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My Asthma Bag w/ Asthma Plans & Log Book - All colours - $19.95 (Save 50%) + $8.25 Shipping - BelloAlito.com.au


Clearing excess stock. My Asthma Bag helps with organisation and communication of needs between home, school and the doctor.

Enter AZ-BELLO-06 at the checkout to receive the discount.

Bag measures 27cm L x 25cm H x 10cm W.

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Bello Alito
Bello Alito

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  • +1

    Still waiting for a deal on My Colostomy Bag.

  • +1

    came here looking for replacement lungs, i was disappointed

  • +3

    Most pharmacies and GPs have asthma plans and log books to give out for free…

    • -1

      You can even download plan forms off the web. And your log book can be any note book.Complete the ensemble with a pen and a notebook. You'd be able to do it for <$5.

      • Y'all can neg vote the deal for these reasons if you want, will help the OP improve or not clutter ozbargain with bad deals in the future.

        • The bag is designed to show the ID photo on the side, and make sure the asthma plan can be seen before carers can reach the medication. It is also designed to allow room to store medication and a spacer together.Asthma Plans are free and available from Asthma Australia and the National Asthma Council as well as from Bello Alito. We also offer free printable labels to make your own asthma bag, so the system works for any budget.

        • @belloalito:

          Put the meds in a resealable sandwich bag, and wrap the plan around them in the bag. If it was an emergency, the carer would not sit there and read the plan though. Use the ventolin or other med and call 000. And if it's not an emergency, you can probably step them through it.

          A pencil case is what we use, and it works just fine. For a medicine kit we've been known to use a lunch box or sistema container or a $2 maccas esky. If you want this bag for fashion sake fair enough, but trying to sell it as something that will improve the quality of care is in my opinion wrong.

          I'm sorry it's nothing personal.

        • @syousef: Thank you for your feedback.The bag is designed to be functional, not just for fashion. Just like if you owned a camera,you could put it in a plastic bag,or a purpose designed camera bag. For families that are managing and monitoring asthma, where they have to provide medication for a regular basis for 3-5 days, or even daily care with preventor medications, using a pencil case, plastic bag or asthma bag, organisation helps as does communication between carers. I am not saying that the bag will improve quality of care, I am saying that the bag helps with organisation and communication.

        • -1


          I disagree. Unfolding a piece of paper to read it is hardly a burden for the carer. These families have plenty of additional expenses to deal with and this isn't a necessary spend.

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