Moderation Penalties Transparency Thoughts

Hi all,

I would like to seek feedback from the community what their thoughts are on a system where users don't know how penalties are applied.

Some of us long time users would appreciate more transparency in relation to moderation penalties; how long do these 'points' apply for? Are different offenses treated differently?…

The underlying issue is that long time members have invested so much time in this site, it would be nice to get a idea what constitutes a permanent ban?

Poll Options

  • 30
    More transparency required
  • 78
    Happy with current policy
  • 9

closed Comments

        • @Spackbace:

          Nothing like a bit of special treatment :)

          only if you upgrade to a big poster.

          your current state is medium

        • @GameChanger:

          Who're you to decide if the post is a farce?

          I have an opinion, that opinion has decided this post is a farce.

        • @easternculture:

          Dammit! No one wants to be just medium

        • @Spackbace: Then don't try to put your post across as fact and state its in your opinion.

        • @GameChanger:

          Eh, it's fast proving to be fact

        • +2


          Ive decided that these are the big posters on ozbargain rated per category

          As you can see, even some mods are getting special treatment :)

          If your name is mentioned twice, you get double special treatment

          Top Deal Posters

          • tightarse (2176 deals)
          • TRENT86 (2090 deals)
          • easternculture (1600 deals)
          • tonester (1566 deals)
          • theearth (1500 deals)

          Top Competition Posters

          • neil (1047 competitions)
          • hamza23 (762 competitions)
          • Katie2014 (744 competitions)
          • JSQUARED (689 competitions)
          • nmat (494 competitions)

          Top Forum Posters

          • electricbluee (279 topics)
          • neil (258 topics)
          • DEvok (208 topics)
          • altomic (191 topics)
          • scotty (183 topics)

          Top Commenters

          • jv (36782 comments)
          • neil (19231 comments)
          • scotty (16150 comments)
          • scrimshaw (13412 comments)
          • easternculture (10910 comments)
  • +6

    jv didnt make a single comment in this topic. how weird

    Mods, If i go against a big commentator like jv, will i get banned :)

    Also would like to know if jv has ever been banned or taken a holiday in the penalty box

    • +1

      What's your point?

      • jv gets special treatment for being the king of comments (over 30K) lol

        • I thought that might be the reason

        • @tomsco:

          Hey, maybe if we go through JV's comments in chronological order at collate his emphasised words, we may find a secret code.

          Nailed it.

        • @tomsco:

          jv is a Legend on ozbargain. He will forever be remembered for his comments

    • JV isn't a big deal poster.

      They keep him around as everyone seems to like him.

      • …Have you seen some of the negs he gets?

        • Lots of sheep, that do the same with up votes on deals.

  • +4

    Well this was a rather entertaining read. I feel like some people take oz bargain too seriously. It's just about finding cheap deals and sharing it.

    In relation to what Game Changer said that - "the deal should be removed if it is cheaper else where"; this is what makes me hesitant to post on here and share the deal. I don't want to offer to help a 'community' if I know I can be attacked, even if it is the'best deal' that I find at that given moment.

    • Just post it :) 99% of the time, deals can be revoked if the OP wants it. Not sure which deal GC is referencing where it wasn't actually taken down.

      • The deal is still up and active.

        And no the OP didn't get hate nor do people who post deals that are not cheaper.

    • +1

      No harm in posting…Few people are harsh but most of them deal with deals lightly. Afterall its not the end of the world….

    • +1

      Don't worry about it. I posted a deal today with insufficient stock and it was expired within 10 minutes. No hate there.

      • Problem is that some think if a user posts a cheaper deal comment then its hate.

    • +1

      this is what makes me hesitant to post on here and share the deal.

      You wouldn't be alone….. many people, (me included), do not post any more…..

      • So because someone has found it cheaper, it makes you feel uncomfortable?

        • Me?
          Absolutely not…… that's the reason for this site…… to find the cheapest price for a deal….

        • @andy19363: What are you against then? I never really seen hate comments towards the poster.

        • +2

          @GameChanger: I'm the same as Andy, I don't bother trying any more…it's not so much the competition (which has actually gotten quite bitchy of late, pretty sad when you see prolific posters tearing other peoples' deals down, I'm glad I missed that), rather it's the general whinging & having to justify yourself when you do post one that pisses you off.

          Easier to just leech off the professional posters…some of these guys do seem to have an inordinate amount of time available to devote to finding & posting deals. ;)

        • @StewBalls: yup…..

  • +1

    Skrry, but this thread is bonkers and j can't believe Neil has responded so many times (especially since many time it has been the same question asked)

    Isn't this a privately owned website pretty sure the owner/owners can do as they please. You have no rights as far as I'm concerned.

    Maybe everyone just needs to take a chill pill?

    • The best run companies in the world value their employees.

      Whilst we're not employees its great that Neil and Ozbargain are actually allowing members to have input. What this shows is that there is great leadership behind the scenes and they're not scared to answer the hard questions. Ozbargain will get better from the input and hopefully keep on growing.

      Unless of course you don't want transparency?

  • Brah if u dont like it go make ur own site and transparent rules

    • Your argument has definitely owned me.

      At the end of the day the site does need users, that fact they're allowing feedback is rather a good thing- wouldn't you say bro?

  • +1

    I'm asking this without being ripped another one. What does TWAM stand for. I tried searching to no avail

    Please don't kill me

    • +1

      Talk with a Moderator.

      • +1

        A +1 for you

        • Thanks

          Nice picture btw!

        • +1

          @GameChanger: is that an attempt to garner more ups?

          It's akin to how I look like in real life minus the glasses.

          i like yours too

        • @Hahuh: Hahah nah, I don't really care about + or - as you might see from this thread I'm not here to win a popularity contest.

          I found your picture interesting as its very clear and striking, I had a hard time finding one that fits with the Gravtar size. What show is it from?

        • +3


          If you dont care about + or - why did you send me a pm accusing me of giving you -'s and asking me if I wanted to own up?

        • @benjamin: The people who neg and don't comment intrigue me the most.

          There is a sheep like behaviour that goes on here and I just want to see their reasons why they disagree. So will you provide reasons why you don't agree with anything said in this thread or are you fishing for + votes?

        • +3


          The people who neg and don't comment intrigue me the most.

          There is a sheep like behaviour that goes on here and I just want to see their reasons why they disagree. So will you provide reasons why you don't agree with anything said in this thread or are you fishing for + votes?

          Just give it a break will you? Your crusade for transparency is getting quite boring. The way the website is currently, only moderators will see who has negged who and for good reason, to stop fights which are already happening enough with users PMing other people. What you're doing is bordering on harassment. And for what? So you know what some random on the internet thinks about what you've typed? You realise these are just some pixels on your device? If you really need feedback on what you think, grab someone you know (not forcefully) and talk to them face to face, then they'd have no choice but to react (equivalent or + or - votes) and give your their response (equivalent of comments).

          If you are that desperate for transparency, do as others have suggested and build your own site.

          Benjamin didn't even say whether he negged your comments or not and you're still pushing him to respond.

        • @IceCreamBandit: I have only asked 1 person and it was 1 message.

          If that is called harrasment then you should be replying to Spaceback as well, if you bothered to read what he wrote yesterday.

          He deliberately has tried to derail this thread, yet not a single person has questioned him or told him to stop.

          It would be nice if you could reply to the person who just wrote q comment that they feel there is two rules.

        • +4



    • +1

      What he said!

      It's a forum where you can create a topic, addressed purely to a moderator. No one else can see the discussion

      Go up top to Forums - Talk to a Moderator

  • +1

    Very obvious there are rules for some and not for others.

    I don't post often - posted in a thread where a guy had such a dead car that he couldn't start it on a hill and it was rolling backwards because he was trying to save money not buying a battery. Told him he was an idiot and was going to kill someone. Post got deleted for personal abuse - nothing against the actual poster who ended up being lauded a hero for saving money…

    You see the crap that jv posts on a daily basis, just gets ignored….

    I put a deal up about new games coming into EA Access, cop a heap of crap for it… tried reporting it in the past, no help comes…

    I'm sure I'm not the only one who doesn't bother posting things I see because I can't be stuffed with the rubbish.

    But hey, we put a mental health reminder up once a year and ask our members to play nice. That's enough, right? (Just like gambling companies - we've said "bet responsibly", we've done our bit!)

    • I put a deal up about new games coming into EA Access, cop a heap of crap for it… tried reporting it in the past, no help comes…

      Unfortunately that is the internet, that is forums. Looking at your history you've had some very good deals (I was appreciative of the NBA Jam one!). One of those things where you have to take the good with the bad. You've had 7 deals hit front page, 3 not. That's a good stat :) Just think about all the 91 pats on the back in this deal, and forget about any hate that comes with.

      We're all subjected to different levels of scrutiny. Just this whole forum thread alone is targeting certain members and how they're treated. It's having the ability to brush it off. tell yourself 'it's just the internet', and move on. I definitely know it's not that easy sometimes, but if it gets to the level you feel you're being harassed by certain members then I know that mods will certainly jump in. The thing is, they don't notice that going on, they can't notice it if no one points it out to them so they can keep an eye on it.

      Believe me, everyone is subjected to negativity on this site, no one is immune.

      Even the top posters have people talking behind their back like you'd expect school kids to do.

      • Members should have the right to question if a deal is genuine. Are you saying the top posters should be immune from scrutiny?

        I don't see you protecting reps on here who receive unfair treatment or should they and the small posters be the only ones to be questioned?

        • Members should have the right to question if a deal is genuine.

          They do, within the deal itself, where the poster can see it. Not behind their back in forums where they aren't even replying or acknowledging the discussion.
          Do you understand why you shouldn't talk about members behind their backs? I should hope you do

          Are you saying the top posters should be immune from scrutiny?

          Where did I say that? I said it happens and that no one is immune from it, from your casual posters to your more frequent posters, everyone cops shit.

          I don't see you protecting reps on here who receive unfair treatment

          When did this whole discussion reference reps? I believe store reps should be held to the highest scrutiny. They have the most to gain, least to lose from posting on here. For them, this place is free advertising, so the quality of their deal and the integrity of the store and rep should be scrutinised the most.

          they and the small posters be the only ones to be questioned?

          I already stated that everyone is scrutinised, now I'm just repeating that fact.

        • @Spackbace: Oh so we need to ask users permission before talking about them? Yep if they don't acknowledge it, means there is no discussion just like you want.

          The fact is that you haven't questioned some of your 'friends' who have done questionable deals and gone full defensive for them.

        • @GameChanger:

          Oh so we need to ask users permission before talking about them?

          Oh ok, should I just make a thread discussing you in some part of the internet? You'd think that was a mature and fair thing to do? You wouldn't think that was a form of bullying? I've got better things to do, but that's good to know that you're cool with it.

          The fact is that you haven't questioned some of your 'friends' who have done questionable deals and gone full defensive for them.

          Questionable is a subjective term. What you find questionable, whilst wearing your tin-foil hat, others think are fine and know the full story behind it.

        • @Spackbace: Go ahead and create a thread about me, I welcome it. If you believe I have indulged in questionable deals please make a thread, so that we can discuss it.

          How about we make an agreement Spaceback, we both leave this thread and let it run its course. Its evident are conversations are now stopping more people coming in.

        • @GameChanger:


          Probably a good idea. I mean, if you can't even remember how to write a word that's right in front of you, this discussion certainly isn't going to be an intelligent and well thought out one.

        • @Spackbace: So its agreed.

          Again don't appreciate the remark about my intelligence- thought you wanted mature talk.

        • @GameChanger:

          thought you wanted mature talk.

          I did, but then you said it's OK to talk behind peoples' back. Figured childish behaviour deserved childish behaviour back.

        • +1

          @Spackbace: >They have the most to gain, least to lose from posting

          It's an incredibly risky strategy…. businesses can be broken by a poorly received post on here.
          It wouldn't surprise me to find out that competitors posing as members post a substandard deal from their competion in order to damage their reputation….
          Hence the large 'merchant take-down requests' forum thread

    • -6

      Thank you for your feedback, many others do agree there is two rules. It might be subtle but moderation regarding what constitutes a personal attack/bullying is questionable and not applied in a fair way.

  • +8

    TL:DR -

    how a user should act on Ozbargain
    On a public forum don't be an arsehole to other users.
    Look at the guidelines and don't break them.
    If you have an issue then TWAM

    • +1



      • You're not a man of your word.

        I thought we had a agreement not to comment any further.

        Disappointing you're again hijacking the thread.

        • /thread

        • @Spackbace: Spaceback this is childish behavior.

          Its evident you don't want any change or even a simply review in processes.

          You should use self control before commentating in the future.

        • @GameChanger:

          It's evident I'm not alone.

          It's evident you have major issues with the running of this site, and the top contributors to it.

          It's evident you don't think you can just follow the (basic) rules and participate normally like 99% of this community.

          It's evident your poll is telling the full story, and that you're part of a minority.

        • @Spackbace: Don't put words in my mouth, I don't have major issues with the running of the site. Its evident you can't think for yourself and follow blindly. I can tell you're the most risk averse person and it scares you when people question a rule.

          You're bullying me and the others in the thread. Did you know thats against the rules of the site, since you're so well versed in the rules.

        • @GameChanger:

          I'm not, I'm just responding to replies. If you feel I'm bullying then I'm sure you know where the report button is.

          You do know how to report a post/comment yeah?

          And following the rules isn't following blind. But I don't need to question authority every single day. There's no need for anarchy.

          And sorry, you're right, you don't have major issues with the running of the site, just minor issues. My bad.

        • OK. This thread is going way off topic.

          Long story short, don't attack, bully, or name call and you will be fine. If you do so you will be banned no matter who you are.

          Thread closed

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