R U OK OzBargainers? (2021)


R U OK? Day is an annual day in September (today, 9/9) dedicated to remind people to ask family, friends and colleagues the question, "R U OK?", in a meaningful way, because connecting regularly and meaningfully is one thing everyone can do to make a difference and even save lives.

We do this every year and have raised $19007 towards their cause. The last 2 years have been a struggle for many of us. I'm sure I am not alone in having numerous conversations over the past few months checking on the well-being of others (and on myself) in a meaningful way.

Hot Tip: Medicare provides free (or subsidised) sessions with a psychologist after a referral from a GP. It's free/cheap so you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

Most mental health issues are very much treatable with professional help. Trouble is that most of us are too scared, embarrassed, or lack self awareness to seek professional help. If you have a broken foot, most people will have no hesitation in seeking a doctor because we know it can be fixed but for mental health issues (which can be just as well treated) we quietly carry on even though the pain and harm may be 1000 times worse. (credit: Bluberry)

The comments and PMs we received last year are part of why we are proud to support R U OK? Day by changing our colours and promoting their cause.

One of the biggest challenges to OzBargain and other online social media sites (e.g. Instagram, Twitter) is promoting an environment where everyone feels comfortable commenting and discussing issues (or deals). We should all recognise that our comments have consequences both positive and negative. People don't participate on a discussion site to be attacked or bullied. While some people may say 'suck it up' and that people should not be so sensitive, we should be aware that we don't truly know the people behind these accounts. Some are young, some may come to here to escape a tough reality, be mentally unbalanced, or they possibly could have thick skin. We just don't know.

On the flip side, a simple gesture such as thanking someone or sending a friendly PM can go a long way. We made a post about contributing to a more positive OzBargain environment and we've had some great results changing some users behaviour by thinking about the impacts of their words.

Over the years of running this initiative on OzBargain (and offline) we've also received some comments making jokes about RUOK? Day. While those people may be OK, many times they are not both in real life and on OzBargain. Keep asking, be meaningful in the way you have your conversation and don't ask just today but any day.

We have forums where you can discuss relationships or anything else off-topic. Also, if you see any comments where you think the person may be struggling, please report to us and we'll get in touch.

You can also feel free to chat with us in the private Talk with a Moderator forum if you have any OzBargain related issues. Or send me a PM about whatever you want (except moderation issues). Please see our Mental Health Page if you need to speak to someone including live chat.

For confidential advice and support call a crisis support line – such as Lifeline on 13 11 14 or Suicide Call Back Service on 1300 659 467.


  • Be relaxed, friendly and concerned in your approach.
  • Help them open up by asking questions like "How are you going?" or "What’s been happening?"
  • Mention specific things that have made you concerned for them, like "You seem less chatty than usual. How are you going?"


  • If they don’t want to talk, don’t criticise them.
  • Tell them you’re still concerned about changes in their behaviour and you care about them.
  • Avoid a confrontation.
  • You could say: “Please call me if you ever want to chat” or “Is there someone else you’d rather talk to?”
  • Take what they say seriously and don't interrupt or rush the conversation.
  • Don’t judge their experiences or reactions but acknowledge that things seem tough for them.
  • If they need time to think, sit patiently with the silence.
  • Encourage them to explain: "How are you feeling about that?" or "How long have you felt that way?"
  • Show that you've listened by repeating back what you’ve heard (in your own words) and ask if you have understood them properly.
  • Ask: “What have you done in the past to manage similar situations?”
  • Ask: “How would you like me to support you?"
  • Ask: “What’s something you can do for yourself right now? Something that’s enjoyable or relaxing?”
  • You could say: "When I was going through a difficult time, I tried this… You might find it useful too."
  • If they've been feeling really down for more than 2 weeks, encourage them to see a health professional. You could say, "It might be useful to link in with someone who can support you. I'm happy to assist you to find the right person to talk to.”
  • Be positive about the role of professionals in getting through tough times.
  • Some conversations are too big for family and friends to take on alone. If someone’s been really low for more than 2 weeks - or is at risk - please contact a professional as soon as you can.
  • Pop a reminder in your diary to call them in a couple of weeks. If they're really struggling, follow up with them sooner.
  • You could say: "I've been thinking of you and wanted to know how you've been going since we last chatted."
  • Ask if they've found a better way to manage the situation. If they haven't done anything, don't judge them. They might just need someone to listen to them for the moment.
  • Stay in touch and be there for them. Genuine care and concern can make a real difference.

For gamers, some emotes, streaming titles and their Conversations Guide for Gamers

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R U OK? Day
R U OK? Day


  • +3

    R U OK? Its a bit hard when the government is constantly bombarding you with negative messages every where we look!. Making you feel like a criminal without the fun of doing any thing illegal to be on house arrest lol.

    Makes me think what would the average Ozbargainer get locked up for?

    My guess is driving offenses.

    • +2

      I would enjoy corporate espionage.

      Awkward considering my current line of work however :P

    • +1

      Making overpowered flashlights right Mr C ;)

  • +4

    I hate this Fake kind of a day. Almost all are asking from friends, family and work. But nobody will really help, its just for the sake of trending stuffs that the internet fires up every now and then. And yes, Im not OK. But who gives a damn?

    • -1

      I can understand how you can feel that way.

    • +1

      I felt the same too. Changed my mind though when work provided free morning tea.

  • Yeah nah

  • Might get fired next week from my job next week but I’m ok

  • I was fine till I started reading this thread😉

  • +7

    Ozbargain peeps, you guys dont know how helpful this thread is… i feel a bit sick to the stomach due to these lockdowns and in addition to that had an unpleasant work meeting today where i felt like i was borderline bullied…

    looking at this thread gives some sense community that we are not alone…

  • Another hot take (could be not) for this event. I don't really think this should even be a day. Its kind of hard to explain but you shouldn't just do tell that to people faces unnaturally and 'once a year'.

    • I don't think the event is meant to be, don't think about others after today or don't try to connect to others on other days.

      I think it's to raise awareness that there are people who are fighting a battle, that we often don't see. People who seems fine might be struggling. We might not even think about reaching out to those people without this kind of event.

      Eh, that's just my take on it.

  • +1

    I was doing fairly well until they announced that hard borders need to be lifted once we reach that magic 80% figure. Perth has been suspiciously lucky in a lot of these situations and despite performing exceptionally well with respect to freedom and the economy, they're looking to destroy all the hard work everyone has put in over the last year and a bit - my biggest concern though isn't with potential restrictions but rather that 6 / 9 people in my household are not eligible for the vaccine..

    We've had 2 sick children in the past,1 requiring an overnight stay, the other 4 days and those were very challenging times for all. I suffer from terrible separation anxiety (amongst anxiety in general) and the travelling to and fro was quite tricky as well because we're nowhere near the only childrens hospital in Perth. If it reached our family, it would tear right through it and the thought of losing a child or watching them suffer or having to deal with that anxiety is pretty rough - have to remind myself though that it is likely just anxiety talking anyway.

    We do have a bit of time to prepare though so we're slowly stocking up on essentials like pasta, rice, canned goods, frozen goods, etc. to limit time outdoors and are scheduled for vaccination asap.

    Scary times we're living in and I often think about those on the east coast having to suffer through it the worst - each day in lockdown takes a toll :(

    • that 6 / 9 people in my household are not eligible for the vaccine..

      Yeah that would be stressful!
      Hopefully there is a GP or paediatrician you can talk to about whether there is anything you can do.
      I know families with fair few people who couldn't get vaccinated and were stressed but seem to to be less anxious after getting medical advice. (But they were family with many kids to young to qualify for vaccine)

  • +3

    Is it ok to say “I am not OK ? “

    • +4

      Yes, definitely. It's OK to be not OK.

      How are you doing?

  • +3

    I am not OK and have noticed that I am angrier these days.

    • +2

      Me too. You should be proud of yourself though - identifying that (including when it happens) is not easy and is the first step.

      I’m sure you are a very kind person at heart, and being angry more often than normal doesn’t make you a bad person at all or change who you normally are. I think it’s important to try and work through why you might be feeling more angry lately and try to catch yourself/address it before it gets worse. It’s not easy and will take some time, but I know you can do it 👍🏻

      It took my partner saying to me a few weeks ago that I seem so irritable, angry and frustrated all the time for me to wake up and take a look at myself.

      For me it was largely my job causing me to be so unhappy: I work 10 hour days of mostly back-to-back Zooms; with little time to have lunch or even use the bathroom. I’d burned out, and being the sole income earner had made me feel trapped in the job, which has been causing me to snap out.

      I’ve now started looking for a new job and walking 1-2 times a day for about 20 mins or so (or whenever I feel the stress or frustration building). It really helps! It doesn’t fix the problem though: just helps you work through it and re-balance yourself.

      I know that all this probably isn’t very helpful, but I just wanted you to know, internet stranger, that you’re not alone ✌🏻

      • Hi Thundaja,

        Thank you for your supportive words.

        Strangely a few months back I posted that I was doing OK under the current lockdowns. The truth is, I probably wasn't. I mean, it has been like a roller coaster for me. There are days where I am pretty content, and then the next day, I can feel completely hopeless.

        I don't think I vent anger, but it is more like my ability to be patient has reduced tremendously. I am irritable, and sometimes I like debating with people.

        I do see a psychologist on a monthly basis and I am still working on myself, on what seems to be causing me distress but also ways on how I can take action to minimise it.

        Well, thanks again for your input and every little bit of help and support matters.

  • The whole point of this thread is for people to come out and get help and half the jackasses here are putting people down or making fun of them what the hell guys.

  • Running a small business that heavily relies on backpackers and international students (which I didn't realise), my mental health is trash at the moment :(

    • Is this a business that relies on them as direct customers or as temp workers ? Is there any way to shift or adapt the business model in an innovative way that is sustainable in these times ?

      Although times are hard, it may be best to take a step back and try to view the situation from a lens that removals emotion out of the equation and focus on numbers and forecasts.

      Just remember that there are plenty of successful people who have had failed companies/businesses at some point and found a way to adapt, either by way of different ventures or finding an innovate way to adapt and survive. Hopefully you can find a way to do the same.

  • +4

    Not really

    My mother's 3 immediate family members died in the last year, she's not in a good place. I am still looking for a job, I live on like $40 a week on jobseeker after bills and rent. I just got a parking fine under lockdown when they erected the sign when I was parked and I am still disputing it 2 months later, and the local council is ignoring my emails after I've been to the NSW Ombudsman. I am eating like crap cause I can't really afford groceries and am in lockdown, no gym.

    Other than that, on the plus side, I have my health, 2 shots of vaccine

    • Hi hasher22,

      Really sorry to hear about losing so many family members all so close together.

      If it's any consolation I know what is like to struggle financially.
      I remember applying for so many jobs, most of the time I'd never even get a reply back. It hurt a lot. What helped me was volunteering for a couple of months at a op shop, I then had some experience to put on my resume and a referee. Also, it helps as it shows you're willing to dedicatedly work for free.

      Glad your physical health is good, and you've got your vaccines. I'll be getting my second dose on the 7th of October.

      If you'd like to chat anytime please just shoot me a pm :).
      Not sure if you play video games, but maybe at the end of the uni year would you like to catch up online for some video games?

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