This was posted 9 years 7 months 24 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Free AFL Live Pass Subscription - First 10,000 Complete Classic League Commissioners


The first 10,000 league commissioners that create a Full League prior to 2nd March 2015 will receive a 2015 AFL Live Pass for the length of the premiership season right up until the end of November, valued at $67.28. Prizes Page
Ensure you create a classic league, not an elite league

There are no further details that I have found that tell you when/how the subscription will be sent to you.

Once a league is created, as the owner you can add 10 celebrity players automatically, thus only needing 5 other 'real' players (apart from yourself) to fill the league.

Thanks to GaelicAU this is how to add celebrity teams:

  1. Click 'Classic'
  2. Click 'Leagues'
  3. To the right of your league, click the Cog / Settings icon.
  4. Under 'Manage League', click 'Players'
  5. Click 'Add a Celebrity Player' (big blue buttton)

Here's the link to the important part of the image from the email.…

(tidied up midday 29/1 for clarity - as of editing, there are 4300 clicks through to the Fantasy site and 6300 comments here.. so likely easily half of the 10,000 leagues and subsequently at least half of the 10,000 passes on offer are gone or close to it! Get cracking on filling you league if it's not already full.)

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closed Comments

        • @chino8826: EEEKM4EN Please join my league

        • NSZ2E59U

        • @kaBargain:


          Will do a mass join when I get home from work. Hopefully some return the favour.


        • @Trickey:

          Joined (Jimmy's Flippers)


        • 2CUHNXC2 thanks. :)

        • joined OZB, Flipping League, Loopy League, etc. will keep joining after work.
          Please return the favour - EWPPXM7L

        • HRWF32WC thanks guys

        • Join mine please

      • Join 'Leaguely Blonde' with DC3MERX3.

        If you do it soon I can join yours immediately.

        • done

  • +7

    The first 10,000 league commissioners that create a Full League prior to 2nd March 2015 will receive a 2015 AFL Live Pass for the length of the premiership season right up until the end of November, valued at $67.28. *From AFL facebook

  • someone create a league and i'll join, interested in AFL but not that much to find 18 people

    • +2

      AXX76YN6 is my league but if you create a league i can join it too

      • +1

        Joining yours - Mine is 7RTDA37D

        • +1

          sure thing! WH9FCYNZ

        • +1


          My league is NE67E5LF Keep posting codes so we can fill them all up!

        • +1

          Joined yours to fill it redwiggle and Chongy288 you have one place left.

        • XEX33EHC

          feel free to join mine…

        • D63K7WX9

          Feel free to join mine too. Thanks!

        • +1

          @Stone: Joined your league.

        • SCFM7WS7

          Loading everyones now!

        • @Fizzydrink:

          Joined. Mine is NY65CACH if anyone wants to help out

        • @drdolphin:

        • @drdolphin: Joined yours. mine is 2CUHNXC2

        • +1


          Joined (Jimmy's Flippers)


        • @drdolphin: joined! care to return the favour? EWPPXM7L

        • @drdolphin: just joined, please join to mine: 36J6EAEX

        • @Fizzydrink: just joined, please join back to 36J6EAEX

        • Please join my league!


        • @CrawlB4uBall:

          Joined, please also join mine 5N4LLA4K

        • @dazweeja:

          Joining everyone in this comment string.


        • @Lions44:

          I couldn't get your code to work. Is it a Classic League?

        • @marcusv: It's full already mate! I missed out!

        • @Crankyted:

          just joined yours

          join mine


        • @Lions44:

          join mine

          just joined yours


        • KR645CHPADD please join mine too

      • +1

        Joined apparently 8/16 atm.

      • Ok Joined.
        Mine is: L67UYVPT

        • Got you to 16/16! mine is: EWPPXM7L

        • +1

          @jb6: Thanks! Joined!

      • PCK4NW7K join mine too thanks!

        • KR645CHPADD join mine too please!

      • HFTH2UEA I'll join yours if you join mine

      • XLYWE7DW is mine please join and I'll join yours!

        • Joined

        • 3UJU49V7 please, thanks

      • +1

        Head to Head - X9SV4PT5

      • Join mine as well! D7PSAYWY

    • +2


      • I joined your league, please also join mine!

    • I've joined all the leagues above and here my own invitation code

      • Mine is YUMWWTES. I will join yours now too!

      • Join 'Leaguely Blonde' with DC3MERX3.

        If you do it soon I can join yours immediately.

    • isn't it 16 people ?

      • Open leagues can have any number of teams.


        • so how do you know if you have a full league ?

        • @maher1992: Open leagues don't have a minimum or maximum, the league does have a deadline by which time you should really stack the league.

        • +1

          @maher1992: I was wrong minimum for a full Open league was 16. Got an email saying your league is complete once it passed 16.

    • (my computer is glitching)

    • Join my league then :)


    • 3YTVPFAN is mine, all aboard!

      • I have joined
        mine is NUWUCJ5J

      • join mine

        just joined yours


    • Mine VJVYJZAC. Join please.

      • join mine

        just joined yours


    • My league code - 2TPPEY6K

      Joining a bunch of people's leagues so if the favour could be returned, it's much appreciated!

      • done. I'm at EWPPXM7L

      • Show some love please! US2DZ3Y5

    • Mine is LZ6V5DZN if anyone wants to join :)

    • Could you please join mine :)

      League code: 73LZFRMY

  • +1

    Here's an Invite code to the league I just started, if we just join eachothers we will fill them all.
    Reply under here with your code so I can join yours, and maybe OP can edit his post to have a list of leagues for people to join.


    • +2



      • +2


      • XLYWE7DW


    • +2


    • +1

      And I'll join yours!

    • KZWDF737





    • XEX33EHC

    • PRU6R2FP

    • Join mine please

    • Joined, mines uf322v7s

    • Join 'Leaguely Blonde' with DC3MERX3.

      If you do it soon I can join yours immediately.

  • +2


    • +1

      this did not work

    • 3WRYSPHW

    • Join 'Leaguely Blonde' with DC3MERX3.

      If you do it soon I can join yours immediately.

  • +1

    I'll join the rest of them :)

    I'm FULL too - I'll keep joining leagues throughout the day. Cheers all

  • +1

    FULL! Thanks all!

    Good luck to those leagues I've joined too

    Not sure how the mods want to organise this thread but .. I created my own
    I'll join the replied leagues too .. and others that I see


    Chad's League

    Btw .. My team name is Chad's Champions - so you'll know if I've joined ;)

  • +1

    I just created a team, though didn't quite realise I had to create a full league, oh well, I've just created a league called "Bargain", looks like it needs 16 users, invitation code is <team full now, thanks> if anyone wants to join (I'll join yours).

    Edit: joined everyone elses so far, here's mine again so it's a bit clearer

    <team full now, thanks>

  • +1

    Mine is VJWVAJLR. Thanks everyone!

    • +1

      This code doesn't seem to work for me - can you confirm it's correct?

      nvm .. It's because I've already joined I think! ty!

      • +1

        It's correct. Thanks I can see your team in my league now. I've signed up to yours too btw : )

  • PWM966MT

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