• expired

Free 7-Eleven Iced Coffee (Was $2) @ 7-Eleven via Fuel App


Redeem through 7-Eleven fuel app. There isn't a redemption limit so it is while stocks last today (thanks alvian for description).

Original Freebies in January @ 7 Eleven deal post.

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  • Tried to redeem this morning and it wouldn't take anything off the price. Attendant was nice enough to let me take it anyway.

  • +6

    Sorry, machine no work today. No bean arrive today. Truck no deliver milk today. Powerpoint machine plugged into not working, sorry. No coffee for you.

    • +5

      Was the attendant called Precious by any chance?

    • Why does this remind me of Seinfeld

    • +1

      If that actually happens, tell us.
      There's no point in being needless pessimistic.

    • +1

      If the machine doesn't work you can ask for a voucher that gives you a free coffee next time

    • +1

      I wouldn’t be surprised if the ice cups were put out the back this morning and will magically re-appear at 12.01am

  • And I paid $2 just yesterday :(

    • +5

      Just return and re purchase

  • Note to others, you MUST use the invert sugar! Even if it's just a drop or two (if you are like me and never add it). I used maybe a third of the packet and it completely changed the taste. Was a nice difference!

    • -2

      Sugar makes things taste nice!?

      • +1

        This is a revelation. I thought sugar was just bad for you. If I knew it tasted this good I'd have diabetes long ago.

        • +1

          … Hence why I only added a very small amount, not the whole packet

      • If you add just a drop or two (not the whole packet) it completely takes the bitterness out of the coffee. 99% of the time I just drink mine straight. It was a nice change today I might add!

    • -2

      Retrain your tastebuds mate, Go cold turkey and get off sugar. Will be tough for the first month or so but after awhile, you'll wonder how or why you ever put sweetener in beverages, or consumed soft drinks etc. It's poison.

      • Uhh… I think you missed the part in another answer '99% of the time I just drink mine straight. It was a nice change today I might add!'

  • +2

    Pro tip #1 Don't shake the cup after getting it out of the freezer!
    The bastards of things develop unviewable cracks in them.

    • +1

      i agree but also triple check when you take it out of the freezer that it isn't already cracked, had a frozen of the bastards leak all over me

    • I usually let it sit and mellow and use a stirrer cup to get the cubes to move around after I've put in the coffee. Pisses off the eight people behind me though! (Joking… I only do it when I'm the only person)

  • -2

    Thanks..I had one but went for the second one and the voucher had disappeared. Probably must have screenshotted it

    • +3

      You can only use each voucher once

      • I claimed one this morning, and strangely the offer is still valid on my app. Won’t be bothered going back to claim a second though.

  • Good stuff!

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