Bought a TV last week and just smashed the screen :(

I bought a TV for $450 last Friday from Myer using AfterPay, which enables me to pay off the TV over the next 6 weeks. This morning I started setting up the TV and it tipped over and smashed the screen. I'm really devastated because I've been suffering badly from depression and saved up to buy this TV as a way of trying to cheer myself up. It's the first TV I've ever owned, and the most expensive thing I've purchased in a long time. Is there anything I can do in this situation? Now I feel worse than before I bought the TV :(

Thank you

Mod: A reminder to everyone that personal attacks are not permitted. Discussion is fine but please keep the conversation respectful. Commenting Guidelines

Update: I took some time away from reading the comments on this post over the weekend because a few of the comments started making me feel very anxious and upset. I was not expecting much of a response to my post, if any, so I hope you can all appreciate that the response I did get was extremely overwhelming. I really appreciate all of you who took the time to empathize and support me. It really did make a huge difference. I received enough donations to replace the TV I broke and a bit extra which I will donate to beyondblue in order to spread the kindness shown by members of this community. Thank you all very much.

closed Comments

        • +2

          @MissG: That's an excellent way to put it. Thanks

        • +1


          Aye. Another key difference is that cynicism assumes the "negative" alternative is true until proven otherwise. In stark contrast, skepticism is about keeping an open mind about the likelihood of all possibilities (as you said).

          It is insidious and leads to a jaundiced world-view that slowly taints everything.

          IMHO, even if OP was dishonest, I think the end outcome is that the good folks in the Community have the empathy and kindness to pitch in a few $$ (something that has a personal cost), give advice and generally be absolutely swell human beings. And if OP is honest, his day may be better just because a bunch of faceless, nameless folk just showed OP that 'someone actually gives a shit'. Lastly, he may have some funds for a new TV. :)

          So there are 3 outcomes in tl;dr :
          1. OzB good Samaritans actually made most (cynics excluded; there's no cure for being a bitter twat) feelgood(TM). Made my day brighter for sure.
          2. OP finds out random strangers actually care enough to commiserate and helped him out of a shitty situation.
          3. OP gets some funds towards a new TV.

          If OP was a sham, even so, #1 would apply. So ehh.. net gain in overall sparkles and unicorns IMHO. :)

        • +1

          @gearhead: Couldn't have put it better.

  • Most ppl are on $180k+ pa here, so couple o' bucks ain't nothing

    • I think ozb has the richest and poorest.

      The middle are too busy working 80 hour weeks, using uber and airtasker every other day, eating $20 lunches and making car payments for their new $80k audi.

      So… you're right.

      • +2

        1 like = 1 eneloop donation

      • +1

        I am the poor one.

      • $20 lunches? smashed avocado sandwiches cost alot more than that.

        I can only afford normal "spread" avocado

  • A reminder to everyone that personal attacks are not permitted. Discussion is fine but please keep the conversation respectful.

    Commenting Guidelines

  • +6

    People sending a random stranger money to buy a luxury item…wow lol

    • +15

      People demonstrating kindness towards someone who accidentally broke something important to them and felt bad about it, and then someone making a cynical joke about the kindness displayed….double wow. No lol.

      • -3

        I lost my diamond ring can you send me some money to buy a new one? p.s. I am depressed.

        • Well done champ, well done, totes clever.

      • +4

        What about the people who can't even afford a TV?

        • -1

          What are you doing for them?

        • @MissG: For who?

        • -1

          @BrodenIt: For the people who can't even afford a TV.

        • @MissG: Donated Clothes to charity?

        • +3

          @MissG: And what have you done for them?

        • @BrodenIt: And why aren't you asking this question on every other thread where people are spending thousands on other stuff?

          I've done plenty for charity thanks.

    • Besides who really knows whether the OP is being legit…OP should learn from his own mistakes instead of relying on other people.

  • +9

    Sorry to hear pal. I wish I could throw some bucks to fund you up but I am in a terrible situation right now, so just sending my condolences.
    I am so proud of other ozb members for their kindness. Keep up the good work, y'all have earned my respect.

  • -5

    My fancy goldfish died yesterday. He was a rare and expensive breed when I bought him, the only fish I ever had, I thought he would make me happy. I'm feeling really depressed right now, he was my only friend… is there anything I can do in this situation? I can't afford another one, and a common $2 fish just won't do.

    • +1

      gofundme is the place for you!

    • +1

      Taxidermy ?

  • +3

    Ozbargain - Best Community ever!! Love it guys..

  • +7

    Sent you $20 hope that gives you a helping hand mate

  • +1

    This community is amazing :')
    Donald, if you ever need someone to talk to, feel free to PM me :)

  • +13

    Donald, here's my 2 cents: if u break something again just come back here okay? These people save on bargains so they can give their moolah to u.

  • +12
    • -2

      Look over there! A straw man!

      • +7

        Hardly. I'm just pointing out misplaced generosity. Some suggested the 'op never asked for money' however he did exactly that when he posted his PayPal. Delayed asking in exactly the way a 'chugger' (charity street collector) would do. Regardless of whether it was a setup (anyone checked the post history of the first donater that triggered the posting of the PayPal account?) the generosity is misguided. There are people in Australia and overseas without food on the table or a roof over their head. There are women's charities in Australia you can donate to to help women and kids escape domestic violence. Poor guy lost his 40" smart TV. Hard times. Hard times indeed.

        • Who made you the director for where generosity should extend? Why can't generosity be an innate personality trait that extends itself beyond your rules? I'd put money on the fact that nearly every single person who chipped in a few bucks likely donates to charity too. It's not up to you to decide where generosity should be placed.

        • +3


          What Wallyt99 was saying is that, we should really consider whether we are really helping those in need. Rather than moment of burst for those we think are "pity".

          In this instance, I believe the depression is reaching fair beyond the $400 odd TV. Perhaps, if someone is really "generous" enough and try to help, it takes much more than the $400 odd. Perhaps, those that are really "geneours", invite our friend Donald out for a coffee/lunch/dinner, it's much better helpful for someone with depression than a TV…

          PS. It's good to see the OzB community pulling together.

  • +9

    This guy will have a deposit for house by tomorrow

  • +20

    In all seriousness, why the (profanity) would you give money to some random person on the internet that broke their TV?
    Maybe you got plenty yourself and feeling generous? feeling bad about all the money you saved on Ozb?
    Then there are more than enough legitimate charities that help the truly needy. Or simply go outside and hand out cash to those sleeping on the street…
    That 20 bucks you just gave a random guy for a fking TV could've provided food for someone who is actually starving…

    Seems like ppl gave because they think the OP is suffering from depression? how would you know? every other person these days is claiming to be depressed for whatever stupid reason…

    • +4

      It's no different to giving to charity or to a homeless person in the street. We never know where the actual money ends up but we do it in good faith and a clear conscience. It doesn't hurt to help others every now and dthen.

      • +3

        You do know where your money ends up with legitimate charities as they do provide financial reports on how the money is spent. And the homeless on the street are actually sleeping on the street.

        Unlike the OP, who for all we know could be "depressed" because he broke up with his GF, and now broke a TV he can't afford…. a TV…

        • +2

          Unlike the OP, who for all we know could be "depressed" because he broke up with his GF, and now broke a TV he can't afford…. a TV…

          Which is still a shitty situation isnt it? Worse than homelessness? No; but would it help a fellow legit member of the community out? Sure.

          So if folks are giving OP a hand, why does it bother you so much?

        • +2

          mding,legitimate charities often hire firms that cream 70% off the top.

    • -1

      So how much do you donate mding?
      Which are your favourite charities?

      • +3

        I donate regularly to charities through work and often throw a few bucks walking past homeless on the streets, but hey… if you like to buy someone a new TV so much, maybe send me one too? maybe mods can create a thread for everyone to post their life problems so we can all donate cash.

        • -5

          So,which are your favourite charities?

        • +3

          So, what does that have to do with anything? I don't have a favourite charity, but my workplace organise donations to the red cross, and do nearby trips to their bus to donate blood as well once or twice a year. are you happy with my donations with that? or that's not good enough and I should donate to this "depressed" person's TV fund too?
          How bout you? how much do you donate to charities and this TV fund?

        • @mding:

          You are the one who initiated the topic.
          I'm chronically ill and therefore cannot donate blood.
          Gave The Red Cross $50 in May.Several $30s in the previous 18 months.
          OP got my last $10 in my PayPal linked bank account.
          Used to help run a fund raising committee for a major metro hospital.
          Lot of work in the alcohol and drug field.
          Both unpaid.
          Familiar with depression and could put myself in DonaldH's shoes.
          Now retired on the Age Pension.

        • -1

          @Dave Id:
          I was just replying to YOUR question? Clapclap* that 10 bucks you sent couldve helped some homeless with a meal, but you rather OP not miss the 6'o clock news on tv.
          This is OzB, people come here to get the most value out of their $$$, donating money to a random for a tv doesn't seem to be a good deal in the generousity world.
          But whatever, it's your money, I'm just expressing my opinion, don't get offended.

        • -1


          Ironically,I used to give a bit of my time helping out at Ozanam House,North Melbourne when it was operating.
          Yep. It is my money and you are not the boss of me,so f off and annoy someone else!

        • -1

          @Dave Id: I simply posted my opinion on this "charity case". You took it personal, and now you're annoyed… HAHA

        • @mding:

          Yep. Kicking people when they are down annoys me. Especially from "I gave at the office" type of know it all.

        • Dave Id & mding, enough. Go argue in private.

        • +1


          hehe. Time for the naughty corner.

          By the way. How do I upvote your comment? Comment of the month that I've read.

        • @googleyahoo69: you can't vote on mod comments

    • +3

      I find it strange that people demonstrating kindness upsets you.

    • +1

      Well why don't you do something about all those charities and people on the street then instead of telling people what to do with there money.
      All talk, no action. Keyboard warriors.

    • Well why don't you do something about all those charities and people on the street then instead of telling people what to do with there money.
      All talk, no action. Keyboard warriors.

      • Maybe we can consider visiting Donald to have a little party with him. (subject to his okay). I am sure it will help the depression. A key to help people with depression to get their mind active on happy things.

  • +3

    Hi DonaldH, I'm really sorry you're going through a difficult time at the moment. It's heartwarming to see that you've received so much support here - perhaps such a gesture is more meaningful than a TV could ever provide. Could I make a suggestion though that with the money you've received to reinvest this back into your health? By this I mean putting it towards seeing a psychologist and a psychiatrist on a regular basis. I've suffered depression for over a decade and while I was a student, just like you and know how difficult it can be to prioritise these things over tangible goods. However, the most important thing is your well-being - it will take effort and be difficult at times but the end game is to improve your quality of life. Everything will look a little brighter and that's worth spending time, money and energy on.

  • +2

    Hi DonaldH
    Where are you located? I might be able to give you a TV if this helps? It is a second hand one but is a good one.

    Let me know

    • Interesting

    • He's from Brisbane

      • Thanks for that doesn't work I am in sydney

        • "Are you from Sydney?" ….. Los Trios Ringbarkus :)

  • +2

    What a nice community :-)

  • +8

    Gotta love misdirected generosity

  • +2

    Just sent my car worth 80k. Hope this helps.

    • +2

      It's an investment in his future

  • +4

    While we're on this topic, could I please have some pity donation for a drone I just broke? Cost me around $1K. YES IM serious! And truly I'm little depressed now. PM me for PayPal if you would be so kind sir and madam.

    • +4

      Paypal address? Just post it here lol.

  • sorry to hear about your tv, personally i wouldn't buy a new one. Electronics lose value quickly and isn't worth it in my opinion.
    you can almost get anything else free on gumtree, but recently pick up a good 32 lcd on ebay for $50.
    So might want to consider getting a 2nd one instead, since you still need to pay off your broken one.

  • +1

    OP, where are you??? Just wondering, how much you received now on your PayPal? Its that enough or not yet? Let us all know if possible.

    • +4

      Too busy watching his new 85" tv. Only joking. Depression is the worst. I hope you get the help needed to get through it chief. Well done to everyone who has helped him with money, offers for a tv and to meet up. What a great community.

  • +1

    Must be a great feeling logging into paypal & seeing all that money

    • +1

      If depression was helped by a new TV or some other form of consumerism the world may be a much better place. The act of giving is more therapeutic for the senders than anything else.

      • +6

        You're forgetting the impact of the acts of kindness by strangers to someone whose down. It's not so much the TV.

        • e: not worth it.

  • +6

    The initial post never asked for financial aid. Well done to those that have donated. Ozbargainers do have a heart :)

  • +10

    this guy was thinking of buying a 3d printer not long ago.
    surely he is not that broke then?
    3d printers are not one of life's basic essential items for living.

    • +1

      Oh lord, the guy had a bad day, people chipped in to help him out. It's not the hardest concept in the world to get.

    • Keyword being "thinking". I love to look at things I know I can never afford.

    • :) and a gym too. I personally find a gym to be too costly where the outdoor activity is equally beneficial. If correct, the cheapest gym membership around town is around $50+/month.

      • Reckon OP would be using his University's gym.

        • I don't recall university gym being any cheaper. At least not when I have went to uni.

        • @googleyahoo69:

          Yep. ~ $2 a day.
          Shows OP is serious about his health.

        • @Dave Id:

          I presume it's charged as per day when used? Otherwise, it works out to be 2x7x4 $56/month.

        • @googleyahoo69:


          Last times I set foot in a Uni was 1978,helping out with the Literacy Council and 1982 for a public service exam.

          No eye deer :)

  • +6

    to all the haters: the OP never once asked for a donation, it was the ozbargain community who decided to do so.

    • +9

      He gave his PayPal details

      • Someone made an offer and he accepted it. There is no crime in that.

  • +3

    Suggest that the mods delete this thread, getting out of hand

    • I agree, please do.

  • +1

    Such generosity is wonderful to see! But the real concern I and perhaps many other commenters seem to have is the "sorry to hear, good luck watching tv, hope it makes you feel better" sentiment. Because it won't.

    By all means enjoy the kind words and deeds from others, knowing that they truly do want you to beat depression and feel better. But please, don't be fooled into thinking escaping through mindless entertainment will make you feel better.

    Get some professional help.
    If you're a uni student, you can talk to a psychologist for free at most unis.

    For some completely unqualified help, invest in researching your lifestyle. I really appreciated this video; 7 ways to maximise misery.

    • +2

      Immune response is a significant cause of depression,hence my original post suggesting very high B12 supplements.
      OP is helping himself….
      has a hobby,hence the 3D printer inquiry
      attends gym
      listens to music
      studies at uni.
      Perhaps some missed the fact that he was setting up the TV seven days after purchase.
      Actually spent years as a volunteer alcohol and drug counsellor,so took the above into account before posting at all.
      Haters didn't!

  • What you should do next time is to buy using the Coles mastercard with the shoppers protection insurance. Pay the card off before the statement is generated for $0 premium. Then you get 6 months of insurance and 24 months of price drop coverage.

    • +5

      or just don't buy things you can't afford.

      • Yeah, that too.

  • +2

    I would have just picked up a second hand TV over Gumtree if I was THAT strapped for cash and REALLY needed to have a TV. While it may not have been the OP's original intention when posting, seems to me that soliciting for donations (however indirect) can really open a Pandora's box and mods should consider the merits of letting such posts be placed.

    • +3

      Yep, someone pretending to be depressed and strapped for cash looking in myer for a TV is just ridiculous, someone needs to get their priorities in order.

      • Actually a run out model that was listed here on ozbargain.
        Quite a good buy actually.
        Myers is one of the last firms with stock and is still attempting to clear them.
        Doubt OP is pretending to be depressed.He is doing a lot of things right.
        Better purchase than my first TV :(

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