Explain The Origin of Your Username

I had to make the title that wankery because "Explain your username" was 'too short'. Fascists.

Mine is simple: My first name is Justin, somewhere along the line people started calling me Juddy. English's retarded and so are my friends who turned "Justin" into "Juddy". It's two syllables and is fun to say so I will stick with it.

Your turn.

N.B. I've no relation to Chris Judd.


  • +3

    I really like Finding Nemo.

  • Green undies

    • +1


    • +1

      You let your undies get to the colour green?! 😨

  • +6

    I'm Max's mum.

    • +4

      Have you met Mini's mum?

      • +2

        Yes she's not the greatest (to say the very least).

        • +1

          I'd say she's the least of all mums.

  • +2

    Gotta catch 'em all!

  • I'm a Romulan secret agent, shhhh ;)

  • I was going through the comment section of a deal and so wanted to neg one comment. Then I joined:-)

  • I love jenkem, and it's problem, hence the junkie

  • +3

    Well, I was playing some Steam game (Bear Simulator) and I had a movie in my head, Jurassic Park, then I decided that I will make a OzBargain account to give back to the community, at first it was Comicizm, but that was awful, I still had that game and movie in my head and tried to make a cool name, Dinobear, tyrannobearus, but then came the best one,

  • +1

    It all started in around 2001, 3 days of LAN parties over a long weekend, and pretty much zero sleep caused by the Jolt Cola or Red Eyes, had left me delirious. I had longish hair, Some would say an "EMO fringe" as was the parlance of the time. This fringe kept getting in my face…after being destroyed in CS or maybe even Canned Tuna Mod, I proclaimed at the top of my lungs: "F***ing Hair, I need to put you in a Ponytable!" Needless to say it stuck.

  • +2

    Played starcraft. Lost alot.

  • +1

    I used to have a cat when I was younger. When he sleeps he would look Asian (squinty eyed) I'm Asian myself btw haha. And he would meow a lot. And he has a face. Hence aznmeowface. :)

  • +1

    Part of my maiden name and I'm a complicated person I guess lol my initials growing up were KK

  • +2

    The (sadly now departed) fantasy author David Gemmell wrote a few books with a character named Jon Shannow. He was a gunslinger who had a clear sense of right and wrong. Loved the books and the character sort of suited me.

  • No idea how mine came about

    • sure you don't

    • Oh really!

  • Random name generator in WoW.

  • a bit of an odd one~

  • Johnny Sunshine was taken.

  • I wanted to be cool

  • I've wanted a blue duffle coat for a long time and when I got one… I changed my nickname. ;) Was using my real name shock horror before. :P

  • +7

    Inspired by Tightarse

    • Are the head quarters stiff as well?

  • Positive outlook.

  • +2

    I was once lost in the outback and a heroic kangaroo rescued me.

  • +1

    Murdered some dude, stole his identity, all so I could get into Ozbargain.
    Then found out it's free to join. Bummer !

  • Was listening to dark tranquility at the time, this is just a song of theirs.

  • my boss says i'm time wasting spending so much time on the interwebs

  • I heard a guy with a lisp say Sith Lord. Always made me chuckle

  • +1

    My scraggy looking dogs nickname.

  • +1

    When I first created my Hotmail account like 20 years ago Diddy was taken, so I used diddy50. Laaaaaaame!

    Diddy, because it was my nickname growing up, as my little sister couldn't say my real name, Christian. So she called me di-di.

    I used the Diddy spelling as it was around the time donkey Kong country was out on the snes.

    • Had a childhood friend with an older brother Eric, she couldn't say this, and used to call him "Ecky" LOL. Why/how "Di-di" from Christian?

      • +1


        Couldn't pronounce chri-sti-an

  • +1

    Stupid Youtube parody about women moving to LA and getting plastic surgery to look like ducks. Set to Pumped Up Kicks by Foster the People

  • I am a Linux admin with programming inclination. New(neo) nix(Unix) coder(who do programming)

  • I'm an unoriginal hack.

  • Ohhhhhh m8

  • It's an adaption of the word ozbargain into the name of a famous alcohol and drug addict, thief and general lout, who made so much money, they ironically would not need to use ozbargain

    • +1


  • used to chat on mIrc; getting to know people you used to first ask for asl… i wanted to be lazy and say that JustinIsMyName. But mIrc has a 8 letter limit. so it became Justinism. Sounded cool, albeit egotistical, so i stuck with it.

  • -1

    Was overseas studying my CA and haven't completed but end up with CPA in Australia.
    Started CA for CPA ..

  • While signing up, I must have been thinking.. wat is in it for me??

  • +4

    Couldn't think of anything else for a preferred username.

  • My interest in space.

  • +8

    Paid a marketing consultant thousands of dollars. This is what they came up with.

    • +1


  • My surname plus my initials backward. also refers to a byo lunch meeting, as I like to eat and talk at the same time.

  • +1

    I like sandwiches

  • +1

    Couldn't get mrlee on email sign up.

    Added an 1 to differentiate.

    There's only 1 mr lee.

    Also it's cool to reply,

    What's your email?

    (one) mr lee @ email . com

  • a person who spends as little money as possible; a miser.
    "he's a notorious tight-arse and is always very hesitant about coughing up for anything"

  • song by Bobby "Boris" Pickett

  • I thought I better leave tightarse for someone who truly deserves it. Also, I was registering my username on a work computer where they log key strokes and thought this would be safer and more politically correct. Also, my bottom hole is very tight as I am heterosexual.

  • +1

    Mine is word play on my name, after I made this name a long time ago Oprah Winfrey decided to use a similar word to describe female genitals and ruined it for me.

    But I'm too lazy to think of a new improved name so here I am…

    • You shouldn't bring this to mods attention ad the v word is banned now

      • (profanity)? (profanity)? Wow, anatomically correct words for body parts… won't somebody please think of the children?!

        • +1

          I know. There was a long thread in the comments of some deal. I think free vj cream from memory and the word was banned by the mods

        • What? V@gina?

        • @mcmonte: Shhhhhhh

        • +2

          Okay, okay no VJ.

          As the English language is becoming intolerably offensive, we may soon have to call it USB-V.
          Granted, this is neither as elegant nor appealing as the correct term. But then, who doesn't like a little misguided censorship?

          There's nothing like the self-inflicted paralysis of second-guessing, evaluating and rejecting the appropriate word to use, then have to come up with an acceptable synonym.

        • +1

          @USB-V: Don't tell me you just changed ur name from mcmonte to usb-v or is it just a system glitch

          I'm confused now lol

        • +2

          Indeed I did.

          But in my case, "USB" doesn't stand for Universal Serial Bus.

          My official G-rated meaning for USB-V is: Unterseeboot 5 because I wanted to be a submariner, and I spent five years on the Collins project.

          Some of that is true.

        • @CandyMan:

          We agree those words shouldn't be in the profanity filter and that will be rectified within the next week when the next site update happens.

          I don't believe any of us were aware they were in the automatic profanity filter? Let us know in the future via report or TWAM if you feel something isn't right (I just happened to notice this comment today and had a look into it).


        • +1

          @hamza23: Thanks. While we have you here, what is the origin of your username? :D

  • sween is short for my surname. 64 because I liked the Nintendo 64 when I signed up for my first email account; which I still use.

    I'm not 52 years old.

  • +2

    mine is a name of a government welfare program

  • +1

    My username is dedicated to all the Ozbargain deals who may be expired, sold out or otherwise whom cannot join us today.

  • +1

    Al Gore.

  • I am addicted to Bargains

  • +1

    I was in Melbourne when I created OZB account so Monty my first name but now I'm in Adelaide. I wish I can edit to Monty.adel MA

    • +1

      Yes you can!

      Only 1 username change per 12-months is allowed.

    • Bet u could ask mods. You've been here a while.

    • MM looks better than MA.
      The symmetry…

  • becuz i'm the biggest noob

  • Bargdebarg.
    Bargains and bargains!

  • +1

    Uuuuh …. do I really HAVE to? I mean, I thought most people here have been through "the talk".

  • I'm a Star Wars fan and love Boba Fett

  • phd topic

  • +4

    A number of years ago my kids and I heard about a really gross website called rate my poo (Dear God I know but we just had to check it out).

    People would upload photos of their freshly squeezed issue and other users could rate it. It was hilarious for my primary schoolers. The site also had some funny excrement related stories - no photos but a good laugh.

    Users could attach a name to their photo/story. If a poster didn't choose a name it was automatically given the site username of "anonymous_coward".

    Obviously from visiting such a site I am easily pleased and found that username quite amusing so I nicked it.

    • +2

      Why is this unusual, they rate poo on an ongoing basis in hospitals using the Bristol stool chart and the pediatric modified Bristol stool chart !

      • +1

        ongoing basis in hospitals

        Not just hospitals. Also at the adult day care centre I used to volunteer at. They had posters in the toilets. As a volunteer, I've never had to personally deal with any of the client's BMs but somehow I've memorised the chart and can't help from applying that 'knowledge' to the food I'm about to consume :&

        Malteasers = type 1 ;
        grapes = type 2 ;
        chocolate milkshake= type 7;
        Globs of peanut butter = type 5…etc :(

        • +1

          can't help from applying that 'knowledge' to the food I'm about to consume

          Good for dieters, but …How can you consume it afterwards?

        • +3

          @bluesky:I'd made the mistake of telling my wife about my little idiosyncrasy and she used to tease me about it all the time. For example, if there was maltesers, she'd go : " Look! separate, hard ,like nuts! Hard to pass. Yum! You want some?" while grinning and happily chomping on them. My manly pride has always prevented me from saying no to any one of her dares and once, I've had a bite , I'm ok. More than ok. I'd go in for seconds and thirds :)

          Now that she's not here, I don't buy or eat maltesers, peanut butter,chocolate milkshake, grapes, picnic choc bars, some type of puddings or oddly-shaped bananas :(

      • Check out Poo transplants. Putting one compatible donors poo into the colon of a diseased person, there have been some cures for serious gut diseases.

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