• expired

iPhone 16GB 3GS or HTC Desire for $0 on the Telstra $49 NextG Cap Plan


Starting 1/7/10, the HTC Desire or the iPhone 16GB 3GS will be available for $0 on the $49 NextG Cap.

EDIT: Other handsets are available:

iPhone 8GB 3GS
LG Optimus
Nokia E51
Nokia E71
Nokia N97 mini
Blackberry Pearl
Samsung Omnia Pro
Samsung C5220
Samsung Ultratouch
SE W705

plus a few other models

Cap details:
$400 worth of talk/text
200MB data
2 year warranty on handset!

Sorry for being a bit of an advocate for Telstra lately but it's good to see them being a little more competitive.

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closed Comments

  • well if this prove to be true, i think they need to stock up the desire a bit.

  • -2

    Tempting, but as far as i can tell that cap is fairly crap value anyway.. only 200mb data and 37c flagfall, 40c/30sec, 25c text..

    • -1

      +1 compared to the Optus's samsung with 1gb data for $59

    • +2

      Depends on how much you want superior network coverage and speeds I guess.

      • I live in the country and Optus is fine.

      • I travel through large areas of regional Victoria and have no problems with both Optus (via exetel)& Vodafone for 3G data, both at far better rates than Telstra could manage.

      • +3

        i guess everyone has different views. you probably have no trouble because Victoria is flat or live in the country where one tower is able to provide a smaller population :P

        I live in Surfers, I have Vodafone personal and Telstra work. My friends have Optus.

        Some places Vodafone has no reception but mainly in buildings etc, Friends live at the foot of a hill in Burleigh Heads, Optus barely gets 1 bar of reception, Vodafone will have 2 bars. Mate lives in Carrara and says Vodafone is best out there. But everywhere I have taken my phones I always find my Telstra workphone has full 3g coverage, everywhere. even in the 2nd level basement of my apartment building, full 3g and Vodafone had nothing, checked Super Cheap auto for battery costs online.

        Telstra does have superiour coverage and you may find Optus and Vodafone good where you are, but you may experience different if you travel to areas with more objects to interfare with the signal or larger population compared to the amount of cell towers set up.

        • i also live in surfers (well, chevron island) and i can also say that telstra has superior coverage, both indoors and out, compared to all the other networks. this is particularly evident in buildings, basements, on highways etc…. nearly always full bars of 3G reception, and the network is generally far more reliable and data speeds are heaps faster.

          i couldn't recommend telstra highly enough. i'd also discourage anyone, anywhere from using 3.

    • hmm, compare to what?? can you elaborate what other plan give you 200Mb data and 400 credit per month? unless you require free call Virgin to Virgin or 3/voda to Voda/3 i guess this plan is very good. Give this on Telstra network and i will dump my plan soon on 3 i guess.

      Either Optus 3 and Voda will need to make their plan cheaper or else i can see Telstra will start getting its hand on new customer(lots). I am by no means a company reps but i just state the obvious??

      Everyone already saying about the good coverage on NextG network, but i want to say something else - Mobile foxtel! i know.. i need to pay extra, but from next month my 2 hour train travel will be less excruciating. Guess i am happy with the whole NBN thing at last, Telstra getting more competitive.

      • +1

        I believe there is a limit to 200 minutes per month when watching mobile foxtel.

  • I saw this during the day on ausdroid.net, too bad I still have 2 months with 3 :( Hopefully stocks will last til then

  • +1

    Too bad the handset is still exclusive to Telstra, hard for other companies to compete when they don't have the actual handset!

    • Yeah, and they somehow managed to get an extra exclusive contract with HTC which gives them 6 months exclusivity instead of the usual 3. Grrrr

      • I don't think it's locked so I guess you can buy it outright and whack a SIM in?

        • Thanks, didn't see that bit!

          Hmmm, it's so tempting now…

  • will the MRO drop too for the family and friends deal? =D

    • I signed up today with an iPhone 8GB 3GS so they better not! :)

      EDIT: Looks like they're not.

  • +2

    I have this phone for a few months now and with Telstra NextG. It is the best phone out there. Extremely stable and have fun after rooting. Telstra NextG is pricey but no regret as it is speedy and strong reception.

    • So after rooting it you can install new Android updates (Froyo) etc?

  • Are you sure this phone is $0 on this plan? I inquired at the Glenferrie store and was told $10/month extra for this phone if I get the $49 plan…

    • +1

      Starts tomorrow. :D

  • So basically,

    if I'm interested to get a HTC Desire,

    this offer is a bit better than the "Family & Friend offer" that was posted before??

    The $39,- one??


    • I don't really understand all this, but I think it depends how much you are going to use from your cap. The good thing about the F&F deal is that it could be $10/mo if you only use up to $10 of your allowance. So you get the $10 calls/data plus the phone for $20/pm(+$70 upfront) on f&f, that is excellent value.

      • Yeah, I'm really struggling to work out whether the $49 desire plan or the F&F offer is better. Assuming I use 200MB data and spend over $39 on calls, can anybody give me a heads up as to which is better value?


  • Apparently 3 will be releasing a new $39 unlimited calls to any network tomorrow as well.
    Sounds too good to be true, but worth watching them and other ISP's for new financial year deals coming out tomorrow

    • Sounds way to good to be true…! Hope they do, my contract ends in december. Can't wait to get off this ridiculous plan of $69 plus $29 for a HTC touch pro!

    • It probably is. I pay $99 with Vodafone. So I'll believe it when I see it.

      • Doubt that would happen, Vodafone wouldn't want to compete with themselves since they own 3.

  • surely if they have this offer, it means it will be available for other carriers fairly soon, they may as well capture as much market as they can while they have their advantage

    • It'll be interesting to see what other carriers do…Telstra are being a lot more competitive so I don't think the gap will be as big as it used to be, but I'm sure the other carriers will definitely bring out other plans.

  • +6
    • Haha this is so true of iphone trendwhores. Desire shits on the iphone.

    • Haha awesome video

      "It has an app that will build you an island"

  • -1

    I have an iPhone and desire. without prejudice I can say iPhone is a better phone. f&f plan gives the 8gb 3gs for $10pm so its a better option than this. iPhone is more solid built, more responsive, browsing and email are better implemented and faster.

    • +5

      There will be pros and cons with everything in life. The oled of desire and the increase speed + 2-3 days battery life after rooting and installing new Rom is a big plus for me.

    • +4

      It really depends on the user. Android offers better browsing and Email solutions (for me) as I can choose which apps to download and use for these things (I prefer Dolphin HD and K-9 over the default browser and mail applications). That's the beauty of Android, with it's open marketplace and OS there is potential for a lot more useful apps, plus I love widgets (which the iPhone totally lacks).

      PS. I went from iPhone 3GS to Desire

  • Signed up for this very deal (HTC Desire, $49 CAP with $400 included, 200mb data etc etc) in the Launceston Telstra shop about 1.5 weeks ago. So it was already available then. Phone is amazing. As I think someone pointed out above - you pay an extra $10 or so a month for the phone (or at least that's the deal i got), so about $60 per month all up.

    • This deal is $0 per month for the phone

      • He signed up a couple of weeks ago before this deal. :)

        • sorry i was confused, so the good bit about this "deal" is the $0 per month for the phone, not the fact this phone is available on a $49 cap plan (I thought maybe they'd dropped the price of the minimum plan…but admittedly I don't actively study which mobile phone plans are available so I had no real basis for assuming that). So i guess I'm down $240 over the next 24 months

  • oh and I'm sure anyone else who frequently drives up and down the midlands highway in Tassie will agree with me - Telstra is really the only option, regardless of how much they charge per 30 seconds of talking!!!

  • +2

    FYI if you are getting this deal or the family and friends one, buy a data pack (even if it's only the $5 one).

    Buying a data pack will mean that excess data usage will be charged at 25c a MB instead of $2.

    On the Family & friends deal the excess data usage cost comes out of your cap, so even if you went 400MB over your limit it will only take $100 out of your cap.

    • I've read that excess data comes out of the cap for the FF deal only and for the consumer cap plans, the excess data is charged on top of the bill. Can anyone confirm this?

      This $49 Cap Plan already includes 200MB data.

      • If that is the case then I highly recommend the F&F deal.

        Your payments will be a min of $25 ($10 + $10 for handset + $5 data pack) and a max of $55 (provided you stay within the $400 cap)

        • Agreed but it depends on how much the phone is used.

      • When I looked at this phone on this plan just over a month ago I asked that exact same question. The answer? Excess data is NOT included in the cap.

  • Does anyone know if I select the in store pickup instead of delivery, do I get the phone today or do I have to wait for the phone to be delivered to the telstra store first?

    • Perhaps just ring a store and see if they have stock then go in and get it.

    • +1

      I did this yesterday (ordered online). Got an email saying it takes 2-3 business days and call the store you nominated before you go in to check its there. Will find out tomorrow I guess.

      • i ordered mine online on the F&F deal and it was over a week ago, i got an email saying it had been "delayed" so i went into the Tlife store, they were of no help EVEN though they had OVER 50 Desire's in stock… stupid stupid system… so Telstra has billed my credit card for $70 - and I got nothing to show for it, and no one seems to be able to help me. I the T life store yesterday they said it was showing as "in transit" - how bloody long does it take for a phone to get to Perth from Sydney!?!?! My mate's LG phone on the FF deal is already picked up and arranged…

        I tried to cancel the order so I could just do it instore and sent off the email after sitting on hold to various people for 3 hours and 20mins….

        Telstra suck balls when it comes to actual service and having a brain. Wish I had not signed up with them now, I got no phone, no sign of one coming and am getting billed for it, and have paid, when I try to call up to figure it out i just sit on hold…

        • Yeah, I just got that "delayed" email today too. Someone on the 'pool just quoted 10 business days for desire (insider knowledge) on F&F. Might just try my luck at tlife, and if I get one on the spot then I will just cancel the online order after that. At least then I have all bases covered.

  • So torn between this and the iPhone 4 btw. I love the iPhone but only after I jailbreak it.. Desire seems like a good phone to 'tinker' with too though.

    • +1

      Android is great for tinkering.. you can customize (Read: replace) everything… keyboard (Swype is awesome), homescreens, sms program…anything!

      • +2

        As my wife put it, the HTC Desire is "boyish" - she ended up getting the iPhone 3GS.

        But I think the HTC Desire and the iPhone 4 are basically on par…although I personally don't like the fact that reception can drop on the iPhone 4 if the lower left corner is covered.

        • +3

          I agree with phatdroid. itsross, hope you consider what I say when choosing Android over iPhone. Yeah Android is still a work in progress. But with so many options, whatever Google overlooks, developers are able to fix which leaves Google to focus on releasing rapid updates and a version of Android that speeds up the OS on existing hardware to perform 4-5 times faster with Froyo.

          I know Apple has the numbers with the app store but the Market has some apps that iPhone will never have due to the nature of the platform. On the other hand, the Market will continue to grow and it's only a matter of time before Android conquers an area where in iPhone reigns supreme - proper mobile games and general entertainment.

          iPhone is good for the average user that is willing to accept that what they see if what they get. And for power users that jailbreak for reasons other than simply multi-tasking with backgrounder (which is already a part of iOS 4). But they still cannot change the interface. That's not the case with Android. For example, some people like Samsung's TouchWiz UI. I find it butt-ugly. I can change it but downloading many of the apps in the Market. No rooting required. No such thing with iPhone (jailbroken or not). Whatever I don't like about Android's interface, I have the freedom to change. Whatever you don't like about iPhone's interface you just live with.

          Both phones have advantages and disadvantages. iPhone obviously is the stronger of the 2 in entertainment but Android wins by a mile in terms of freedom and completely customisability. Which is why Stix's partner prefers iPhone because by default iPhone does more with less needed from the end user. But Android does a whole lot more if the end user is willing.

          Before iPhone owners start defending the Apple empire and Commander Jobs about the AppStore v Market thing, I'm just pointing out that Android has better tools like Locale app. Or WaveSecure, Swype or loads of apps that can change the interface. App Store has better games and multimedia, Android has better tools that enhance the phone's abilities in ways iPhone can't because of being a locked platform. But Android will always continue to get more and more games.

          Personally, I'd rather have a really powerful and capable phone and have an iPod/iPad to play with. Again, my iPhone-owning friends. Me comparing software. Not hardware. Dont compare Desire vs iPhone 4. Compare Desire vs iPhone 3GS. And Droid X vs iPhone 4. BIG SMILE

    • Well, just ordered this on the family deal.. if it arrives I'll go with Desire, if not I'll probably go with iPhone 4 later this month.

  • Looks like it is official - Now showing up as $0 on the $49 cap.


    • +2

      Thanks mate - updated the link.

  • Apparently they are also offering a 24 month warranty on the HTC Desire.


    • Cool, thanks mate

  • Great find! I can finally get on the Telstra network. Yippie! I'll get one tonight.

  • Some of these are hilarious..
    why would you want a Nokia E51 or LG Optimus on the same plan, when you can get a Desire or iPhone.

  • Pretty good deal to me.. although a bit of a no brainer choice when it comes to the IPHONE deal.

    $0 on a $49 cap for the 8gig 3GS
    $0 on a $49 cap for the 16gig 3GS

    i wonder which one people are gonna choose

  • +1

    Awesome phone. I have the nexus one but I have played around with my bosses desire a bit. Its very nice and you should get Froyo 2.2 within the next 2 months as well and trust me that makes a hell of a lot of difference.

  • +1

    Just got one tonight - love it. I've used iphone for the last 2 years and have no regrets making the move over.

  • since when did apple release an 8gig 3GS? doesn't it only come in 16gig and 32gig.

    • Apple released it recently. Telstra released it last week.

  • Got a desire last night. awesome phone. got it from JB Hifi & received a $100 gift card as well for porting my number across from another carrier

  • When does this deal expire?

    • The JBHiFi offer expires 18th July.
      Not sure about the general Telstra 49 cap offer

  • iphone 3GS 8GB ???

    • Yep…see post above.

  • If I get this plan - can I request the iPhone to be unlocked for free? (I don't have any other Telstra services) ….. since it is a post-paid contract.

    I know that optus and 3 will unlock for free if you're on a contract.

  • Suppose I went with this, is there anyway to load up on additional data without paying through the nose - like those new virgin caps

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