This was posted 8 years 10 months 18 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

DéLonghi U Nespresso Coffee Machine - $90 + $9.95 Shipping @ COTD


This looks to be a great deal. An official nespresso machine for only $99.99

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closed Comments

  • +3

    What's with the coupon?

  • Can the coupon be used on anything else?

  • +1

    The coupon was in today's paper (Herald Sun Melbourne)

    • +1

      Whats the specifics of the coupons? Any restrictions and what does it do

      • I think it was only for this deal

  • Check the product page, has been cheaper than this before, doesn't look to be a particularly popular model!

    • It hasn't been cheaper without a cashback

      • +1

        99c cheaper, though really with cashback it's still a net result of cheaper with the other deals!

        My point was that it seems to be an often discounted machine that isn't popular unless it is <$100

  • -1

    Dunno what's with people and all these little bad for the environment single serve cup / capsule things.
    I got an aeropress from a pal (cheaply, I admit) and the damn thing produces some surprisingly good coffee. I can buy the stuff pre-ground or in bean form and the time / mess / screwing around getting it going isn't actually that long.

    Likely vastly cheaper, portable, no electricity, less environmental impact.
    Everyone wants to be a barrista

    • Not sure why you are getting downvoted. The idea is that you're suppose to grind at the moment you extract an espresso or before usi ng an aeropress. I admittedly have a nespresso machine before and sigh.. the shot size and taste was small and bland.

      Pre-grinded coffee = stale coffee, no matter if its vacuum sealed or not.

      • Dunno why, people trying to justify their 'cool purchase' or want to think they are coffee fanatics.
        It seems wasteful, expensive - I wasn't even fussing over the coffee quality.

        Heck I use Aldi coffee, that being said, I'm shocked to find a lot of coffee nuts are embarrassingly admitting "hey, this is actually not bad"…

        I'm switching to grinding my own today actually, just to try it.
        Keep paying for those expensive, landfill capsules tho.

  • +4

    Coffee pods BB date:
    ◦16 Nespresso Grands Crus Coffee Capsules - Best Before: 30/11/2015"

  • Do these have a milk frother?

    • No. This machine makes black coffee only.


      • That's a bit racist, don't you think? :)

        • Not at all. Some of my friends like black coffee. :))

  • Nespresso have a $50 cash back deal going at the moment too, but unfortunately (according to the Nespresso employee I just spoke with) they will not give cashback to purchases from COTD. Something about them being a third party? Does anyone have any knowledge on this? It's be a very cheap machine with the cash back!!!

    • +1

      In other previous threads with this product on OzB, COTD isn't an authorised reseller

  • I don't get it. How can it get manufacturer warranty but not be an authorised reseller?

    • simple!

      you could buy a brand new Intel CPU, or motherboard, or Apple iPhone from your mate and it's still under manufacturer warranty!

      -the parts come with serial, which allow the distributor or manufacturer to check where the stock really from.
      -the parts came from original manufacturer, not made in 3rd world country illegally/unlicensed!

      • But it's under warranty from the date THEY bought it, not when you bought it.

        Or if you have no receipt - warranty from the date of manufacture.

      • This doesn't make sense. COTD is an Australian business, not my mates. If they charge GST, and they sell stuff stating that it's under manufacturer warranty, they must be authorised to say that. It's the LAW

        • yes, they are obligate to follow the LAW, but my answer is simply to your question:

          "I don't get it. How can it get manufacturer warranty but not be an authorised reseller?"

          my previous reply was refer to "manufacturer warranty".

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