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This is my life's work. I didn't just read a few books last month and create a course. I take it very seriously. Early on I set out to find the best possible knowledge about running a business this world had to offer. Well, I found it and mastered it and have been helping others to master the same principles and skills for years.

MANY OF THE SAME PRINCIPLES AND SKILLS THAT DRIVE SOME OF THE FINEST COMPANIES IN THE WORLD, ADAPTED TO SMALL BUSINESS. Companies like Harley Davison, Colgate, Toyota, Mitsubishi, Apple, Agilent Technologies, and many more.

MANY OF THE SAME PRINCIPLES AND SKILLS that inspired the creation of LEAN START UP, AGILE DEVELOPMENT, SCRUM, and more, and many tools and tricks of the trade which can help you make your work better, more enjoyable, more rewarding.

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closed Comments

  • +2

    What business qualifications does the instructor have?

    From the website I can't see any.

    • it says in the website that he is a chef.

    • -2

      Maybe he just did a lot of readng. Many book authors write books after such reading/online-research.

      If he's done it well, &/or applied it effectively in his own businesses, who cares about "sheepskins"?

      Try him first; you'll know value if you see it.

  • +3

    Self help garbage. Those who can't do, teach.

    • that's some pretty closed minded attitude!
      some people have the knowledge but don't have the means to do it, like the capital/money, or are less mobile like older or disabled people etc

      • some people have the knowledge but don't have the means to do it

        Like I said, those who can't do teach.

    • +2

      voolish is right, met a lot of 'business consultants' who are completely tuned out from business reality and practical approaches. But claim to be experts.

      I sure wouldn't trust an anonymous, online, 'free' business consultant, you will spend a lot of time providing information only to be left short of answers within the 'free period', but have invested time, therefore feel obliged to continue with 'advice', and the bills start coming.

    • What does that say about Lecturers and Teachers and the implications on our kids

      • What does that say about Lecturers and Teachers and the implications on our kids

        It says that voolish probably didn't go to school.

      • Think about it for half a second. Would you rather teach kids how to be successful or would you rather be successful. That's all I've got to say.

  • My first recommendation is for you is to employ a web designer, and touch up on those tafe notes.

  • +1

    No way would I share or give insights to my business to any consultant that offers services for free.

    Seriously have to question why any "successful" business consultant would be flogging services on a bargain website when reputation is your brand.

    The most sought after consultants would have earned their stripes through performance and not by discount.

  • +1

    I think OzB has been a little harsh on you so I'm going to pitch in. BTW all of you who are questioning his success are probably right but a bit of diplomacy goes a long way. He's tried to offer a service to attract clients and getting burned on it shouldn't be the result.

    I want to add that Ozbargain might not really be your target audience… after all youre offering a product with commercial reach. We're all Tightarses or Brodens inside so we probably are more interested in the latest Eneloops deals, Durex gloves and cheap/freebies.

    What the forum is saying is largely accurate and Rice's recommendation might go a long way. That said, keep us informed because knowing someone who is succeeding gives us (most of us) a warm fuzzy feeling

    • -2

      Congrats OP to share with us your life's work. A quick glance on some titles sounds interesting.
      Knowledge is never too much. To be able to pick up a little idea from it is worth the while.
      Like attending seminars. They fire your ambition for few days to a week. Think it is a good thing especially for younger people. Brain is yours; Money is in your own pocket.

      Do agree with few comments above. Before selling a product, need to sell yourself first.

  • Could the OP please explain their relationship to Uncorporateacademy.com and Dan Strongin ?

    MANY OF THE SAME PRINCIPLES AND SKILLS THAT DRIVE SOME OF THE FINEST COMPANIES IN THE WORLD, ADAPTED TO SMALL BUSINESS. Companies like Harley Davison, Colgate, Toyota, Mitsubishi, Apple, Agilent Technologies, and many more.

    I would think that one of the key principles and skills would be attention to detail.

    It is Harley Davidson not Harley Davison. This is from the web site and repeated by the OP.

    Well, I found it and mastered it and have been helping others to master the same principles and skills for years.

    Notice we don't get a list of others he has helped. We just get a list of random companies.

    I found this post from our good friend Dan - Integrity and Ethics in Business

    He talks about J.E. Rhoads and Sons founded in 1702 and still going strong.

    I couldn't find this company and nor could Mr Wiki
    List of oldest companies in the United States

    Do you Smell what the Rock is Cooking ?

    It's just Spam

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