Where Do You Get Your News from?

As the title says, just wondering where do Ozbargainers get their news from?

Personally, being in NSW, I use SMH and News.com.au (and sometimes from Facebook News Feed).

Poll Options

  • 68
    Sydney Morning Herald (and its other states' equivalents)
  • 74
  • 10
    The Australian
  • 5
    Australian Finance Review
  • 1
    Daily Telegraph
  • 54
    The Guardian
  • 37
    The Age
  • 1
    Yahoo, MSN, and the likes
  • 12
  • 153
    Other (state below in comments section)


    • +2

      RT is okish, at least you know where they stand…. Alex Jones is a complete lunatic. Just watch cat videos, you will be more informed (or not as uninformed).

    • The issue here is this comment is where I ran out of negs, so while normally your comment would have been down voted, it appears like a bunch of people agree with you and only one at time of writing disagrees.

      RT is a decent source but you realise it means Russia Today right? And then mentioning Alex Jones as unbiased?

    • +1

      We've got the documents folks, they've admitted to it, there are inter-dimensional vampiric beings sending energy to the monolith on Phobos! (1 of Jupiter's moons!) President Trump knows about the whole thing and he's going to fix it!

      I remember back around 9/11 when I used to listen to Alex Jones and thought, dam this guy makes a lot of sense, then I didn't listen to him for 15 years or something, then I heard him on the joe rogan podcast. Yikes.

  • Usually from facebook news feed

  • +8

    I prefer to get my alternate facts from Breitbart…

  • seriously no one reads Daily Telegraph?

    • +3

      Maybe the OP didn't want to include magazines

    • +3

      I use it as scrap paper to wrap stuff with or to stop wood/metal shavings from dropping on the floor.

    • +1

      In highschool they had us read 3 different newspapers reporting on the same story. The class couldn't believe how biased the Telegraph was, and the level of journalism involved.

  • +8

    So looks like i am going to dump news.com.au and try ABC and Guardian.

    • +4

      Other than these 3, most of the rest that serve Australian news have paywalls. If you want to reach the lowest common denominator (like myself) you have to be free.

      With your new path, good luck finding out what shoes Kim Kardashian's kids wear.

    • +6

      I wouldn't necessarily "dump" any, I try to read from a broad cross section, it helps you to hear differing sides on issues and therefore take a more informed position, news.google.com.au does a reasonable job of this. Yes some really fringe ones are a waste of time but on the whole, those who say I only read XYZ because they are the only unbiased sources are just doing it because they share the same bias and don't like their thinking challenged. Every outlet has it own bias but without reading others you will likely never see it.

      • +4

        This is the only way to understand people.

        If I never ventured into tinfoil territory I wouldn't understand what those people are really thinking when a topic is discussed. A common misconception is projecting your circle as an accurate reflection of society.

        I'm guilty of avoiding news - especially anything political - since I honestly feel 100x more positive about life. Overly-political people are vindictive, repetitive and bitter.

        • That's great news about feeling 100x more positive. I wish I could resist! Maybe it's time to wind back now that the grand event is over.

    • Just stick to the ABC and BBC for World News.

      ABC has pretty pathetic foreign correspondence.

    • Start with the ABC, SBS and BBC.

      Then make your way to corporate media. The Guardian is not unbiased.
      I am content with the ABC and BBC.

  • +3

    LiveLeak - surprising that no one mentioned it.

  • +4

    BBC for world affairs, ABC for domestic and AFR for business. More recently NYT Australia (they're hiring journos here).

    Great discussion here. Surprised there isn't too much variation. Probably because of Fairfax / Newscorp domination?

  • +1


  • +1

    Generally have Sky News on in my household in the background.

  • +8

    Trump, breitbart, fox news, and Infowars.

    • +3

      I HIGHLY recommend you and your 'likers' (and anyone else wanting a well rounded opinion, i.e an ABC/Guardian reader wanting to hear an alternative view) try out:

    • +4

      Breitbart is right-wing propaganda and bilge. They don't report facts.
      Fox News turns my stomach. Right-wing American Christians are a funny creed. If you're watching it for entertainment purposes, then I understand.

      Any reason why you don't read/watch respectable journalism?

      • You mean #FakeStreamMedia?

        • Yeah. What the majority of people, intellectuals, academics and professionals watch.

        • @fredz: Truth is not a democracy. Nothing becomes true because more people believe it.

          Care to demonstrate by telling us all something that Mark Dice, Stefan or BPS has said that is fake? I can site countless examples of the MSM promoting fake news.

        • @domcc1:
          Mark Dice is classic conservative Christian conspiracy theorist, and a frequent contributor to infowars. With books such as The Resistance Manifesto which is pure insanity claiming proof of Biblical prophecies occurring presently while claiming that Christianity in America is being destroyed by Satanic forces which includes atheism, secularism, gay. Also believes in Illuminati doing hand signals at Superbowl events.

          Here is fake news from Mark,
          He made a claim that Starbucks war on Christmas aka Christians.
          Kim Kardashian Bathes in Human Blood Trying to Stay Young!
          Beyoncé Tried to Buy the Rights to Tomi Lahren's Rant About Her
          Joan Rivers -Murdered by Illuminati- Over Anti-Obama Comments According to Conspiracy Theorists
          John Lennon Exposed the Illuminati in Rare Interview
          Shia LaBeouf Illuminati MK-ULTRA Mind Control Breakdown Leads to Arrest - MARK DICE

        • +1


          Starbucks has removed Christmas greetings from their cups (and then tried to buy him off, allegedly)
          Kim Kardashian does put human blood on her face to try and stay young ('vampire facial').

          These things are true?

          I would agree Mark does sensationalise and exaggerate (but they are viewpoints or conclusions drawn from things that actually happened), use clickbait style headlines and that some of these things are opinion that cannot be proven either way, but none of these things are outright lies or fake on the same level as:

          • Vietnam fired first (Gulf of Tonkin incident that lead to the Vietnam/American war)
          • Iraq has WMDs
          • Hillary Clinton has a 99% chance to win in the polls
          • There are no problems in Sweden right now
          • The Russians are hacking the election, we should go to war with them
          • ISIS just magically formed by themselves and only through co-incidence started attacking the next government that does not bend over for the US (by not allowing a pipeline to go through their country from Qatar to Europe)
          • etc etc etc

          Now they're flat out lies - extremely dangerous ones that have caused destruction and death to untold millions, all purported by what you refer to as the 'real' media.

          I'll also note how strange it was that the term 'fake news' only came into existence at the same time as 'pizza gate'.

        • @domcc1:

          Listen the mainstream media does get things wrong, no doubt they need to do a better job, but on the whole they do report accurately and fairly and are vital part of democracy. I want the MSM to be better and less beholden to corporate interests, we are on the same page there.

          But I'm afraid that all that justified angry towards the mainstream media is being re-directed towards red herrings, false doors, Illuminati conspiracies. We have a situation now where if you don't like the news you can label it fake and move on, it's dangerous because slowly the only source of truth is coming from how people are feeling.

          All those stories you pointed out are true they are also pro establishment, pro state. If you look at the fake stories about Russian, Clinton there are labelled fake because they are seen as anti Trump. Trump is the POTUS he is the establishment he isn't there for the little guy, there is mounting evidence of Russians inference, Hilary did win the popular vote by millions so the polls where correct.

          As all altnews sites, they mix a bit of truth with outlandish conclusions which you admit. I would certainly not consider them a source of news. So all I'm really advocating for is healthy scepticism.

        • @mobius: I agree with most of what you say, however the polls were flat out fraud (and incorrect). Hillary did not win, she lost. You can't change the goalposts after the election and claim the polls were only showing who won the popular vote. Trump won even after many MSM articles like this:

          • "Why a ‘Donald Trump win is impossible’" - news.com.au
          • "Can Donald Trump win the election? Here’s the mathematical reason why it’s impossible for him to become President" - www.independent.co.uk
          • "These three states are making a Trump win basically impossible" - Washington Post

          All fake news, propagated by the globalists/deep state and designed to influence the election.

          And if you have mounting evidence of Russian interference, please share, because absolutely zero has been put forward by the many who claim it.

        • @domcc1: The polls are not flat out fraud, you are mixing up people's opinions and a profession which relies on being accurate. These polling companies rely on being somewhat accurate to sell their services, and not to just political organisations. They might be called upon to do an accurate poll to determine the income and background of an area for infrastructure projects. My point is the polls aren't fake, the analysis by a lot of media establishment yes did say Trump had little to no chance and but with caveats if you read them beyond the headline. Those articles where looking at the average of the polls taken around the country and within the margin of error they did report with bias I will add that Trump had little chance. But it's not a flat out conspiracy by polling companies and the corporate media.

          The most convincing headline you posted was "Can Donald Trump win the election? Here’s the mathematical reason why it’s impossible for him to become President". URL > http://www.independent.co.uk/voices/us-election-will-trump-c…

          The very first line is "If one is to believe the latest poll.." it goes on to say that polls cannot be relied on and in fact backs up YOUR position. But it points out that the media was pro Clinton no doubt about it. But it doesn't show they are out and out lying in their analysis.

          See the problem there is people only read the headlines and get ready to be combative instead of actually reading through. You've already decided that the MSM and the deepstate, a term that Rush Limbaugh came up with which says Obama is behind all the current sabotage efforts in the White house.

          Where is the evidence of the deep state?

          I find it interesting that you believe in conspiracies and there's one right in front of you, the Russians.
          There is mounting evidence and there's calls for investigations by congress. It could be nothing but all I'm saying let's investigate? Do you agree?


          These are all confirmed by the Whitehouse so not fake news.

        • @mobius: You can find evidence of the deep state right back from past US Presidents warning us of them, notably Eisenhower (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8y06NSBBRtY), Kennedy (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y8HTr-F-FVM&t=111s) and now Trump.

          Deep state aka IC aka Intelligence Community aka Military-Industrial complex aka the Permanent Government aka the Shadow Government

          They are also mentioned in recent FBI documents (https://vault.fbi.gov/hillary-r.-clinton/hillary-r.-clinton-… references to 'The 7th Floor Group') on the investigation into Hillary Clinton. There have also been several recent Wikileaks releases talk of a 'deep state', including emails from the billionaire one man illuminate machine George Soros to Hillary Clinton telling her what to do. If you don't know who Soros is I highly recommend you look him up and what his Open Foundation NGO's get up to (including his interest in the US electronic voting machines).


          It's worth noting that Wikileaks has a 10 year flawless history of publishing truthful documents, far more credible that CNN and other news sources you have mentioned. On these other news sources, Wikileaks also recently released material on 65 mainstream media journalists from CNN, ABC (US), MSNCS, Politico, Business Insider, Huffington Post, VICE, VOX, CBS, etc etc… colluding with Hillary at an 'off the record' dinner prior to the election to learn how to 'frame the HRC message' (http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2016/10/wikileaks-list-least…). In my opinion all of these outlets are fake news.

          Now that I've answered your question, I'd like to ask you one. There are many (corrupt) US politicians actively pushing for war against Russia, and the largest NATO build up of military forces on Russia's border since the cold war is happening RIGHT NOW (in Poland and other parts of Eastern Europe), all of this done in response to something that 'could be nothing'.

          My question is - Can you explain 'how' the Russians 'hacked the election'? As in, what did they do? Manipulate voting machines, or something else?

          (BTW I enjoy this conversation, it's rare I can speak with someone about these topics who is respectful towards me, usually they resort to name calling and have a hissy fit, thank you).

        • +1

          @domcc1: Okay I will concede the point about the Deepstate - I understand now what is meant by that term. I agree the CIA has no accountability and have a shadowy past. I thought it was more of an issue

          You touched on George Soros, I'm well versed on who he is, I think he is unfairly seen as a bogey man by the right, but I'll be hard pressed to convince you otherwise, so let me ask you to research who Robert Mercer is, the shadowy Republican donor who bank rolled Trump's campaign at the 11th Hour.

          I think you are making a mistake with your fatalistic and binary views about Soro's, media, and the deepstate. Yes leaks, and past operations by CIA are shadowy but you should not just discount the entire organisation. I think they still do important work and each of their claims should be scrutinised and not completely discounted.

          I cannot explain how the Russian's hacked the election, I think the framing of your question is not the right one.

          The real question is what dealings did, does Trump and his staff had/have with the Russian government. There is mounting circumstantial evidence showing at the very least that Trump likes Putin. So currently there is a congressional intelligence committees made up of both Republicans and Dems who are bickering over the investigation. All I'm saying and I'm sure any reasonable person would agree is let's have a real independent investigation. I suggest you follow this rep on twitter > https://twitter.com/Evan_McMullin

          Here is the initlal background report issued by the intelligence committee back on the 6th Jan

          There are real conspiracies happening on the Trump side of things right now, you should always question those in power.

          Unfortunately name calling is a natural reaction for people when they are confronted with different world view to their own, both the left and right are very guilty of this, the right-wing more so :)

        • @mobius: That's interesting in regards to the name calling, as I think the left wing more so :) Racists/Nazi/Islamaphobe/Low-IQ/Uneducated/Redneck/Deplorable/Hitler/Bigot/Women haters - take your pick!! I can't think of any common name the right-wingers would call the left-wingers. Not to mention people getting pepper sprayed and bashed for wearing MAGA hats and so on. I'm a centralist/libertarian, I get called names by both the left and right :)

          I haven't heard about Robert Mercer but I will check him out. This one just doesn't make sense though, Trump's net worth is between $4B and $10B (depending on who you believe), he doesn't need the money. On the topic of shady donations, Saudi Arabia funded 20% of HRC's campaign…

          Yes, of course, not all of the IC are bad. I'm sure the majority are good, but there certainly is a shadowy powerbase there that have been pulling the strings and actively working against Trump and to undermine his presidency. He's done some good work in this regard such as his 5 year ban on lobby government workers and tearing up the TPP but it's going to be a long, uphill battle especially when he's up against the media and both major parties.

          In regards to Russia, I really don't understand what there is to investigate? Russia was our ally in WW2 and a nuclear superpower - why shouldn't we want to have a good relationship with them? Trump is just about the only US political figure who is trying to mend the relationship, while many others (in my opinion globalist/deep state controlled) politicians and media outlets are pushing for war with them. Our biggest threat to world peace is the poor US-Russia relationship, it's something we all should be concerned - yet people are saying we should investigate people who appear friendly to them? Why? War is exactly what the globalists want, it is extremely profitable and easy to see that their influence working.

          I didn't expect you to answer the question on how they hacked the election because no one else has (and because I don't think they did). This is very scary stuff! If you care, I'd like to understand why you think Russia is so bad and why we should investigate people who like them?

        • -1

          @domcc1: Look with Hilary she was a terrible candidate, it's very troubling what her husband did and the shady business dealings she had. But Trump is like x10, he will do untold damage to America, believe me! But I can't win you over in that debate as it's too early even though the signs are there. So we'll wait. I was and continue to be for progressive candidates like Bernie Sanders, but getting side tracked.

          Trump's net worth is more like 900 million according to recent reports, he puts the name Trump at 9 billion dollars worth, like the brand Coke, it's a bit misleading. It's very likely that he is in massive debt given the nature of his business. He has gone bust 6 times and no US bank will lend him money. The theory is he did some sort of deal with Russian government, and every week more and more of his people are lying about speaking to the Russian government, why? Needs investigation.

          Russia is a failed state and survives solely on resources. They had for years been crippled by US/Nato aggression and sanctions. I think when they saw US do an illegal war in Iraq I believe they saw it as a green light to do the same. So with their economy in trouble they annexed Crimea and started the same process in Ukraine. Obama slapped them with sanctions, of which was a $500 BILLION!!!! dollar gas deal with guess who Exxon mobil.
          Russia meddled with the elections as intelligence agencies stated and wanted Trump to win. The theory is Trump is returning a favour to Russia by installing Exxon mobil CEO Rex Tillerson. It's so brazen and out in the open people cannot see it but what do the Russians have on him? Does he owe them money, have they blackmailed him? This is very serious and needs to be investigate and that's all that people opposed to Trump and his Russian connections want. Let's see what they find.


          This is a great doco - was supposed to be released way back in 94', nothing much has changed except Trump has gone much madder!

        • @mobius: It seems you're not open to new information so I'll just sum up and we can leave our discussion here for OzB to enjoy.

          Russia is not a failed state. It is a fully functioning country, with their military being ranked the 2nd most powerful in the world. Yes, their economy has suffered very hard, however it's a not a failed state, the government and financial systems are fully functioning. Libya (for example) is a failed state.

          Again, you say 'Russia meddled with the elections', and that it's 'very serious and needs to be investigate', but have not been able to describe at a basic, high level what they (allegedly) have done or how they did it. I put it to you they didn't do anything, and that it's just a false narrative to subvert the electoral process, Team Hillary's excuse to distract us away from her crimes (the Deep State's selected candiate) and not to mention war is an excellent way to cover up the financial fraud/excessive debt they have used to enslave us all. It's a false accusation without any proof whatsoever (McCarthyism). People (sadly) believe it without questioning it.

          It is the deep state that is very serious and needs to be investigated - the ones who Wikileaks have exposed as actively attempting to overthrow an elected President and who have influence over high level politicians, our financial systems, intelligence communities and the mainstream who made many believe Russia and Trump are the bad guys.

          Ben Garrison did an excellent cartoon on this very issue today - http://grrrgraphics.com/index.html (picture)

  • Sky news podcasts

  • +4

    smh.com.au and news.com.au are't 'news platforms', they're tabloids. Out of all of the Australian news outlets, I'd have to say that The Guardian is my favourite.

    However, I like to get my news from both traditional western sources, and alternative sources such as RT.com and abovetopsecret.com, that way I can think for myself.

    RT report on things that the western media never would, take a look, it's interesting to see things from a different perspective.

  • +1

    Several hours of 9gag gives a good idea of what's happening in the world.

    Edit: when going through FB and such, I avoid any kind of news.com.au or daily telegraph etc link cus they all feel (and are) clickbait IMO.

  • +4

    abc.net.au and Guardian.
    Sometimes (rarely) from SMH and NEVER EVER from any NEWS ltd. papers (Daily Telegraph et. al)

  • +13

    Trump's twitter feed.

    • I know your joking, but it's sad us as a world have moved to accept the normalization of social media platforms being known as 'news'. That and also the fact the POTUS feels the need to publicly vent most of the time doesn't help

      • +5

        He may not be joking. The mainstream media reports on it after he writes it so you may as well see what he writes before they report on it.

      • It's not that he feels the need to publicly vent, it's that it's the only way he can get his message out directly to the people rather than via the MSM which character assassinates him every chance they get. That's what's sad.

    • +3

      Seriously it's hilarious that his tweets are breaking news in such a way that they stop the news and talk about it seconds after his tweet.

  • +4

    Melbourne based, always look at "The Age" first to see what is trending, but never click through because it's mostly just advertising clickbait for suckers.
    Then I go the the "Herald-Sun" to see what the Age has omitted, but never click through because it's all paywalled.
    If something is in both, and its not just TV shows or sport or catastropic weather, it could be news, so I go to some aggregator sites, all mentioned above.

    Ignore the dying press. They are in their death throes, and struggling to hold onto a reader base that blindly accepts what they write.

    But, that said, the organisation that can build a news version of Facebook, Amazon, Twitter will have laid the golden egg.

  • +2
  • ozbargain

  • +3

    World News from Al jazeera/SBS
    Local news from both The Age and Herald Sun

    Think to get a clear picture of an event, you need multiple sources. Herald Sun can be very biased and have their own agenda on issues, but its still good to get some idea of their point. The Age, which is less biased on some issues, i feel is more trustworthy. Once I get both sides I make my own judgment of event.

    I fear that in this modern age, Many lack such 'investigative' journalism and go by whatever one media source states

    • You dont says

  • never couriermail or brisbanetimes. betoota advocate. sometimes abc or sbs. Wikipedia current events

  • +1

    https://news.google.com.au/ and reddit (mainly comments), smh and of course ozbargain.

  • +1

    The spelling, grammar and even punctuation errors in news.com is embarrassing for a news website.

    • +7

      The spelling, grammar, and even punctuation errors in news.com are embarrassing for a news website.

  • +2

    Reddit. Being on Bourke Street when the car came through hitting people reddit (/r/melbourne) had much more info on what was happening then the other news websites.

  • news.google.com pulls news from various sources based on topics I've selected. It doesn't always fetch the best articles but I find it to be a reliable way to get news from different sources.

  • +1

    Jackie's own news segment on Kyle & Jackie O

  • SBS. They actually realise things happen outside Australia. Meanwhile the commercials serve up pathetic local filler content. Also BBC, where its still done properly.

    News and SMH are fast becoming a watse of time, filled with clickbait and rehashing social media comments to produce their so called journalism.

  • Google

  • Flipboard android app.

  • bloomberg. Cos I like to hear what the other guys are saying about us.

    And SMH for some local content

  • I accidentally turned Facebook into my news feed. I'd like all the pages I'd normally visit, like Engadget, and then by default, would also be following them. I then started getting all the interesting news without having to visit them and sift through the crap.

    I have a few sites I visit daily (GSMArena, PhoneArena, OzBargain, Android Police, AnandTech) and then get my other tech news from The Verge, Engadget, etc. on Facebook, political and regular news from 9 News and 7 News, satirical articles from The Onion and ClickHole, and then random good stuff from The A.V. Club.

  • +4

    Seems as though the majority of 'Aussies' get their daily cattle feed through 7/9 news, ACA and Today Tonight….

  • +2

    99% are white news 1% are black news I always check
    Beforeitnews & infowars

  • Whatever Andrew Bolt and Rita Pahani tell me from Herald Sun is generally gospel. Or….

    Mostly theage and news.com.au to balance it out for local content.

    Al Jazeera and BBC for international stuff.

    Kavkaz is interesting…

    • +1

      I can't tell if you're taking the piss with Bolt and Rita..

      • +1

        Look at his display picture and name. I doubt he favours Bolt and News Corp media.

      • +1

        Being sarcastic Mr Fox. Can't stand either :)

  • Ozbargain

  • +2

    I try to avoid the news, it just focuses on fear mongering and negativity.

  • +1

    Breitbart, Infowars and RT.

  • +5

    ABC News - claims of bias aside, it at least has no inflammatory clickbait, or sensationalist Murdoch-esque 'keep em scared, keep em stupid' content. Or articles about how we're in a housing bubble and the burst is juuuust around the corner.

  • honestly, i get my news from facebook. now before u all bash on me, i've found that it's quite reliable and fast compared to ABC and FOX :)

  • I didn't tick any coz I check most of the news sites
    They are all a load of shit talkers anyway
    New.com.au is one of the worst with their click bait

  • They say that successful people don't read/watch the news unless it's specific to their field. Gotta talk sh#t to the neighbour about something though right !?.

  • Where's the option for "I generate it myself inside my brain?" because I'm pretty sure that would be the most accurate description for me and the other 99% of people.

    For instance, did you read the critical expose on my neighbors being bumheads? Or the riveting piece on the infestation of vampire bats at the local park? More on these stories and more as the voice in my head brings me up to speed..

  • +3

    Ars Technica. Most other news stories of importance are trending on social media. Not interested in 'news' about the latest superfoods or person "X" getting arrested for stealing an apple.

    • Techdirt is good in that regard too.

  • +1

    Al jazeera and sometimes comments on pornhub videos

  • -2

    I've never actually actively sought out news. I've always been taught that 1. News consumes your mind and 2. It's rarely accurate. Just something to think about.

    I guess I come across things on my Facebook feed and reddit occasionally.

  • My morning ritual since the early 2000s involves clicking on The Age and news.com.au. These days I rarely read the articles, particularly in The Age, because the headlines are usually click bait.

    I enjoy reading articles in the Daily Mail (Or is it the Daily Hate?) though, because it has a very active comments section.

    I also enjoy using LiveLeak.

  • For my daily smut feed i head over to daily mail. Scroll untill i find knockers and rate them.

    For serious news well i keep my ear low to the ground and listent o 2gb on the wireless.

  • TV: ABC, SBS
    Web: ABC, SMH
    Mobile: Apple News, Feedly (sources vary)

    I visit SMH increasely seldomly ever since all their front page headlines became clickbaity, and rely more on Apple News for less clickbaity headlines.

  • Economist, Washington Post, Vox, Ars Technica. I don't really pay attention to Australian news much, will sometimes flick through AFR.

  • SMH with a filter in my uBlock to get around their paywall since it's turned a bit clickbaity nowadays. Sometimes ABC and web forums too.

    Anything by News Corpse (news.com.au, daily terrorgraph etc.) are utter trash.

  • +1

    I find that news depresses me, and have learned to live without.

  • If someone can list out the best free websites for news that would be nice. Since SMH imposes the 10 article limit I can't be bother reading from them. I only use news.com.au and abc news, not sure anything else is free and good

  • +8

    Bookmark These!

    Real Journalists telling it like it is without sugar coating it.

    Kangaroo Court of Australia is focused on the corrupt conduct of Australian Judges and Magistrates and the Federal Politicians and Police who cover it up by failing to take action.

    Fairdinkum Radio

    Truth News Australia

    Juice Media - Australian Rap News

    The Intercept

    Cryptome - RAW Leaked Docs - A source for journalists

    Global Research

    We Are Change

    Zero Hedge

    Hang the Bankers

    Collective Evolution

    Activist Post

    Or get both sides of the propaganda:



    • +2

      Nice list. Thanks.

    • +1

      I recall you posting this list 2 years ago. While it's good to follow many alternative sources, I wouldn't follow conspiratorial or politicised websites exclusively. I've met quite a few that do in my travels and one uniform trait has been that they are the opposite of happy-go-lucky. Exactly the type you imagine losing it and gunning down a few people (which ironically they themselves would normally attribute to a conspiracy…).

      Anyone that doesn't subscribe to or at least "stay on top" of all the conspiracies or leaks are considered "sheep" by these people. The irony is that even if justice prevailed and all the problems were solved they would still find something to be bitter about (due to boredom)…forgetting that when you die and your atoms redistribute into the universe nothing actually mattered anyway (no offense to any religions intended).

  • -1

    All the best 'Fake News' sources.

  • The Economist. The rest of the media in Australia is absolutely piss weak.

  • News360 (App)

  • +1

    Radio: Incendiary Radio with Robert Reyvolt, Blackbird9's Breakfast Club, The Solar Storm, David Duke.

    Print: Twitter, Facebook, Renegade Tribune, Mercola.

  • The Guardian app works well

  • ABC. Used to be news.com.au (many years ago) until every second article started with "You won't believe who…" and "10 things you never knew…" :P

    • Today on ABC:
      'What you need to know from Donald Trump's media conference'

      They're really starting to experiment with click-bait titles. I definitely saw a '5 things we learnt from…' on there a couple of days ago too.

  • In Brisbane;

    1) brisbanetimes.com.au
    2) news.com.au
    3) abc.net.au
    4) the young turks on youtube - I skip watch it
    5) reddit scraping news articles that get upvoted from r/news

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