love trying new household products and rediscovering some forgotten ones.

Simply by creating a profile when you sign up, Redpawpaw will send the products most suited to your household right to your door each month, in a big reusable box.

Redpawpaw partners with some of Australia's favourite brands including SPC, Mentos, Kellogg’s, Finish, Nivea and Green’s, to offer consumers the newest and most popular products to sample.

Unlike other sampling communities where getting a samples can be hit or miss, Redpawpaw sends all their subscribers over $30 worth of products every month for just $5 per month; which is about the same price as a takeaway coffee.

You will need to fill in the quick and easy product feedback survey after you have tried your products but if that sounds like too much hassle, you can choose the 'Trial Only' package instead which is only $10 per month or $100 per year.

Some of the products you will receive in the very first box which will be delivered in early to mid May will be

  • full size new premium jam
  • full size Mentos very berry roll
  • full size Mentos sugar-free gum
  • 40pk Pine O Cleen wipes
  • 200g Green's Pancake Shake
  • 2-3 Finish dishwashing tablets
  • Sachet of Nivea moisturiser (ladies only sorry!)
  • 100g Kellogg's cracker chips
  • Saxa salt grinder

and more!

Current delivery locations are:

- Sydney
- Canberra
- Wollongong
- Central Coast
- Newcastle
- Port Macquarie
- Coffs Harbour
- Northern Rivers

- Melbourne
- Geelong
- Bendigo
- Albury

- Hobart
- Launceston

- Brisbane
- Gold Coast

- Adelaide

- we don't delivery to WA yet sorry guys!

Related Stores


closed Comments

  • Would just like to say that I'm very happy with my red paw paw boxes, I didn't receive every item in the brochure but considering I just paid someone on eBay $20 to post me a smaller size box, red paw paw is fantastic value and I'm looking forward to the August box!

    Still waiting on the chef to whip up our zumbo macarons, will post up completed pic to Facebook as the chef here is a master! :)

    • Thanks for your feedback Neil.

      Looking forward to seeing what the chef produces :)

  • +3

    Well I just got the email outlining new delivery charges. $5 for the box, $7.50 for delivery, so $12.50 now instead of $5. Will have to rethink this one :(

  • +1

    I just got an email saying that there are spots open to sign up. I went to sign up but it appears that in my area that it will cost $5 plus $6.50 delivery. Why does it now cost for delivery? Unfortunately what was a cheap thing to try products now is too expensive to justify products I may not even like. Unless somethings have improved, but not according to the email sent?

    • +1

      The email I got said delivery charges would range from $7.50 to $18. Does this mean new subscribers are being offered lower delivery charges?

      • Maybe I'm wrong on the plus $6.50 delivery. Don't quote me on that, but it was around that price.

  • +1

    So what happens to the people who signed up for 12 months? Do they also have to pay additional for delivery now?
    i am cancelling my monthly subscription. Just not worth it now.

    • Surely if you signed up in advance they couldn't ask for extra but otherwise I'd say you would have to fork it out.

    • +1

      Yes everyone needs to pay the postage cost increases irrelevant of when or the term you signed up for! Breach of contract and class action come to mind here. Looking up the number of Fair Trading, ACCC and Morris Blackburn Lawyers, oh and Mick Gatto (you can never get a better arbitrator can you).

      Redpawpaw prepare for a very very strong back lash.

      Can I also suggest emailing all the companies that have and possibly will supply and advise them of the disgust and the issues here.

      Fair enough to charge for those who are not on a 12 month contract but this is a breach of the terms and conditions. The downward slide continues!!

      • +2

        They're offering a full refund. The situation sucks, but I doubt it's breaching any law. I guess for those of us who paid up-front for a full year will get those first 2 boxes for free.

        Sad they've decided to shit all over us initial supporters though. I told practically everyone I know about Redpawpaw, some even signed up on the spot. Now I look like a royal git, recommending this to others only to have their second box cancelled and then an email saying its going to cost 2 or 3 times more than what they signed up for.


      • -1

        Maybe start by emailing the Little Brownie Company with complaints as they have advertised they will be in the next box

  • +4

    Welp, I suppose it was good while it lasted.

    I originally paid for the full year at $50… now with the extra delivery fee it will work out to $15 a box. That's impossible to justify.

    It feels a little dishonest when they say that the prices are rising in order to offer better delivery. If given the choice between free delivery or $10 delivery, 99% of 'the tribe' would choose free and put up with any minor delivery annoyances. They know this, we know this.

    Unfortunately it makes sense though, with Redpawpaw boasting they have over 9,000 people waiting to join they'd be stupid not to raise the price.

    edit: Not that it matters now, but I revoked my positive vote. TAKE THAT!

    • Revoked my vote too. Wish I could give them a neg instead.

    • I wonder how many of those 9000 waiting in the wings will want to get on board with the new price structure?

    • +1

      I'd definitely choose late/delayed delivery rather than paying extra

  • +1

    Just cancelled my subscription. Luckily I was month to month. Anyone wanting to cancel a yearly sub should probably do it quickly before these shonksters go broke.

  • Mine will cost $16.50 per month ie $5 plus $11.50 for delivery.

    • Mine would have been $20 per month if I didn't just cancel.

  • Kinda disappointed and pissed at the same time. Just not cool to do this out of the blue, a gradual rise might have been easier on the pocket.

  • +1

    Check out their Facebook page. Apparently they have recently changed their Terms and Conditions to allow for the price hike. The original T&C are here…

  • +2

    LOL the facebook page is going mental!

    • +2

      The Tribe has spoken!

      • +1

        And it's a CRAZY bunch…

    • +2

      Facebook is overdoing it as usual.
      Lol class action, ACA, lawers etc.
      Its a sample box. Its over now.

      • well said…KTA

        • hahaha class action! hahahaha

  • I'd like to know who this tribe is, that has spoken! The vast majority of comments I read here were positive and liked things the way they were. I was happy with my delivery and the contents of my box. There seems to be a lot of appeasing the noisy minority at our expense. It's a shame that this has now turned into a $150-for-12-months deal. That's going to work out to more than I would pay for the products I would have selected when shopping; trying out others that I would not normally buy was a bonus. To put it another way, it's gone from $5 for a $30 value, to pay half-price for a box full of stuff that you may or may not like. Past deals obviously factored in delivery costs, whether paid for by manufacturers spruiking their products and paying for feedback, or being paid for by the $5 subscription. Now it seems we are paying standard postal rates for delivery on top of the membership which previously covered that, and perhaps Redpawpaw will be pocketing the supplier's contribution?

    I haven't decided what to do yet. I wish this thread could attach a poll to gauge the reaction of subscribers, whether they will seek a refund, or agree to pay the new structure. I think that would be a better indication of subscriber satisfaction.

  • +2

    Ill give it one last try this month before i decide to cancel my subscription. From the start i was thinking that their business model is flawed which is very difficult to make a profit considering the high cost of delivery and support cost.

  • It's almost like they want it to fail. Maybe they got in over their heads and thought the only way out was to get everyone to cancel their subs.

  • +5

    Neg for broken promises, this is a convoluted version of bait and switch, am I wrong?

    The right way to handle this would be to honor the commitment to keep sending the goods to existing (and loyal) subscribers and offer the new level of pricing to new sign ups.

    Redpawpaw will not be around for long conducting business like this. Shame on you for pulling this stunt! My wife is reporting to the ACCC for what its worth. I'm not sure if it is against consumer law, but one thing is for sure it goes against good faith principals of running a business.

  • -16

    Hi Ozbargain Redpawpaw subscribers,

    I'm really sorry for causing such disappointment. We really wanted to continue to offer the Redpawpaw service to all subscribers without having to pass on the cost of delivery but unfortunately so far we have not been able to generate enough revenue from other sources to cover our costs.

    We completely understand if you decide to unsubscribe due to the delivery costs and we will be so sad to see you leave if you decide to go.

    We definitely are not a scam though. We are offering a FULL REFUND to any annual subscriber who does not wish to continue, which is in keeping with our obligations. We value our subscribers and appreciate the support you have shown to us and we do not want you to be out of pocket. We have provided over $35 worth of products in each of our first two boxes. As you won't be charged for these boxes if you decide to unsubscribe you effectively have received that product for free. While this is obviously not what you wanted or what you signed up for, it is the best we can offer in the circumstance as continuing to deliver the boxes with out recouping more of our costs would have lead to a much worse outcome for subscribers.

    We are grateful for the support Ozbargainers have shown us, and we hope to be able to continue to offer our service to those that still see value in it. For anyone who decides to leave we thank you for being part of the Redpawpaw community and wish you all the best.



    • +11

      Yes you ARE a scam, you used us to set up you business, we gave you free advertising, and you have the nerve to charge those who entered into a 12 month contract, that is scamming us!!

    • +5

      Your initial obligation was free shipping. What happened to it? Selective obligations?

    • +3

      You ARE A SCAM. And I do not buy the argument that you need to pass on the higher shipping cost, this was your plan all along. I am sure that shipping WAS covered by the $5 as courier companies give significant discounts when dealing with bulk orders. And how on earth would you not have considered this before starting the business?? As for the products, considering we are offering our feedback and your clients should be offering them for free or paying you. This is a rort.

      • +2

        I will not unsubscribe but if you charge my card postage i will do a charge back for unauthorised charge.Why do you still have my card details?

    • +1

      We have provided over $35 worth of products in each of our first two boxes. As you won't be charged for these boxes if you decide to unsubscribe you effectively have received that product for free.

      I hate to see above comments from redpawaw. Its just disgusting. You are telling us that you gave us something free of cost. We never asked you to give anything free of cost to us. You promised free delivery and now you are twisting your words.

      • -6

        Would you prefer they not start charging for delivery and then go bankrupt causing you to receive no products and no money?? It's simple logic people. Pull your heads in

        • +4

          swimmingtoad, i think you have licked one too many toads.

        • Would you prefer They are lucky our heads were out, and enlightening them to their numerous breaches in the Australian consumer law act. Or the government could have moved in and shut them down . They are making claims of 10,ooo subscribers, and then another 9000 signed up yesterday ( ehemm hemm)….it's illegal to commence a business, start taking money upfront for products or services you cannot provide. H ow extraordinary to occur in the start up. Anyway, I can assure you a government watchdog is observing their conduct ( as their has been quite a number of apparent well thought out oversights), -other unnamed departments will be closely scrutinising the money side of it. So they shouldn't fall foul of the law in the future.
          I think they should be thanking the consumer instead of the current knee jerk juvenile attacks such as deleting their social media opinions. There angle to the brand partner is reliant on social media as a powerful tool to grow their brand. They have jumped on their own sword. ironically.
          AT minimum $1.80 per item for 10,000 pieces …say 10 items in box.
          Another approx. $ 5,000 for research brochures etc…per item …x10
          Then you have 10,000 people pay minimum $5…. Some $10(without reporting feedback) .
          Please do the sums - and consider your shallow beliefs.
          If they do any unauthorised debits such as their communication in the consumers email on 1st August- there will be further backlash no doubt. …Simple Logic Really…why oh why did they not PULL THEIR BELTS IN at business plan stage. ?

  • +4

    I will be making a complaint….These people are shonks, they used us to promote and advertise their business for free, then they have the nerve to charge those who entered into a 12 month contract, very deceitful!…

  • -3

    I am happy to continue with the service. My postage is $7.50 and unless the box gets significantly smaller I can still see $12.50 value.
    I agree that they should have probably added $5 or so and left the current courier so that it wasn't such a big increase for some.
    My biggest worry being that they are only offering annual subscriptions and they won't be around for that long.
    The brand image has taken a serious hit and I think the migration of the new business model and the taking of delivery payments without people understanding fully/knowing will be a tough few months.
    I hope that this can be overcome for the sake of continuing customers and no one loses money in the meantime.
    SOME of those complaining like crazy are acting like spoilt little brats having a tantrum. They are giving you a full refund, you effectively got free products. What more do you want?
    If the changes didn't occur you more than likely would lose all you money when the company went bankrupt!!

    • SOME of those complaining like crazy are acting like spoilt little brats having a tantrum. They are giving you a full refund, you effectively got free products. What more do you want?

      Can you show some evidence that they are giving free products?

      • Umm well you are entitled to receive a FULL refund even though you got two boxes full of goods, so everything up until now is effectively a gift.

        • oh..Ok getting it now…You mean yearly subscriber can cancel now and get full refund even though they received two boxes for May and June.

        • +2

          Yes, that is true. But …. the BINDING contract entered into was for a 12 month period for $5 per month, $50 per year. They have broken the contract and therefore what they are offering is 'compensation' by way of 2 free boxes.

          BUT keep in mind … they got paid by their suppliers or a marketing company for the information provided. They got the model wrong and in doing so they have wronged us. Note the comment above from Sarah 'unfortunately so far we have not been able to generate enough revenue from other sources to cover our costs' … now this is a different story to 'the Tribe' have requested changes. Isn't it a very different attitude now they they are clearly in the wrong over last months message of 'take it or we will get one of our 3000 waiting list to take your place' … very arrogant, they are now more humble now that people are biting back.

          I wonder what will happen when the suppliers find out about the very very negative public attitude now?

          I have chosen to get my money back whilst there still is money to be had … think about it carefully.

    • +1

      Need more down votes, ran out :(

    • The spoilt little brats are the 2 entrepreneurial SILVER SPOONERS that bungled this. Could have been a brilliant business . Someone's Greedy, wanting a big piece of pie. Like it or not. I gave you the figures. You are welcome to do the sums. I for one am very passionate to protect consumer confidence in this country, so we don't go backwards, and our next generation gets a fair go too. One key element often spoken about at Enterpreneurs conferences is ' if it goes up quick …it will likely come down quick. I guess the tribe will need a union, if the bosses aren't looking after them. Isn't that what happens when you have a business with up to 20,000 workers. Transparency and Accountability are Key in Successful ventures. You can never walk in someone else's shoes. You can never know why someone reacts a certain way. But u will always know what it feels like to be Kicked to the Kerb and Shafted.
      Reddogs: crap adage post further down is spot on re #RPP

      • Some advice:
        Let it go. It is a five dollar sample box. If the changed deal doesn't suit you, let it go.
        Move on.

  • +2

    So so glad that I didn't sign up with this company and give them a cent of my money

  • +6

    The best thing to do is contact all of the companies that have been using them. They have provided RedPawPaw with items for free for the purpose of product reviews and market research. I wouldn't be surprised if RedpawPaw were getting some kind of commission/fee from the companies as well for reviews etc. I mean they are a business and obviously want to make a profit.
    I have cancelled my subscription because well who would want to stay with a company that has a failed business model after only 2 months and to try and fix that pass the costs x 100% onto their customers? They failed to make enough revenue from other sources? What does that even mean? Does that mean that they failed to secure enough marketing/PR contracts with companies for their products and thus didn't get their commissions/fees? So let's just charge the subscribers more! I would much rather put my $125 towards my own grocery bill and get the products I actually want. Everything they sent out in the boxes were on introductory specials at either Woolies or Coles in the week after the boxes arrived.
    At this point I don't even care about whether I will get my $50 back (I highly doubt it given their past) but will be more satisfied to have a dodgy company out of business.

    • +3

      Some people are already doing this, and I say good on them! Saw a post on Uncle Toby's facebook page saying that as long as they are associated with Redpawpaw the person will not be buying their products and letting others know what has happened

      • All you are achieving by this is making it more likely that others will not get a cent back when the company goes belly up.

  • This whole situation reminds me of the adage 'don't crap on others on your way up … because they will crap on you on your way down'. Very apt for the current situation don't you think?

  • Sarah 'CostinYou' Costanza :D

  • +5

    Forcing customers to explicitly opt out of the new delivery fees must be illegal of at the very least be immoral!

    A reputable company would ask existing customers to explicitly opt in to the new arrangements or automatically be given a full refund.

    • I agree - an opt in would cost RedPawPaw more customers - but it would reduce the number of possible chargebacks significantly!

      I liked the two boxes I received, but am not willing to pay 250% of the original cost for a lucky dip.

  • Lol pure gold I knew watching this thread would pay off…in your face naysayers you should have listened to some of us.

    • Lol pure gold I knew watching this thread would pay off…in your face naysayers you should have listened to some of us.…

      ditto that.
      first the company admitted to using fake feedback (tried to palm it off that it was from friends or some trial or something which made no sense and sounded like BS),
      then it struggled to even get the first box out, took them how ever long to come up with the idea, set up the company/site plus and extra 2? months to get the first box out. was another huge red flag for me.

      now im wondering when the "company" folds in the next few weeks if anyone will get any of there money back

      when a sales pitch starts off smelling of BS its generally something to steer well clear of. for the rest of you who believed this from the beginning…… i have an uncle in nigera with an offer far to good to pass up…

      • +3

        I'm glad you aren't in law enforcement, your definition of evidence is laughable.

        1. The company did not admit to using fake feedback. Using a limited base of friends and a small number of testers sounds quite feasible. It might make no sense and sound like BS to you but that doesn't necessarily make it so.

        2. I didn't see any evidence of struggling to get the first box out at all. The site was up and running from day one and the first box was delivered within a month as promised.

        I don't see any red flags, and my BS detector is pretty finely tuned. They promised $30 of samples for $5 delivered and that is what they achieved for 2 months, perhaps with some teething problems which is to be expected from any startup. What they did next is the problem — moving the goalposts and changing the terms and conditions, and stating their intention to charge more for delivery. I didn't like that part and it makes the deal poor value for me, so I chose to end my subscription. That will mean I get a full refund of my money from Redpawpaw, or a chargeback from my credit company. No money lost. I also get the keep the first two deliveries and pay nothing. In terms of a bargain, if you saw a post for $70 worth of grocery samples for free on OzBargain, I bet you would jump at it.

        • -2

          i did have a long winded reply written and when i tried to get kingsvilles link below i misclicked and lost my reply….. urgh… so rather than explain all the poorly thought out RPP flaws again ill just leave you with

          my BS detector is pretty finely tuned.

          i think you need to send it in for a tune up

          edit: also, PM me your email address, credit card details, bank account details and your home address and a time when you will be at work*….. and ill have my nigerian uncle wire you a large slice on an inheritance that he is having trouble moving out of the country…..

          .* in case you again missed the obvious… not actually do that….. it was a joke….

        • +2

          @nosdan: All you are saying is "believe me because I think it is BS". You have not offered a scrap of proof to support any of your contentions. That is the problem with what you are saying. There is nothing wrong with the logic of my reply — a baseless comment of "your BS detector is broken because I say so" and without supporting your case adds to the lack of credibility. I don't know what linking to her prior experience with Toll has to do with anything either, if anything it supports that she has the ability to run the startup and has various contacts in the industry to support the logistics of her operation. None of this points out any flaws in the operation. Please supply your credentials and explain them to me because I'd love to hear them.

          None of us are privy to her financial arrangements in this venture so it is all speculation. I can surely see how the model as it was initially presented could be successful. She has a background in market research, and has contacts at a shipping/logistics company. She gets samples from suppliers who pay her in return for a large audience prepared to supply feedback. We also pay her a fee. She has to pay for printing, packing and shipping, and at bulk rates through a company where she has contacts, she can secure it for less than that income. She is obviously in it as a business and there is a profit to be retained as well. But this is perhaps where it goes wrong — dealing with 10,000 customers has presented her with unforseen problems not encountered in initial testing. Personally replying to everyone on OzBargain and Facebook as well as negotiating with suppliers and chasing deliveries takes up too much time and is not financially worth it. Perhaps more staff are required and the money left from subscriptions won't cover it, and it becomes unprofitable.

          So yes, they made mistakes and probably got too big too fast, but that's not to say the scheme couldn't work and pay for itself. Again, THIS DOES NOT MAKE IT BS, POORLY THOUGHT OUT OR FLAWED. That's not to say you aren't entitled to have your doubts on their success (red flags), but you haven't actually explained WHY you think they would have failed.

          By the way my BS detector picked up your Nigerian scam straight away without having to rely on your belated warning, so I know it works just fine.

        • -1


          By the way my BS detector picked up your Nigerian scam straight away without having to rely on your belated warning, so I know it works just fine.

          yea, sorry to inform you but that probably only proves that your actually still alive not that you have a "finely tuned BS detector"….. ;)

        • WHY , because they were under the influence of something, when they put in writing, they would increase fees up to 350 % , give those that actually got an email 7 days to pay up or get out. And the other unsuspecting folk would have there BANK ACCOUNTS fleeced. In a nut shell. Anyway that has been put out there everywhere , so if they hone in their market research skills, instead of attempting to reinvent the buckled wheel, and insult mass consumers, they themselves would know why they failed.

  • will cost me 12.50 from now on.. cancelled it… not worth it any more

  • +4

    I think the delivery charge was part of the business plan all along…

    "Sarah was the co-founder of Off Your Trolley, an online discount grocery retailer that she and her business partner sold in 2012. In that role, Sarah discovered first hand just how important logistics is to the success of a small business, and how it can be the difference between making a profit or not"

    • :O

      is that really the same sarah? of so, good find

    • Would you?

    • She has then built another very successful business model if she had managed to keep all these huge customer base for few more months with the increased pricing. She could make a fortune by selling this new business if all goes well.
      Unfortunately I don't think it's gonna last long with the rate people are leaving it. She might sell this right now to some cashed up person in the dark before it all collapse.
      All too good things will come to an end. If it's too good then the end will be too quick. In this case just 2 months. For me too it was lot of fun rather than savings.
      Btw I forgot to unsubscribe mine yet.

    • +1

      Sarah should really know better, given her experience and education.

      • I prefer your original post. lol

  • +1…

    Have you received your RPP REFUND YET…..??

    • +1

      Hi, received mine very late last night with a receipt sent by email. Full refund so very happy and happy to be out, bye bye Redpawpaw. So, yet another breach of promise as they stated refund within 3 days … didn't happen.

      Thanks for the 2 free boxes, it was good whilst it lasted but ….. you were either dumb or just greedy or both. Poor business plan.

    • I received an e-notification of a refund but 4 days later (so 3 business days) and nothing has hit my CC statement.

  • I have just emailed them for a refund as my deliver unfortunately makes this to costly, do I need to do anything else, or just wait for a reply to the email. thanks

    • You can log in to your account at and unsubscribe. You can also post your message on their facebook page to get a prompt response from them.

  • thanks have done that now

    • +1

      You should have received 2 email messages with the options spelt out. The latter one had a click button to unsubscribe.

  • As posted in.the forum discussions, the August "return" box looks super-pissweak.
    Held off to give them a chance.will cancel now for sure.

    • You weren't happy with it? I was pretty happy, but different strokes and all.

    • Have you received the box yet? Or are you just basing your negative opinion on other peoples posts (others which aren't members)
      The box is actually better than expected imo

      • the box is disgusting. packet noodles, bottle of water, lunch biscuits, dog food? wtf? this stuff is nowhere near to $30. Very underwhelming.

        • Hi nubzy,

          Every single August Redpawpaw box has over $30 worth of product in it and some have over $40.

          Redpawpaw is about making everyday discoveries of grocery products so you will often receive products you might not normally try.
          In the box this month there are products from Coca-cola, Arnotts and Unilever just to name a few.

          While many of our subscribers have been very happy with their August box we understand that Redpawpaw won't be for everyone.

          If you would like to cancel your subscription so you don't receive any future boxes from us then please log into your account on our website or email us at [email protected] and we can assist you.

          Thanks for your feedback and we wish you all the best for the future.

          Kind regards,


        • @Redpawpaw:
          Have supported you up till now Sarah but after two months and all the carry on, this box needed to be awesome.
          For me it's dud and with the feedback requirement AND the extra shipping it swings the scale to "not worth the effort" so I will be bailing out. Wishing you and your company the best though, I know its been a bumpy ride :)

        • @King Tightarse:

          Thanks for your support King Tightarse, it has been appreciated :)

          Wishing you all the best also. Perhaps we will see you back again some day.

          Kindest regards,


        • +1

          Hey nubzy, you've received products you might not normally try. Why not try some dog food for a change if you don't already have a pet dog.

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