This was posted 5 years 22 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Free: St John Ambulance Click-to-Save Online First Aid Course with Certificate


It has been 6 months since this was posted so just a reminder for those who didn't know it was available or to refresh your First Aid Certificate. It is a very important skill to have and if this helps save just one life, then the course has done it's job. This first aid course will provide you with an essential reference to help to identify the first aid appropriate in an emergency.

Quick and easy to do. Just register, do the course and exam. You can even print out your certificate if that tickles your fancy!

Please note that this isn't a replacement for the accredited course you need for certain occupations, but is a tool to help everyone being able to possibly save a life in the case of emergency. In the event of an emergency, always make sure someone calls '000' as well.

Description thanks to syba

Title thanks to tightarse

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closed Comments

  • +5

    'isn't a replacement for the accredited course'

    • +4

      8 multiple choice questions (many of which has one logical answer) is too easy for accreditation especially since you won't have any supervised practical experience.

      • +4

        The course is like the treasure map at mc donalds actually leading to treasure

  • If a person has a heart attack and stops breathing is it true the way to check if there is still respiration is to put a mirror near their nose?

    • +1

      It's a way, but it's really dependent on a lot of factors, such as the mirror isn't warmer than the breath of the person, there is a mirror handy, and that the draw of the breath isn't so shallow as to not register.

      In your example, check for the pulse first. If the heart has stopped, it doesn't matter if they're still breathing, because the body is going to stop pretty soon without the oxygenated blood.
      And their last thoughts, on seeing you pull out a mirror, is 'Is this really the best time to check your hair ?"

      Leave the mirror check for the TV shows.

      • lol .. so basically if unresponsive.. commence CPR pronto!?

        • +2

          No. Only if there is no pulse.

          e.g. you would not commence CPR on someone who has fainted.

    • +15

      No. Deal with any immediate danger. Check for a response. Call 000. Check and clear airway. Check breathing by listening for sound of breathing, look for rise and fall of chest and place hand on stomach to feel for rise/fall. If no sign of breathing after 5ish seconds commence hard and fast CPR on solid surface (not a bed.) (I'm a emergency medical response firefighter trained by Ambulance Victoria.)

      • +2

        This. This should be stickied at the top

      • +1

        The easy to remember acronym for these steps is:
        B:reathing (can also check by placing your cheek under their nose)
        C:PR (30 compressions per 2 breaths, at 2 per second, with fingers interlocked, and pushing down on the lower sternum with the surface formed at the base of the fingers)

        • Ah, the Doctor Sabcd method.

        • C:PR … 30 compressions to the beat of Bee Gees' Staying Alive, or Queen's Another One Bites the Dust.

    • +2

      Are there any substances on that mirror that you are putting to their nose? Lol

    • Pinch his/ her nose with your left hand, then cusp your right hands together, then fart into your right hand. Cover their mouth with the right hand immediately. If they are breathing they will wake up. Means that they were probably faking it.

    • Who carries a mirror? I can see this being done with a smart phone. Haha.

  • +2

    Done this before it was really good. Recommend it.

    I put it on CV too

  • +1

    I did not knew about it. Thanks OP.

  • +1

    Done as a refresher. Thanks!

  • +4

    For those who did the full course, this will serve to trigger some useful information, for the ones who never did any then this will still be alot better then nothing. It a win win situation, no need to criticise it. Some of the answer are deliberately funny and sarcastic as to be memorable for recall purposes in situations where you need to use it. Course like this would not be useful to anyone if make deliberately hard and all choice are similar and hard to decipher.

  • When you have finished the online course, it doesnt say anywhere where its been finished?? do we just assume we have finished and then do they send us something??

    • Mark every section of the course as finished. Then it will unlock the quiz where you have to get 100% to get the PDF certificate.

      • I did but nothing still came up at the end?? maybe i will try again??

        • I got 'the site is experiencing technical difficulties' error where I had to refresh a couple of times.

  • +3

    A lot of people don't know that you can buy an automatic defibrillator from around two thousand dollars (they're expensive, but it's best investment if it saves just one life).

    I am considering buying one for family member with increased risk factors for cardiovascular disease.

    I think there should be one in every workplace and every street.

    Ps. They're automatic so no need for any special knowledge - just apply the pads, and if it detects a shockable rhythm it will shock the heart (hopefully back into normal rhythm).

    You can't defibrilate a heart with no electrical activity (eg if it has stopped) so the defibrillator won't shock the heart in this case, this is when you would start CPR.

    • +1

      Did my routine refresher last week. The host had 3 different models. Sliding scale of cost & capability.

      I'd recommend shortlisting some units, and having the discussion with neighbours or work colleagues about doing the course together & group buy a unit.

      • That's exactly what I'm thinking of doing, having a few neighbours to throw in, and keep one in a case that's easily accessible by everyone (but not that visible that it would likely get stolen).

        If not, I'll get one for one of my parents, and let the neighbors know we have one.

    • +2

      You can see some of the publicly accessible defibrillators here:

      • Thanks Gaz, it's a good tool.

        But geez, they are sparse, there's nothing in my suburb (nor in any surrounding suburbs).

        I'm really surprised by this. I'm even more surprised that schools don't have them either.

        Granted, there's not going to be a high incidence of heart disease in children, but given the small cost per child (literally a couple of dollars per child per year), I would have thought that they would have been mandatory.

        I know there is a high incidence of allergies, which can sometimes be life threatening, but I don't know the cause of death in these cases (whether the heart is involved or not) so I'm not sure if that's relevant.

        Thanks for the link btw.

        • +1

          That website while a good idea is hopelessly inaccurate. There are dozens of defibrillators for each one that is showing up on the mapping. They just haven't been registered with St John. Regarding your suburb I'd almost guarantee it has a couple. Have a look at your local shopping centre, sporting ground or Woolworths for example.

          • @mr fox: Ahh, good point.

            • @BooYa: Amusing example: Monash Uni Clayton campus alone has over 50 public access defibrillators! They're not listed on the St John site. Defibs are like mushrooms these days, almost everywhere.

              • @mr fox: I think that's all the more reason someone (maybe the government?) should compile a complete list.

                An app would be handy as well (eg. so many metres, in this direction, to nearest defibrillator).

                On the other hand, if some of these defibrillators are under someone's supervision or in someone's possession for safekeeping (like on the campus you mentioned) having an app alert those people to a nearby life-threatening emergency would be handy.

                This could possibly be done using an automatically-generated alert sent from the 000 control room to the nearest people in charge of these defibrillators, with GPS location of the emergency, whenever they get a suspected heart attack emergency call.

                Both would be best, but if I had to choose one, I'd prefer to alert the people with access/control of the defibrillators, rather than give people in an emergency the location to the nearest one (they may be providing assistance and unable to go and get one, or they could even be the casualty themselves).

                Another reason the second method would be preferred, is that it would (theoretically) take half the time to get to the casualty, than if someone had to run one way to get it, then back again (it would be a one-way trip for them).

                Having all these publicly accessible defibrillators, and no easy way to find one (especially in an emergency), is kinda pointless.

                It's not like we're talking about public phones here, these are potentially life-saving devices.

                  • @mr fox: A summary of the link:

                    "What is the GoodSAM app?

                    GoodSAM is a free global smartphone app that alerts appropriately qualified responders when someone nearby is in cardiac arrest.

                    GoodSAM is linked to Triple Zero, so as soon as an ambulance is dispatched, a GoodSAM alert will notify responders in proximity.

                    Get it from Apple App Store, Google Play Store"

                    Thanks, that's awesome mate!!!

                    Someone should advertise it, I doubt a lot of people know abour it.

        • +1

          Not just heart disease. Not at all.
          I was on a farm yesterday, 12 young kids there. Owner discussing loosely about their awesome electric fences. And some adults sharing their younger experiences. Wouldn't be surprised if it threw a toddler's rhythm off, or even a teen with undiagnosed heart strength/rhythm issues.

    • you can buy ECGs on aliexpress but i suppose that is more hypocondriac than safe

      • Depends, some people would have use for them, but unless you know what you're looking at it's useless.

        Some, like the ones in many GPs practices, have a computer generated report.

        I bought a couple of pulse oximeters a year or two ago for someone with mild heart failure, they have a simple ECG display (but it's based on blood flow rather than electric current, so not the same thing).

        You may not know that Apple watch series 4 (and I think possibly series 3) have a two lead ECG display, which can be recorded and shared with medical professionals.

        The Apple watch 4 also have abnormal heart rhythm indicators (from memory tachycardias and 'skipped' heart beats), and a low/high heart rate warning.

        The most interesting thing though, for me, is the fall detection feature, where the watch sends an alert to 000 when you fall, have no heartbeat, or don't respond within a minute.

        It also sends your GPS location to 000 so you can be found easily (and opens a voice call on the watch so operator can hear what's going on).

        It simultaneously sends a text message that an alarm was triggered to people in your emergency contact list.

        I think the technology behind it must be pretty reliable and accurate, since Apple has to get permission or certification from every country's emergency contact agencies, to be able to automatically alert their emergency phone numbers (without wasting their time with false alarms).

        Samsung watch is also supposed to have a fall detection feature in their next phone (released next month I think) but there is no information whether it will have a built-in ECG.

        Btw. The ECG in the Apple watch is activated by pressing the button with your other hand, which creates an electrical loop through the chest and heart, so it can't be taken by just wearing the watch.

        The Apple watch 4 (with cellular so it doesn't need wifi) is around $750.

        While you don't need to carry an iPhone to use a cellular Apple watch, you do need one to setup up the watch.

        • wow i had no idea, the fall feature is definitely something they should advertise more. is it a subscription service?

          as for the aliexpress ecgs, they were around $200-300, and you did need to know how to read them, its probably worth it just to see the face of your GP when you show up with half a dozen of ecgs

          • @juki: There are cheaper smartwatches that can measure ECG, PPG, blood pressure, number step, calories burnt, sleep hours, etc. My watch cost AUD$70 - check out "N58 smart watch" on Amazon-Au or ebay-Au. The N58 also synchronise with a free-app on your Smartphone and you can send the ECG graph to your email! But use it at your discretion.

          • @juki: The fall feature on the Apple watch is free.

            Apple has to get permission from emergency services in every country it operates the emergency call service (eg 000).

            No country would permit an app or a watch to ring the national emergency number unnecessarily, wasting operators' time as they deal with life and death calls.

            For that reason the Apple watch is probably more reliable than cheap apps, phones, etc.

            Samsung doesn't even offer this service yet (It's meant to be included in the next Samsung watch according to rumours).

            If you're relying on it to save someone's life, you probably want to maximise chances that the watch and app will work as it's supposed to, when you need it the most.

            I think the cheaper apps and watches are great, I just wouldn't trust them with my life (or the life of a loved one).

            • @BooYa: i agree, but in the spirit of ozbargainer, its better to have it included without the subscription to hopefully make it cheaper in the long run

              i have never had anything apple so i'll have to look into it

              • @juki: True.

                I'll be getting one for mum, and even though you don't need an iPhone to use the watch, you do need an iPhone 6 or newer to set up the watch.

                And if you get a cellular version of the Apple watch you'll also need a postpaid phone plan compatible with the watch (the SIM card connection in the watch can be free depending on plan, if you don't, I think it's an extra $5 or something on Optus).

                So it gets expensive pretty quick (but it's the only way to get fall detection on a branded phone atm).

                I'm waiting for Samsung to release their new phone, and if it has a fall detection feature, I'll get that instead to keep costs more reasonable, and keep everything in the Android ecosystem.

                It's supposed to be coming out this month (should definitely be available this year), that's when I'll make a decision which one to get (well my mum will need to decide because it'll be for her, I'm just paying forit lol).

                Oh, and I'd need to get her an iPhone 6 or newer just to set up the watch, so it's $1,000+ just to get started with the Apple watch fall detection feature, and that's NOT a bargain by any means.

  • Confused by the comments above. Wouldn't it be legitimate to put it on our resume?

    • +1

      I do :P

      • I'll do too I think;)

    • it doesnt replace the course you may be required to do for some jobs but i'd get even people that are jobless to do just for their own knowledge, stuff we learnt as kids are no longer valid

    • +1

      Pretty much what I said above that theory does not equal practical experience. If you can perform first aid competantly in an emergency then definitely put it in your resume.

  • Can I use this after my current first aid expires?

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