• expired

2 Months Free on nbn Plans (50/20 - 100/40), First 6 Months 50% off for Fixed Wireless (New Customers) @ Swoop Broadband


As the title says,
All Most nbn plans except 25, 250 and 1000 are free for the first two months. Including the 1000/50. These are month to month plans, no contract. Minimum cost $0.
Fixed Wirless is %50 off for the first 6 months and then full price. These are a 12 month contract. Minimum cost starts at $433.20.
New customers only.

Been with them for a few years (use to be DCSI) and always been happy. Never had a problem with congestion during peak times. Support have always been helpful, I like that if there might be a problem with your router they will send you one to do tests with. Get great speeds, right now Im downing from my box in france at 6.4 MB/s (Im on 50/20 NBN and live in Adelaide).

Prices AFTER discount ends are…..

Fixed Wireless (%50 off these prices for the first 6 months on 12 month contract)
30/10 $69
60/20 $79
120/20 $89
150/20 $99

NBN (first 2 months free)
50/20 $79
100/20 $99
100/40 $109
250/25 $129 Has been removed since the initial posting
1000/50 $149 Has been removed since the initial posting

Referral Links

Referral: random (27)

Referrer and referee receive $15 credit per month for 6 months.

This is part of Black Friday / Cyber Monday deals for 2021

Related Stores

Swoop Broadband
Swoop Broadband

closed Comments

      • Did they call you out of the blue or you had called them first?

        • They called me.

  • Service is active, time to test it out.

  • +3

    Speedtest by Ookla
    Server: Superloop - Brisbane (id = 22841)
    ISP: DCS Internet
    Latency: 1.89 ms (0.12 ms jitter)
    Download: 931.00 Mbps (data used: 881.4 MB )
    Upload: 36.70 Mbps (data used: 58.4 MB )
    Packet Loss: 0.0%
    Result URL: https://www.speedtest.net/result/c/c76fe3c8-dc37-4cf2-96e2-c…

  • Signed up and still nothing. My current plan expired tomorrow night.

    • Sadly they progress order from 9am - 5pm. It is 6.27pm right now in Melbourne and Sydney. So I guess mine and yours will be from tomorrow

      • I ordered it yesterday afternoon though and a few people already had there's processed. Fingers crossed for tomorrow though.

  • This company is total rubbish. They don’t honour the promotion on the 1gbps speed tier saying it was a mistake, they don’t let me choose a future connection date, and they cannot tell me when the transfer will be processed except that it will be in the next three days.

    It is one of the most dishonest and incompetent companies that I have dealt with. So just cancelled my order over the phone. Sigh, what a waste of time.

    • They honoured the 1000/50 plan for myself, sorry to hear you had to cancel your order.

      • -1

        Oh well, then the company is dishonest, incompetent and unorganised. LOL.

        I am not the only person to whom they didn’t honour the promotion. If you scroll back a bit, you can see they have done the same to other people, too.

        • +3

          Possibly however they honoured mine with no push back at all - given the tone of your comments, going to assume you were a little unpleasant to them.

          • @bman20: Nope, why would you assume that? Seriouly man. Your tone sounds unpleasant to me.

            The person on the phone simply told me that the promotion is not available on the 1gbps speed tier and it was an error. I didn't argue at all.

    • They called me yesterday to tell me they wont honor it. sent em an email and received a call just now saying they'll honor it.

  • I got connected today on 1000/50. Was getting good speeds earlier tonight but the speeds are much lower. CVC congestion I would say, but given it's the first day of connections with these promo's I'm not upset about it

    https://www.speedtest.net/result/12395355111 (Earlier)
    https://www.speedtest.net/result/12396326652 (Now)

    • It'll be interesting to see what my SamKnows box collects, I've had to email them to add the 1000/50 plan though and to change the name from DCSI to Swoop.

      • Oh good as I also have a SamKnows Box, speeds early hours of this morning are reporting 920mbps, but last night was just a yoyo, as low as 50mbps with 90ms first hop pings, but given the promo I was expecting the congestion knowing that many people have signed up to this, might take a little bit for the CVCs to be settled

        • Lowest I got last night (19:40:24) was 583 Mbps with 2.58 ms latency to n6-brisbane-au.samknows.com

  • I signed up on Saturday and still haven't heard anything. Hopefully tomorrow I guess?

  • my internet dropped a lot since ported. it's faster than my old plan but unstable, might be congestion at 11pm. netflix is good but can't browse websites

  • so how are some people getting their 1000/50 honored and some not?

    I signed up on Saturday and I heard nothing from them.

    • Probably picking names out of a hat or throwing darts at a board.

    • Does that mean this marketing campaign will be leaving a sour taste in many people and create a group of active detractors for their reputation? Or people will just move on and forget about it given its a promo?

      • The former

        Alot of ozbargainers here have a great memory and usually reference past deals whenever a new deal comes up

        • Another small operator that might find it difficult to compete.. Must be hard to compete with the big boys - such a contrast again ABB in terms of onboarding automation, subsequent connectivity quality and user support.

          Competition is hard for small operators without scale. They probably don't realise how important their reputation is if they wanted to scale up.

          Swoop market cap $260M vs $1100M ABB

          • @CoronavirusVaccine: Are you their investor?

            260MM still cheap, easy 5 bagger

            • @Homr: No I am not their investor. Just a spectator generally interested in competition/regulation. Probably occupational habbit but I work in a completely different industry

            • @Homr: I suppose some consolidation is at hand. Exetel being absorbed by Superloop. Tangerine got CBA investment. Origin Energy selling white-labelled ABB.

              High level of competition is gonna be great for people willing to churn constantly. Keep these promos coming! Dejavu of the mobile phone prepaid market a few years ago

  • No connection this morning anymore. Not a good start, heading to the office now…

    • Fttn or fttp?

  • +1

    SamKnows stats on 1000/50 for anyone following at home, these are last nights figures (29/11)

    21:39:48 839 Mbps
    20:39:43 648 Mbps
    19:40:24 583 Mbps
    18:39:45 714 Mbps
    17:39:48 798 Mbps

  • +1

    I think Swoop/Anycast and Launtel/GSL use the same Fibre links as all the tracerts I am doing are taking the same numbers of hops.

  • Ordered Monday morning. Got a call Tues around 11.30 am. Received a bunch of emails and latest one says "New Service Order CHURN".

    Not sure if that means Service is active yet ? as no active service listed on Swoop account when log in.

    The rep did say I should receive a text so I guess more waiting.

    Only thing is my current billing period ends today so really hope this can start by end of today.

    • I got the same email, but when I logged in to my account, it said "No broadband services found for your account". Not sure how long does it take to activate. I asked them to active port 2 on my FTTP tho, and I still keep the connection with Aussie on port 1 just in case.

      • +1

        Hey AppleJune, looks like we're in the same boat. The rep did say "1-3 days" but when I pressed for details he said "hopefully by end of today or tomorrow".

        I have to cancel my current service by end of today else they will charge me full month from tomorrow.

        Aussie Broadband does pro rata so I think you should be ok.

    • I ordered mine on Sunday mid-day and I got nothing.

      • Sorry to hear that Homr. Not really sure how they process these orders.

      • Worthwhile to give them a call, otherwise they've got a big order queue to get through so its highly unpredictable when they'll get around to yours if left to its own devices

  • So it begins…

    Routing to Singapore at the moment is going via NZ & USA instead of going West over to Perth and up to Singapore.

    What should be a 105ms trip to Singapore is now a 220ms trip.

    • Routing has gone back to normal for now.

  • +1

    Glad I didn't bite, as long as superloop keeps delivering trouble free internet they'll get my money.

  • +1

    Alright mine is in process of transferring over onto Swoop. Lets see how long it takes

    • Took 24 hours to get connected lol

  • Still nothing. FTTP, current provider already pending cancellation as of 23:59 tonight. (I had assumed that it would be done by Tuesday having placed the order over the weekend). But you know what they say when you assume.

    Nothing, not a peep. This is a good way to lose customers going in to it.

    • Called me just now basically same spiel as others, 1000/50 is a fluke. I said but others are getting it, he checked with the supervisor and magically the order was approved.

      Now we will see how fast the fttp provisions.

      • +2

        I couldn't be bothered disputing the change to 100/40 on the phone, so I'm just gonna do the healthy thing and accept it and hold a grudge forever.

        • I just said ACCC - "Misleading or deceptive conduct".

          That sealed the deal. Although this is a pretty terrible start for a promo for this company. I'm not expecting much. Hope they surprise me.

          • @meowsers: I didn't get it contested, but if I did I was going say that it was an example of bait advertising.

  • For those lucky ones who got active service. How long did it take after getting email ? Did you get a text when service activate ?

    Been 24 hrs since getting emails for me but no active service yet.

    • They are doing this all manually. Nothing is automated on their end, such a slow progress if you ask me. I just got connected today which took 24 hours from yesterday's call to confirm my order with them.

  • They called me at 9am yesterday and I think the port went through in the afternoon, have to change the connection settings now, they sent out a email with all the details

    • How did you know your port went through ? did you get a text or email ?

      • Exetel was disconnected, I just set it up and it was connected after a brief wait, a few moments later I got a text and a email saying the order was completed

        • Got 92/35 on my FTTN on the 100mbps plan, not too shabby

            • @jmytch: Nice! I have had to just change my DNS though to due to some lag

              • @DemocracyManifest: Just switched to google dns, youtube on our smart phones/android TV is just stuck on loading, unsure whats happening there

            • @jmytch: Has your speed dropped now? Mine halved!

              • @DemocracyManifest: Still getting same result for me. I'm from Brisbane

                • @jmytch: After a couple of phone calls chasing tech support, happy to report my service is activated.

                  Speed is pretty good so far. I am on 50 plan though.

                  • @rabkoa: On the 4th restart of the modem the next day YouTube started streaming again lol, no idea what was causing that. Speeds shot up back up too

                    • +1

                      @DemocracyManifest: Yeah, the customer service rep kept checking to make sure I got username/password right which I am sure I did.
                      Eventually he escalated it and 5 mins later router light turn green.
                      He didn't know what other guy did but it was something on their side.

  • No call or email from Swoop yet. Placed an order 3-4 days back. Anyone else still waiting?

    • Yep but I'm in no hurry

    • Yes, still waiting. No response yet.

    • Yes, same.

    • im still waiting, place an order on Sunday mid-day


  • I am connected on 100/40. PPPoE in 2021 is pretty terrible, latency to Japan is over 70ms more due to not using the direct link and maximum speeds I've recorded are 96mbps versus >104mbps on Superloop/ABB/Launtel. Routing everything through NordVPN (GSL) so the shittier network is alright as long as it doesn't dropout or buffer while I'm trying to stream video.

    Current network quality isn't worth the price so will probably just enjoy the 2 free months and go back to Launtel.

    • About half of providers in my experience use PPPoE. CGNAT is much worse, as is VLAN, but Swoop seem not to use either. I'll take PPPoE over those any day.

    • I've reported it to Swoop, sometimes it'll go to Singapore via Perth then other times it'll to via NZ/USA.

      It seems when it does work correctly that it's using the same fibre path as Launtel.

      When it is working I'm getting 107ms to Singapore.

  • FYI, I ordered 6 pm on Monday. Called them this morning for an update and was provided with email confirmation and PPPoE instructions, told to wait for actual churning.
    My FTTC service was churned from ABB around 2 pm today.

    • Yeah it looks like the only way to get the order moving is to call them directly, I received my email only after calling their number. I ordered on Saturday.

      They will mention that the 1000/50 offer of two months was a mistake, but I mentioned that they were still honouring the offer and he managed to put it through.

    • I received a message about churning completion but my internet hasn't stopped - does it mean that my previous service is still ON? I haven't initiated router setup yet since internet has been working.

  • +1

    Solid speeds yesterday as per my SamKnows results:


    23:39:48 924 Mbps n6-brisbane-au.samknows.com
    22:39:48 903 Mbps n6-brisbane-au.samknows.com
    18:40:12 906 Mbps n6-brisbane-au.samknows.com
    17:41:21 924 Mbps n6-brisbane-au.samknows.com
    11:42:28 924 Mbps n6-brisbane-au.samknows.com
    05:39:49 924 Mbps n6-brisbane-au.samknows.com


    23:45:46 47.0 Mbps n6-brisbane-au.samknows.com
    23:43:54 47.5 Mbps samknows-cdn.com
    17:43:59 47.1 Mbps n6-brisbane-au.samknows.com
    15:43:58 47.2 Mbps n6-brisbane-au.samknows.com
    13:43:26 47.0 Mbps n6-brisbane-au.samknows.com
    11:45:23 47.1 Mbps n6-brisbane-au.samknows.com
    09:43:21 47.2 Mbps n6-brisbane-au.samknows.com
    07:43:21 47.2 Mbps n6-brisbane-au.samknows.com
    05:43:47 47.1 Mbps n6-brisbane-au.samknows.com
    03:43:21 47.2 Mbps n6-brisbane-au.samknows.com
    01:43:21 47.2 Mbps n6-brisbane-au.samknows.com


    23:43:36 1.83 ms n6-brisbane-au.samknows.com
    22:43:36 1.86 ms n6-brisbane-au.samknows.com
    21:43:36 2.50 ms n6-brisbane-au.samknows.com
    20:43:36 2.90 ms n6-brisbane-au.samknows.com
    19:43:36 1.97 ms n6-brisbane-au.samknows.com
    18:43:36 1.85 ms n6-brisbane-au.samknows.com
    17:43:36 1.92 ms n6-brisbane-au.samknows.com
    16:43:36 1.84 ms n6-brisbane-au.samknows.com
    15:43:29 1.62 ms n6-brisbane-au.samknows.com
    15:42:21 1.82 ms n6-brisbane-au.samknows.com
    14:42:21 1.82 ms n6-brisbane-au.samknows.com
    13:42:20 1.82 ms n6-brisbane-au.samknows.com
    12:42:20 1.81 ms n6-brisbane-au.samknows.com
    11:42:21 1.82 ms n6-brisbane-au.samknows.com
    10:42:21 1.81 ms n6-brisbane-au.samknows.com
    09:42:21 1.80 ms n6-brisbane-au.samknows.com
    08:42:21 1.80 ms n6-brisbane-au.samknows.com
    07:42:21 1.81 ms n6-brisbane-au.samknows.com
    06:42:21 1.81 ms n6-brisbane-au.samknows.com
    05:42:21 1.81 ms n6-brisbane-au.samknows.com
    04:42:20 1.81 ms n6-brisbane-au.samknows.com
    03:42:21 1.79 ms n6-brisbane-au.samknows.com
    02:42:21 1.79 ms n6-brisbane-au.samknows.com
    01:42:21 1.81 ms n6-brisbane-au.samknows.com
    00:42:20 1.83 ms n6-brisbane-au.samknows.com

    • +1


      23:33:58 420 Mbps n6-brisbane-au.samknows.com
      22:38:15 121 Mbps n6-brisbane-au.samknows.com
      21:35:59 31.0 Mbps n6-brisbane-au.samknows.com
      14:34:33 798 Mbps n6-brisbane-au.samknows.com
      08:33:35 878 Mbps n6-brisbane-au.samknows.com
      02:36:24 932 Mbps samknows-cdn.com
      02:33:37 925 Mbps n6-brisbane-au.samknows.com


      22:41:32 36.9 Mbps n6-brisbane-au.samknows.com
      16:37:11 47.1 Mbps n6-brisbane-au.samknows.com
      14:37:11 47.0 Mbps n6-brisbane-au.samknows.com
      12:37:12 47.0 Mbps n6-brisbane-au.samknows.com
      10:37:11 47.0 Mbps n6-brisbane-au.samknows.com
      08:37:12 47.2 Mbps n6-brisbane-au.samknows.com
      06:37:11 47.1 Mbps n6-brisbane-au.samknows.com
      04:37:16 47.2 Mbps n6-brisbane-au.samknows.com
      02:37:31 47.2 Mbps n6-brisbane-au.samknows.com
      02:36:57 47.8 Mbps samknows-cdn.com
      00:37:11 47.1 Mbps n6-brisbane-au.samknows.com

  • https://www.speedtest.net/result/12406074287

    I think this provider is a joke. FTTP here. Ping 71 Upload barely reaches 10 Mbps!

    Btw, this is on the 1000/50.

    I will see how it goes over the next 2 days if it does not improve I do not want it even for free.

    Thankully I still have Aussie Broadband connected on another port.

    • +1

      I'm having pretty consistent speeds as per my SamKnows test results (in the 900's). You must be on a congested POI perhaps?

      • It got slightly better ever since. Around 300 Mbps after 6 pm and around 700 Mbps after midnight. Uploads are pretty consistent at around 42 Mbps, ping 3-5 ms. I cancelled Aussie Broadband despite a $20 discount for the next 5 months.

  • I got the call and emails, so they are still doing it. They mentioned that gigabit was a mistake, and I referenced this thread and Carol, and they let me get gigabit. No internet yet. Later today supposedly.

  • ordered Sunday and still no call, this is unacceptable

  • +1

    Just called them up, you need to call them up to get it moving

    If you signed up for 1000/50, they will try to push you to 100/40. Just mention that you already got in touch with Carol and she has honored the deal

    Many thanks Carol :)

  • +1

    Just called them also and Homr is right, you have to give them a call to get it moving.

    I have signed up 1000/50 and they try to push to 100/40. Informed them that got in touch with Carol and she has honored the deal.

    Let's see how it goes FTTP connection.

    Oh yeah, Thank you Carol wish you all the best :)

    • Are you connected already? I'm on FTTP and hoping it will be connected when I get home later

  • my 2nd uni-d port is lighting up but there's no internet. Any ideas how to fix this??

    My superloop on uni-d port 1 is working.

    • As I said before, you can't have more than a gigabit online at once. You have to completely disconnected the first port to use the second.

      • Ahhh shit, so ur saying i have to call up superloop to cancel??

        My 1st port is 250/50

        I was thinking my 2nd port would still work but at 750 or something

        • No, just unplug the cable.

            • @Homr: Sometimes it can take a few mins to kick in. Leave port 1 unplugged, then you should be able to connect with the login details provided on port 2.

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