Coco Pops or Fruit Loops?

Whenever coco pops or fruit loops are half price I can't help but buy.

But what would you do if both were half price and you could only buy 1?

Poll Options

  • 88
    Coco Pops
  • 21
    Fruit Loops


  • +1

    surely this needs a poll. and, coco pops.

  • +26

    I'd buy a dozen eggs ($2.99) and a loaf of bread ($1) and make french toast / scrambled egg on toast which constitutes a far healthier breakfast than sugar coated cereal.

      • +9

        dozen eggs is a hell of a lot of cholesterol,

        That's been debunked as a myth.…

        During my 6 month Keto diet, I ate roughly 2 eggs a day for breakfast, sometimes even 4 a day when I use the eggs to make flourless cake. My LDL cholestrol levels were tested to be normal when I did a fasting blood test.

        What's killing us mostly, is sugar and carbs. So if you wanna cut the sugar, start off by not eating sugary cereal in the morning and chugging orange juice at the same time — that's guaranteed to give you sugar overload.

      • +1

        for most people, dietary cholesterol is not associated with increased blood cholesterol. your liver simply produces less.
        however, apparently a small % of the population are cholesterol hyper-responders for which it might be an issue.

        personally i eat 2-3 eggs & 30g of coconut oil (almost pure saturated fat ) each day. last time i measured my blood lipids earlier this year, my total cholesterol just under 4.

        • +2

          congratulations on your lipids.

      • yeah that was the 80s/90s view, but is not the case.

    • But that's so much harder?

  • i would buy neither :) try some oat bran + milk + berries or eggs

    • +7

      oat bran. blah. why not just pop down the local sawmill and get some sawdust for free.

      • Oats are the best m8

  • +18

    no-ones asking for health tips

    • +1

      That's never stopped the armchair doctors from commenting about what people should or shouldn't eat.

  • Coco Pops for the win!
    I hate the taste of fruit loops.

    • +11

      but fruit loops has all the vitamins from various fruits.

      • +1

        …fruit is fruit…cereal is cereal…

        • +4

          that's loopy

        • @jubba:
          And I'm loony :)

  • Yup Coco Pops > Fruit Loops!

  • +2

    Speaking of fruit loops, urban dictionary 'Cosby sweater'.

  • Coco Pops, no question.

  • +5

    I would like to propose a new option.

    Choco Rice at Aldi Stores. I'm telling you. IT. IS. DIVINE. If you love Coco Pops, this is like the same thing, but just WAY better!

    • +1

      Ooohhhh…now I have to go try it. You had better be right!!!

      • +2

        Trust me, I thought it would be a massive flop since it's "Aldi", BUT it's actually amazingly better. We've actually switched out all our Coco Pops for Choco Rice. Hope you enjoy them!

    • I'm surprised anyone would try a breakfast cereal called choco rice. I get that it's the same thing, but just doesn't sound appealing.

    • It seems to have about 1/3 more sugar than Coco Pops:……

      I've been wary of Aldi cereals after realising their Honey Wheats cereal was nearly 50% sugar!!!

      • thats what makes it so much better…

        does honey wheats have honey cos if so thats the extra sugar (not cane sugar but complex sugar, so not the same.)

        but seriously, if you are worried about sugar content you would not but cocopops either (or most other cereals except the very bland ones.

    • Being a Coco Pops lover :) , I'd be more than happy to give Choco Rice a try … if they still have them by the time Aldi finally opens stores here in WA!

  • I had a craving for fruit loops this week so I bought some. They tasted way better in my memories. Just taste like sugar and corn now :(

    • +2

      lol I bet it would be the same for me. I'll stick with the memory. .. thank you for that sacrifice.

  • +2

    I like coco-pops but find them a bit much. I actually prefer to eat them mixed (about a 50/50 ratio) with rice bubbles. Mmm…now I want coco-pops.

  • +1

    Coco Pops for the 'everyday' cereal.
    Fruit Loops for the occasional treat.

  • +5

    Hard to decide but both will give you diabetes.

    • +3

      delicious* diabetes

  • hmm diabetes in a box. Buy some eggs and spinach.

    • +4

      "Buy some eggs and spinach."

      tastes awful when I pour milk over them.

  • I'm really surprised that coco pops seem to be "winning". The chocolate doesn't stay on the rice. Kelloggs knew it and marketed it "just like a chocolate milkshake only crunchy" but who's fast enough to eat puffed rice in milk before it goes soggy?

    Fruit loops, on the other hand, don't require milk.

  • +2

    No one has mentioned it's "Froot" Loops.
    They don't even try to pretend it's fruit.
    Having said that, the ol' Froot Loops straight out of the box is the winner for me in this race.

  • cocoa pops. but you have to add some unthickened cream with the milk to add to the taste sensation.

  • +2

    Coco Pops because Froot Loops tastes awful to me and I have no idea what they put in it to get all those bright horrible colours.

    Both have too much sugar while the other has too much artificial food colouring. VERY UNHEALTHY indeed!

    Crunchy nut corn flakes for me.

  • +2

    Aldi's Choco Pillows is awesome. For $4.99 it's a bargain.

  • +9

    what do you guys eat 20 mins later when your hungry again?

    • +18

      Turkish Delights.

  • Rite Price has some $2 boxes of Jordans Crispy oat clusters, strawberry flavour. 10% fat, 12% sugar with freeze dried strawberry pieces - they are both so right and so wrong at the same time. It's a similar health buzz as eating the lemon with your tequila shot…

  • 8 Weetbix with milk for me.

    Coco Pops in this poll but I've recently discovered how awesome choc mini wheats are though they've gone the direction of American cereal and put frosting on them.

  • Easy… I wouldn't buy neither. Only time I'd eat those types of cereals is at a hotel and then it's Coco Pops every time.

    • would buy neither/wouldn't be either.

  • This is quite the question. Fruit Loops are better when you are actually eating the loops, but cocoa pops leaves better milk dregs.

    Is 2L chocolate Oak on special too?

  • Neither fill me up enough for breakfast, so when I buy them they are late night snacking food, and for that Froot Loops win

  • Where's the bikies option… Rather buy that than both those cereals…

  • +2

    These cereals should really be classified as confectionary

    • These All cereals should really be classified as confectionary

      They all have so much sugar in them even sultana brand… of course i suppose there are differences between the source of sugar…

      • a spoonful of sugar helps the sultana bran go down.

      • Actually, a lot of 'breakfast food' that supermarkets typically sell all are pretty much confectionary.


        Uncle Toby Muesli bar 9.6g of sugar each

        Chobani Yoghurt cup, 16g of sugar per serve

        Sanitarium Up n Go liquid breakfast Banana flavour, 19g per 250ml box

        • I remember trying to get cereal with <= 3g of sugar… took quite a while reading through them. i think i only found one

      • Weet-Bix is healthy….

        • +1

          They are indeed and quite tasty too - I have Weetbix for breakfast six days a week, but on Saturdays it's Coco Pops all the way :)

  • Coco pops with 36.5% sugar should be banned by Geneva convention. Fruit Loops is in the same boat and should be removed from the shelfs due to incorrect usage of word "Fruit"

    • Start a petition, that seems to work for some people.

  • +2

    Hmmm this is a very insightful thought provoking, important topic relevant to many. On another note, which direction do you think is the best; left or right?

  • +1

    Corn syrup/Sugar.

  • Fruit Loops are fruity and way better than Coco Pops which just go soggy!

  • Coco pops, they don't make my s**t turn bright green!

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