• expired

Controller Trade Weekend @ EB Games | Increased Trade Value - DualShock 3 from $23, DualShock 4 from $40


Targeted to EB World Members. Can't find it on their site so heres a screenshot of my email.
I'm only level 2, but we all know a friend on level 4 who can come through.

This weekend only EB are buying back old controllers to spend on anything in-store.

Xbox 360 Controller gets $18 + Level Bonus
PS3 Dualshock 3 Controller gets $23 + Level Bonus
Joy-Con Controller gets $35 + Level Bonus
Xbox One Controller gets $40 + Level Bonus
PS4 Dualshock 4 gets $40 + Level Bonus

Pretty good price for my old PS3 controllers just sitting here doing nothing for the past 5 years.

For those wondering trade credit can be recieved via gift card. Eb has a pretty chill trade policy. They charge refurb fee only If there's visible physical damage or you have sticky buttons. Anyway dropped in with 2x DS4 and 1x DS3… Cashed out $113.30. Probably hold off spending until the next controller sales

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closed Comments

  • Traded xbox one controller, level 2, got $44 as store credit. Easy…

  • Was going to trade in my 20th Anniversary Dualshock 4 controller but it seemed to have gone up in price? Do people really pay those prices lol?

    • My problem is, if I trade in my regular DS4, I’ll have to open and use my 20th Anniversary one!

  • Traded a shitty Xbox 360 controller at Level 3 got $20.70

    • what was the condition like? my shitty one got rejected :(

      • My Xbox 360 controller was the crap that eb sold me with their console, mismatching colours and different thumb stick colours… they still accepted it

  • will they accept the ps3 six axis controller?

  • +1

    For level 2, it says you get a one off $5 trade credit bonus. I haven't used mine yet, anyone know if it'll work?

    • +3

      You need to contact EB online support team (call them). They will issue you a special code or voucher (to your e-mail from memory). That $5 trade in credit (higher if you are on a higher level - you get one per level upgrade), from memory, is limited to trading in a game.

      Note: that code has a short expiry date, so don't ask for it unless you have a game ready to trade. You let the store staff know you intend to use the code. Some less experience store staff might not quite know how to operate that (but there is normally at least 1 experience staff knows how to key it in properly).

      • Ahh that's a shame. Might be useful trading in an older game.

  • I find the rockcandy controllers are really starting to get good now. They used to make a really sh*t xbox 360 one but it seems they've redesigned them and their latest xbox 360 ones which I use on PC are better than the original 360 controller which MS has stopped producing…

    • Remember I got 2 a few years back, first one had connectivity issues and kept playing up. Ended up getting a second one which had the identical issue.

  • +1

    Just traded in 9 controllers in total (Xbox One x 4, PS4 x 3, PS3 x 1, 360 x 1) and got $385.25 credit on level 4! Seems like an amazing deal to me being that all these controllers were essentially lying around the house gathering dust.

  • +1

    New DS4 V2 controllers are $55.95 at dungeoncrawl.com.au + shipping. Got 2 with express shipping for $120.

    Feel free to link the ozb post I made : https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/431619

  • +1

    Great post - showed the girl at our EB the screenshot and she said they hadn't had the memo through yet but she was happy to honour it.

    Two PS3 controllers with Level 3 = $52.50. Used that against a PS4 Aim Controller.

    • Nice dude. Happy to help!

  • An easy $184 for 3 XB1 and 1 PS4 controllers that have just been gathering dust. All the controllers were in pretty good nick although one of the XB1 controllers was pretty heavily worn, design wearing off etc.

    The dude gave a few button presses and thumb stick wiggles, checked the battery compartment and all good.

    Thanks for posting OP as I never received an email for this which is odd, given I usually do!

  • +2

    Yeah great deal! Thanks.

    Traded two of my PS4 controllers for $46 each (Got baited by the Amazon controller deal last year). $27 for Ps3 Dual Shock and $21 2 of my 360s. Although apparently weren't working so cost $3 each set back, but still decent considering @ level 3. Perfect considering I'm moving too. Just waiting for a decent Switch deal now :)

    • @KnowingNothing Hey man, so e.g. still accepts the trade in even if controllers dead? But just charge the $3?

      • +1

        Yeah, they charged $3 (refurb cost) for each of the 360 controllers since they weren't turning on, but they still gave the full value.

  • So store credit only ?

    • I don't get what you are trying to say… Yes it's store credit. You can take it out via gift card or put it toward a game or preorder but I guess all three options are still considered store credit.

  • The girl I was served by said I could get cash but it would be without any of the bonus given by the special offer.

  • Thanks OP, nabbed ~ $450 for controllers laying around.

    Was able to grab the Minecraft Pig controller for $49 from JB a couple of weeks ago, so worked out well.

    • Holy shit dude, how do you have that many controllers just lying around?

      • If you have children, you might buy extra controllers. They seem to like to play around with the controller while the game is loading (attempt to pull the analog sticks for example - coz. they are bored waiting for the game to finish loading).

        Also, there were attractive OZB deals for controller, though some had unusual theme (would be a good opportunity to trade them in now).

  • I have an old wired x360 controller and a @play Xbox one wired. How much do you think I could get for them both?

    • +1

      $3 but becomes free trade in with refurb fees, not worth it keep it

  • Got told you have to spend the amount immediately. LOL.

    • +4

      Yes. Spend it on a pre order.

      You can cancel it anytime to buy something else.

    • Ask them to put it on a gift card.. They probably mean it's trade for store credit only. Trade for cash (I'd assume) would be at standard trade price.

      • They can't put it on a gift card

        • +2

          100% they can. It's still store credit. I got my 113.30 on a gift card to spend when DS4 V2's are on sale next

          • @ExtraSalt: "new policy" according to worker. just going to do the preorder method.

            • +2

              @follow: I think your local store is just being a DH… It sounds like there's a few store-enforced non-existent "policies" that some stores are unfairly placing on customers. Ye just do the pre-order, walk around for 10mins and return it for a GC

              • @ExtraSalt: Haha I thought of that, but they said you have spend it immediately too. Just gonna preorder the furthest release date game.

                • +3

                  @follow: Haha sorry you had a horrible experience…preforder Farm simulator haha… Can't believe that's even a thing

                  • @ExtraSalt: cant put on gift card in NSW and WA

                    • @xcess: Yep, just got told it has to be spent on the day and can't be put on a gift card in NSW. Guy said if I went to QLD I could as it's NSW law.

                    • @xcess: Ohhh I see…. Nevertheless a horrible policy… A GC is essentially money in the bank for EB anyway… But what would I know… I don't run a big business lol

                      • @ExtraSalt: yeah like the guy above said its the law, JB doesnt let you either. We use to be able to I believe bout 10 years ago, even do cash like Queensland

                        • @xcess: Oh wow… Eb QLD do cash without taking a 20% cut? That's awesome! In Vic it's 80% of value for cash or store credit for gift card or new purchase

                • +1

                  @follow: Sad to hear mate. They put mine in a gift card no problem and said no expiry date. Sounds like your store is no good

  • Just traded DS4 in for a gift card balance. Good deal IMO - spare just gathering dust (a bit like my primary one gathering dust too…)

  • So I couldn't trade towards a gift card but towards store credit in the form of a pre-order (Last of Us 2) which I can cancel anytime. 😁

  • Do you need to bring in a charging dongle for a PS3 controller? Can't even remember if they came with them.

    • +1

      Nah, just the controller on its own.

  • +1

    Sweet, the controllers paid for my Dead Island 2 pre-order!

    The guy at my local was kind enough to tell me not to bother trading in Max Payne 3 because it’s basically $0 due to the pre-owned fee.

  • I’m only a level 1 :’(
    What do they ask for when verifying your membership? Can I just use a friends (level 4) email for them to put it through and I can spend in store straight away? Or do they check your ID or some such?

    • Na they will ask for ID. If your mate is there they can do they deal with you present

    • you can get lvl 3 for one year if you get the magazine subscription, not sure if they still do that

  • Cheers mate. I took in an old PS3, 360 controller and a bunch of 360 games and walked out with $77. Was offered $90 something credit or $77 cash (QLD).

  • +2

    just remembered i left some eneloops in my controllers…

  • Tried trading some 360 controllers today however unfortunately they only traded for $8 not $18

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