Explain The Origin of Your Username

I had to make the title that wankery because "Explain your username" was 'too short'. Fascists.

Mine is simple: My first name is Justin, somewhere along the line people started calling me Juddy. English's retarded and so are my friends who turned "Justin" into "Juddy". It's two syllables and is fun to say so I will stick with it.

Your turn.

N.B. I've no relation to Chris Judd.


  • +2

    Was learning to play guitar… I found out about an online game called Kingdom Of Loathing (www.kingdomofloathing.com), and during the registration I had to make up a player name…

    My fingers were sore at the time…

    • Are a professional guitarist now?

  • +1

    The 39s mark in this video


  • I'm a big fan of the band A Day To Remember and I put 888 after most usernames I have :-)

  • Just another OZ bargainer

  • new internet cafe opened up near my house, went to play CS and had to make up a username on the spot. There was a dbz picture on the desktop.. and supasaiyan was born

    • That's how I usually choose my work PC password hahaha

      • I've been using the number system because at work, we have to change it every 3 months. So I spell the number and then put the number. So Ten10, Eleven11 etc etc

        • i always stick with whatever on my desk + 1 lol but might copy yours next time

  • +1

    its my name obviously

  • +14

    When thinking of a username which was bargain related, one instance came back to me when a friend and I were in a locally owned small asian fancy goods store back in England.

    The guy was intent on getting a sale and proceeded to show us almost everything in his store, which in a strong Indian accent, would mention the price, followed by the words 'Good Deal Mate'

    It was around March and one of the items which had us in stitches was "Last year's Calendar… 2 Pounds… Good Deal Mate!!" He was serious too!

    • +3

      Last bit LOL!

  • Mine was given to me by the big pond tech when I first got cable internet.

    My brother had "itsme" for a username but one time he signed up to an online Eucha game and typo'd "titme" All the guys were hitting him up.

  • +1

    Saw so many useless comments on oz bargain. wanted to join in. Sound of talking bs

  • +1

    Pumpkin because I like people calling me that, an endearment, forced-upon no doubt.
    Then OzB decided it's too short, or was taken I cant remember. So added rrr.
    rrr is my sustainable side: reuse, recycle, reduce…. Ooops looks like I got into the wrong side. I find I buy more and hoard more after OzB, although I am more careful these days.

  • +35

    i am not sure

  • +1

    When creating my first web mail address, I needed something unique.
    I was thinking of my favourite piece of road, Col de Turini, which features in Rally Monte Carlo. I'd also recently decided McDonalds was crap.

    So I submitted this portmanteau of McDonalds and Monte Carlo. And guess what? Nobody else was nutty enough to think of it, so I got it!!!

    • ^ was McMonte.

      It's now a protest name of sorts. Seemed like a good idea at the time.
      Oh well, I'm stuck with it for 12 months.

  • +1

    I am Tihocan, Ruler of Atlantis, Keeper of the Scion, King of the Barren Lands…

    Just a character from the original Tomb Raider.

  • +1

    About 7 years ago my best friend was teaching me guitar and decided Billie Steam would be my rock star stage name. He was Candi Lixx. I didn't stick with learning guitar but he is now the love of my life.

    • +7

      Billiesteam is not my lover.

  • +2

    Free will defies Newtonian mechanics.

  • Nickname. Fav number. Boring.

  • +6

    A couple of years back, there was a report on the 6 pm, Channel 7 news bulletin. The report involved a DJ who had attended a house party and was charged with sexually assaulting a party guest. The headline on the news read "DJ Sex Crimes".

    • +1

      You beat the charges, no record

  • +1

    Same as my Habbo Hotel username from back in the day, which I originally got off a pair of scissors

    • +3

      You used to get off from a pair of scissors?

      • Most good ones were already taken - had to find inspiration from somewhere!

      • +2

        I'm getting phantom pain just thinking about it

  • +5

    Hey guys just 0p passing by to say thanks for your responses keep them going…

    • +3

      SCAM! If you look closely you can see it contains a zero, not an o. Do not share your responses to him/her! ;p

      • +1

        ^@Downvoters It was a bad joke…, please report if you find it inappropriate.

  • +2

    Couldn't think of anything better

    • :o You're the one who took the username btw my Overwatch username is OneTwoThree

      Anyways since I couldn't go OneTwoThree I just named myself after the Oneplus One codename (Bacon) which I picked up from Ozbargain

  • +4

    A drug I used to take

  • +4

    When my son was born my beloved grandma looked at him and said that her father often looked at baby boys and said they had the face of a 'noble joker'
    Weird phrase, kindof catchy and reminds me of my nan
    I liked it so much I bought the domain :)

  • Was thinking about sea salt ice cream at the time of signing up

    • AquaS has good salt soft serve

  • +1

    I just started typing random letters that made a pronounceable word

  • I have a fetish for Factor V Leiden. Thus, Leidenia

    • Do you have this blood disorder?

      • No, I just find it really interesting

  • I left a water mark on my bed when I was small..since then I'm scared of beds (and water)

  • I was bored shitless during a late night comp sci study session at uni. I needed a username (prob ICQ?) so decided classmates could refer to me as Bartholemew Higginbottom going forward.

  • "That's what" - She

  • +3

    Simply came across it online one day and found it intriguing and unique ; it defines me in a way and was available and relevant to OzBargain so I decided to roll with it here.

  • +2

    Well, i'm a raver LOL and I like lyrics … also there used to be a cool 'hard house' tune that goes, 'Another jam from the lyrical maker, wizard-of-the-word…MC Undertaker!" Kinda got the username from those 2 sources. Also I like lyrical Happy hardkore music.

  • +1

    Needed a Gamertag for Xboxlive/Halo 2 back in the day.
    2 favorite things at the time where
    Halo and Megadeth
    Took the "Chief" out of Master Chief!
    and added it to Megadeth to form
    Still my favorite series and band!
    I use it everywhere online!

    • +1

      I crank "Countdown to Extinction" & ""Rust in Peace often".

      • Killer albums! i crank them often also!

    • Those were the days.

  • +1

    Star wars. name of an Ewok. couldn't think of anything else :)

  • It was dark outside..

  • +1


  • Take a guess.

  • Username stuck when I was thinking up a Gamertag for my Xbox360.. Hungry Beagle (Lucifer) was howling, the looks he gave me when I got up to feed him (fury) plus year of birth.

  • plasmo from the Australian kids tv show.


    ske was just a word gamers (mainly counter-strikers) would add to someone's nickname/name for fun many many years ago

    leetske, coolske, larryske

  • +1

    They said I could be anything, so I became Anonymous.

  • +11

    I had a patio with one broken 4" x 4", Italian "Marble" tile, I finally found a supplier who wanted to charge me "$250" for the tile - during the ensuing negotiations, he said it was a beautiful tile and he wished he had a thousand of them, so, I sold him the floor!…..he recovered the tiles, resurfaced the floor area and laid "reasonable" quality ceramic tiles in a black and white pattern, which looked quite schmick.

    The patio may not be a travertine splendour, but I made $3000 on top of the restoration….I may be a peasant, but, I reckon I'm good OzB material!.

    The avatar, of course, represents the Elgin Marbles

    • wowsers. that's a great deal you got, especially if you didn't have a fetish for the marble tiles

      • +1

        Yeh, have to admit the marble tiles looked very, very sophisticated, but there were a few cracked and/or stained and that the OD furniture couldn't hide, and the restoration was beyond my means. The (larger) centre tile, which had a bull with bunches of grapes motif, was a masterpiece!….it took the guy over an hour to lift it. I've never seen a tiler take so much care over something!
        But, I was happy with the deal and so was he….I asked him who he'd sell them to and he said they were going straight into his home! a good win-win no?

  • +9

    My name is Michelle and have never liked the name Shelly. Many moons ago there was an ad for Shelley's soft drink that said 'If it's not a shelley's it's a fizzer' I hated the name Shelly so my school friends started calling me fizzer which ultimately became Fiza (the 1981 is my birth year)

  • +1

    I'm an old school wizard.

    • +1

      You're a wizard Harry!

  • +3

    Was listening to grimes

  • +2

    self explanatory :^)

    • Did you make your profile picture?

      • +1

        lol no. I've been meaning to change it to one i have drawn but just haven't gotten around to it.
        edit: it is now :^P

  • Because I'm awesome.

    • +2

      But not because you're legen

      wait for it


      Man, missed your mark for that comment!

      • +5


        Because I'm legen



  • +1

    Because I am a Mustachian and follow the path of Financial Independence Retiring Early

  • +1

    On a (loosely) related topic: do you know that some forums are very poorly set up, and allow to create user names with various combination of "mod" and "moderator"? For example: "mod_4", "moderator_msg", etc, etc. Not talking about OzBargain, but try for example dpreview.com Could be fun (if you are so inclined) to comment on something as "dpr_moderator_8", etc.
    (PS: no, there are no three hundred and twenty four of me).

  • +6

    My name is Tim. Nickname was Tim Tam, but that was taken as an email address many many years ago. Timmy's Biscuits was the No Frills version of Tim Tams at the time. Could get them from Franklins I think. Username also seemed appropriate to use here.

  • I know Consuela in Something, Something, Something, Dark Side is right and don't skimp on Windex.

    • Nooo, noooooo

      • You buy the Windex and I'll pay you later.

  • +1

    Foreskin without the 'e'
    Initially thought I'd get away with it on some games as it wasn't a rude word but Xbox live had me shut down pretty quick.

  • +1

    my favourite soccer player is xabi alonso

  • +9

    i like to take inspirations from whatever that's in front of me…

  • +1

    Finnish for "thank you". So thanks for all the great bargains - and condom puns.

    • +1

      Ole hyvä

  • +4


    • The best superhero of them all

    • +7

      Beg your pardon

  • +1

    Mine is from an old Dropkick Murphy's song, The Spicy McHaggis jig (quite funny lyrics too)

    I try to get Haggis but its usually taken so Spicy or a variation is the norm.

    Coincidentally I am also a hot food aficionado.

  • +7

    hope I'm not too late :P

  • I picked random numbers - I learnt afterwards that 853 use to be (and was at the time I formed the username) the gold given at the start of a Dota 2 match if you chose to random. Very fitting for a Dota 2 nerd like myself.

  • +3

    I like to be pleasured

  • aussiemillion poker tournament undertaken in crown casino, melbourne.

    It's unfortunately because I'm also a startup founder who posts deals here - and people think I'm trying to become a millionaire by selling them stuff =)

    • It doesn't help by having the word "palmer" in your company name either. 😱

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