Explain The Origin of Your Username

I had to make the title that wankery because "Explain your username" was 'too short'. Fascists.

Mine is simple: My first name is Justin, somewhere along the line people started calling me Juddy. English's retarded and so are my friends who turned "Justin" into "Juddy". It's two syllables and is fun to say so I will stick with it.

Your turn.

N.B. I've no relation to Chris Judd.


  • lol

  • cos i smell

  • My last name rhymes with fire, my gf At the time called me a liar and proceeded to chant the rhyme.

    First name last name pants on fire

  • +1

    In early 2000's there was this crappy online game of 4 people trying to win attention of cyber babe. I made my name Lothario as a noob and as I got to know the players it got shortened to loth or lothie and everyone who became a vet of the game end up being called sir, so I made a hotmail chat/email called sirlothie then I just started using it for everything cos I don't forget it and it's never taken.

  • Broccoli = BrockLee
    Made this username just for a little laugh 😁

  • There was a guy in high school we called rolypoly.

  • Was in a trueblood phase at the time of making this u/n :3

    • He was awesome.
      So wise.

  • +1

    chonghe is the pinyin of Chinese character 崇 (admire) 和 (peacefulness)

    • +1

      very meaningful username

      And……… what the hell?, you said you were leaving!

      • +1

        I miss OzBargain and I do come back now and then :)

  • Back in the days of Runescape…the first site I created an account for. Probably 6 at the time and had something to do with donuts.

    • good ol' runescape.

  • Michael's a common name, you see. So even variations like Michae1, Mixhael, Michael1, Michael1212, Michael93, Michael12345 are usually taken. So I decided to take a number no-one else would have.

  • Is my twiiter account.. Follow me (@aacarrer)

  • 1.A half-conscious state characterized by an absence of response to external stimuli.
    2.A state of abstraction.
    3.A type of electronic dance music characterized by hypnotic rhythms and sounds.

  • I picked this username 23 years ago when firing up irc for the first time. It was a brand of a vintage radio next to the computer desk.

  • +1

    My star sign is Sagittarius and my Chinese zodiac is Ox. I just merged the two. Sagit and ox. Sagitox.

  • +9

    My name is hiro. lol thats about it.

  • +8

    Added an 's' to the name on the signup form. Minimum effort.

    • maximum awesome.

  • an anagram of my name

    • +6

      Rich Peen?
      Prince Eh?
      Eric Phen?
      Chin Peer?
      Nice Herp?
      Price Hen?

      I can't think of any more

      • +4

        It's obviously Cenipher, like Jennifer, but with a soft "c".

      • Jeremy's iron?

      • Nice Herp…. Yeah let's go with that :D

  • +1

    I remembered the movie Candy Man (the one that shows up when you sat his name 5 times in the mirror) so used it as a username. Then became aware of the many interpretations it can have lol.

  • Best player at the game I was playing at the time.

  • +2

    Extended Industry Standard Architecture revision 01

    • genius!

  • +2

    my boss says i'm time wasting on this site

  • My surname is Berger—— so I get called Berger for short, but it's pronounced burger

    I'm not paint.

  • +1

    My name is Annie & surname starts "C". Back in the late 90's when ICQ was all the rage & you had to create a username so being Asian I used Apple; it the same 5 letters, starts with "A", ends with "E" & contains 2 of the same alphabet. Used the same username when I joined RSVP in the same era. My now husband whom I met through RSVP believed my real name was Apple for the longest time 😂

  • Bonsaichop - Highschool nick name 'Bonsai' mixed with the Austin Powers phrase 'Judo-Chop!'. It seems to have stuck almost 20 years later..

  • +1

    Leeeroy - because Lee is too short for Australians.

    • +1

      Surname Jenkins?
      If not change it

  • Needed a gamertag for Halo 2 and went with Tasmaniac. Those were the days when all the good gamertags were still available.

  • It is self-explanatory

  • Most people think im a turk but just borrowed mine from a movie title

  • I was watching this youtube clip at signup time and the username followed.

  • meow meow

  • Thought it sounded cool

  • +4

    Midnite = I got dark skin (racial I know, but sometimes you gotta make fun of yourself)
    Oz = From Australia

  • +2

    Wasn't taken!

  • I don't need to explain nothin

  • hommage to a dawg that once almost bit me

  • +1

    Kurac, the way they spell it

    • what a load of kok

  • +16

    Student Pursuing Academics & Career in Engineering, No Income No Job or Assets

  • Pyro + Rock
    Has been my game handle since i devised it in the days of Baulders gate and IcewindDale.
    Used to always love playing magic classes in RPG's and stuff - Thats where the Pyro was from
    And also used to dabble in the warrior classes - Thats the Rock

  • Mine was from a joke on the news show with grahame kennedy and john mangos.

    A little Indian boy went to his father one day and asked him, "Father, how do Indian children get their names?" His father replied: "My son…when your sister was born, I walked out of the teepee and the first thing I saw was a rainbow in the eastern sky….so I named her Rainbow in the East. When your brother had been born, I once again walked out of the teepee and this time the first thing I saw was that the river had frozen over, so I named your brother Frozen River. "But—why do you ask, Two Dogs F**king?".

  • mine was my love for fish and also my singing teacher surname was Rulz which i thought was pretty cool, hence fishrulz was born :P

  • Anyone seen iCarly?
    Lol not really how I got it.
    I just wanted a username that had something to do with my name, but everything else was taken. So after continuously trying to find a combination that works, I eventually got this. I have been thinking of changing this to be honest…..

  • +5

    A biblical reference, Moses's son. "He named him Gershom, for he was a stranger in a strange land". When I first arrived at Ozbargain I thought I was in a strange land. (And I'd been wandering the desert for 40 years.)

  • From OMO Washing Powder :P

  • +2

    From the Big Bang theory (I don't watch it as I do not find it funny) but wanted a nerdy name and saw the clip where one of the characters alters scissors paper rock with two extra options, lizard Spock.

  • was on the toilet… wandering around… saw this http://www.kmart.com.au/product/night-time-bath-wash---500ml…

  • First name initial combined with my surname. Straight forward I guess…if you knew already knew my name

  • +5

    Because if you looked at your rear view mirror at who is tailgating you, most of the time it's a Commodore.

  • Roqua;

    He is the black MMA trainer from the movie never back down.

    Most people don't know it, and I've had it since I can remember, and I had the name well before the movie even came out. Could be more Roqua's?

  • This is the user name I use for many things. Agito is the name of a character in Air Gear, he has two personality and can switch back and forth by moving the eye patch from one side to the other. I was around 14 at the time and thought this was such a cool guy, and I prefer agito over akito. Then I just add my yob in.

  • +2

    My username is my home town hawker food, which is this

    • That looks darned delicious. Anywhere I can eat an authentic version of it in Sydney?

    • sarawakian?

      • confirm sarawakian

  • When I first had the Internet with dingo blue back in the 90s I had to create an email address, just for the fun of it I made it hotkolbas which is 2 words joined which is means spicy sausage.

    I am maco which makes it stick even more….

    I have had another gaming nic but hotkolbas is well known through friends.

  • Needed a username for a local LAN party and chose it on the spot when I was 17.

  • Me+curry+blender = Curryblender

  • Serapis, first of his name, the supreme god, god of Rome, god of the Greeks and Egyptians, lord of the underworld and the sun, husband of Isis, father of Horus, owner of Cerberus, called Osiris in full form, leader of the Bishops of Christ.

    No biggie.

  • It is a lyric of a song in a dream I had

  • +1

    I am the keeper of the Schwartz.

  • It is the name given to me by the Zakarum priest.

  • Explain The Origin of Your Username

    No I won't do it.

  • first car i owned was a corolla…. and i'm of the female variety

  • Basically copped it off The Silver Linings Playbook (yes I found out later it was the NY motto, pardon my ignorance).

    Just thought it was a good reminder to myself that life is always a journey based on learning from past experiences and mistakes.

  • I'm of Italian descent.
    It's a shortened Italian expression.
    It's similar to the name Tony Soprano's boat.

  • +1


  • +2

    My name is ELLI, upside down its 1773 in numbers.

  • +1

    From this Japanese kid's song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0J-j0pDpbxo
    (hataraku kuruma = working vehicles)

  • +2

    I drink a lot, like a camel. Then I moved downunder.

  • Simple, first name followed by my football team.

  • +4

    Pdiddy once said more money more problems. If you have no money you have no problems..

    • haha, sure reminds me of the song 'I got plenty of nuttin' from Porgy and Bess, with verses like:

      I got plenty of nothing
      And nothing’s plenty for me
      I got the sun, got the moon
      Got the deep blue sea

      The folks with plenty of plenty
      Got to pray all the day
      Seems with plenty you sure got to worry
      How to keep the devil away

      Lots more meaningful lyrics … Frank Sinatra Swing version, Traditional folk opera version (shortened)

      • +1

        Very possibly not up your alley @bluesky, but for your amusement, anyway -
        My favourite version of Gershwin's Summertime, from 'Porgy and Bess', is by Fun Boy Three. Here, the lead singer clearly enjoying being forced to mime, on England's version of Countdown.
        Much better audio in the suggested videos extended version.

        Re- your other comment. That Willie Nelson track, one of my Dad's favourites.
        I'll refrain, just, from linking 'Blue Monday' by New Order, thinking about that.

        I will link the most beautiful 'Blue' song, ever, though. Enjoy.
        Jane Wiedlin 'Blue Kiss'

        (@Jar Jar Binks. 'Hamza' may well be his real first name, or he may wish you to think that, regardless. Btw, above was my one OzBargain contribution for the week. Feel free to stay out of various trouble - or don't. I don't mind, not given the maybe broad blurred lines at play in relation to certain things.. I appreciate that you're just keeping yourself occupied :)

        (saT backwards, for anybody wondering. Reverse cowgirl inspired.
        That or maybe something slightly more mundane by someone that on first-day-discovered throwaway signup, never imagined spending quite so much time on OzBargain :)

        • +1

          My favourite version of Gershwin's Summertime, from 'Porgy and Bess', is by Fun Boy Three.

          A good adaptation - latin jazzy feel to it. I like it! Although the video is funny … like you say, definitely miming :-)

          Enjoyed Blue Kiss too. Checked out Blue Monday … not so much my kind of music, but not averse to hearing once a while.

          Thanks, Tas.

          … by someone that on first-day-discovered throwaway signup, never imagined spending quite so much time on OzBargain

          True for many I suspect .. the site grows on you! :-)

        • +1

          I don't mind, not given the maybe broad blurred lines at play in relation to

          doing certain things to(with?) Cat? Nah. I should have followed your original advice. Cat is a naughty, naughty kitty, who is not above a lot of things, including a little B&E.

          Someone had this song playing loudly earlier and now I can't stop humming it.

        • @Jar Jar Binks: I checked out the song, JJB, and really liked it. So thanks. Choreography reminds me of my favorite Eurovision 2015 entry - Belgium's, which is more edgy and intense.

        • @Jar Jar Binks: Don't worry. I know that you're actually good, and a bit ti\ted…

          To the degree possible, have an uneventful week..

        • +1

          @bluesky: Just in the news, yesterday.
          'Mao's Last Dancer' Li Cunxin, had one of the many species of 'Peacock Spider' named after him.

          Choreography also edgy and intense, but for more serious reasons..

          +courtesy of your comment - https://youtu.be/UPw-3e_pzqU

          YOU are welcome to have an eventful week, bluesky…

        • +2

          @Tas: Haha, I rather enjoyed the clips! Many thanks. Intense indeed, like an adventure movie. Was cheering him on when escape seemed assured, and then … Unpalatable ending!

          Li Cunxin remarked: "I should tell our male dancers about this and I hope the little Maratus licunxin spider survives the daunting mating dances in the future." … My hope too!

        • @Jar Jar Binks: I hope that you're well, and very well exfoliated…

          Build-up of crustiness under your Mini-Batman cape and cowl is just revolting to think about, but I'm glad that you've dealt with it - with that recent purchase you made of a 'Clarisonic'…

          I did laugh when I saw that :)

          You can send this here link to the Wiki-one - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jBqcZlKuVyo
          Uploaded just recently. The earliest live video of the album version to date - and the audio better with every listen given the performance. Even allowing for Courtney, Kurt definitely Wiki-saveable at that point…

          Your inadequately-tamed mermaid will enjoy the video and the thought of that :)

          P.S. Regards to her + cartwheeling kids. I'm sure all things there good and you now in a very useful routine. Even allowing for cheesecake interference…

        • +1

          @bluesky: Maybe this one survived…

          New upload, bluesky, in case you didn't notice this guy in the suggested videos of the ones above, and subscribe.

          I see no medals and I'm pretty sure that this particular lady spider doesn't have a Brazilian, but video does have a Rio-inspired backing track..

          Reminds me of this performance.
          Better and likewise zika v free. Enjoy.

        • +1


          with that recent purchase you made of a 'Clarisonic'…

          I did laugh when I saw that :)


          Wasn't for me.It is a well-known fact that my skin is as soft and smooth as a baby's bottom. Just ask any of my stalkers. The clarisonic was a present for SIL, who has a bun in the oven. Possibly a crusty bun.Hence the device. Who said I couldn't buy thoughtful gifts without Wiki's input?

          We're all well and happy =) Made even happier by Pacolito

          p.s: Hope you are well too.

        • +2

          @Jar Jar Binks: Hey there, crusty Batman former Spiderman.

          Just a comment drive-by, prompted by that peacockspiderman upload. General OzB indications that Madame Bluesky is a bit of sweetheart and thought maybe she would like to see that one.

          Wow! Air Asia are keen, if that's the word. Maybe just subsidies involved, at one level or another.

          Btw, if your stress levels ever elevate beyond that which emergency exfoliation unstolen cheesecake can fix (maybe just the prospect of flying Air Asia…), I'll be sure to come back again and tease you again. Always on the basis of how things present, of course… You would expect nothing less.

          I'm glad all things good.

          I hope SIL's baby not too crusty, unless turns out to be a baby baguette…

          Lol, thanks Google.


        • +2

          @Tas: Nice to hear from you! Another very captivating video, thanks! :-) Absolutely loved the song in the video, and checking her stuff out. The Idea Of North, Mas que nada was great too. Liked the song even before this, see earlier version by Sergio Mendes and Brasil 66. Maybe I'm biased 'cos I love their stuff, e.g this Cole Porter song in latin jazz rendition. Very old stuff though :-)

          I appreciate your recommendation and opening my eyes to new groups etc. Let me return the favour. Just by what you recommend, I think you might like Pink Martini, their music crosses many genres, pop jazz, latin, lounge music, classical crossover, world. At least they are current (unlike some old groups I like, where good quality is harder to find). Samples: Sway, Hey Eugene!, Hang on little tomato. Their variety is so broad, there is bound to be stuff you like, and in different languages too :-) Enjoy, and thank you.

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