Car Getting a Dent by Inconsiderate Person Flinging Their Door Open

Hey Ozbargainers,

I just bought a brand new car 3 months ago - first time I park it in the normal parking areas ever because it prevented my 90 yr old grandpa walking for a mile. I usually Park the furthest away from the hustle and bustle. The only time I do this it gets hit.

Today at the Sydney Fish Market i caught a person fling open their door and hit my car. I approached her and asked her what was that and told her to be more careful (in an angry tone). She turned around and claimed she didn't do it and I was scamming her for insurance. Even though I saw her doing it - I was one metre away. She knew she did it.

When I asked her to stop lying and give me insurance details she gave me the "me no speak English" BS and then yelled out I'm scamming her for insurance money. She and her brother and wife threatened to call the police in which I said go right ahead - they pulled out their phones and faked the call. (calling the police for a small ding is a waste of time and resources - such a stupid thing to do) they thought it would scare me off. Anyways,they kept saying where is the proof and I'm a liar. This enraged me and I totally lost my cool. This certain type of people are ignorant, rude, selfish, worry about themselves and don't see anything else apart from themselves. I just don't understand when you've been caught red handed why not fess up to it and apologize. I have installed wide steel side steps, side bars and a bull bar to stop these dimwits from hitting the body. They still managed to hit it.

The damage is luckily very small. I can buff out their car paint. However there is a small dent. It makes me so angry because I saved up for years and worked two-three jobs with 15 hour shifts for my first car ($55k). It was getting very heated and I had to de-escalate the situation so I got in the car and left. There was no point me wasting the time of the police and my brain cells. I should have recorded car plates. But I was too infuriated and left. Too often these people play the dumb card and get away with it.

My question - is there a dash cam i can get to face the sides or something I should have done. Is there a place I can get the dent repaired. It's honestly a small dent but I'm a little OCD and when I look at the car now it sticks out like dogs balls.

TLDR - venting on a forum/community that has helped me numerous times before.

Lady hits car with door. Claims she didn't do it. Argument ensues. Lost a few brain cells. Left place.

Any advice or help appreciated.


  • +2

    I hated these sort of inconsiderate drivers and passengers who has no respect for others car.

    If I were you, I'll let them call the police.

    These bloody migrants cannot even drive properly in their home country, How can they be issued a drivers licence.
    (Especially the mainland chinese, who think they own the bloody road)

    • Hey wsthong, thanks for the msg.

      I would have loved for them to call the police. They would have told them off so bad. It's a ding the size of a five cent coin. Not worth the police resources.

      I have to admit.. They are very frustrating to deal with and to drive with. I just stay back a safe distance when I identify what type of driver they are.

  • +2

    We were stationary in our 2 month old car when an idiot didn't pay attention and smashed into the car behind us at 70km/h. The lady made the excuse "sorry I've had a really long day, I work with autistic children and one was having a meltdown when I was leaving". My answer to her "your day is long? You just hit into my 2 month old car and used other people's children as an excuse. By the way, my child is autistic" she very quickly walked away and left me alone. Stupid woman. Why you hit my car for?!?!?! ARGH!!!!

    • 70km/h? yeah right.

      • +1

        Yeap. Ended up as a 5 car crash.

    • +1

      Probably playing on her phone? Happened to me at a red light. He was slowing down but didn't brake and hit my car. When I called insurance they told me this kind of incident happened more often than we think. At least he apologised and admitted that he was looking at his phone.

  • Hey OP, sorry this happened. Glad to hear you are letting it go.

    I'd also like to acknowledge the fact that you did not bring up race as a factor while several other users did in their replies.

    • +2

      Thanks forever saving.

      No point crying over spilled milk. Even though race seems to be big factor from other people's stories I didn't want to come off disrespectful and rude. Not all Asians are bad. Not all Asians that have recently come to Australia are bad. Most are very nice people. One time at a kebab shop an Asian man was getting ignored by the people behind the counter. He was waiting for 15 minutes. I walked up loud and proud and told them excuse me but this gentleman has been waiting for ages and you guys haven't served him. Turned out that they thought he was waiting for his order (fair enough). Anyway he ordered and he thanked me and he wanted to pay for my meal. Some of them are humble. Real humble. And on the other side of the scale some are dicks.

  • +1

    Kids and in-laws are the worst offenders

    • Love2buy Hahaha some kids are great. Some are nightmares. My nephews and nieces and cousins aren't too bad. One time One of my cheeky nephews (2 yrs old) made eye contact with me and stood next to my glass of drink. He proceeded to grab some stuff from his plate and maintain this intense eye contact with me. He took the noodles off his plate and dumped it into my drink.. Giggled like a cheeky fella and ran away. I thought it was one of the funniest things I've ever seen.

      I'm not married yet so I don't know about the in laws Hahaha.

  • My friend, I think the dent you made on your mind is bigger than the dent she made on your car.

    • +3

      Hahaha that's gold. I'm very pedantic about how the car or my belongings are clean. Takes me a good three hours to clean it. I take my time and I enjoy being thorough. At the time and last night Id agree with your statement.

      As of today - it's a brand new day and I've moved on. Shit happens. Deal with it. Learn from it. Move on.

  • +1

    Same thing happened to my CX5 that was only a few months old at the time. I ended up with a straight line crease two inches long. It gave me the shits.

    Luckily it happened at her workplace (where she was a receptionist) so I obtained her phone number and photo'd her license plate. Insurance took care of it at no cost to me (aside from time).

  • Complaining about a small dent or scratch in a 4WD is like complaining about your boat getting wet.

    Still, no excuse for people being arseholes in a carpark. Sorry you did not get their plates, but understandable in the heat of the moment.

    • +3

      Complaining about a small dent or scratch in a 4WD is like complaining about your boat getting wet.

      • A boat getting wet is like a 4WD getting muddy
      • A dent or scratch on a 4WD is like a scratch or dent on a boat

      I personally wouldn't care about a dent/scratch on an older 4WD used for 4x4ing.
      In the OP's case, it sounds like a new unmarked vehicle used for visiting Fish Markets :)

  • -1

    Hi Rizzy,

    I feel your pain.
    My advise is dont get expensive car. just drive 2nd hand car that is 10-15 years old already with scratch everywhere so if someone hit you or scratch your car with their door, you ask them for their compensation if they reject, you scratch their car too with your car door and just ran away.
    if you want to own an expensive car though, still have a second car that is inexpensive and for everyday usage.

    i got experience with hit and run couple years ago. i went back to my car in the shopping centre parking lot and its already damaged.
    i tried to make a claim with sgio but just a waste of time. in the end i learnt my car will eventually gets scratch and dent bits here and everywhere

    • +2

      My advise is dont get expensive car. just drive 2nd hand car

      This is stupid advice given he's already bought the car.

      That's like going to a family that has had their house burn down "My advice is you should have bought an apartment in the city". What use is that to them?!?

      • -2

        A dent in a car and a house burning down are very similar, great

        • -1

          You need it pointed out to you? The correlation is that "after-the-fact" advice.

        • @Cyphar: It's an excellent analogy . Rock on Cyphar:)

    • -1

      There's probably lots of cars that are 10-15 years old, so the trick is get one older than theirs, maybe 20 years old. Or preferably one that explodes, to teach those pricks a lesson. Similar to other luxury items like new phones and new clothes, it'll get scratched/dirty in no time, so might as well go second hand. No point paying $50 for a new CK briefs, just get one from the Op shop for a couple of bucks.

    • Hey Rafael, thanks for the msg. Though yiu are correct, one car for now will do. I'll just have to be More careful. Once my foundation is set meaning house etc. I'll definitely get an ex army land Rover. Those things are tough as nails and the new dents wont matter.

  • -1

    I assume you've insured your pride & joy? If so, in these situations, make a note of their rego plate & report it to your insurance company. No point causing a scene with the guilty-accused, it's not going to get anywhere. You pay your premiums to your insurance company for these exact issues. You also should never remove the evidence because then there's no shadow-of-a-doubt proof to back up your claim, and worst case scenario at that point, you pay the excess.

    • Hi Cyphar, yes full comprehensive insurance. I've learned alot from everyone's post. From now I'll take photos and photos. Lucky it's a small incident.

  • +4

    mate just enjoy your car that youve worked hard for.
    pointless worrying about dings n stuff all the time, ive been there.
    put away a couple bucks a day in a jar and use it to
    get your car fully detailed and pdr at the end of every year.

  • Op, unfortunately you describe the typical arrogance, dishonesty and lack of responsibility that is blighting this country. The only way to deal with these people is to do the same back.

  • It scares me in this post the amount of people ready and willing to key cars and shame people on fb.

  • This! This is exactly why I hesitate to buy expensive luxury cars. The small inevitable scratches, dent that is just too much headache to avoid.

    Cars don't stop at initial cost, there is parking and maintenance costs. If u want to have perfectly always new car, u need to park far, stay away from crime prone suburbs, etc. U also need to wash weekly, quarterly wax, half yearly polish. Not to mention the leather conditioner, etc.

    Also need to keep the kids from touching anything,or eating in the car.

  • I live by the philosophy that I drive a car nice enough for me to like, but not so nice that I get upset every time I see a dent and spend useless time wondeirng how it happened, or being too scared to park in some spots coz of likely events such as OPs.

    The truth is, this dent u got today, will just be the first of many many little incidents of life. And honestly, at no fault of anyone's. You may see fault in others, but the fact is so many car parks have spots so small, it's impossible not to bang doors, and if it's not a careless adult, it's a young kid who knows no better or can't be taught better.

    Lastly, come 20 years time, all ur car tiny car dents won't change the re sale value of ur car by much or if at all, it'll be a 5k car with 0 tiny dents or a dozen.

  • +6

    Exact situation happened with me minus the not accepting that she did it.

    So I had my SO sit in the car and she was sick, so I can get medicine from the pharmacist. As soon as sit in the car I head a loud Thud, Thinking something must hit from the back, When checked it was the car parked next to me, old lady tried to get out but used too much force and hit with a dent on the window I could clearly see.

    I politely went and asked her if she was okay(just in case), She right away said sorry and asked to pay me the damage. I took her license and insurance details and she took my phone number. After couple of hours I get a call from her hubby, He right away apologises(what a top bloke) and asked me how much the cost was to fix the dent.

    I took it to the my friend who happens to be a panel beater and got the dent fixed for $fiddy. I called the guy back and told him it's $fiddy and not to worry about paying for it. I could hear the guy telling his wife in joy that they don't need to pay for it.

    The weekend after he invited me to have beer with him, We had a good laugh about it and now and then when I pass through front of his house, we always have a good chat.

  • +1

    Been there and felt the pain. The first dent/ding/scratch is always the hardest pill to swallow on a new car. I fixed my first dent using the smart guys ( and a month later another one ensued. Fixed this as well and 3 months down the track scraped the wheel in the gutter and wanted to fix but then the new car is 9 months old and wasn't new anymore. I know no matter how immaculate I want to keep the car, there are other inconsiderate people on the road who thinks otherwise. When I sold the car, the dent and scrape on the wheel didn't matter at all as I still lost money on the car. I did ask the dealer if I could fix it before trade-in to increase the trade-in value and he said it ain't worth it as the wholesaler or the retailer who takes the car away from them will fix it anyways before putting it for sale in their yard.

    These days I take it on the chin and move on as there is nothing that you could do to avoid it other than not buy a flashy new car ofcourse. Also, the more pedantic you're about your car the more it happens as I have noticed. My new car is 7 months old now and dent free as I don't give a damn anymore and didn't give a damn since I took delivery of it and I think they are inter-related!!

  • get used to it, it wont be the last one you get.
    BTW sound like you bought a big 4WD
    what is the point of it if you are not going bush where you are bound to get a lot of scratches and dents, or is it just a image thing?

    • I bought a 4Wd because I like my fishing in secluded spots, camping, exploring and hunting. This car allows me to take it to places that the average car does not. I like 4wding but not extreme 4wding.

      The occasional beach trips where I can drive on the sand and relax with mates and family is also good.

  • +1

    Bit late to the party, but for future reference anyway:

    request name address of other party.

    Record time location and registration of vehicle.

    Photograph damage.

    Photograph vehicles in situ if possible.

    Photograph the rego, clearly. You'd be surprised how many people get it wrong. Make sure you know/note the make and colour.

    Photograph the driver. They are in a public place, you can.

    If they refuse to provide name and address, they can be charged under s.60 of the road safety act (in Vic at least).
    Police can act as a middle man to force the hand and have details exchanged so civil process (insurance) can continue.
    Failing to do so opens that person up to being charged.
    The registered owner must make reasonable enquiries to nominate the offending driver. Having a photo of the driver at the scene leaves them nowhere to hide.

    Disclaimer** this is not legal advice and any action you take is done so at your own risk and perils.

    • Thanks for the msg mate. Appreciate your advice and help.

      • Pretty sure that private car parks are outside police jurisdiction. Fish Market is private car park.

        • I see your pretty sure and raise you a certainty.

          A carpark that is accessible to the public is classed as a 'road related area'.

          It is most definitely policed.

        • @lethalmoney: Agree with lethalmoney, car damage is car damage, I've known Police to prosecute and charge people for damaging cars in private car parks. Those handy notes that people leave "I saw so and so hit your car, with rego xxxxxx", somoene I know well had this letter on their damaged car, Police followed it up and the offending female driver of car was charged with criminal offence and she will now have a criminal record which will affect bank applications, job interviews, international travel….

        • Because many people support this notion I think it used to be like that?

    • Hahaha if I had one of those old school army land rovers I'd definitely do it Hahaha. Great video.

  • Oxygen wasters!

    Is the dent fixed now? If not, try this DIY method.

    • It's still there..i just tell my eyes not to look at it hahha. I'll have look at the video. Thanks

      • You might have to wipe your eyes after watching that video too ^^

  • +1

    Unfortunately if you park your car in public places with other cars, your car will eventually get dented. It's just something that happens.

    The insurance premium is likely too much for what really is a small bit of cosmetic damage. I understand as the first scratch on your new car that it hurts, but I recommend just letting it go. It'll likely get a new scratch or dent the week after you have it fixed.

    • Spot on Alan. It was cheaper and more beneficial just to get away from the idiots and get it sorted myself.

      • Alan your right i love new cars but just got to point buy near new or by new not caring. It hard It drive my dad nuts to he like BMW and Mercedes never park near any body else. pen you can by fix small marks.

  • +1

    I remember the first time I wore my Jordan breds. I walked like an austronaut, careful not to crease the toe area, wiped it clean and boxed the shoes the day after wearing. After a month, I couldn't care less if the shoes got wet or if I stepped on a gum or mud or dog poop. You'll get over it OP. It's just a matter of time.

    • Ooooooph Jordans! I ain't going anywhere near puddles in the yeezys hahaha

  • +1

    Just buy a reliable shit/second hand car, still able to get you from point a to b. No worries these things, it always happen.

    • Very true mate. I'm actually over it now haha

  • Could I ask what car it is? Purely out of curiosity (I'm a car guy), I'm a believer that it doesn't matter if you've got a shit bomb or a Ferrari, no one should damage anyone elses property. If they don't care about their own car then they can smack open their car into their garage wall, but by the way they act probably park it out on street.

    Please don't listen to other people here saying that the car will get scratched and dented a lot more so it's your fault for buying a nice car. You worked hard and have the right to have nice things without them being damaged; you've obviously got to move on, nothing you can do now, but people either blaming you for buying, or implying that having a nice car is stupid, well, that really irritates me.

    • Hey Stevensx,

      It's a 2015 Toyota Fortuner GXL Pearl White with genuine Toyota premium steel bullbar, steel side rails and steel side steps. If I new how to upload a pic I would hahah.

      Thanks for your supportive msg. Appreciate it.

  • +1

    Two months after I bought my new (used) car, the same shit happened to me.

    There's 3 car parks at work where nobody can park beside you. I try to get one of these out of fear but unfortunately one day I missed out.
    Surely enough, came back to a 50c piece sized dent above my drivers door handle… I tried to get a quote on repairing it but found it incredibly difficult to get someone out to look - one guy quoted me $400 over the phone (paint-less dent removal).

    I hate looking at the dent, but I know as soon as I get it fixed something else will happen. I'd never re-coup the $400 to repair it so I've moved on :-(.

    People are terrible.

    If they scratch / dent a shit car the attitude is "oh it doesn't matter".
    If they scratch / dent a nice car the attitude is "oh he / she can afford it".

    I was in a rental car on a ferry once, and everyone was walking around checking out the sights. A lady walked past with her bag and I could hear the zippers on her bag scratching the paint. There wasn't any visible damage. She had no idea what she'd done. People are just f*king oblivious.

    Sorry, end rant. Your post struck a chord with me.

  • With all the comments so far you probably already know by now that you didn't have to talk with these people, just take pics and hand that to your insurance, lesson 1.

    As for cameras, yes there are plenty, and any decent one will have a parking mode in which even when the car is off and stationary it will record 30 seconds of footage if it detects something. There are some models with a separate front and rear camera, like Parkmate, and then there's the Uniden one which has 2 cameras built into the unit that face out from each other so you have a fairly wide angle view. Try JB for starters and then go from there.

  • The people are ignorant, they should've at least apologised and ask if there any real problem. I did that once, happily it was really minor dent and it got back straight away, so the people were nice and said just be careful next time. On the other hand my car is 10 yo and it's got so many dents from doors you wouldn't believe. People do it all the time.

    First scratch is on your heart, next one you wouldn't care much about. Been there, so don't worry to much.

  • +1

    I feel your pain mate.
    I had a stupid cow back into my missus car. Although the damage was only paints chip and small dents it was damaged regardless.
    The stupid cow refused to give us her license details and spent 40min arguing to us she cant see no damaged. Lucky we had a witness.
    People like this should just be wiped of the planet.

    • People suddenly become instant panel beaters when about 800+ is on the line lol

    • +1

      For a second, I thought a cow rammed into your missus's car

  • +4

    Same thing happen to me 3 months ago, I was in the car waiting missius shopping. 4wd came in and park next to me, westfield car park are so tiny space. This lebanese guy opened his door and bang my driver side door. Pretend nothing happen, no sorry, nothing at all.
    No problem for me, I was in good mood. 5 minutes later, took my hammer out, scratched his car. Than I left !!!

    • +1

      Nice. Those kind deserve it more than any. Scum

    • I hope you dinged at least 3 panels lol

  • I totally understand how you feel. Pisses me off when people just do not fess up. I am planning on buying a new car in 3 months and am worried crap like this will happen.

    I remember I was parked once at a train station. My local station is extremely busy so to get a park, you need to be there before 8.30am. I had uni at 10am so when I got to the station I had to park on the lawns/bushes. I had done this quite a few times with no major issue. When I get home from uni at 4pm, I notice my car door (driver’s side) looks more shinier than usual. As I approach closer to my car, low and behold there is a significant dent. I was sh*tting myself because my parents bought me this car only recently. There was no way I could find out who rammed it since cameras are not installed at this station.

    This was about 2ish years ago and to this day, I still have the dent on the car lol. I’m kind of used to how it looks. Though I have had cops peek over their windows to check out the dent on my car.

  • Just get rock rails that stick out from the car. Numerous times I've seen people open their door into my (then) FJ and smash the rails. I would chuckle to myself.

  • +1

    Should have shanked them right then and there

  • OP, you sound exactly like me when I got my new brand new car. Parking as far away as possible from everyone else to avoid such incidents lol. Thankfully though I've never encountered such situations but however having since made observations of my car overtime, I've found dents, scratches and dings left, right and centre.

    Put it this way, hypothetically imagine if you weren't there to witness this incident… upon returning to the car and discovering this, would your mind be at ease much faster… and would you have been just as stressed? Sure, this "i don't speak english garbage came into play", but putting this aside it could of been any person. I've come across a more serious situation whilst disputing a parking spot in Auburn one sunny weekend… needless to say, I was confronted by 3 middle eastern men who threaten to bash me!!

    You still could go through your insurance and pay for the damage and take details of that other person and photos etc. I have a dashcam installed in my car that I bought from and it records sound as well, but it doesn't record the side of the door. Even so, if your car was turned up the best it could help is if they ram into the front or back of your car. Anyway good thing you left… it may of been a sensible decision and sorting not worth wasting your energy and time on.

  • You should have reversed out and gouged their car…Or flung your door open…. That's the most satisfaction you'll get rather than from the insurance company.

  • If/when you lodge a claim and there is ever any type of dispute over liability, or the possibility of a dispute over liability, whip out the phone and take photos and video of everything.

    Had you taken photos of the people there, the cars standing side by side and also video of them being j@ckasses, then you would have been able to send it to your insurer to sort out. It would then be up to the insurer to determine if an excess was payable or not..

  • +3

    I'm very sorry about your car, I've bought a dent repair kit while ago, if you don't get a reasonable offer to fix it, you can borrow my kit for free, it helped me fix many small dents but it needs some patient and time. I feel your pain mate

    • Gajam,what a legend! That's very generous of you. Thanks for the offer. I'll call a few companies and see what they say. I'll even talk to my local Toyota dealer and insurance. Cheers mate for the offer. Everyone plus vote his/hers comment!

  • If someone theoretically did this to my car, they're in for some brake fluid on their paint…

  • This happened a lot to me. And every single damn time, it is a lady (should I say blitch?) banging the door wide open into my car and then "me no English"!
    A couple of times I caught guys doing it too and again "me no English"! I think these people left their culture where their language is! The only time someone said sorry was a little kid that I smiled.
    Anyway the damage was done so I got a sticker I found interesting and covered that part! Not as good as it used to be but better than those dents and scratches.

  • First rule:
    Don't argue with idiots or fools

    Second rule:
    Don't get angry because it never solves anything
    second rule part b:
    Especially don't get angry around idiots because they're unpredictable

    The only thing you really could've done is take a picture of her car next to you
    Picture of the dent, picture of her car and hopefully the color of her paint on your dent

  • +1

    Coins/keys are good for revenge.

    • bashing in a window is better..more $$ damage

  • Similar thing happened to my Mother in Law although she DID get a photo of their car and number plate. Only thing was it was useless because noone, and i mean no-one (i contacted the Police, Insurance Companies, Registrations & Licensing etc) was able to find out or release details about the owner or who they were due to PRIVACY LAWS! Argghhhhhh! Frustrated the hell out of me because i thought having their number plate would help us out but nope, privacy laws protect them!

    So don't feel too bad that you didn't get a record of their rego plates because i doubt it would've made any difference.

    • Thanks for your msg. Taking photos of ID is a must

  • +4

    Hi all

    Just been reading this thread, it's funny as. I thought I'd share my recent experienxe.
    I drive a BMW just finished shopping and was sitting in my car,engine off. A fairly new looking Ford XR8 pulls in next to me, a lady gets out and opens the door and hits my car. There wasn't a dent but there was a scratch. She doesn't even notice/ care. I kept silent and waited in my car. After about 5 minutes I got out and scratched her door with my key, like you do when you have a $2 scratchie.

    Maybe someday she will make the connotation…

    And yes, I am spiteful

  • +1

    I would have been satisfied to smash my door into theirs and drive off; yes it may inflict further cost to self, but self-satisfaction is priceless…

  • +1

    Lizzy - if it makes you feel better, a couple of years ago on Christmas Eve at Ashfield Mall, I come back and someone has driven off after completely hammering and writing off my bumper. Mind you, I have no idea how they did it as it was quite narrow (not narrow enough to be too tough to park but narrow enough to expect a small ding rather than a bumper write off (my view is they accidentally accelerated rather than braked). Unfortunately there were no cameras and no witnesses so had to pay a small fortune… so it was a memorable Christmas for the wrong reasons. Human nature to take responsibility for the good and not for the bad… actually saying that, human nature not to take much responsibility at all but to talk about their rights, e.g. rights to guns, rights for freedom of speech but not recognize that there is a responsibility part of it as well.

    • Thanks Shaiguy. I'll suck it up and pay. I'll call insurance to see what they can do.

  • I am a professional with good salary, but driving a $3k Falcon. It has actually every extras I need (towbar, roof rack, window tint, cruise control and not leaking oil at all) and happy that I don’t give a s… when these door dings happen. I had a nice shiny car once, but was so annoying to see it getting dents and scratches every day that I don’t see a point in it anymore.
    Just yesterday I saw a shopping trolley sliding down a footpath into a parked car. (Again)

    Also, when I decide to park my car at the far end of the shopping centre where there are at least 20 empty bays beside my car, every time I go back to my car I find another car (SUV) adjacent to it. So there are two cars and 19 empty bays around and I have to reverse out blind again.

    So my solution is to have a crappy car with nice interior and park close to the shop entrance. No walking, the $30k car will suffer more from a door ding than mine. I prefer reverse park to avoid the blindness issues with all those SUVs but parking with the butt out is actually safer for the car. A scratch on the rear bumper will be fixed every 3-5 years when a tailgater bumps into me.

    • People who leave shopping trolleys in the middle of a carpark… when will they learn that things with wheels are bound to move.

  • +2

    I know this has been covered already, but I have found it really useful.

    Providing no one is injured. When an accident occurs, don't get into lengthy discussions or conversations. If they really persist, tell them at this stage discussions are inappropriate, that can happen later with the insurer.

    While they are at the scene and still in shock
    - ask for ther licence and either copy the details or best take a photo (front and back). They will want the same, but then I think you have to anyway
    - Get their contact numbers, mobile and landline
    - ask the name of their insurer (if they have one)

    Take photos of their car FIRST in case they drive off. Preferably with your car in the picture if they have not moved theirs etc. Be sure to take multiple pics of rego. The damage to their car, a close up with paint scrapes etc. If you think there was a causation like a rear mirror missing or the back of the vehicle full of stuff reducing visibility take pictures. And take a video/pictures of the area etc. eg to establish where you were If there were passengers try and get a picture etc.

    Do your car the same sort of way re damage.

    Write down the time, location, weather if you like and anything else that sticks in your mind.

    SMS yourself a message with the other cars rego, driver name, few words describing damage.

    If you have geolocation on your photo even better.

    Make a copy of the images as soon as you get home. And then decide if you want to chase up insurers etc.

    Don't get distracted by emotions, just work through as much of the above as you can. Ask politely but firmly, like its your right (expected) they give you their details. If they refuse don't get upset. But tell them you will record they refused.

    And be quick!

    The only times I would not recommend this is with dangerous aggressive driver.

    One time I did not do this, the guy had managed to reverse into my tyre at about 5km an hour. I still took his details, but said it looks liked he may have got EXCEEDING lucky and I would confirm that with him either way later. I was nice and called him as soon I knew there was no damage. I also told him to go buy a lotto ticket!

    He was a real pork chop, got into his car and the space next to him was empty. He mucked around for a while and in the meantime I drove into the space. He reversed without relooking probably thinking he could use that space. But I was there. Thankfully I honked and he slowed. I was fully parked btw. But I am super cautious and usually wait if someone is trying a manouver near my car. I have prevented a couple of dings to my car.

    I even watch out while walking and have saved quite a few cars. Only one lady got upset, I think she thought there was more space but she ended up than a cm away from a super expensive car after she stopped because I was yelling "STOP" at her from the sidewalk.

    Don't get mad though. It doesn't help.

    My husband had someone with an odd reaction. He missed a few details but got everything critical. They maintained that while they hit our car the damage should not have been as bad as it was. we just ignored it, as newer cars are meant to crumple.

    • +1

      Thanks Natt, and others for the useful advice.

    • Thanks Natt. Appreciate your msg

  • +1

    no worries,

    my car is 6 years old now, but I remember whe. it was shiny and new. Thankfully the first dent was mine, into a rock.

    Rocks seem to be my Achilles heel, I have driven in Los Angeles for instance, Japan, Malyasia (they are insane btw). But put a border of rocks somewhere and I am stuffed!

    • +1

      Yeah for some reason I always get flying little rocks at my windscreen :(

  • It's going to happen. If not now then sometime in the future. Just accept the dent. The next one won't be so bad.

  • This is exactly why its a good reason to have a old crap box car for the shops and leave the brand new car for weekends or any trip that you know it wont be dented on.

    Old crap box doesn't feed the OCD and its a more relaxing experience for mundane journeys.

    You could get in touch with paintless dent removal companies, but there probably will be a next time. A lot of times in my sports car, I park far far away where no one is and when I come back I find a beaten up car parked right next to me even though theres heaps of spaces around..

    • Next buy is an ex army land Rover

  • +1

    This thread taught me that whenever your car is damaged, the most important detail to point out is the other driver's ethnicity.

    • Hahaha it isn't about that. Also don't forget the photos.

      • Not you in particular, but all the people replying…

  • Had this happen in bunnings a while to one of my parents car. I was waiting in the car, Indian family gets out and the passenger flings her door open into our car. Get out, say why did you do that, be more careful next time. And all I get is a blank response for 3 seconds looking at me in bewilderment then they all shuffle off. No real damage but I felt it and heard it. People are too oblivious and not thoughtful these days.

  • Wow feel your pain. Saving up years for a beautiful car and then this happens. Only advice I could give is do what it sounds like you normally do and park miles away and not next to any other cars or you could park next to expensive cars because theyre not going to want to damage their cars either. Next time get your phone out and take a photo of the car and number plates, even record the conversation on your phone with the video camera if you think it might help your case. And I guess losing your cool was bad cos that can be used against you, but understandable given the situation. Not sure about side cameras for cars Im sure there'd be something tho if you Google it. Also I guess you could check CCTV footage for the car park if theres any cameras around, that might support your case. Also cos its important to you you could visit a police station and report it and see what they say. Good luck with it anyway :)

  • What I don't understand is why you didn't just get her to open her door to your car so that she could see that it all lines up.

    Take a photo, can't argue with that proof.

    • Hey mate. We did exactly that.. They even hit the car again. But they didn't want anything to do with it. It was soooo frustrating. All of s sudden they couldn't speak English.

  • +1

    Sad story about your car mate. Have you searched for a paintless dent removal service? I had a brand new car for 2 weeks and had a guy walk in the bonnet while it was parked. PDR guy got all the dents and creases out like brand new

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