• expired

Sony A7 III (ILCE7M3B) Camera Body + 24mm-105mm Lens Kit $2567.42 + 2000 Qantas Points Delivered @ Qantas Store


My first deal post so let me know if I've done anything wrong.

I think this may be a pricing error as the body and 28-70 kit lens is the same price.

The a7iii body went as low as $2000 from memory and the 24-105 went as low as 1500. So if my math is right this particular kit is the cheapest by approx $730.

The cash portion of the purchase also earns you 5541 PTS.

I'm not sure if the Qantasstaff code works (from the Sony WH-1000XM3 post), but if it does it could savd you another 10%.

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closed Comments

      • +5

        If you write up a template email, i'd be happy to send the same as well. a deluge of complaints should have some impact, i would think.

        • I

        • Count me in.

        • +2


          My name is <name>. I am writing in regards to my order number <number>. I am writing to <ask for what you want>.

          <Something about receiving an email that said order was canceled and promo code was invalid>.

          <Request full terms and conditions for promo code, and an explanation as to why the code was invalid>.

          <If you want the item then ask to resolve the issue, and consider offering to pay the promo code gap>.

          <Express concern that Qantas may be engaging in unconscionable conduct. Something about no warnings of promo code invalidity at time of order, credit card charge, stock levels being tracked as eventually the item became unavailable, no communication of order problems within a reasonable time. Something about it appearing that Qantas may have been simply collecting money with no intention to provide items, and in the meantime obtain benefit from customers' money. Point to how long Qantas has already had your money.>

          <If you want the item then ask for the order to be fulfilled. Possibly offer to cover the promo code difference>

          <Ask for a response within 7 or 14 or 21 days. Express that you would rather sort this between you and Qantas and not involve ACCC>

          <Sign off with something courteous, and name>

    • +3

      How do you interpret the following section?

      This part of the law is not intended to cover businesses who genuinely try to meet supply agreements, for example, if:

      • the failure to supply was due to something beyond their control, including the act or omission by another person
      • they exercised due diligence and took reasonable precautions.

      There are so many outs even if you didn’t use the invalid discount code.

      • Hard to say.

        "Beyond their control" - depends on how hard they've actually tried to source stock? For example, have they contacted Sony directly?

        "Exercised due diligence and took reasonable precautions" - I think it's safe to say at this point that they failed here.

    • Happy to lodge one too, can you draft it up please?

    • -1

      You're DREAMING if you think this was an unreasonable timeframe.

  • “Dear xxx
    Thank you for choosing to shop at the Qantas Shopping Rewards Store.

    Unfortunately, the promo code that you used for a recent purchase was invalid, and we have had to cancel your recent order - QAxxxxx

    If you believe this was done in error and would like to discuss your order further, please call us on 1300 662 859 or complete the form here.

    Qantas Shopping Rewards Store”

    :) :) :)

  • No point fighting if you used the code.
    We got greedy and flew too close to the sun.
    Was already a ripper deal without the measly 10% off.
    Qantas was piss poor with this whole situation.
    Will never fly Qantas again! 😂
    Nice knowing you all. Peace!

    • +1

      Well said!

      P.S.Looks like poetry, but doesn't rhyme?

  • all those people who got cancellation email when did you order?

    • Sunday around 12pm

      • Used code, ordered Sunday around 5:30 pm

        • Haven't received the cancellation email yet, placed the order around 7PM on Sunday

  • +4

    Here's my update:
    Purchased on the 11th of August in the afternoon. I used the promo code like most of you. I received the email this morning that my promo code was invalid and that my order is to be cancelled. I rang up first thing this morning and was told that the code was only meant to be used by Qantas employees but also needed to be used 'over the phone'. I asked if I can make the purchase of the camera without using the promo code and was told the supplier was unable to provide stock for this item. I then asked if I can place an order and would be happy to wait until stock got resupplied and was told they were unable to do that. I then asked if I can transfer my purchase to a similar item (the same camera model but 28 - 70mm lens) but the refund was already in process. Finally after giving up they told me my refund will take 3 - 5 days and that my Frequent Flyer points will be refunded back sometime today.

    EDIT: My order status still says 'In Process'

    • Yup I think the problem is stock the code is just being used as an excuse

    • Update : Points refunded, Order status as Cancelled. Just waiting for the funds to return. It was fun while it lasted

  • +1

    Didn't use code and no cancel email. Wonder what their excuse will be? Everything minus the promo code (no stock till Nov). Just as soon as Lovely from Manila drafts the email template.

    • Please keep us posted.

    • I don't think they have any reasons to cancel orders without promo code, the only problem will be stock and it will take some time for them to fulfill orders

  • +3

    Dear Canon - I'm sorry but will you take me back?

    • +4

      Too late. You've already burnt the bridge, you traitor XD

  • +1

    I contacted them 17 days ago about a Cygnett charger I bought that came damaged and am still waiting to hear back.

    Don't expect to hear back unless you call, they ignore the webform it seems (although you get an email acknowledging the query and a claim that it will be individually responded to).

    Anyone know where the QANTASSTAFF code came from?

    The user who posted it made the account to post it and has never replied since, he still logs into his account but won't answer.

    • +1

      Perhaps the user who posted was a disgruntled former employee

      • I realllly want to know what that code is.

        I asked a Qantas pilot who says he hadn't heard of the code so I'm guessing it wasn't sent out to all Qantas staff.

    • I suspect he's had 300 angry PMs. I wouldn't answer either.

  • Got the email too, used the code. Nooooooooo
    How can they keep our money over a week then cancel - what about this story - https://www.facebook.com/ACurrentAffair9/posts/2209652555807…

    Surely we can group together and do something?

  • Got the cancel email for both camera and earbud because use invalid code. Bastard

    • when did you place the order? I have used my friends account to place the order so i could not see whether my order is been cancelled or not…

  • Has anyone order status changed to cancelled or still says processing.
    I got cancellation email but order says processing with estimated delivery time.
    Edit :I didn't receive my 3000 points either. I m still hoping for some miracle.

  • I got my 2000 points back, Still waiting to get my money back :(

    • Whoops - see comment below.

  • Why have I not received the cancellation yet? It’s a templates email. Why can’t they send them all altogether?

    • Did you check ur spam.?

      • I've received no email. Checked my spam. Nothing at all.

        Have not been refunded points either.

        • same

  • +1
    • No cancellation email
    • Points have been refunded to account
    • Order still says 'In Process', with ETA of 3rd September.

    I'm taking this to mean that they're cancelling them in batches.

    Oh well, it's been fun boys - see you on the next deal that's too good to be true! :)

  • +3

    I used the code. My brother happens to be a Qantas employee.

    Be interested to find out what excuse they would come up with. I don't have a problem with them cancelling our orders if they had been honest about it being an error.

    I hate smartarse companies.

  • +1

    It's $2,388.00 body only on Videopro eBay, but that wont assuage the pain, will it? Any good deals on lenses FE mount?

    • That's a great deal. The thing for me is that I don't want to throw another $2388 out there while I still have $2500+ pending with Qantas (still haven't had any communication from them re: cancellation). But if their bullshit causes me to miss out on other deals, that's going to hurt even more.

    • +2

      Which focal length? Generally the best deals are around June-July and December, when you can stack typical sales and discounts with the cash back from Sony.

      • Zoom lens included with the [no]deal would be nice. Will keep looking

        • +2

          Get the Tamron 28-70 F/2.8, an amazing lens for the price.

          • @nadan: That's what I read, once I get the camera…

    • +1

      No it’s not a good deal. They often go below $2.3k. I was waiting for it to drop below $2k.

      • +1

        I’ve never seen it below 2300. Do you happen to remember where that was?

        • +1

          Video pro,$199x, in April or early May this year.

    • +1

      lowest is just under $2k from ozbargain history

  • +1

    Got the email. However it was sent to the one linked to my FF account and not the one I used for the order.

  • Are they going to refund to same card?

    • wondering the same question since I used my friennd's account to place the order….

  • Anyone else used the promo code to purchase ‘other’ items and got shipped? If so then Qantas doesn’t have a valid reason to cancel all camera orders, unless you are an Qantas employee.

    Extra point to be made when writing to accc.

    • +1

      Yes, a few over in the Sony headphone thread used the coupon and received the item.

  • got the cancel email as well. unfortunately

    • Recently or early this morning? Still trying to work out if they're doing it in waves or if they just sent out one lot this morning and that's it.

  • cancel email, points refunded and cancel status. waiting for refund on cc.

    better luck next time.

  • I am gonna price match the body at Sony Kiosk to $2,500 and use my amex card to buy it (Spend $500, get $150 back) split across 5 cards. Should bring the cost to $1,750.

    • +1

      not sure they'll let you split payment across 5 cards

      also 0 chance if all the cards are under different names

      • They don’t care about split payment. And I can get past the different names too.

    • +1

      Sony Kiosk in Westfield Chatswood did spit payment with 3 Amex card for me. They do price match for camera body & Lens to any local store as well, just tell them the lowest price you found from internet.

      • That’s where I’ll be getting my camera from…

        Do you know of any cheap retailers? I might price match one with a lens too. I assume they will give me lens and body separate but cheaper together

  • +3

    Worth pointing out there is nothing in the terms and conditions of the QF store detailing discount codes and what constitutes a valid or invalid code, therefore they have no legal bearing on the contract of sale between ourselves and Qantas. So this is a super sketchy way for them to try and weasel out of honouring the orders.

    • +1

      Promo codes only work if they're explicitly enabled (you can't just type in any random garbage and magically get a discount) so I don't buy the "invalid code" argument at any level. I'm just waiting for my cancellation email to unleash hell*

      *very politely, via their complaints process and then the ACCC

    • +1

      The argument is flawed because Qantas did not offer the promotional code to anyone as far as we can tell.

      • I guess the ACCC will be in the best position to rule on that.

    • +1

      The code gets validated at the time of purchase. So true, the code was valid at the time of order, but indeed no longer valid for any future purchases.

      I'm just thinking now, is there any reasonable grounds for them to get out of this? As the price, even though it is an excellent price … isn't unreasonable … a 50% discount isn't unreasonable to be considered a pricing mistake.

      • By saying it was an 'invalid code' and not a pricing mistake, they admitted it was not a pricing mistake. if they honour orders that didn't use the code, that's great, but they are setting themselves up to then have to honour the rest of the orders from a legal standpoint (as they are accepting orders that didn't use the code, and their T&C has no mention of code usage so can't be considered a valid reason to cancel orders)

    • -1


      It doesn't need to be defined in the T&C how to make a reasonable decision. I think it's fair they cancel the lot with the qantas staff code when they are sending emails saying "contact us if this is in error". They're CORRECT that 99% of the code is abuse.

  • Order status is still In Process and refund is outstanding. Once changed to Cancelled, I will file ACCC complaint right away. At least should get compensation on CC interest paid.

    • Doesn't pretty much every card on the market have an interest free period of at least 30 days or more?

      • +1


      • +1

        no! UP TO 30 days.
        if you buy a day before the monthly cut off then you must pay in full or you will have no interest free period for the next month.

        • Thanks, good point.

        • Also, if you have a 0% balance transfer you have 0 days

    • +1

      I already lodged a complaint on their feedback form. "We'll get back to you in 14 days". Pfft. But yes if my order is cancelled I'll also be lodging with ACCC.

  • +2

    I think what we should do is to put our effort on pushing Qantas to offer fulfilling the orders in Nov by making plenty of complaints to ACCC & Airline Customer Advocate.

    They'll either suffer from being charged a hundred dollars per complaint (make your effort) or make a mutually beneficial option to customers.

  • So what is the best argument to make with Qantas?

    • Nothing. Just lodge with ACCC

  • I received email this morning said both earphone and A7m3 orders will be cancelled.

    Now I can see earphone order shows a status as "Cancelled" and points are refunded back.
    But A7m3 order is still "in progress" and points are not refunded back.

    Any hope there?

    • I’m the same. I wouldn’t hold my breath.

    • No. Wake up!

    • Camera order shows cancelled now

  • Points refunded, no money back yet in bank account.
    No cancellation email.

    This is probably the best for me. I bought another camera while this was still unclear. Lol.

    • Can confirm points have been refunded as well, but money hasn't been refunded yet.

      What camera did you end up ordering? Now I'm tempted to buy another camera to fill this void :P

  • Got refunded just now. 900 + 900 + the rest. Qantas points back earlier this afternoon.


  • cancelled the order
    and got the refund.

  • I'm not sure if I can bother making a complaint.. the camera was probably overkill for what I want. A APS-C is probably a better option for me since I'd prefer something a bit more portable. Maybe the a7000 if it is announced next week might be the go. I should go and take a look at an a7 iii in person as I have no idea how big it is.

  • Also if you want to complain I’d suggest doing what is the best method for nearly every company and that’s emailing the CEO. CEO complaints at most companies are treated with highest priority.

  • +2

    Mine hasn't been cancelled or refunded either money or points or message or email.

    I didn't use the code. Confused but still not holding my breath

    • How much was it without the code? Hope you get it :)

  • -4

    So many ozbargainers are really disappointing me in this thread.

    What a bunch of overprivileged arses throwing about "ACCC" and "ACL"… Consumer rights are real but these people are trying to interpet clauses in ways they cannot possibly be interpreted.. Just because you didn't get your way.

    7 working days for refunds to start and a pricing/listing error. All fully reasonable. Heaven forbid someone at qantas may have used that time to talk to the supplier and get some ETAs on stock! Heaven forbid that supplier had to ask Sony! Heaven forbid Sony had to ask component suppliers! Heaven forbid someone in the chain was on leave, in different timezones or had something more important to do ($4m is nothing as you go up the chain). Heaven forbid the qantas store don't employ enough people for the occasional ozbargaining and had to contract out to the Philippines just to deal with this many order cancellations!

    I wonder if these people throw a hissy fit when they don't get their desired christmas present. I teach my kids better than this.

    PS; I hope they are checking availability to try and fulfil for anyone who didn't use a code they're not entitled to.

    • +11

      You're on the wrong website bro, OzTakingpriceerrorslyingdown is that way —->

      • Bet this guy is the one who made the pricing error and got fired for it, now his lashing out…
        It's ok mate take your happy pills and go back to sleep.

        • +1

          Yep, but so are a lot of people here need to take happy pills too :)

          • +1

            @edfoo: I’m just waiting for a good deal on happy pills!

  • +1

    Has there been more than one set of emails sent out? I still haven't received anything, and haven't been refunded points (or money).

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