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10% off All Jerky Packs @ Mail Order Jerky


Here at Billabong Jerky we have been making great tasting, quality jerky for over 20 years. We thought it was time we designed a website to provide Australian jerky eaters with great quality jerky at wholesale prices.

We haven’t skimped on quality, we’ve just cut out some fancy packaging and the distributors and retailers to save you heaps! Why pay up to $200 per kilo when you can buy your jerky here at whole sale prices? Take advantage of our bulk jerky options that come in plain packaging or our souvenir range that comes beautifully packaged, perfect for gifts!

We do not use any chemicals in our jerky. All the ingredients are real food!

No nitrites, phosphates, MSG, anti caking agents or compounds that you can’t pronounce or are represented by numbers in the ingredient list. Our ingredients include only a combination of lean meat, sugar and salt, spice powders, soy meal, honey, smoke essence and locally produced, cold pressed canola or mustard oil, depending on the flavour you purchase.

Get 10% OFF this month only!

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Mail Order Jerky
Mail Order Jerky

closed Comments

  • $8.50 delivery fee to Sydney Metro. No deal for me.
    I can get Jim's Jerky with similar price (1 kg) and free shipping.

  • Hi there,

    Not a problem. Given our regional NSW location there isn't a lot we can do regarding postage costs. We do however offer free postage with all orders over $100. If you would like to receive special offers please like out Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/pages/Billabong-Jerky/1878517046000…

    The Mail Order Jerky Team

  • I love jerky but not in the market to buy any just yet. I did however check out your site.

    A bit of feedback for you - I clicked on three different pages on your site. All of them had spelling/grammar/punctuation issues. You might want to get someone to proofread over it.

  • Thank you. It is a brand new website. Still a work in progress.

    • +1

      Hi Grace, one of my jobs involves English editing, so allow me to give you a few pointers:

      Home Page
      1. Top line: “Contact us” should be “Contact Us”; to preserve consistency of expression; the other items in this bar use ‘title-case’ (all words capitalised), including “About Us”.
      2. In the fourth picture box, “WONT” is missing the hyphen.
      3. In the sentence that begins “Take advantage of our …”, it would be better to have a comma after the word “packaging”, and remove the comma from near the end of the sentence (to compartmentalise the two different concepts you are alluding to more appropriately).
      4. In the last passage, “anti-caking” is missing a hyphen (“anti” should generally not be used as a word in its own right).
      5. In the last sentence, the comma should be removed from after the word “produced”, because it unnecessarily compromises the flow of the sentence.
      6. In the Quick Links list, “Contact us” should be “Contact Us” (for the same reasons described for #1, above).

      OK this is getting a bit long for a post, so I’ll email the suggested edits for all the rest of the pages to you, via the email address supplied on the website. Perhaps you might consider sending me a small sample-bag of jerky, as a token of appreciation… :-)

      • That was an enjoyable read, thanks :)

  • Damn i do want to buy some but $32.50 after discounts minimum order for 250g due to shipping does kill it abit

    I bought from IGA "The Bilton Man" jerky for $8.40 -> 100g today and it tastes terrible..

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