This was posted 3 years 7 months 15 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[Subs] Raya and The Last Dragon Free with Subscription (Was $34.99) @ Disney Plus


Raya and the Last Dragon no longer requires premier access as of today.

Good family movie to watch. Enjoy.

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closed Comments

  • +5

    Thanks Doogie.

    It's a great movie !!

    • +1

      If i want to watch it how do i get disney plus? My heisence tv only has youture netflix n stan

      • +3

        Download it on your phone and if you have casting then cast from your phone, if not you will need a chromecast.

      • +2

        If you have a laptop or any kind of PC, just plug it into your TV with an HDMI cable.

      • +1

        Apple TV device

  • -4

    Anyone at Ozbargain sharing accounts? Not buying/selling… Asking. I'm surprised I haven't seen it, at the website for saving the most possible

    • +3

      Use classifieds, plenty of people splitting the cost

      • +6

        Yep, I did it. I have an account set up with a friend and two gorgeous oz bargain. Life is good when you pay less!

        • +5

          Hahahaha love it how you say two gorgeous ozbargainers 😂😂

      • One account (email) can be used on multiple devices at the same time?

      • I swear I looked a heap of times, and couldn't find netflix/stan/Disney etc. Asked why, an people suggested it wasn't blind, like a Google family

  • +10

    This is one of Disney's better films in recent years.

    • +3

      I found it pretty underwhelming.

      • +9

        Seriously. I don't understand why this movie is being praised by most. I found it boring with the almost exact same theme that was "Moana".

        Girl unknowingly causes havoc, girl seeks out "godly" entity to fix issue, godly person conflicted, duo fixes issue in climax.

        • Agreed. At least Moana did a bit of research into islander culture and integrated well into the film. This one did poorly in this aspect.

          • @lgacb08: Mainly because Moana knew the exact culture it was talking about, but Raya clumped the entirety of South East Asia together with no explanation or time to expand.
            I don't know about you but I reckon it would rustle quite a few jimmies if you told Folks from Thailand, Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, etc. that their cultures were all the same and the only differences were environments.

        • It reminder me of Avatar… I still found it enjoyable though.

        • +3

          Yup, Moana with dragons. Out of all their recent movies I probably enjoyed Soul the most.

          • -4

            @pierrejb: Soul was boring as hell. No action scenes like this one.

            • +2

              @mrvaluepack: YMMV. I generally don't go to Disney movies for action. I enjoy the ones that tug at the heart strings … Coco, Up!, Lion King, Big Hero 6, etc. Soul was not quite as good as the others but the best of the recent releases if you're looking for something with a bit more emotional depth…but each to their own.

            • @mrvaluepack: Agreed. Boring drivel for our home.

        • +1

          I think before Disney+ most of these movies would go unnoticed. They just kept the kids occupied in school holidays.

        • Yeah because if you can come up with a one-sentence story summary that could fit more than one movie, they can't both be good, LOL.

          It's almost as if there's more to what makes a movie good than the elevator pitch…

      • Agreed. One of Disney's weakest script and theme song. Humour was badly lacking. Moanna and Soul way better on all counts. Very forgettable this one.

      • Agreed. Very one dimensional cast of characters with little character growth, especially of supporting characters. Weird message - we should blindly trust and keep trusting even though we get burnt? Annoying dragon. Generic "asian" theme feels like a total hodgepodge of ideas.

        • +1

          Is this another Disney Agenda based animation? I have avoided most disney films / disney touched movies due to how they push a certain agenda, Even the way they changed some aspects of beauty and the beast in the live action from the animation. Love the Disney flicks from the 90s and back. Reckon the best recent Animation i have enjoyed was Big Hero 6 and Up.

  • +2

    Good music?

    • +2

      Nah, lamest song of the year. If it's not for the pre-teen kids I'd have blacklisted it.

  • +2

    Where is the bargin?

    • +2

      Funnier ERRY DAMN TIME SON!

    • +3

      'Was $34.95, now free'.

      • Umm I don't getttt it :/

        • +1

          Hand your card in

          • -1

            @MBix: Where is the card deposit station im going to assume its a myki machine ;)

      • +3

        Not free

        • +3

          For half my blood relatives it's free bloody moochers.

          • +1

            @[Deactivated]: I mooch off a friends Disney+ so I guess it's free for me technically but someone is paying for it 😂

      • Could say that about every streaming platform.
        Movie "x" was $$ at the cinemas, now it's free.
        This and a lot of other movies where you pay on top of your already charged monthly fee is just glorified early access.

  • Watching it right now. 🍿

  • +1

    can i use 28 degrees and claim back price difference? (half-joking)

  • +6

    Just watched it.
    Wouldn't have paid extra for it.

    • +2

      Party pooper

    • There's kinda a neverending story vibe to it… the dragons to falcor and the nothing.. but yeah.. good thing i waited for release..

    • +3

      94% on rotten tomatoes. Seems to be the best thing to come from Disney in a long time.

      • I find Rotten tomatoes to be less reliable these days. Sometimes some films are really good but they get shit on by critics who might be biased.

        • Rotten tomatoes has the exact opposite problem of what you describe.

          If 90% of people thought a movie was just OK, it gets 90% on Rotten Tomatoes.

          If it was a brilliant but niche movie, but only half of the people who watched it like that kind of movie, it'll get 50%.

      • They just like that there wasn't songs galore this time c:

    • +2

      everyones a critic

  • Thanks OP!

  • +7

    So can I post all movies available to buy on Prime Video that become free going forward?

    • +1

      yes it would seem so but only if the are not "free" on other subscription services.

  • -4

    What kind of a name is Raya?

    • -4

      Raya as a girl's name is of Israeli origin meaning "friend"

      I’m watching it right now and the next character introduced is someone named “Benja” which is also Israeli. I don’t know what this has to do with Asian culture lol

    • +4

      MaxDong69 is wrong. Raya is from the Malay/Indonesian Bahasa language meaning grand/great/celebration.

      • My bad! Was the answer on google lol

  • -8

    "Free with subscription " is an oxymoron.

    • +5

      You’re an oxymoron

    • -2

      If even one person benefits from it by not buying the movie and instead getting the subscription to access the movie (even better with a free trial subscription), then it is more than a worthy post. Isn't OzB about helping each other with whatever deal no matter how small? Just don't up vote if you don't think it's worth it…

    • +1

      "Free with subscription " is an oxymoron.

      It used to be $34.99 on top of the subscription. Now it's included in the subscription with no additional cost.

      • -1

        Well if you paid for the sub, or both - that's on you.

  • Another Disney Kids movie , that's all. I am glad that I did not pay for the early access 3 months ago. Also glad my kids are patient.

    • Then you need a bulk billing deal.

  • I prefer Moana, this more like a mash of asian culture(especially Thailand)/names and etc.

    The bug/vehicle/pet thingy is the only thing I find it interesting as how does it spin with a saddle on top lol. The voice actor is also the only Caucasian for the movie. Lol what a budgeted Disney movie.

    Can't complain when its free, Loki next week! (we are excited for this one) and another pixar movie animation for free this month!

  • +2

    Great movie! However, I wouldn't classify this a deal…

  • +1

    Not a bargain. Would you deem it a bargain when shows or movies are made available on your Netflix account?

    • +2

      If it was something that people would actually pay to see in cinemas and it’s still showing in some cinemas, yes

    • nope. So have a +1

    • +4

      We're not doing this every damn time. Just remove sub posts from your time line.

  • Just bough a mth early because of the film :)
    Normally buy a mth end of the year school holidays .

  • +2

    We sub and have done since Disney + came out but think your pretty silly if you also pay an extra $35 to watch a movie on it. Watched iot day one via other means as everyone else should. Jeez if Netflix decided to do this there would be a bloody uproar.

    • +1

      Cheaper than taking the whole family to the cinema … but if there are only one or two in your household then I agree it is pretty silly to pay the premium price when you can (legally) go and see it cheaper at the cinema and still have money left over for some popcorn and a drink.

      • +1

        Or just buy it on blu-ray or digital for around the same cost and keep it forever.

  • -1

    Any Disney Plus free trial?

  • Nice, restored purchase.

  • +2

    Paid ~$25 for the yearly sub and got $34.99 worth of movie 🤣

    Hotstar rocks - not available to sign up via AU though

    • What is it what are the benefits and how do we get it then.

      • It's basically a combination of Disney Plus, Binge library, and some Indian content. A friend got me this through their family back in India. Requires an Indian mobile number and OTP confirmation to sign in/up.

  • +1

    Thanks signed up for Disney 12months, using discounted iTunes just for Mandalorian and hasn't had much use since. The kids will surely enjoy this one, didn't bother with Mulan.

  • -1

    I paid $0 for this, and it was about the right price.

  • I don't understand premier access, is it $34.95 a movie? or per month? It's not clear on the website.

    • +2

      It $is 34.95 for each movie. If you wait for a some months it will be free…

      • Amazing that what normally all movies do that can initially get a good price at the box office :)

      • Thanks, it's super unclear on their website. Not enough stuff in premier for me to subscribe anyway at this point but if it was a subscription, I might consider it.

    • +1

      My understanding is: that Premier access was something introduced to address the fact that cinemas globally have been shutdown for large amounts of time due to covid. It is a way of recouping money towards the many millions of dollars it costs to produce movies. The premier access fee is charged during the time the movie would normally be collecting money from ticket sales in the cinemas. The period when it appears on Disney Plus for free to subscribers is likely the period it would normally be released on Bluray.

  • Beat for beat the same movie as Trolls World Tour.

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