• expired

YouFoodz 8 Meals for: $40 (Clean Meals) $48 (Others)

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Doubt I've ever seen these meals for $5 each, great deal..

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Referral: random (158)

Referee gets up to $200 off split between the first 5 boxes. Referrer get $40 credit.

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closed Comments

  • +1

    I added 8 normal meals to check price with code and it came to $43 Brisbane metro.

  • https://m.huffpost.com/us/entry/us_59989344e4b033e0fbdec4ad

    Racist jokes are NOT ok.

    I can see a lot of the ozb community appear in the indifferent / “it’s just a joke” category. Possibly higher, but can’t overtly admit to it (either consciously or sub consciously).

    To those claiming to be Asian and OK with this, I’m sad for you.

  • +1

    The quality of their food has significantly dropped. Can't vouch for YF or their racism.

  • +2

    Shitty food, shitty company.

  • Chongqing

  • -3

    +1 for keeping it Australian owned and operated.

  • -1

    Mods, could you clarify how these neg votes comply with the voting guidelines and are valid?

    • +4

      They don’t conform to the rules.

      All the votes (both pos and neg) are generating leads for the company. 3.5k clicks and counting.

    • -1

      Because unlike yf, Ozbargain is a good corporate citizen that doesn’t support racism. That and being openly racist is a major issue with a retailer.

      • You’re just reenforcing that most people down voting this deal have no clue.

        • -5

          facebook used to about a farm simulator until it grew to be a platform that sways US elections.

          This just shows OzBargain is growing from it's humble roots into something more. If the mods are keen, then you can shut up please, cause you're the One with "NO CLUE".

    • +1


      Clearly stated - Issue with retailer.

      Next question?

  • -1

    You think youve seen it all, then OzB openly supports impotus.

  • +1

    Not supporting this company as they Exploit workers and making racist comments.

  • +3

    Bought regularly from them for years. Paused when it came out they weren't paying suppliers properly and weren't paying their staff their entitlements. Plus the declining quality and service and removal of meals I liked most.The racism later just confirmed their moral bankruptcy. My Muscle Chef and Lite 'n Easy now have my business.

  • +1

    Rubbery crap food. Filled with cheap ingredients not even enough to feed a kid

    On top of that its overpriced

    • +2

      Keep feeding your kids whopper meals then. The portions are what a normal person should be consuming.

      • +1

        I dont eat fast food at all

        Haven't touched any large fast food chain for 7 years.

  • +1

    Dozens of comments here about the crap food quality and portions these days from Youfoodz, but no one is suggesting any alternatives?

    I haven't eaten Youfoodz in a while (since they stopped offering regular deals here) but I don't see any competitors getting front page coverage on Ozb. Seems like there's lots of people who have moved on from Youfoodz so can anyone make any recommendations?

    • +1

      half of them probably never even tried it. Pay the triggered PC crowd no attention.

  • +1

    Another neg vote about this company after the irresponsible behaviours of owners etc = using styrofoam Boxes and gel packs for deliveries and to keep food cold and never collected all of them back in the next deliveries as they were supposed to do . More rubbish to the environment .

  • Was about to buy…. just saw the racist video


    Not to mention, I believe their online chat is from Philippines and they have the audacity to be racist.

  • I think if your not on diet pay the $1 more for non clean meals and get 25-30% bigger meals .

  • +5

    deleting comments on their social platform but no apologies about their behaviour. should be banned from this forum

    • +2

      This is actually a big one. Constant deleting on social media of anything related to that incident.

  • +1

    Quality and quantity is going down

  • sad

  • +1

    I won't support a company that is racist

    • +1

      Username doesn't correlate lol

  • +6

    Also got the email. Can’t complain at $4.95 per meal.
    The half Asian in me doesn’t even care.
    You’re all hypocrites.

  • -2

    The food is shit. The portions are small.

    • -1

      your portions are too big..

      • +1

        Found the company shill.

        See how I can tell you're a shill? You criticized people for downvoting suggesting they've never tried the food or are "PC".

        Yet here I am. I HAVE tried the food. I'm giving an honest opinion and didn't even refer to the racist comments they made.

        The food IS shit. The portions are small. And I'm certainly not alone with that opinion - just check any YouFoodz deal posted here before the CEO's dumbass partner opened their mouth.

        • +1

          Shill? LOL yep it's all a conspiracy. The food isn't sugar, salt and preservative laden which you're probably used to. Some people value their health buddy.

  • -2

    Don't support racists

  • +1

    Does anyone know the expiry date for this code?

    Never received an email.

  • +9

    I’m Asian and couldn’t care less if they were racist. It’s ozbargain, not ozsofties. $5/meal is a bargain

    Influx of negs in 3…2…

    • Right? Deal is good so it gets an upvote from me.

      This ain't getup or some protest website.

  • -6

    What’s the bet 90% of the negs are from asians living in Sydney or Melbourne jumping on the boycott bandwagon.

    • +2

      It doesn't seem to be the case after reading through.

      • +1

        Nah I think most are.
        Chinese are very nationalistic, and if someone disagrees with their culture/country or doesn't like them openly, their reaction gets very OTT.
        The ones who upvote this deal and state they're Asian is because they know they are in the minority.

  • It's literally just an issue of human empathy and respect. People downvote because they cannot choose in good conscience to support a company that espouses these values (speaking of both worker conditions and racism).

    However, what I find amazing is the number of people defending actions of the owners (calling thin-skinned, just words, etc), then we have instances here where people somehow equate this with humour amongst friends ('my asian/non-asian friends says this/that, good laugh etc'), and holy shit - don't forget a couple of choice examples thrown in this thread with the contention that 'there are worse things in the world happening than this.'

    Come on, acknowledge the deal with an upvote but don't defend the actions in the comments. People in this thread just casting themselves as racists within a spectrum of closet to open.

  • Just not very good quality

  • +1

    I will buy the best for value product. Don't care about the politics. For those who are supporting Youfoodz, make sure you are not a hypocrite when it comes to other products and companies.

  • Well done everyone on the neg hype train. You made this deal considerably more popular than what they typically are. Pat yourself on the back for a job well done!

    • This thread is still full of sooks.

  • As soon i saw the brand, i wanted to neg this straight away (No offence to Cobrakai OP, you're just posting what you thought may be a good deal).

    "We deeply apologise or any offence this midjudgement has caused," he said.

    Right Mr CEO. If you're so sincere, why don't you get her to come and make an apology herself. What a ridiculous statement - and to think that they can get away with it without any consequences.

  • +2

    Thanks for the deal! Will give it a try..
    What was said was wrong, but the hypocrisy of some comments could do with twist on the Ricky Gervais monologue… “Well, you say you're woke but the companies you <buy from> in China — unbelievable”. seems some just love a good online lynching..

  • -2


  • +2

    I'm still trying to figure out how to get 8 meals for $40. Nothing I'm adding to the cart with the promo code at the moment, is giving this price.

    • +1

      Same. Code not expired, but I guess the deal is? Can only get it down $6 per meal

      • Any luck with getting it to work? I've emailed them but haven't had a reply yet.

  • People make mistakes. Get over it.

    • -2

      Nah mate. If they were sincere, get that woman to make an apology herself. Get over what? You grow up.

      • +2

        Yeah you're right we should hang them for a 15 second video. You bring the noose.

        • -3

          You said it not me.

  • -1

    Racist ownership - responsibility comes from the top.

    Portion sizes shrinking - often takes 2 'meals' to feel full.

    Check ingredient list - not as fresh as you think with a lot of unhealthy additives to make preserve your meal and keep it tasty.

  • Great deal ordered!

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