This was posted 4 years 9 months 1 day ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[VIC] Free Lunch for The Homeless and Needy on Christmas Day @ La Porchetta Werribee


What a fabulous gesture from this restaurateur.

Bookings essential - call (03) 9748 4888.

Hopefully it helps those in need of comfort and some Christmas love. Please don't abuse such an initiative.

On offer -

  • glass of house wine, beer or soft drink
  • starter: Bruschetta and meatballs
  • main: pizza, paster and lasagne
  • dessert: tirimisu

Related Stores

La Porchetta
La Porchetta

closed Comments

        • +2

          The internet is on cheap phones, and community services have share computers.

          • +1

            @Randolph Duke: People also forget that library computers exist

            • -1

              @Blitzfx: 99% of homeless people dont go to library and 99% out of 1% of the homeless people go to library dont use ozbargain

      • +1

        Yep this deal is not for us.

  • +3

    Local business giving back to the society.

    Hope OZBargainers who live nearby can support their business when they have the chance.

    • +1

      I don't know about the Werribee franchise, but La Porchetta is owned by colourful Calabrian identities.

      "Someday, and that day may never come, I will call upon you to do a service for me. But until that day, accept this free Christmas lunch."…

      • La Porkillya, and people called it.

        • Rocco Pantaleo outside Melbourne Magistrates Court in 2009. Photo: Paul Rovere Some of these assets have been acquired for far less than market value in circumstances that sources allege amounted to extortion in some cases. The group recently acquired a fruit shop for less than $20,000. It is also able to obtain produce from wholesalers for little or no cost. One senior figure in the group, a 67-year-old known as the "meat man", who was investigated as part of a federal police drugs probe in 2007 but never charged, is among those with shares in La Porchetta Holdings Pty Ltd. Another La Porchetta shareholder is a millionaire Melbourne businessman known as ''Blondie'', whom Fairfax Media has not named for legal reasons. Fairfax has learnt that Victorian detectives recently sought to question several Honoured Society associates over a suspected extortion attempt linked to the recent shooting up of three Woodstock pizza restaurants in Essendon and Brunswick. It is suspected the group has unsuccessfully tried to gain equity in the Woodstock business or create a Woodstock franchise venture. The owner of Woodstock, champion pizza maker Tony Cannata, declined to comment when contacted on Friday. It is believed the arrival of several new upscale pizza businesses, including DOC and Woodstock restaurants, has hit La Porchetta's market share. Before his death in a motorbike accident in 2010, La Porchetta owner Rocky Pantaleo sought the help of senior Honoured Society members to deal with several Melbourne criminal identities also linked to the Italian crime group who had tried to take over his North Melbourne restaurant.

  • +5

    I used to work with the homeless. At least 70% are either crazy or addicts. They are long-term homeless who have been abandoned by their families because they can no longer afford to have them around because they will destroy those who attempt to help them. The people who this is attempting to help will be grateful and soon they will turn things around but for the majority, there need to be measures taken that nobody is prepared to stomach. That said, the fact there are people out there willing to try and make a difference is to be applauded.

    • +2

      I cant see some of those destroying la porchetta unless they set it on fire.

      So i guess those that need the help and want it will sign up and get a Christmas meal.

      Stories like this should be on, not how some stupid attention whore is taking instagram selfies with their elbows in a triangle

    • +4

      what are the measures to be taken that nobody is prepared to stomach?

  • +3

    Perhaps these sorts of 'deals' should be moved to the forums.
    This isn't a deal, and if so, it's targeted. It isn't designed to be commercialised at all…

  • +1

    alot of homeless don't have phones

    • +1

      Many do have phones as well. Nothing is perfect in this world. I'm sure the restaurant is doing the best they can to be able to help a few people on Christmas Day.

  • -1

    Bookings essential - call (03) 9748 4888.

    Are these guys serious about helping the homeless and needy.

    Why not just hand out pizzas at the door.

    • +8

      Maybe they want to give them the dignity of a sit-down lunch?

      • +2

        This ^

        Social interaction, and being welcomed in a place they might never have been.

    • +1

      Because many non-needy will DEFINITELY take advantage of that. Plus the below comments. Respecting that these people might really appreciate the chance to eat a meal indoors like other people and not sitting on the street!

      Are YOU serious!!

  • “Paster”

  • +8

    Poor people who can't afford a meal can go to other restaurants around Melbourne for a free meal you don't have to wait for Christmas

    I am a Sikh and we have our Gurdwara sahib aka temples around the world including all over Australia and they offer all meals for free throughout the year and everyone is welcomed as long as you respectful of the culture and tradition like covering your head no shoes no alcohol, more of a common sense than anything else.

    Not saying the deal above is good or bad but agree with other people please don't abuse if someone is generous. It takes time, effort and money to prepare and serve the food

    • This and the sikhs do it all year round, without expecting you to bow down to their God.

      They do it as an act of generosity, unlike many other places.

  • -3

    Homeless in the 1st world countries like Australia ?
    Imagine if they live in a third world country ?

    • Are you trying to imply there is no homeless problem here?
      Sadly to say, that's most certainly not the case.

      • -2

        They choose to be homeless, instead using welfare money to share house with other homeless, they use it for drug,smoke and alcohol ??? And live in the streeet and beg for money ???

    • +3

      Sadly, more likely to be homeless in so-called 1st world countries than in a lot of 3rd world countries, based on my direct observations.

      A lot of 3rd world countries have strong family beliefs and ties. If someone from the family, or village, needs something then someone will help. And then the person in need will likely reciprocate, to the community, when they can.

  • Upvoted for the Xmas sprit .
    Can we have the other 1,000 + places listed here too please :)
    Great work System !

  • -5

    The restaurant has mostly poor reviews.

    • +1

      And yet…they are doing this for people in need when most other restaurants with 'great' reviews won't lift one finger.

      They are doing their bit. They are doing what they can. Maybe open your house up to feed the homeless if you cook better food. Oh wait…no, of course you wouldn't inconvenience yourself like that

      • -1

        Point being, the poor also should get good food. Look at the reviews, they dont even follow basic hygiene.
        You send me pics of you opening your house to feed the homeless, I will send you mine.

        • +2

          I don't open my house because I volunteer to help serve food on christmas! What are you doing Christmas day? Private party with friends and family?

        • +3

          Ridiculous argument. Apparently the restaurant is not doing anything good, because the homeless deserve Flower Drum.

    • Its la porchetta, what do you expect

  • -8

    Can a Westpac Investment Banker earning $90,000 as a starting salary in a leased BMW 428i attend and snag a free 3 course meal?

    • -1

      Some of these attempted jokes aren't even remotely funny

      • -1

        It's a guess that they're even attempting to be funny, really

      • I think its funny Mr Serious. This is OzBargain not a feel good Charity website. Lighten up :)

        • Oh, so it was a joke……


          • @Samsungnote10: In the spirit of ScoMo of late:

            "I deeply regret any offence caused to any of the many Australians affected by <INSERT> of late"

            Sorry again folks.

        • I think its funny Mr Serious

          Ignore them (the homeless) and they will go away (not)

  • -1

    Bookings essential - call


    Homeless people will use their iPhones to ring and book a place. And a Über after that to ensure they will arrive on time…

    Nice gesture but TOTALLY absurd. A feel-good gesture.

    Homeless people need a dwelling they can call home, everyday, not just one meal, one day.

    • support is out there for everybody, this business is doing what it can and it is very generous to give up your time with your family on Christmas day and a ton of food to give people something nice for the day and you still are faulting them for it?

      what are you doing about homelessness?

      • what are you doing about homelessness?

        Quite a lot actually.
        One meal per year is not one of them.

        Trivializing homeless's needs as a meal or a welcoming smile is abhorrent.

        Like calling them "Rough Sleepers" … as if sleeping rough is their only heavy cross.

        People's consciousness about homelessness has to change.
        Legislating as illegal to camp in Martin Place shows how much work we have ahead.
        People's attitude has to change. Society has to change.

        One meal a year is a step back, not forward.

  • It is for the homeless, not for bargain hunters.

    Don't misuse organisers' kind effort.

  • so does anyone know or update on how it went today?

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