This was posted 2 years 11 months 7 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • out of stock

PowerColor Radeon RX 6600 Fighter 8GB RDNA 2 $569 + Delivery @ PC Case Gear


Not as good a deal as the previous RX 6600 XT launch but in this market it's value.

Note that this is the non XT model, which has a performance dropoff when moving to 1440p gaming. Review embargoes were just lifted which have the card at near 3060 (non TI) performance at 1080p, but 5-10+% lower at 1440p.

I think the Gigabyte card is also a decent deal given the 3 fan cooler…, compared to the MSI mech and Hellhound models.……

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closed Comments

  • +24

    Poop price for poop gpu for poop times.

    • +4

      Will it be a good upgrade for my ultra poop 1060?

      • +2

        Well its almost as fast as a RTX3060 12GB .. so YES

      • +5

        this thing is around 2060 super in most instances, and 2060 super is about the same performance as a GTX 1080.

        So all these years for 2 tier worth of upgrade for another ~$600.

        think about it, if you spend this $600 years ago you could've bought a GTX1080 and enjoy it all these years.

        I definitely don't think this is worth it.

        No matter how poop the market is.

  • +3

    I got a Sapphire Pulse RX6600XT 8GB for $639AU delivered on a RRP of $380US

    RX6600 8GB are going for $609AU + delivery on a RRP of $330US … This deals horrid VS when the RX6600XT launched.

    • +5

      I agree it's definitely not the launch we were looking for, but two months from launch and the 6600 XT is already 850+ AUD from almost all retailers.

      It's likely we'll see the price of the 6600 jump as stocks dwindle (barring ETH's move to proof of stake), so the current launch price would be the only time worth buying.

  • +3

    On man, don't post!!!!!

    • Gigabyte Radeon RX 6600 Eagle 8GB SOLD OUT.. :)

  • +1

    How is this one compares to Galax nVidia GeForce GTX 1660 Super 6GB DDR6?

  • -2

    That's 20 bucks cheaper than I got it at launch! (also from PCCG)
    I'm calling this the deal of the day; good one!

    • NO WAY … RX6600XT 8GB 380US RRP VS RX6600 8GB $330US RRP .. it should be much cheaper then $20
      If it was close to RRP like the RX6600XT 8GB i would of got one.. guess I'm waiting a year.

    • +2

      would be great if this was true, but this is unfortunately the 6600 non xt

    • -2

      Oops sorry - mine was the XT

      Still probably a good deal in the current environment.

  • +1

    Unfortunately this is likely the lowest this card will be for quite some time, as the RX 6600 cards will likely be selling in the $700-800 range in several weeks time. If you really need a card, then this is probably the least crappy deal you'll find.

  • +3

    At 1080p this card is about 8% faster than the RX5600XT and at 1440p its a few percent faster, not worth the upgrade unless you have a 400 series or older.

    • I was going to upgrade a rx5500xt to this bit at almost $600.. not sure its a good move.

      • +1

        I know we all say it a lot but if you can wait then wait, how long? no body knows but this is a terrible value card. This card is $120 more than i paid for my RX5600XT and is only slightly better performance.

        So if you wanted to play BF2042 this card is going to struggle as the 5600XT did.

        • I'm just afraid prices are gonna continue to increase at this rate lol. Crypto crashed and there's no sign of normalising.

      • I bought this because I can sell my Rx 570 on eBay for around $300-350. It still feels dumb buying this card but in the end I'll be playing around 250 bucks and it looks like the 5500 xt goes for around 500 on eBay so it might be a decent move

        • Good idea but a bit risky i was thinking of doing the same for my card but most likely some one overseas will buy it which is way to risky lol. My next thread will be a eBay scam one lol.

  • +1

    Don’t buy this. Just look at the reviews from GN and Hardware unboxed… but if you really need a GPU, I guess go for it.

  • +1
  • Not sure what the point of this card is? Couldn't they just manufacture more 6600xt models and sell them at a reasonable price?

    • This card apparently uses chips that were manufactured for RX 6600 XT but weren't good enough, kind of like a RTX 3080 Ti is a RTX 3090 that didn't meet the minimum standard to be a RTX 3090.

  • +3

    I've given up on holding out for prices to be better, I've been using a GTX 770 for around 7 years now so this is a welcomed upgrade at reasonable price in this current market.

    • Just got my card today and set up mining with it, based on my calculations of electricity prices I should be able to offset the card in around 9 months I think, give or take a month. Currently running at 29Mh/s at 56 W.

  • +1

    this is card is a bruh moment

    • +1

      not a bad choice at this price, given your alternatives are overpriced used gtx 1080s, 1660s, 1660ti and maybe, just maybe a rtx 2060 (if youre lucky)

  • Annnd, it's gone..

  • I feel like I should have bought this. Welp….

    • dont worry, gaming isn't necessary, i almost bought before this deal was posted. decided not to

      • I was wanting this for forza horizon 5 but yeah ig I will wait till exams are over

  • I hope I would get $300-400 out of my rx 480 so I bought the MSI model - didn't like the fighter with no backplate. Not too bad since I've been hanging on rx 480 for too long

  • -1

    to put it simply, same performance of a gtx 1070 but costs more than it did when i bought one many years ago and you lose the nvenc encoder.

    • -1

      2070 not 1070..

  • I have the RX 570 Radeon which I use on my UWQHD monitor.

    Will this be a significant upgrade?

    • +1

      It's about 70% faster at regular QHD than a 580 8GB….
      If you have an 8GB model it can be sold at a decent price due to their popularity for mining, so it's not a bad upgrade in this market.

    • I reckon yes. Your rx 570 performance is about the same as my rx 480. I saw rx 480 sold on FB marketplace for $350 - $500

      • I guess all I have to do is wait for the next deal … with price <600 AUD

        • +2

          Gigabyte Radeon RX 6600 Eagle 8GB back in stock

        • +1

          join this discord sever It's a hit and miss most of the time but you might be lucky.

  • I sold a faulty rx5700xt last week for $700. Crazy times

    • as in someone willingly bought a faulty card for $700 or.. lol

    • +6

      I'm hoping you disclosed to them that it was faulty, if not, massive d*ck move on your part.

      • +2

        No way OP would only get $700 for a working card.

        • Agree … I think the buyer was hoping they can restore the card somehow or use it to fix their own 5700xt

  • out of stock already.

    • Gigabyte Radeon RX 6600 Eagle 8GB back in stock

      • Almost $700?? Well. Nop

  • +1

    Damn ! been holding on for the last 3 months for something like this and all sold ,

    • :(

    • ASUS' mainstream level card at $609 pre-order with ETA on 19 October:…

      Probably the lowest for a RX 6600 card from now, the $569 is unlikely to return.

      EDIT: oh snap, right after I posted this comment, it's sold out.

      EDIT 2: nvm, it's back and actually in stock and ship in 1-2 days.

    • miners love this card

  • Sold out again , damn i keep missing out

  • PowerColor Radeon RX 6600 Hellhound 8GB RDNA 2…

    WAS $699 now $729 1 day after release lol

  • thats just ripping people off $569 to $699 now $729

    • I would guess 25% of these cards on launch day went directly on Ebay for a $150+ profit.
      another 25% went into mining rigs..

      the other 50% was probably gobbled up by gamers.. overall the supply we received in Australia was lower due to global demand

  • +1

    my 5700XT red devil performs well enough. and like every RDNA 2 card is faster than it by miles in hardware specs even the rx 6600 not the XT.. read what infinity cache is and what it does. read about die size. look up effiecency per watt 65% more per watt.. and look at its watts and mhz. less compute cores/units does more work by far when its 65% more efficient and higher mhz and watts and much larger silicon die size. Not to mention it has infinity cache making the seemingly less memory bandwidth be more than triple what my card has to use. I have no clue why benchmarks show otherwise? but i do know our 10-15 years warranty devices here in australia die within a year where we take them to 'e-waste recycling and they get shipped off to asia' so uhh figure it out?! peoples stealing our real hardware and switching it out for fake intel and nvidia hardware and faking with software which why they all perform the damned same in benchmarks when AMD is decades ahead. Intel and nvidia dont even have standard PC hardware and designs and terms and naming they score and test differently to cover up things. their floating point scores maybe for entire CPU while others a single compute core or unit or arithmetic logic unit let a lone a single core as was the case for the cell processor.

    Each time a new playstation and xbox console come out its fast enough to game on for a decade. When ps3 came out its IBM cell CPU designed by lisa su and maybe 6 others which when lisa su became AMD brought it with her as i think she holds patents or designs rights? the Cell processor was sooo very fast even as a slightly limited version that its performance and floating point and other scores couldnt be matched evenly with a top priced intel i9 desktop CPU for about 9 years afterwards. I still have my ps3 and it still runs even now as AMD CPU's are rated for by manufacturer maybe 10-15 years or more same with samsung TVs.. but intel says 3 years which is zero when you enable intels fake RAM which uses XMP and voids warranty. What im saying is, your mobile phone can run quake or doom 2 and same games as your desktop PC software since the late 90's nokia phones the snake game could run at 300fps because it had a cheap at the time costing $2 calculator in it. Now that $2 calculator is fractions of cents. so fake hardware where we still gaming on a mobile phone calculator cheap stuff.. is very very likely and something we must all combat with reading hardware specs and expecting them to perform better than cheap fake calculator junk and mobile phones and microwave ovens.

    See the latest apple M1X pro whatever? costs a fortune.. has 400gigabits of APU memory bandwidth, ryzen 5700G has 2000Tbits of APU memory bandwidth nobody gave a care about that did they? the 5700G is faster than the apple M1 even in their fake benchmarks by 4%.. imagine if they used more of the CPU or actually used the CPU instead of gaming off the bios or whatever they do to make it run similar to a cheap mobile device.

    People even pretend that ray tracing runs worse on AMD.. they like invented all the 3d software you're using to run the ray tracing stuff in pretty much and are working with industry experts and scientists and pixar and stuff. you think a mathematician like Dr. Lisa su would spend thousands of times more manufacturing AMD hardware than competitors like intel and nvidia so it would run far worse? with a ps3 you got RAM, HDD, case, PSU and board and cooler all that in one for less than what maybe some of them single i9 CPU cost and it vastly outperformed it. The ps3 maybe was a rx 280 or something? and the ps4 and ps4 pro and xbox one and Xbox one X are maybe an rx 380 or more like a 480. then it skipped vega and RDNA 1 and now ps5 and xbox series X are RDNA 2 rx 6600 and ryzen 2600? and good for another decade of gaming i'd imagine. every game you think looks amazing and runs amazing on your ps5 pro whatever or series X a 6700XT and a modern 5600x or 5700G or a 5800X would absolutely wreck it in benchmarks! especially if you use low latency Bdie Ram from samsung or samsung NVME drives (they invented NVME and SSD you know? worlds largest FLASH memorys supplier since 2003) AMD and samsung and microsoft invent and research and build the computers you're using.. intel and nvidia stuff is all snatched from small startups they crushed or wait for AMD patents to be like 50 years old and given to universities and open sourced like their overlay tech we see everywhere now and once a student submits a thesis or assignment to uni the university owns it legally and can sell to intel and nvidia cheaply. nvidia's bought out and crushed competition like voodoo 3dfx and hurcules graphics or PhysX and intels maybe picked apart cyrix and older 90's AMD CPU's they broke contract with AMD on..

    Look up AMD pro render.. all that open CL stuff from nvidia and open GPU stuff is still being run in C++ so it sucks its like what 3-5% faster than regular C++ .. open MP and stuff fakes multi core and parallel with DOS 16bit C++ trash.. you need to recompile it all specifically to each hardware device with modern language code and hardware passthrough /direct transfer and direct output. use the latest windows media video renderer when you do so.. not nvidia's windows media renderer 7 from win98 or whatever crap their nvenc uses to make AMD look like its got artifacts and buggy and less fast. bleargh.
    Part of the reason people pretend AMD's less good at ray tracing is its using nvidia's fake shadows and fake lighting and fake ambient occlusion methods designed to run on their crippled fake hardware and runs like trash on real hardware as its not really using it more like faked with software? You can tell its all fake when instead of realistic lighting and shadows.. scientifically accurate one standard that devs can then customize with settings or luts or whatever.. microsoft dx12.5 has its own RTX, unreal engine 5 its own different ray tracing rtx method.. cry engine has RTX that runs on direct 11 hardware.. and AMD has their own RTX stuff.. when you look at the first RTX titles on earth that nvidia rushed out with their cheap fake stuff.. it runs poorly on AMD but the more modern the game title and software and rtx engine the better it runs on AMD.. before you laugh at a card thats arguably wayyy better than my 5700xt in specs and on paper and in reality because a radeon VII is literally faster than an rtx titan if you load special linux software on it not just for crypto mining etherium.. like under METAL and with open CL and stuff.. thats even while running that fake C++ and probably not multicore or parallel or modern code..
    99.9999% of people on planet earth have never hardware decoded or accelerated video playback with AMD hardware and they think its not good when they've never even used it.. and NO media player home cinema or BE editions arent capable of it they fake it with software too when u click the HW button! minimum it needs d3d11 renderer and different output passthrough methods.
    BTW apples m1x pro whatevers latest m1 model.. with the GPU inside the CPU.. with faster APU memory bandwidth.. isnt as fast as my discrete GPU 5700XT 448gigabits of memory bandwidth?! if it was inside the CPU and didnt have to travel around the GPU or was built inside the GPU the memory would be wayyyy quicker higher bandwidth. infinity cache in RDNA 2 triples that with 192bit instead of my 256bit memory bus..

    • Dear Eccentric

      I'm still running on a GTX 470 trying to play Genshin Impact i'm running out of money due to the fact i can't get my Waifu Hu Tao its a shame. I also heard Hugh Grant has gotten into Genshin Impact it is truly a blessed time to be alive in this day and age. Hugh Grant has blessed 10,000k to the plumbers association (Bless Up) Hugh Grant is blessing me with his luck so i can get Hu tao, Do you know a good way to get money in Genshin.

      Your Pog Champ

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