Have You Ever Read a Book or Seen a Movie That Has Changed Your Life or Your Outlook on Life?

I'm in my late 20's, working a boring government job and just need a little bit of direction.
Yes - people say to travel and buy properties etc which is fine but is not for everyone and I have done my fair share of travelling
I'm looking for any books or movies you may have read/seen that has changed your outlook on life or has had a big impact on your life. If there is such thing..
Looking for self-improvement/ spiritual/ financial or basically anything that will open my eyes a bit more.. Recommendations please!


        • @Scrooge McDuck:

          You may be interested to know that a few hundred years ago, the major objection to the Genesis creation account was that God took too long. He is God, after all! Why take 6 full length days to do something which for an omnipotent being should happen instantly?

          Therefore all your assertions are invalid.

          Sorry about that chief.

          You didn't happen to go to a Catholic school, by any chance? All the best atheists seem to come from Catholic schools…

        • @sintro: > Or maybe the brewers are concerned for our well being.

          All of it or just the bits that are wrong?

          And who decides which is which in the latter case?

        • @mranderson978:

          Therefore all your assertions are invalid.

          What assertions?

          You didn't happen to go to a Catholic school, by any chance? All the best atheists seem to come from Catholic schools…

          Thanks for the compliment, but no I didn't.

        • @mranderson978:

          You totes got him! Totes!

        • @Cubist:
          Cubist, I'm yet to see any atheist anywhere give a convincing argument regarding our origins. Let me know if you find one.

        • @mranderson978:

          If you apply the same level of proof to religion that you apply to every other aspect of your life, you will find that an omnipotent being who watches over us unseen isn't a very convincing argument either.

          I'm not overly concerned with the origins of the universe, or our own origins. In any case, evolution has been proven beyond any reasonable doubt and I don't think it's so much a case of you not having heard a compelling argument, so much as you not understanding it, or not willing to accept it because it means you've wasted a lot of time backing the wrong team.

        • @Cubist:

          Evolution has been proven beyong any reasonable doubt? It's still a theory.

          Have you seen Everything you know is Wrong by Lloyde Pye?

        • @sintro:

          I used to listen to preachers use the same line on an almost weekly basis. It's playing semantics to misrepresent your opponents position… Something snake oil salesmen are ridiculously good at.

          You are confusing the use of the word theory in general conversation e.g. "I have a theory that JFK was killed by a THIRD shooter", with scientific theory, which is for lack of a better definition:

          "a well-substantiated explanation of some aspect of the natural world, based on a body of facts that have been repeatedly confirmed through observation and experiment. Such fact-supported theories are not "guesses" but reliable accounts of the real world"

          e.g. Have you heard about the theory of relativity?

          Edit: Lloyd Anthony Pye Jr. (September 7, 1946 – December 9, 2013) was an American author and paranormal researcher best known for his promotion of the Starchild skull.[1][2] He claimed it was the relic of a human-alien hybrid,[3] although genetic testing showed it to be from a human male.[4] He also promoted the ideas that cryptozoological creatures such as Bigfoot are real and that aliens intervened in human development.[5][6]

          No, i haven't wasted my time on that one.

        • @Cubist:

          Review the information presented first before picking on the presenter based on inaccurate information written on Wikipedia hahaha!

          On the Star Child Skull:

          In conclusion, the skull is a fascinating enigma. It is real, and it is different from any human skull I have ever seen personally or found in the medical literature. Despite my age, I continue to be involved in aspects of medical research at U.B.C. and I follow the Starchild story with great interest. I hope that Lloyd will one day soon have raised sufficient funds to analyze the entire DNA/genome of this specimen. Research to date on about 10% of the genome indicates significant differences from human, or from any known primate or any other specimen in the NIH database. - T.J. Robinson, M.D., L.M.C.C., F.R.C.S.(C) Source: http://www.starchildproject.com/letter-to-critics

          As for Everything you know is Wrong

          If you have a inquisitive and scientitic mind then do some work instead of thinking you know it all already.

          Have You Ever Wondered…?

          Why humans use only about 10% of our massively supercharged brains, yet savants can somehow access parts of the remaining 90%

          Why our skin is so poorly adapted to the amount of sunlight striking Earth?

          Why we are so physically weak compared to our closest genetic relatives?

          Why Earth is the only planet or moon with moveable tectonic plates?

          Why Earth’s moon is so extraordinarily outsized relative to other moons?

          Why megalithic structures like the Pyramids cannot be duplicated today?

          How the ancient Sumerians could know Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto existed when we discovered Uranus only in 1781, Neptune in 1846, and Pluto in 1930?

          How and why the Sumerians kept cosmic time in units of almost 26,000 years?

          Why humans have a gene pool with over 4000 genetic defects, while our closest genetic relatives, chimps and gorillas, have very few?

          Why the human genome clocks is only about 200,000 years old but anthropologists insist we descend from creatures 6.0 million years old?

          Why humans in no way resemble those ancient so-called “pre”-humans?

          Why humans have 46 chromosomes while our closest genetic relatives (sharing over 95% of our DNA) total 48?

        • @Cubist:

          Cubist, do you believe all life is the result of random chance + time? That you're the result of random chance + time? Is your brain activity also the result of random chance + time?

          If your brain activity is the result of random processes, how can you trust anything you think?

          I find the idea of an Omnipotent Creator more compelling.

          I also find the Bible explains the human condition in a way which matches what I see in the world today.

          So, I reject your assertion that evolution explains anything. Sorry.

        • @sintro:

          I feel a little bit sad having read those questions that none of them are immediately obvious to you, as incorrect to begin with.

        • @mranderson978:

          do you believe all life is the result of random chance + time? … No, not random.
          That you're the result of random chance + time? … No, not random.
          Is your brain activity also the result of random chance + time? … No, not random.

          You've got some pretty broken mental gymnastics there. If you want to disagree with evolution, you are going to have to argue against the stringent and tested science behind it, without resorting to appealing to peoples emotional biases. You can't just say "I think an omnipotent creator is a better answer" and expect to be taken seriously. At least not anymore.

          You have absolutely no reason to apologise to me.

        • @Cubist:

          You do not need to answer the questions from the information that is already in your head.
          What you need to do is to watch the presentation so that you can look at information without immediately accepting it or immediately rejecting it.

          But you act like you know it all (your cup is full) so please share your knowledge, write a book on the True History of Human Orgins and what the components make up our reality. I'd like to read it.

        • @Cubist:

          This one is a good read…

          Persistent bias on Wikipedia: methods and responses

          Published, with minor subediting, in Social Science Computer Review, 2017, doi: 10.1177/0894439317715434
          by Brian Martin - An honorary professorial fellow at the University of Wollongong, Australia.

    • Came to say the same thing, but you beat me to it!

      There was a deal posted on it just few days ago too. https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/321061

    • +6

      I read it. Made me an atheist.

    • +2

      but it has changed more lives than any other book out there

      Unfortunately a lot of those lives are those of people who haven't read it.

      • Burn!

  • +1

    Malcolm X autobiography

  • The Alchemist
    The Egg - short story
    Meditations - Marcus Aurelius
    Your Money or Your Life

    • +1

      Your money or your life is a great one.

      The millionaire next door is good too.

  • +2

    Life is Beautiful (La vita e bella)- makes you appreciate the power of imagination and endurance even during the toughest of times.

  • +1

    I watched Peaceful Warrior. That movie changed my life.

    • The book was one of the first of these new wave self help series back in the 80's. Really enjoyed it and took heaps on board, then they had to wreck it by releasing a multitude of other 'peaceful warrior' follow ons and became too commercial.

  • +3

    Reading a book will only take you so far.
    Go down that rabbit hole. follow ur instinct.
    Easier said i know. im in my late 20s been working for 8 yrs, going to take 6 months off end of year to travel/volunteer/gainskills full time.

  • Have you watched Conspiracy? maybe check it out. its about the effect cattle have on the environment.

    • +1

      It's called Cowspiracy, just in case the OP wants to watch it and can't find it.

      • thanks i think that may have been an autocorrect. hahaha

  • +5

    Good doco to watch is called Minimalism. Shows how possessions can make us feel worse/more stressed etc. It's a real eye opener.
    As for books, I find The Alchemist really makes you think each time you read it. For a real motivational kick up the arse, anything written by Craig Harper. He has the best no bullshit, no f's given attitude. He also has a FB page that he often uploads short videos to. I find that Harps is probably best if you are, like me, one of those people that cringe at soppy quotes, etc. He really puts the accountability on where it needs to be…. on yourself!

    • I haven't yet seen the doco Minimalism but came to recommend the podcast by the minimalists (the same dudes who created the doco) - although it does kinda get a bit repetitive so no need to listen to them all in my opinion. They have a few books I wouldn't mind reading as well. They're good to listen to whilst cleaning and it does help you change your mindset towards being more intentional with the things you own.

  • +1

    The Magic of Thinking Big
    The Power of Now

  • As far as work / self-improvement related items.. The two most useful I've read are:

    • Crucial Conversations. (I actually get my staff to read this when I can).
    • Getting things done.

    If you're running your own business, "4 hour work week" is an interesting one as well.

  • +2

    Bertrand Russell, Why I am not a Christian.
    It's a collection of articles, the main one is available here: https://users.drew.edu/~jlenz/whynot.html but the others are worth reading too. Definitely the biggest impact on my life of any book.

    • Also: Carl Sagan, The Demon-Haunted World

  • +3

    Some people hide away from these ones.. .but if you want life changing ( as you said big impact ) that brings you to a new level of compassion, some would call it a paradigm shift a different view of life.

    Brings attention to the fight that you can take for others who cannot - makes you aware how lucky you are to be able to make decisions to control your life while others are just born into it having no choices, you start questioning why I am and why they are, and … what if it was reversed?


    Even if you don't agree, be mindful and thoughtful about it, at the end of the day be understanding that we all don't want pain suffering, cruelty, bloodshed, violence which is what these animals go through. We just turn a blind eye when it comes to our meat …because it tastes good.

    • Great explanation why they are worth watching.

  • +1

    The Bible
    Dead Poet's Society
    Attachment through the lifecourse

  • +1

    Movie : One flew Over the Cockoo Nest
    Book: Zen and the Art of Motorcycle maintenance

  • The Dice Man - Luke Rhinehart

  • The Dice Man - Luke Rhinehart
    The Road Less Travelled - M Scott Peck

  • The was a movie called The Ultimate Gift It not only changed my perceptive in life, it defined everything i ever do going forward.
    I'd also highly recommend Good Will Hunting.

  • +2

    I'd suggest watching Cloud Atlas if you want to see the results of bigotry and oppression, but still be left with faith in humanity.
    I'd suggest watching Interstellar if you want some perspective on your existence, without being told you are futile.
    I walked away from both movies with an altered perspective on life.

    • +1

      Interstellar was great. I love how they are making movies based on current scientific theories being studied. Watch "Arrivals" another great movie.

      • +1

        I have been disappointed with every Sci-Fi since these two masterpieces. These two movies put the final nail into the sense of religiosity I had, which was a massive part of who I was for a very long time. The Cloud Atlas Sextet coupled with M83's "Outro", And all of Hans Zimmer's Interstellar soundtrack move me every time I listen to them.

        If you are looking for two more, "Mr Nobody" is a great movie, as is "Watchmen".

        • -3

          I'll watch them, haven't heard of them before so this should be fun… However I wouldn't say "Interstellar" or "Arrivals" challenge religion in any way, they're just thought provoking and challenge physics. Religion trumps everything, still. They're not comparable on the same scale though.

        • @TheBilly: Interstellar isn't a movie about thought provoking physics and scientific theory. It's a movie about fighting for your own destiny, challenging dated preconceptions, the significance of your humanity (despite it's relative insignificance) and creating your own path for your small place in the universe… While the plot adheres to and borrows physics and scientific theory to help it develop.

    • Both great movies.

      Also watch

      • Man from earth
      • Mr Church
  • +3


    Man's search for meaning
    Power of now
    Fear - pop psychology, wish I could find the author for you.
    Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell (and his other books, eg blink - but these are all part fiction, part pop psychology)

    The fountain
    Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind

    That's all I can think of right now.

    • +1

      The gift of fear by Gavin de Becker.

      Couldn't edit

      • well gotta check this one now

    • This is a great thread however what you wrote just made me laugh

      The fountain

      One of my all time favourites, must have watched it 20 times.

      Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind

      Just watched it last night

      Half way thru Freakonomics

      Absolutely love everything by Malcolm Gladwell, Eckhart Tolle's Power of Now should be mandatory reading.

      Man's search for meaning by Frankle, maybe not 'new age' enough for some, but for those who connect with it then it has the potential to trump every self help book out there!!

      • How romantic. Wish you were a nice looking gal! (Are you?)

    • +1 for Outliers. Great insights into the prerequisites for success.

    • Just curious, have u seen the movie "the thin red line?"

      Dunno why but it kind of reminds me of The Fountain. Beautifully filmed and beautiful music. Like the Fountain, some love it, others don't get it.

      • +1

        Haven't seen it, but heard it's a classic. Will put it on my list.

        If you're into war at a pretext for film, I recommend tv show generation kill, mostly about mateship and the banality of war, rather than a hero or action movie.

        Not Life changing… But memorable

        • +1

          cool will check it out

          Man. I have such a great list of movies and books to check out now. It's great, didn't know how much good stuff was out there.

          I don't have TV reception but thanks to this site I finally got a decent quantity of Internet data with the optus 100gb 4g plan and can start watching stuff again

  • +2

    There are really great suggestions in this thread, I suggest to OP to just bookmark it and choose a book and a movie to start with and just work your way through it.

    Two great books that have affected me greatly and haven't been mentioned:

    • The Way of The Superior Man
    • Sapiens

    The first is a simple, straightforward and accessible manual to live life fully as a man. I refer to it constantly. The second gave me the great gift of perspective on humans: our known history, where civilisation is, how did we get here and what's on the road ahead for us.

    I personally would love it if you keep this thread alive with your comments after watching/reading some suggestions.

  • I said this in an earlier comment, but in 2002 I learnt of Evolution.

    That completely blew me away coming from a religious household. Personally, it made me realise how insignificant and small I am and made me appreciate the natural small things in the world.

    Maybe a book on the different species out there, or a book on evolution?

    We live on such a stunning planet. You say you've done your fair share of travelling, but if you're in a rut, and I hope you aren't, maybe some kinda of wilderness getaway with one of the books you've decided to read is in order?

    Good luck, OP.

    • +2

      Richard Dawkins - The Greatest Show on Earth (excellent book on evolution)

      • That's the one. For those concerned about it being rude, it's not. He focuses solely on biology.

        • Dawkins? Rude? You must be thinking of another TV atheist.
          Dawkins is always respectful and polite. That title "The God Delusion" came from the publisher, not him.

          OK, there might be a couple of videos of him being provoked beyond the limits of human endurance.

        • @manic:

          I don't find it to be rude. Without starting a war, I believe ideas should be heavily scrutinised.

        • @rorymeister:
          Relax. I'm saying Dawkins is never rude. Where did you get the idea he was, if not the God book title?

          He was famous as a biologist since writing "the selfish gene" in 1976.

        • @manic:

          I follow him closely, and it's not my view that he is rude. People just don't like their ideas criticised.

          A lot of religious folk consider him to be highly arrogant and strident.

  • +3

    Pleasantly surprised to see so many bargainers recommend spiritual books and psychedelics.

    • Both are bargains I reckon

  • +1

    Stay at home & read all 3 " Fifty Shades " series. Will certainly open your mind to all sorts of possibilities & carnal knowledge that you might not have known before ( or maybe don't want to know )

    • Surprised this wasn't mentioned earlier.

      Also the cinematography in Debbie does Dallas is brilliant. Life changing stuff.

  • Human centipede

    • Yes, then watch A Serbian Film (2010)

      • and for the dessert: Salo or the 120 Days of Sodom.

  • Dblpost

  • +1

    Go on Youtube and watch Jordan Peterson. He is a psychology professor from Canada who streams all of his lectures.

    Every time I talk to someone in my life about struggles they are having I find that Jordan Peterson has said something interesting and insightful that relates.

  • +1

    To be honest, I think your best bet is to just read whenever, wherever, and never stop. I don't think what you're looking for can be found in one single book or even a few. I think you'll find your own 'way of life', whatever it may be for you, in the process (a journey, if you will). I grew up reading many books and even in my current state I continue to read, unfortunately it's just psych/crim journal articles with the occassional novel, but the most eye-opening/impactful experience I had was studying abroad in 2014. See what works for you, sometimes you can teach yourself something too.

    • What if you don't find anything?

      • Then maybe you're looking in the wrong place, or maybe the wrong section of the library. Really depends on what you're looking for. I say never give up though. These things take time.

    • I agree. Reading is a beginning rather than the end of the journey. I would also recommend with something that looks at some of the deeper questions to begin with - that stuff is the bedrock which we build our lives on, other things like investments etc only make sense when we have some of that more fundamental stuff set. A fascinating book I read was Victor Frankel's "Man's Search for Meaning" - a really fascinating narrative of survival against the odds, and one which has profoundly affected a lot of people over the years.

  • You should try reading the articles on Medium as well as the questions and answers on Quora. The quality of the writing is top knotch. Since inspiration seems to be what you're looking for, I'd recommend checking out "The Mission" on Medium.

  • "The Elephant and the Balloon" by Black & Bianco.

  • +3

    Microsoft Outlook XP for Dummies

  • On the Road, The Beach. The books, not the movies.

  • The answer by Allan and Barbara Pease
    The 7 habits of highly effective people by Stephen Covey

  • +6

    The Matrix
    I do believe we all live inside the matrix and we are all just a bunch of eneloops. Also proof why we like buying our own kind when it goes on sale

    • "we are all just a bunch of eneloops" too funny lol!

    • We are not rechargeable?

  • "The Magus", a 1960s novel by John Fowles set on a Greek Island during WWII. Broadened my mind (up to then full of certainties) to think about ambiguities and difficult moral dilemmas. Also a movie with Michael Caine and Anthony Quinn, but the book is better as a slow burn towards asking yourself 'what would you do".

  • Koyaanisqatsi affected me quite deeply.

    • haven't seen it but listen the the music track

      Guess will have to check it out now

      • +1

        Given that there isn't any dialogue in the film, the music is really what made it powerful. The imagery just accompanied it very well to convey some sort of meaning.

        • gonna check it out tonight


  • +3

    "Get the inside right and the outside will fall into place" Eckhart Tolle

    Judging by what you wrote, I feel like you are looking for something more than just a movie or book that can motivate/inspire you. You have come to a point in life where you realise you are not fulfilled by the way you are living your life and you believe there is more to life. I've been there.
    Looking back, what made a lot of difference was solitude (which is why I often recommend people to do at least one solo trip that can give you space to reflect away from constant stimulation and distractions). By reflection, I do not only mean all the things in your life (career, relationships, money, passion), but more importantly, the "inside" stuff. If you think about it, throughout our years of schooling, we are never taught how to be a happy human being. We are fed all the knowledge about everything, EXCEPT the inner workings of our own mind. Since we aren't taught this, we have to figure this ourselves.

    Now to answer your question; books, films, and videos can be a great source of guidance/insights and fortunately in our age, there are many great teachers of life we have access to. The 3 authors I am recommending are my favorite teachers on the theme of human wellbeing/happiness, I am sure you will find something of value.

    Here are some authors/philosophers that have been the guides/teachers that have made profound impact on my evolution (I started watching them on youtube and I think this is a good introduction to each of them, and you may want to buy the books of those you like);

    Eckhart Tolle (Teaches from personal experiences and offers practical ways to improve our wellbeing)
    Videos: Just youtube him and pick a theme that is relevant to you
    Book: Power Of now

    Sam Harris (Neuroscientist, rationalist and an experienced meditator) -

    videos: One of my favorite talks of his
    search "sam harris death and the present moment" in youtube

    Book: Waking Up

    Alan Watts (He is probably my favorite as he combines philosophy with science and expresses it in a beautifully poetic and eloquent way)

    Video: Search "Alan Watts Tragedy and Hope" (Tragedy and Hope is a youtube channel with some great videos of his)
    Book: I personally like his videos/lectures maybe because I just enjoy listening to him so much

    I'll throw in some thought-provoking films that I've seen that has really made me pause and reflect on how I am living my life -

    Into The Wild
    Groundhog Day
    Truman Show
    Before Sunrise, Before Sunset, Before Midnight (3 films)
    God Grew Tire Of Us

    All are entertaining/easy watches but can all be profoundly thought provoking

    This is a journey, and to begin it requires someone to realise there is something not right. Happy journey :)

    • Second Waking Up by Sam Harris

  • If you can get over some of what Tai Lopez says then the message he gives is pretty good in his videos (this was December 2015), from that I ended up getting into podcasts and feel like both of them have opened my mind up to do more than being a worker drone in an office. Tim Ferriss and London Real are good, Gary Vee is good but I got a bit sick of the repetition. I have slowly stopped listening as much as I was which to me is the intention of the Podcast. To take action rather than sit around listening to something for entertainment.

    Listened to Audible on bus and in car this year (2017), some of them are, The Everything Store, Zero to One, Unshakeable. Any book which has an idea about being better than yesterday and thinking about what you want in the future is what I was looking for. But again take action otherwise this becomes entertainment.

    I quit my job in April (2017) and everything is going well, I had no idea where I would get money from or work but the people I have met have opened me up so much more than I would have if I had continued my job.

    For me, this was 1.5 years of taking in what people were saying and learning from their mistakes and successes to get to this point. Never would have thought about it unless I saw a Tai Lopez video. (use add block no idea why it was in my suggested videos). Now no time to listen to these things but that is the good part, I'm doing what I want, when I want, and Monday and Friday has the same feeling.

  • +1

    =====Below is another comment I posted in another thread with a similar theme (about how a teenager should spend his money)=====

    If life is a game of chess (or any game with objectively defined rules/goals) then there are always optimal/correct decisions in given scenarios, but it isn't.
    All these opinions people offer you, though with good intentions, are not very useful because they do not know what you really want in life and I am pretty sure you don't know what you truly want in life (very few do at your age). So the advice they are giving you is simply how they would spend it if THEY were you, which IMO is not very useful for you.

    Here are some questions that you might want to ask yourself before asking this question about how to spend your money

    You said you've already bought all the things you want, so has any of it made you an overall happier person?
    What are the things that increases your happiness (sustainable long-term wellbeing)?
    What are the things that bring you pleasure (temporary joy)?
    There are crossovers between the two; which of those conflicts (eating cakes makes me fat) and which are in alignment (hanging with friends nurtures our bond)?
    The above questions will be a starting point in realising what is important to you in life and possibly what you want in life, but to really learn about what you want, you cannot skip real experience, which is why I always recommend people to do at least one solo-trip in their life (it can be 2 weeks or 2 years). I'd grown/experience more in some of my solo-trips (i.e. 2 weeks cycling around NZ) than several years in my twenties.

    The better understanding of yourself and what is really important to you (this is a lifelong process), then the easier it is for you to know how to spend your money. Money is simply a tool in life which we gain by sacrificing our time in the present. Then the choice is, do we spend it on…
    1. Material things (what we need is actually very minimal)
    2. Experiences
    3. Investing your money to gain more time
    4. Effectively giving/sharing to those in need (don't just randomly adopt a child, check out kiva.org and look into effective altruism and get the best bang for your buck)

    So I won 25k playing poker when I was 22 in 2006, and I'd spent it on a car. If I was to make the decision again, I'd buy a cheaper car and consciously spend the rest of my money in each of the above categories, and measure how each one affects my happiness. This is practical philosophy; define your intentions, ask the right questions and then do testing. In this case I am experiment on myself to see what actually makes me happy. With more and more data, I will have more confidence in what actually makes me happy and what doesn't, then it's clear where I'd allocate/spend my money. And happiness is ultimately what we want right?

    • Hi, could you share more on your NZ trip? Or any other solo destinations that you recommend?

      • +1

        Hi, before recommending a place, maybe first ask yourself why you'd want to do it. The better you know yourself (what you want) the easier it is to find the right place. Having said that, most of the times that I found solitude while traveling, it happened unintentionally. The first time I'd experienced an extended period of solitude was during my backpacking trip in Europe and I ended up spending 3 nights at a place called Lauterbrunnen. I was in the alps during off-peak season with few tourists around. It was unsettling at first as I was quite uncomfortable being alone and always looking to find some companions. I was unsuccessful and ended up spending the 3 days on my own, and I remember saying to myself that those were the slowest three days of my life, and it felt great! Ever since then, I try to get a dose of solo trip once a year. Though even in Melbourne, I'd try to get out into nature for camping over the weekends, nature can do wonders to quiet our minds and you really don't have to go Switzerland or NZ to get a dose of solitude. So if you don't already, maybe you can give camping a try. I started with easy drive-in camping, and I totally fell in love with it when I did a 3 day circuit at Wilson's Prom (VIC). If you don't have any gears, I'd suggest borrowing some to see if it's your thing. And if you loved the experience, then I'd recommend getting some good gear as it can really make or break the experience (especially the multi-day hikes), plus most of the stuff will last you years if not decades.

        Personally, there are two types of solo-traveling that I'd do. One is to find peace and quiet so I can spend some time with myself, the other is to push myself outside of my comfort zone as I believe that is where we truly grow. And sometimes, I'd combine the two (NZ trip).

        Outside of Australia, I think NZ is the most accessible and without saying, one of the most naturally beautiful places I've been. It has over 200 government run campsites which you can stay at from $0 - $10 a night. And it's very suitable for someone looking for solitude as the land is vast with very few people. I do recommend shoulder seasons like Oct-Nov and Mar-Apr. If you find the right sale, you can get return tickets to/from Queenstown for $250.
        I bike toured around NZ for 2 weeks but before making the trip, I commuted regularly on bike for 3 years, and I did some warm-up bike touring trips (2-4 days) in Victoria before setting off. I was very excited but yet nervous before the trip, and it turned out to be one of the most amazing experiences I've had. I am not sure what info you are after so I'll just go over it in brief: I started it in Queenstown, rode up to Mount Cook, experienced 100km+ winds while there, tent broke after 7 days and I couldn't ride back to Queenstown with the wind, so then I followed the wind down to the east coast, spent a few days there and bused back to Qt. If my tent didn't break I think the trip would have totaled around 800 (can be cheaper but I am not super frugal). My bike was $1k (fuji touring, great touring bike for that price), and maybe another few 500 on panniers, tools etc. You can bring the bike on Jetstar, but you'd first need to get a box from Qantas desk (check beforehand as I did it 2 years ago), and Qt airport has a bike area for you to set up. As for accommodation, you can search DOC (department of conservation) campsites and there should be a map of all the campsites around NZ. Along the way I camped at a few places that weren't listed. Another advice is to not do this any later than april or earlier than oct as it's just too cold/wet. If this interests you and you want more details, you can email me at [email protected].

        Another place I personally really liked from my solo travels is https://www.childrens-shelter.de/
        You can stay there as a guest and really get involved with the community and project.

        And this place I stayed at in Japan last year was amazing also - https://www.airbnb.com/rooms/6281632

        A couple of tips -
        1. Often times when I plan a trip for myself, I book my tickets without any particular destination in mind. And what I'd like to do is to go on Airbnb and drag the pointer on the map away from the main tourist areas or cities. And then I'd slowly sift through the places. Japan is particular great for this as there are so many interesting places to stay and their rural towns are probably my favourite of any country.

        1. Stay longer at places so you can have time to be on your own while also truly immersing yourself with the local community/culture.

        Hope this is of some help to you. If you want more info, just email me and I'll be glad to share what I know.


        • +1

          Thank you so much for your reply. I really appreciate the effort and thought you have put behind your posts.

          I may take up your offer on the email, just to share a bit about my circumstances and why I was curious in the first place. Thanks again!

  • +2

    "Run Like Crazy" by Melbourne local Tristan Miller. The guy quit his job and spent his life savings travelling the world running 52 marathons in 52 weeks. Very interesting read!

    Up until reading the book, the furthest I had run was about 13kms. I ran a little while at university but study took precedence over sport and my coach basically told me unless you are 100% dedicated to running, you are not welcome. After uni, I was pretty depressed working 9-5 like yourself and had nothing to look forward to. I kept thinking "is this it? Is all there is?". After reading the book however I was inspired to take up running again and have since joined a run club, meet heaps of awesome people, ran several marathons all over the world including the Great Wall Marathon, Berlin Marathon and even one in Myanmar! I liked how he was basically an average bloke doing something crazy which was to me was very relatable. I haven't quit my dead boring job yet, and I certainly haven't tried to run even 2 marathons in 2 weeks, but I always have a trip/or marathon to look forward too and my life/happiness levels have improved dramatically!

    Since reading Run Like Crazy, I have read so many sporting books and they always inspire me to be better/try harder. If you don't like running, just pick up any sportsperson autobiography e.g. Open by Andre Agassi. They are all awesome!

  • +1

    Good movies, life of pi, Hacksaw Ridge, The Revenant, The Martian, Avatar, Forrest Gump, Saving Private Ryan, the butterfly effect, the sixth sense, all of the matrix movies.

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