• expired

Free Kogan Mobile Extra Large Prepaid Voucher Code (30 Days | 16GB) @ Kogan, New Customers Only


new customers only, you can just keep making accounts i guess
Comes with free sim card as well

UPDATE: no need to port number, tried and works fine

Edit 25/10: Available again (thanks pennypincher98), expires at midnight.

Technically anyone can be a 'new' customer - worked on the same email that got the birthday deal.
Note: This actually expires 1 day sooner than the birthday deal despite being several days later
Voucher expires at 3:00AM AEDT on 20/11/2017

Update (26/10): Available for 2 more hours (thanks VKV)

Related Stores

Kogan Mobile
Kogan Mobile

closed Comments

        • +1

          thankyou for your help

        • +12

          @Laura11: You're most welcome - we all need to look out for each other in these difficult times.

          The only thing I ask in return is that in keeping with the spirit of sharing espoused by the OzBargain community, you too take the time to answer the questions of another wavering, uncertain member, caught at the crossroads of decision, uncertain of of which direction to go. Use kind words and sound advice to gently steer them along the path of Frugal Enlightenment, and eventually guide them to 'The Bargain', so that Massive Savings Can Be Made.

          Either that…or I'd accept a coupon code for a free Dominos pizza, and some Eneloops! :D

        • @dm01:

          Haha, well put, and sooo true too lol.

        • +2

          @dm01: And don't forget to encourage them to look at JV's avatar.

      • +1

        So since the vouchers expire 20/11/17, what's the point of getting multiple vouchers if a single one is going to last 30 days?

        • +1

          Extra data.

        • +3


          Also, like myself and many other savvy sim sluts on here we have sims waiting ready to load straight away after getting code, so from yesterday until 20th December we can use two or more sims to give us 32GB+ data & unlimited calls over the two months.

        • +2

          savvy sim sluts

  • Just a word of caution to all my excited ozbargain mates. I purchased a 12 month voucher 3 months ago and ported successfuly in an hour or so. It all seemed fine until I noticed that the I was getting dosconnected from the network between 5sec and forever (restart required to recconect) almost every time I was driving and the phone needed to connect to a different base tower. Kogan was extremely helpfull when I called them. They helped me activate service on a new sim card, unfortunatelly that didn't sovle the problem. I live and work in Sydney and frequent in well populated areas. I was with TPG for 3-4 years before Kogan and never had this issue - they both use Vodafone.

    • I'm in Sydney also and haven't had any issues at all.

    • +2

      Sounds like to me that you have very specific technical issue with your phone and settings as many phones can have sometimes with all telcos, especially when going from one to another. Don't think this is an issue with Kogan/Vodafone uniquely.

    • +1

      Might be something to do with roaming but if you can, try a different mobile and see if reception improves - that way it can rule out a hardware or software settings problem on your side. Last resort would be to backup your mobile, then do a factory reset on it. Then test to see if it improves. If it does, then restore your data. Have a Kogan sim in an iPhone 5s and it works without an issue…..

  • Hmmm…Can see some people are selling this deal on Ebay already, even one seller charging for a sim

  • +7

    With the rate these are being snapped up, Australia will run out of mobile phone numbers to give to people! Who knows, mobile numbers might start with 05 rather than 04?

  • +3

    Wow this has to be the highest voted 1st post ever - 767 and counting!!!
    Great work OP and a very warm welcome :)

    • +2

      I think I recall one that beat it. It was an eBay storewide coupon code and what made that post even more humourous was not only was it that OP's first post as well, but he disabled his account, so it gave off the impression that he made an account, posted an awesome deal, and pretty much ran away. I don't think he even posted a single comment LOL.

      • LOL wow - you wouldn't have even been able to thank the OP if he disabled his account haha
        785 votes now :)

  • Looks like same deal going through the Dicksmith website too.

  • +7


    You MUST own a Visa or MasterCard with at last $1 in the account, to use this offer.

    You CANNOT Activate a new number, or port an existing number, unless you have a valid credit card with $1 in it.

    The $1 will be removed but will then be reinstated 7x days later.

    This last step happens during the SIM registration process & requires a valid credit card with at least $1 and cannot be bypassed.

    Everything will fail unless and until this happens.

    You also need a driver's licence or Medicare card or Australian passport, for ID, too.

    Make sure you turn off 'Auto-Renew' otherwise you will get charged $49.


    • +9


    • +5

      it doesnt have to be a credit card. it can be a debit credit card with at least $1.

      • Correct.

        Must be a visa or mastercard number.

        Cannot be AMEX nor Diners Club card.

        • I used my AMEX and it seems to have accept it?

          It didn't say no AMEX on the payment section and when input the number, it correctly pops up saying it's an AMEX card.

      • He didn't say it had to be a Credit Card.

        .. oh wait he did, in the 5th line of his post.

        • +1

          well I think the real important issue is answering the following question,

          Do you have four (4) or more active Pre-Paid services and activation this will make that total five (5) or more active Pre-Paid services?

        • +1



          Yes, must jump through that right hoop to get positive result.

          Like itcrowd said though, make sure you "UN-Tick Auto-Renew" unless your happy paying $49 for the next 30

          day XL for that sim.

        • -1


          • you're
        • +1

          @WatchNerd: Good spotting their.

      • +1

        Has anyone successfully used the same credit card for more than 1 activation?

    • +2
    • +1

      Everything will fail unless and until this happens

      This is the kind of stuff that would be in an Ozbargain reality TV show lol

  • i can't activate for some reason. It keeps saying please contact customer service after i enter voucher. Im not trying to port either. Just want a new number.

    • I get the same message after i submit credit card details also not porting.

    • +7

      I think it's because you didn't upvote the deal

  • If I am already with KOGAN prepaid, what would be my best option to utilize this?

    Can I port out to blank VODA/OPTUS/TELSTRA sim then straight away port in back to KOGAN?

    • I’m also Wondering this

  • +1

    I would one plus this but it's not letting me,
    Awesome find OP.
    I ordered extra sim's from the last free kogan deal (it let you order two sims for the one deal, not this time though) and used it to activate this deal.
    Should come in handy for my next work trip…
    Should annoy the wife when the 3 orders come through for this one….

    • +1

      I would one plus this but it's not letting me

      You did though. Guess it worked for you eventually!

      • Dam chrome…
        Well I'm blaming the tools here..

  • So I wonder how many like the deal for what they were offering to real new customers porting their number vs those that appreciate Kogan not enforcing their T&Cs? ;-)

  • +1

    has anyone tried using the voucher on an existing plan, does it add the credit for the next cycle?

    • +1

      apparently it doesn't

    • No, does not work, says "Invalid Voucher".

      Yet same voucher works perfectly on a New Activation (with new SIM card).

  • Offer now finished.


  • -2

    When going through the signup process. (Not porting)
    Step 6: Review
    I get Price $49.90
    Discount Price $0
    Did anyone get that? Does it mean I will be charged $49.90?

    • Answering own question paid $0

  • +2

    Back in stock it seems, expires midnight tonight.
    Just snagged another one :)

    Thanks for editing expiry :D

  • So you do I need a existing number to take this offer???

    • Nope

  • I'm not sure if I did something wrong. I received an order confirmation email almost 30 minutes ago but not received the 10 digit voucher code.

    Is anyone else in this situation? Not sure if I messed something up or just need to wait a bit longer?

    • +3

      "After purchasing this product, you will be sent a unique Kogan Mobile voucher by email within 24 hours and a Kogan Mobile SIM Starter Pack by post. Once you have a Kogan Mobile SIM Card, simply visit the Kogan Mobile activation centre to redeem your unique voucher. You will be able to activate and start using your EXTRA LARGE 30 Day plan without any charge."

      • Thanks shapers, I must have skipped past that. My wife got one earlier on and got her code really quickly, I'll just be patient!

        • +1

          All good :) I'm still waiting for mine too! (….though it's only been 5 minutes :P)

        • @shapers: Just got my code now just in case anyone else was waiting.

  • -2

    And what does it revert back too after ?

    Seams like no ones bothered to mention it to see if it’s a good deal or not. Or do you people just keep swapping to save a few bucks ? Coz I’m not sure I want to live life that way.

    • +2

      i use it for a second phone or my wifi hotspot.. as extra data. especially good if you have a dual sim phone. have your main sim and swap to this for youtube, netflix etc.

      • -6

        Can’t you just data share with optus and most providers ?

        I think these “bargains” are now past me sadly. Not worth the inconvenience. I’m not a struggling uni student anymore so I think there needs a corporate ozb site.

        Ohhh and do I get 12 or 13 cents cash rewards? Must rember to do that too.

  • +2

    20000 clicks wonder how much Kogan are gonna make in revenue after this, alotnof guys gonna stay with Kogan?

    • +2

      Im considering it.. the 12 month plans seems reasonable.

    • +2

      Rather than engaging in direct marketing, they're able to get people onto their product by whatever the SIM plus one month plan costs them…if it's 10 bucks, they'll know that x% will stay on when the trial ends.

  • Do we have to switch from another provider, or can we apply the voucher to a new phone number?

    • +2

      You can have a new phone number.

  • +1

    How long does it take to send a SIM card out to Perth? I ordered on Friday. It does say 3-7 business days somewhere but it’s quite a wide estimate… I don’t think there is a way to track it?

    Was hoping it would arrive today but no luck as my Telstra plan is really close to going over.

    • +1

      Pretty sure they have a cooling down period so you keep your number for like 30/60/90 days or something?

  • +1

    I'm so used to a good 1GB a month that I will have trouble using up anything close to the 16gbs provided. Only problem I can think of is that my phone can only use 1 sim card at once.

    • +2

      You can actually use these in a Pocket wifi, preferably the latest Vodafone huawei R216H 4G with the Vodafone B5 850mHz band or any Vodafone or unlocked pocket wifi or USB modem. If your using an unlocked non Vodafone device, you might need to change some settings, but worked straight up for me in the R216H ( on sale now for $39 with 7.5 GB data delivered from Vodafone ).

      Well worth it for the data streaming alone if getting a couple of sims with 16GB each as well as similar deals in future.

      Other option is to buy a cheap 3G/4G smartphone and just use that as hotspot. Pays for itself after a couple of months.

      • +1

        Do you know if the Vodafone R216H 4G is unlocked by default?

        How about the Optus E5573 4G WiFi modem?

        Thanks in advance.

        • Also, do you have a link to the $39 price? All I can see on their website is a plan price.

        • +3

          To be honest, I don't know. But Vodafone seems to lock most of their prepaid hardware these days as myself and others have found out. Have not tried myself though, as I lately have multiple 4G wifi modems from all 3 telcos as my reception is weak here and I switch to whoever has best signal.

          The Optus E5573 is a nice quick ( was unlocked out of the box for me ) modem, but without changing the network settings would only work for Optus and Telstra for me, not Vodafone.

        • +1


          Just logged on now for today, sorry bit late. Just look for the button "I want a Modem Starter Pack"


  • +4

    16gb of pr0n!

    • +1

      That's not much pron actually.

  • Perhaps the well has dried up. Put in 2 orders an hour ago and got confirmations, but no code yet.

  • +1

    Just activating their sim card and found requires credit card even auto-recharge is off.

    Decided not to continue activating, will stay with Telstra, at least it's not asking for your credit card.

    • +1

      Oh well, you miss out on all the great Kogan deals then.

  • +1

    Where do you obtain the voucher code?

    I swear when I ordered after the deal went up, they sent the code to my email 5 mins later and now none of them are there but the order confirmation is…

    • +1

      Got mine 20 mins after confirmation email

      • +1

        Just refreshed mail and found them :)

  • +5

    In case anyone has a use, I have a few spares


    • Thanks, Used 8216417330

    • thanks dnutter, used 3339805925

    • Thanks, used 2519624337

    • Thanks, used 4801085774

    • +1

      Thanks so much dnutter

      So for others that are looking at using these, obviously there may have been others who don't have Ozbargain accounts who used these.. or those with accounts that didn't post (bastards).

      Here are my findings:
      Taken = taken according to other ozbargainers comments
      Invalid = tried and didn't work i.e. probably taken by someone who didn't leave a comment.
      The ones with no comments next to them I didn't test.

      8216417330 - taken
      8640274920 - invalid
      4969681205 - invalid
      5921362921 - invalid
      1261424411 - i'm using this!
      3339805925 - taken
      4801085774 - taken
      2519624337 - taken

  • +2

    Did anyone else get 2 SIM cards. What to do with the spare sim

    • +1

      Yeah got 2 here as well. Might be useful next time one of these deals comes around.

      • +3

        Invoices now show the following:

        Kogan Mobile SIM - includes a free extra SIM so that you can help a friend save with Kogan Mobile!

    • +6

      I got 4 in one envelope. I'm 100% sure I was not drunk when I ordered.

      • +2

        Got two eventhough I ordered only one.

  • +1

    Still haven't received my sim card. I placed my order on 19/10/17. It takes so long..

    • +2

      Same! I'm wondering if mine has been lost in the post. Ordered on the 19th October, got a dispatch notice on 23 October with a note that it can take 2-5 business days to arrive (so one week). It's now been 1 week and 2 days since that dispatch notice, and nearly 2 weeks since ordering, and still nothing… Is there some easy way to get SIMs resent, or do we need to contact support to chase it up?

      • +1

        If you paid you should either get the SIM or your money back.
        If it was free then maybe too bad, as I don't think they are obliged.
        It's too long so I would phone them and quote the voucher.
        Some ppl got a pile of SIMs, so you can plead with them, maybe they don't need them.

        • +2

          It finally arrived in the post today, yay! Longer than expected, but hey, it's free, and I presume they were pretty overloaded with orders.

  • +1

    Ordered mine yesterday. Tues.
    Are ppl still getting their SIMs?

  • +2

    Finally got my SIM card today. Ordered when this offer went live on OzBargain.

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