• out of stock

NES Classic Mini - $99.95 + Shipping, Classic Mini Controller $19.95 + Shipping @ EB Games


It's back, guys!

Shipping may differ by state - for reference, it's $7.80 to 3000.

Link for NES Classic Mini Controller $19.95

Also, I have already summarised all kinds of comments relating to the NES mini in this image. Saves you time reading the same comments over and over again.


9/3: Back in stock (Thanks j5ive) Out of Stock
10/4 4:40PM: Back in stock (Thanks SteveAndBelle)

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EB Games Australia

closed Comments

      • +1

        Try this link instead.

      • +2

        Try here :)

  • Gave up weeks ago and instead bought analog nt mini


    And everdrive from stone age gamer although you don't need to since it has an SD card slot and reads ROMs

    Cue the negs….

  • +1

    An emulator is a better bargain yo

    • +2


  • My old Xbox is my emulator, love you coin ops 8

  • I'm late to the party, but I enjoyed playing NES Classic Mini Bingo! ✅

  • Bingo, I got the order!

  • Upvoted solely for the bingo, I laughed.

  • FFS I was on the website this morning checking for this and nothing. I missed this email and now I wait again.

  • -2

    raspberry pi + emulators = $90 cheaper

    • Where can you buy a raspberry pi, a case and power supply for $10?

  • msrp $59.95 in usa. I am going to pick one up when i go to the usa. $80 converted, but I probably can find a sale or deal to get it lower when i get there.

  • 9/3: Back in stock (Thanks j5ive)

    • No worries, been clicking all morning. Lol

  • +1

    I just bought one.
    Well worth it, I hesitated when they first came out which was a mistake…and looking for them ever since!
    The price will not go down by much maybe $10 in about a year…look at Atari and SNES new release retro consoles.. price has not changed much at all …I mean how much can you discount something that is already cheap.
    The issue with this is that it is made from Nintendo and not licensed out for Flashback remakes….therefore stock will always be limited batches (worldwide demand not just in AUS)….and the fact that you can MOD it means it is even better value for money!

    • Indeed, the value will be retained forever or at minimal loss. And if anything it will be one of best gifts someone can receive.

      • Definitely makes a great gift!

        Needs a wireless controller or extension cable though

      • +1

        And what is the "value" in this exactly? Genuine question as all the previous discussions have never really talked about it except the fact it's not really available.

        Some of these comments make it sound like it has more "value" than an un-modable (more like why would you) original NES or Famicom.

    • +1

      there is no such thing as a SNES new release retro console

  • +1

    Thanks. Grabbed one and an extra controller. 10:30am.

  • +1

    Bought thanks OP.

  • Cheers OP bought 2x Consoles and 2x controllers

  • Thanks OP. Got console + 1 controller at 10:40am :)

  • I got mine and played it for 20 minutes, aint been on since, so people waiting, dont worry

    • +1

      I think it's a niche market. I still play Dr Mario via NES emulator on my Wii.

      I bought one just then, I don't really know why, but I bought one anyway. :)

    • +1

      Same here. I picked up the Famicom version and only played Super Mario and Golf

    • +1

      if you didn't grow up playing the games why would you be suddently attracted to playing them now?

      they hold nostalgia value mostly, if you've never played most of them games you're going to think they suck in the year 2017

  • Did anyone receive a confirmation email?

    I ordered it, got my credit card charged but still no email confirmation. Pretty sure I entered my emails correctly as when I checked out as guest, I was asked to enter my email twice (2nd time for verification).

  • +1

    Just got a courtesy call from EB Games explaining that the latest restock (10am 9/03) was a mistake and that I could either get a refund OR wait for the new stock in April and get a refund on my Shipping. I chose the latter as I'm in no rush and they refunded the $7 shipping seconds later. Nice work EB!

    • +1

      Same here. I'm in no rush.

    • I ordered 2x in the latest restock and 1x is on the way and the 2nd is not due till april. I am getting refund on that one.

    • +1

      Same here as well. Was a nice surprise when she said they'd refund the shipping :)

      • Yes, very good customer service I thought. Shame it happened but a good outcome.

  • +1

    Stock comes in, stock sells out…Stock comes in, stock sells out…

  • +1

    +1 for the ozbargain bingo card .. made me LOL

  • Thank you! FINALLY I've managed to buy one.

    I've been trying to get one as a gift for my parents since Christmas, and I've been unlucky every time. I used to play the NES with them when I was a little kid

  • My childhood in minuscule form here.

    Why is there no Sega Master System Mini?

    • +1

      No need. Hack the Mini NES with RetroArch and you can install SEGA ROMs onto it. Either that or go down the RetroPi route.

  • +1

    Finally got one, thanks for the tip off. I can now enjoy my Mario hacks on an HDMI box. I own a normal NES plus the everdrive which was well worth the $$ but video is of course composite.

    • rgb mod!

      • I'd considered that but sadly modern TV's arent great with RGB (component would make more sense) My intention is to get one of the HDMI upgrade kits, https://www.game-tech.us/product/hi-def-nes/ sadly it won't fit in my Famicom though due to lack of space

  • -7

    Why is this a bargain? Its not discounted… its like someone walking into a shop and posting random items.

    • +2

      Because it is highly sought after and you are unlikely to find it at a discounted price. If you check other stores or even eBay, you will see prices significantly higher than EB Games' price. Supply and demand.

  • I want it, but im worried I wont have enough time to appreciate it. I might wait again and regret it again. Lol.

  • +1

    If you're unsure whether to buy this or not, just ask yourself, what would jesus do in this situation.

    • +2

      Pray for one?

    • Buy it, then turn it into more?

      Thats what I did, sitting on my 3rd now which I'm keeping. Just wanted one for free :)

  • got one, thanks op :)

  • It doesn't have original Tetris… Cmon.

  • You got me. I just picked one up. :)

  • -8

    Whops, I opened ozStock.com.au again

  • Didn't realise there was still such a shortage of these. I was in target the other day and they had handful of them just sitting on display.

    • Target and JB HIFI both got shipments late last week, most were sold out by Saturday.

  • +3

    Stupid website not accepting gift cards

  • It says Wii u in the description

  • +1

    Pretty awesome that you can play SNES GBA SEGA N64 games on this…literally a 1000+ game machine.

    • i thought the nes mini just plays the inbuilt games it has? or can it connect online and play the consoles you mentioned

      • The Mini NES is hackable a few ways and thanks to some very clever people you can load up to around 1000 game ROMs onto it including SEGA etc. I've done the Hackchi hack on mine and I'm currently enjoying around 650 Nintendo games but the next step is the RetroArch hack to allow SEGA etc. ROMs, Very flexible little machines.

        • ah ok gotcha. ive already got retroarch on my pc, which i have connected to my tv via hdmi cable, and long with an xbox controller for pc, makes playing emulators on my couch very enjoyable :)

          i probably wont even unbox the mini nes, got it more as a collecters item than anything else. however if it comes with river city ransom, i might re-think this decision!

  • +1

    Thanks OP and who posted today to say it was available again, really appreciate the heads up.

  • -1

    Thanks for posting the deal. I was finally able to grab one of those (profanity) controllers!

  • Thanks OP, grab one! And I will buy a remote controller from ebay $11

  • +1

    I bought one and can't wait to get back into gaming. The last time was PS2 days

    • +1

      Ha, funny you should say that, same here :) Too busy with 'life' since then!

      • I was so into the Atari 2600 and used to play Enduro till the morning then Sega Master System and used to play Alex Kid and Wonderboy oh those were the days PS2 was gran Turismo in my chipped ps2

  • +2

    interesting that this is still in stock, several days later. i guess everyone that wanted one now has it. previously they used to sell out within minutes…

    • the hype is over hope all the resellers are screwed now

      • +2

        How wrong were u with that comment, eBay sold prices are higher than ever.

  • What is the best wireless control? I got mine today and will hack it tonight

    • +1

      I can highly recommend the NYKO Miniboss for around $40: http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Nyko-Miniboss-Mini-NES-Classic-Wi…

      Internal Lithium battery charged via MicroUSB. Fast automatic pairing at power up. Two controllers & Receivers happily run simultaneously side-by-side. Work really well up to about 3m line of sight, any further away you may experience dropouts however in saying that I've run them around 5m away without any dramas but have read others experience major problems even less than 3m so I'd say it's down to other RF interference possibly from a nearby Router, Mobile Phones, Bluetooth etc. I don't go out of my way to keep any of my RF gear away from these and they seem to work fine.

  • Out of stock! "That's all folks"… apparently :)

    • any hope of more stock i wonder?

      • From all reports I don't think so however they said that late 2016 too so 'who knows'!?

        • Yeah unfortunately it's being discontinued in the US

          Missed out nicely

        • @G Wok: EB Games were selling them for a good two days with the controller. I think there was ample opportunity to buy a console if you really wanted it, not to mention JB Hi-Fi and Target bought getting in a good amount of stock in the week leading in.

          In total, the console has been restocked more than 5 good times since last year. I can't blame Nintendo for closing up shop. They sold a lot of units and its run its course. Time to move on to the SNES Mini.

        • @BargainJunkie:

          Yeah you're right,
          luckily got one in EB's last stock push a couple of days ago.
          No genuine controllers left though

  • +1

    Received mine today, still deciding to keep or flog it on eBay.
    I've seen sold prices as high as $375, fund myself a switch.

    • +1

      $375 would be a stretch at this stage, but you could clear it comfortably for close to $300 I reckon. You can always hold on to it and play the waiting game. If the discontinuation rumour is true, this is going to skyrocket.

      • Just search completed listings, someone has paid that much with one controller.

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